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make Vacuum an Aura/Exilus mod


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20 minutes ago, (PS4)daKillestShroomz said:

I dont think they should make it an aura slot, because those are already in pretty decent shape. Leave the auras alone i think. 

They could make it an exilus slot on your frame. That makes more sense to me. It is an accessory thing. You can slide further, wall latch for longer, get a little bit of extra power or range with drift mods. OR suck loot into you. They are handy to have but so is sucking up loot, then you could use whatever pet you want.

This would work too, but I somehow doubt they'd make it that simple. 

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17 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

If the community doesn't support a compromise option (like what I'm offering) then we're going to get this Vacuum nerf stuffed down our throats.

You heart is certainly in the right place, but there is nothing saying we have to accept the nerf. I've only been around since ~12.6, but I think the unrelenting outrage against a vacuum nerf would be unprecedented here and in game. Upsetting ~80% of your players to that extent is not a smart game design or business decision. 

The right thing to do is make vacuum universal as-is. No splitting it up, no reducing it's range, no other BS. The in-game numbers don't lie, the vast majority of players want this. I genuinely don't understand DE's train of thought on this. It should be a no-brainer fix, if the goal is to diversify companion choices.

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1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Just make it an Aura. Not a sentinel mod(s). A Warframe Aura. Yeah, so we can use any Sentinel, Kubrow, Kavat (or none at all) while automatically picking up loot. 

Aura. Not 1 or 3 damn different mod(s) for sentinels. 

(or at least make it an Exilus mod)

Now we should all get something straight. Vacuum is getting changed and DE wants to NERF it by splitting it into 3 mods. Yes that's a nerf, even despite the fact that we'll be able to use it on any sentinel. 

We should therefore come to terms that:

1. they want to change Vacuum

2. they are prepared to nerf Vacuum

So we should seek a compromise before it's too late. I proposed a compromise. Making it a passive or a common mod is not a compromise - DE simply won't listen to anything that one-sided because it benefits us more than them. 

They want us to grind more and sacrifice more. So let us sacrifice our auras to have Vacuum on any frame! Plus we'll also have to repolarise our auras, so that means resetting each frame if we want to use that aura on it. That's fair. That's a compromise. Or at least make it an Exilus mod. 


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1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Just make it an Aura. Not a sentinel mod(s). A Warframe Aura. Yeah, so we can use any Sentinel, Kubrow, Kavat (or none at all) while automatically picking up loot. 

Aura. Not 1 or 3 damn different mod(s) for sentinels. 

(or at least make it an Exilus mod)


Ok following the argument of "not liking the 3 vac mods because it reduces combat effectiveness and is a nerf"

To suggest it as an aura is an even stronger nerf as the aura slot can be seen as more valuable of an effect than any 3 sentinel slots.  Not to mention that this promotes 4 vac auras spread across 4 people meaning extremely reduced combat effectiveness across a team.  (i.e. trading in 4x CP for a vac effect.)

A more reasonable option is toggleable effect in options menu.  A system based utility.  You know, people can make mistakes and it's reasonable to assume that the original precept for carrier was misplaced as a mod and should have originally be something more relatable to other precepts. 

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I find it hard to do this because most of the game uses the carrier due to its great utility because of the vacuum, but if all the sentries had this ability or turned an aura / exilius lose the sense of the carrier exists, the major problem and that most guards do not have a useful principamente poe when compared to the carrier, but you never know the way and wait to see what comes.

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59 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

If the community doesn't support a compromise option (like what I'm offering) then we're going to get this Vacuum nerf stuffed down our throats. Some of you guys should really stop trying to make things so easy for yourselves. This is why representative democracy is a thing instead of direct democracy. If you give people the right to decide everything, then they will only decide what's best for them with no compromise. However, much like voters are able to influence the decisions of those they elect, we can also influence the decisions of those who run this game. 

Well to be frank, your idea actually sucks worse than DE just smashing it into 3 different precepts for sentinels. I don't want to sacrifice Energy Siphon, Stand United, and Corrosive Projection.

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)BroadCalf292227 said:

Well to be frank, your idea actually sucks worse than DE just smashing it into 3 different precepts for sentinels. I don't want to sacrifice Energy Siphon, Stand United, and Corrosive Projection.

The whole point is to be able to use vacuum with or without any companion, including kavats and kubrows. If you want that much utility then it must come at a cost. 

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1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

No, wait, they said they're considering making it 3 different mods for 3 different types of loot. Maybe they won't even let us use all 3 at once. That's a nerf. 

In the devstream I just heard them say that they're going to "smash it into 3 mods", not that each mod will be used for a different type of loot.

It could be vaccuum + something else each mod, but seeing how "fixing" issues has sometimes gone in the past they are probably going with what you said...

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Just now, Madway7 said:

In the devstream I just heard them say that they're going to "smash it into 3 mods", not that each mod will be used for a different type of loot.

It could be vaccuum + something else each mod, but seeing how "fixing" issues has sometimes gone in the past they are probably going with what you said...


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9 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

The whole point is to be able to use vacuum with or without any companion, including kavats and kubrows. If you want that much utility then it must come at a cost. 

Next you'll probably say that stamina should come back.

Edited by Madway7
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36 minutes ago, ChiefStevy said:

Let's not forget, there are 3 aura polarities that exist in the game. No matter what polarity this aura may be, some Warframes will be held at a disadvantage with them losing valuable mod slots if their polarities don't match. 

4 now if you include the one on Brief Respite.

Some people (not me) tend to make the aura polarity neutral on most, some or all frames. Personally, I find it limits your builds in some potentially valuable areas, but just wanted to include that.

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2 hours ago, k05h said:

Here are three "creative" suggestions for DE management:

  1. Get a lifetime universal vacuum for only 200p!
  2. Get a universal vacuum booster for only 50p per month!
  3. Get a 3 month universal vacuum as part of Prime Access accessory!

To be honest i'd just go with the first option to not have to deal with this bull***t.

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We should go all the way and disable any picking of items (even walking slowly on it), so that picking items normaly should take a slot as well? (because picking items its very important)

Maybe we should reserve a slot on the warframe just to be enable to shot a gun? and another to be able to sprint... (should be a rare choice)

A mod slot to enable the use of powers would be great too!

Perhaps we should even need an aura to enable the teeno to control the warframe properly, and without that aura we would have to play like a paralytic person! SEEMS AWESOME!! (make it a freaking D aura!)

------------------- Translation from Sarcasm to English:



Pick up stuff without draging your &#! on top of it its not a Mod/Skill/Ability/Choice, its just the way the game has to be so it won't become a chore instead of a action game...

And i'm really impressed you don't see this btw, its not about the game being easy or hard mode, its about being an game that you roleplay a mech-ninja, not this guy: recycling-waste-garbage-portrait-municip



Edited by ._Vendetta_.
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3 hours ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Come on, we already have all these cheesy weapons and CC abilities that make even the Trials a joke. I get it, you like and want more easy mode. I don't. 

Now we should all get something straight. Vacuum is getting changed and DE wants to NERF it by splitting it into 3 mods. Yes that's a nerf, even despite the fact that we'll be able to use it on any sentinel. 

We should therefore come to terms that:

1. they want to change Vacuum

2. they are prepared to nerf Vacuum

So we should seek a compromise before it's too late. I proposed a compromise. Making it a passive or a common mod is not a compromise - DE simply won't listen to anything that one-sided because it benefits us more than them. 

They want us to grind more and sacrifice more. So let us sacrifice our auras to have Vacuum on any frame! Plus we'll also have to repolarise our auras, so that means resetting each frame if we want to use that aura on it. That's fair. That's a compromise. 

Next time you play, you should do it blindfolded. Because being able to see is too cheesy.


This is pure quality of life, not power creep. Universal vacuum doesn't make me kill any quicker, it just makes me not groan whenever I see loot thrown around a large map.

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1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

The whole point is to be able to use vacuum with or without any companion, including kavats and kubrows. If you want that much utility then it must come at a cost. 

I just want to point out that you have a very self defeating view here, and as a psychologist, I have to say that I'm a bit concerned about your self confidence.

It's like you're already prepared to just roll-over and take it anyway DE wants to dish it out. Which I also have to say, is NOT how the rest of us feel because I believe that the majority of people are not roll-overs. So no, I refuse to believe that "we have" to take a hit on the nose here. I truly believe that as a community we MUST make a STAND (the opposite of what you want to do) and DEMAND that they just make Vacuum a PASSIVE on ALL companions or Warframes.

Edited by (XB1)BroadCalf292227
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1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

The whole point is to be able to use vacuum with or without any companion, including kavats and kubrows. If you want that much utility then it must come at a cost. 

Why? Why does something that simply makes the game more bearable need to have a cost?


I would okay with an Exilus slot vacuum, although that means vacuum would be the Exilus mod used 80% of the time. But an aura slot vacuum is a disgusting idea. Auras are already in a bad place, with CP and ES dominating the scene. No need to make that even worse.

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