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The Vacuum Within 


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2 minutes ago, SP3CT3R7 said:

2) - Your crummy attempts at making a pun of a serious update we have been longing for is now more rubbing into our faces rather than actually giving us something that we want

This isn't the first time, they trolled us with the 'nullifier event' to save darvo when we were constantly complaining about the nullifiers (which we still basically have the same issues with as we did then....)

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hmm... nope I don't really like the new update.. it's good to do vacuum for all the sentinels, but the nerf of vacuum is huge now.. 
now there's not an actual use for carrier atm.. 

if it would still be the normal range on the vacuum, now it's a passive skill, it would've been way nicer :) 


or, just put vaccuum for carrier at 12m, and the passive vaccuum of 6m for all other sentinels.. 
that would still make it very interesting to use other sentinels, but carrier, WHICH IS USED BY 80% , wouldn't be nerfed THAT MUCH

Edited by CutThroatCutie
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Guys lets not stray from the actual issue we need at least a few more thousand ppl to replie on this matter so it gets changed more faster and remember its not a 50% nerf but more like an 80 - 90% nerf if not even 100% taking the actual feeling into account.

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What I don't get is why they needed to nerf it by 75% if it's 6m.  Their research data would be just as valid if every sentinel had a 12m vacuum right?  TBH I'll leave carrier on because it's far tankier than even wyrm prime anyway, and the new mod is more useful than any other sentinel precept by far.

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Why did you have to ruin carrier?  If you want to try spreading this wimpy version to all the sentinels why not leave carrier alone and add this to all the other ones.. you'd soon realize that at 6 m 80% of people will still use carrier.  So this isn't a fix.  All it is a nerf to something that 80% of players liked.  Not the normal marketing strategy to frustrate a huge portion of your customers.

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I also just tried it out, 6 meters is way too small, just put it back to the way it was and quit over thinking it, you've already failed at making Carrier less unique by adding a ammo mod to it as well, so now Carrier will be doubly effective as a Sentinel, you what you tried to solve is going to fail.

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Carrier had it's vacuum halved and the other half was copied and given to every other sentinel, Then to say sorry for breaking carrier they made it to where it acts like ammo mutation and Trick mag and Ammo Drum/Shell Compression?

I think DE is missing the point here. Carrier gave us a capability we couldn't get any other way (until mag got her vacuum) all the other sentinels just did something we have at least 2 other ways to do, and we can do it far better. Now the most unique and useful sentinel is... Wyrm since a radial knock down centered on you isn't common ingame (tonkor on your feet is not a knockdown it just kills everything) followed by... um Helios for the scanning and target vulnerability. After that just bring a cat or dog because they can be revived.

TLDR: Gonna go see how the carrier ammo case affects weapons and probably keep using it since the alternatives still aren't alternative. Maybe go walk my kubrow or kavat.


Edit: ammo case neither increases magazine capacity or max ammo capacity, and functions like a rank 6 ammo mutation mod, but is extremely buggy (I could only get it to work once in the simulacrum for my soma, never for anything else) and only works for primary weapons when it works. I'll continue testing in missions, but it looks like their method for getting use out of the other sentinels is to completely break carrier.

Edited by Ziphmose
did some testing
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I thought for a second that you made a typo with 6 meters range. Seriously, it has been over years with 12 meters and the world didn't end. Pick up loot isn't anything that need to be overnerfed like this way. Thanks but i'm not happy with this. I'm dissapointed.

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1 minute ago, Ziphmose said:


Carrier had it's vacuum halved and the other half was copied and given to every other sentinel, Then to say sorry for breaking carrier they made it to where it acts like ammo mutation and Trick mag and Ammo Drum/Shell Compression?

I think DE is missing the point here. Carrier gave us a capability we couldn't get any other way (until mag got her vacuum) all the other sentinels just did something we have at least 2 other ways to do, and we can do it far better. Now the most unique and useful sentinel is... Wyrm since a radial knock down centered on you isn't common ingame (tonkor on your feet is not a knockdown it just kills everything) followed by... um Helios for the scanning and target vulnerability. After that just bring a cat or dog because they can be revived.

TLDR: Gonna go see how the carrier ammo case affects weapons and probably keep using it since the alternatives still aren't alternative. Maybe go walk my kubrow or kavat.

not 50% nerf but 80%

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19 minutes ago, SP3CT3R7 said:

1) - Vaccum is off.

2) - Your crummy attempts at making a pun of a serious update we have been longing for is now more rubbing into our faces rather than actually giving us something that we want

Vidya gams are srs bisnes, how dare you devs try making a simple joke!

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