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A Letter of Support to [DE]Rebecca


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1 hour ago, Koed said:

Obviously "threatening" over a videogame is stupid but cmon, this is nothing. Support is great and all but people gotta learn to just brush these things off - especially on the internet.

One thing is to deal with things, another is to accept them.

We are dealing with it, but we are also condemning it. They aren't in incompatible, and simply "brushing off" the threat is to regard it as morally acceptable.

It isn't.

1 hour ago, Koed said:

I respectfully disagree. Ever seen some crazy feminst lose her marbles over a man saying hello to her?

No. Can you put a link here?

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Just commenting here to show that I support what the OP is saying, and to show my own support for [DE]Rebecca.

She/DE is one of the few game companies that actually listen to community feedback and make changes accordingly. To think that somebody would make a death threat over a small (borderline trivial) change in a video game is just uncalled for, though a bit alarming (even if it was a joke in poor taste). 

Keep up the good work that you've been doing DE, you have a great game going here, and I hope to see it succeed and flourish for many years to come.

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While I'm not sure what all goes into making a game I'm pretty sure they are under a considerable amount of stress atm. While the delays and vacuum changes are at the source of alot of players frustration there is no need for death threats and those who have made them should be prema banned from waframe. Just my 2 plat.

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if its the first time [DE] staff/company has faced death threats in over 3 years of works, thats like remarkable in itself tbh 

But then again, i come from less civilized parts of the Interwebz (where culture of communication is quite low to say the least) where such things were/is extremely common and no one really took this stuff seriously :/ (Cyka blyat region ;) )

Anyways, hope all is well out there and it didn't ruined someones day/mood :) 

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I agree, OP, count me in. While I have my share of gripes with developments at the moment, turning to death threats is pathetic, especially considering it accomplishes nothing. This seems as though it was intended as a joke, it definitely should be taken seriously.

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Lol did people really send death threats to DE?.

I mean love the passion of devoted gamers but that is just a tad bit far lol. ?

So if they say removed every prime from the game permanently for a new system like Umbras, I'm guessing the building burns down?. ?

God would hate to think what would happen if every mission became Archwings only...... do we start to kidnap them lol.....


Where does it end?. ?


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4 hours ago, Mastikator2 said:

Threatening to kill someone is a crime, I hope the perpetrator is brought to justice. There are no excuses that changes that.

Actually age of the perpetrator does change that. I picture this as a very angry juvenile. It's not okay, but honestly the most likely scenario is a child having a tantrum, and by exploding it and making it a "huge deal" you effectively enable them, now this individual knows he  can make everyone "out for justice" by simply writing a line of text. Either way, not cool, but calling for a federal manhunt might be a little overboard.

Edited by Skaleek
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1 minute ago, (PS4)keilnealquan said:

Reading his tweet this really didn't seem all that serious. At the same time everyone is making it seem like his threat was aimed only at Rebecca. Why not make this thread in support of all of DE Cause that's who he sent his half baked threat against.

Link lol?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

lol he is just joking in reference to the delay and the Stalker.


This is insanely funny how far people are taking this... or is this a diversion?.


Ither way very funny 

I completely agree. I'm in no way in support of him cause it was a really stupid joke. But this has blown up way more than it needed to. This thread really does need to be edited cause his threat was aimed at all of DE. So support everyone. If 10 people got shot in a store is it right to feel bad for only one person?

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)keilnealquan said:

I completely agree. I'm in no way in support of him cause it was a really stupid joke. But this has blown up way more than it needed to. This thread really does need to be edited cause his threat was aimed at all of DE. So support everyone. If 10 people got shot in a store is it right to feel bad for only one person?

100% bud lol

Don't support his actions and i love DE and space mother but it's blown insanely high up.

I wonder why


Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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15 hours ago, Azrael said:

I just wanted to take a breather from my celebrations over the recent vacuum change - and from the hubbub of ongoing debates about it - to offer my support (and hopefully the support of others). I understand that you ( @[DE]Rebecca ) received a death threat recently, and I'm assuming at this point that it was not the only threat made against DE (because such people rarely just send one). So I just wanted to say on the behalf of us tenno and forum goers that we support you 100%, and condemn these threats. Many of us can be hot-headed. We all love this game, and so when parts of it that are precious to us are up for change or are problematic we can get a little heated. Sometimes sparks can fly, but in the end we are all Tenno, and we love and support this game and Digital Extremes. None of us would ever resort to threats or intimidation, and we categorically reject anyone who does; those who do are not Tenno, they are not one of us.

It would be easy to think that many of us are angry at you or at DE, given how some of these threads have gone recently. Please understand, nobody is really angry at any of you at DE, we are (or were, before today) just upset and concerned. Personally I've certainly criticized some of DE's recent decisions. But in the end we all support you completely. I know you're aware that the community as a whole isn't sending threats (so this may be unnecessary), but I just wanted to be clear and offer our support. I also think I am safe in saying that we all think your calmness - and DE's calmness - in the face of these threats is admirable.

@DE Staff in general, please don't consider these attacks as being from the community.

With all our support,

The Tenno.



For other tenno commenting on this, please do not post your opinion of the recent vacuum changes here. This is not the place for it. If you agree or wish to add something, please do so. I meant for this to be a place where we can show support for DE and @[DE]Rebecca without any criticism or debate.


I completely support this, I've been playing for about four years now and have been very vocal regarding the game but this type of behavior is truly uncalled for, know that the community does support you Rebecca and as for myself I have never known a more supportive or kind Community Dev in all my gaming life, you are one of a kind:)

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