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Warframe Confessions


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In exterminates, when I want to progress, but want to AFK, I'll lure all the enemies I can into a room with cracked glass, then break it from the other room. I once got 40 enemies killed while I watched an episode of West Wing, my Ivara meditating outside the door while the Corpus suffocated to death.

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If I'm in a difficult mission (like a Tac Alert or Sortie), and there's some beginner getting mouthy about how the gear I brought isn't "the best" and how "he could probably solo this without you n00bs" I'll just stop. Find a place to stand and watch the fun while they get slaughtered, and then step in after they die several times while screaming at me for not picking their sorry &#! up for the umpteenth time.

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I don't always remember to turn off the mic when I talk to other people out of the game, it gets really weird hosting two conversations at once both of them constantly demanding to know if its them I'm talking to.


Also since my friend isn't a forumite but he most certainly needs to confess this, I will do it for him:  


I do the most unspeakable thing imaginable to other players: I make other people listen to my homemade karaoke music over the comms!!!!


(While talking to you so you can't just mute him...)

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4 hours ago, Arniox said:

You need to bullet jump more :P

Won't work.

It feels like I die even more when I'm doing that(because I can't aim properly when bullet jumping due to my slightly shaking hand)

Edited by Icpmcp
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I have been secretly seeding DE with info on how to ruin the game under the guise of balance and reworks because I secretly hate fun. Yes, IT WAS I. And you know which game I was playing before this? Destiny. Dun dun dunnnn.

I was kidding. Put down the machete....it has the worst stats in the game. You'll want to use something more effective if you want to flay me alive.


Ah, I know; despite wanting to add more variety to my loadouts I've stuck with the same one because it has lenses in it.

I've used Ash bladestorm just to get through the slogs that are sortie defense and the augmented armor modifiers.

I've gotten a legendary core from doing the sorties....then sold it for 500p.

I've killed a synthesis target.

I turned a bunch of loki prime systems into ducats after thinking they were common after getting two in a single tower sabotage.

I turned on the lasers in void defense.

I farmed Ivara in only a few hours and only needed 4 keys to get Mesa.

I like archwing and have every weapon and frame. Even forma'd a few of them.

Edited by (PS4)Tactless_Ninja
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Sometimes whilst playing spy missions as Rhino I pretend to be invisible and set off all the alarms and fail the mission making me drown my sorrows in drink and fail to go to work the next day and get fired causing my wife to divorce me.

Thank you Warframe. 

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