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Joining only empty servers


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2 hours ago, Zerga-08 said:

Dedicated servers seem to just not work unless you join a friend. Every time I try and join a lobby and I get put into a dedicated sever it is empty and stays empty where as if I don't then I am able to get a game.

Basically I'm having the same problem.

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Just putting what I said in the Dev spot over here, for the sake of hoping that they consider the options.



From my experience as a person trying to find a match, each time I look for one, I always join an empty lobby.

This means the ONLY way for Conclave to be playable is to go to Recruiting chat and ask for people to message you to join your session (in somebody's dedicated server).

Furthermore, I would recommend anyone who makes a server to list their Warframe name as so their server can be identified, rated, and then revisited if possible.

There are currently two solutions (in my mind) for this:



1: Add Server listing (Warframe server system lists servers with best connectivity + minimum/optimal populations) to Conclave to allow Tenno to find a match of their choosing rather than letting the system throw them into an empty lobby, which suddenly makes everyone think nobody's playing Conclave at all.

Each server will use a Tenno's Warframe name, followed by their server MOTD. Addendum: This would allow for 'public-'private' Conclave matches, although this was around before this update.

2: Add server listing as described above, and automate the process to find matches with the minimum Tenno of equal number within, if not gather that number as soon as you're in a lobby due to how it would function:

If <2 Tenno in a Lobby, raise Lobby priority until population is minimum (1v1)/optimal (for team matches, equal numbers)/full, then shift server to 'back of card deck' until spaces open up.

If Lobby Full, 'Hide' Server until Lobby population drops below Full.

If Lobby Empty, 'Hide' until no other Servers are available.

Though this is a guess on my part (a mere Tenno who knows no code).

Although there may be more complex methods that would be better, these are the options we have to my mental comprehension.


Just saying for the sake of knowing, and sorry if this isn't where it should be.


Short edition for those who don't want to read spoilers:

Option 1: Server list with Tenno WF name as server name.

Option 2: Automated (currently not working).

Method: Using a supposedly simple piece of code, select best server based on population (1 or more) and connection. Hide full and empty servers, unveil servers if no servers show up or full server isn't full anymore.

In relation to 'joining empty servers':

I'm also ending up in --- USELESS HOLLOW SHELLS - Jordas ---.


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3 hours ago, clemza said:

Can't find a game anymore now ...

I use to pvp everydays and i try since 30m only saw 1 player who insta left.


I host a dedicated server. It is really frustrating I can see in the console that people try to connect and then they get disconnected because of invalid signature.

If nobody is in there can you wait in there? I never played conclave so I dont know if that works. Just stay in the lobby for a few minutes because it should get populated then.

People get connected to the server which has the lowest RTT. Say if you are in germany playing warframe and there is a dedicated server in germany somewhere, you get connected to it because you have the best ping there. Thats why many servers are empty (I believe) because there are many of them and people will only get connected to the one which has a lower RTT to them. Even if there is one with a higher RTT and populated, you still will get connected to the one which is empty (I believe).

Many "I believes" I know but we don't exactly know how these servers work yet(we also have zero control over them). They need to fix this because conclave is kind of broken now.

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1 hour ago, ChillZi said:

I host a dedicated server. It is really frustrating I can see in the console that people try to connect and then they get disconnected because of invalid signature.

If nobody is in there can you wait in there? I never played conclave so I dont know if that works. Just stay in the lobby for a few minutes because it should get populated then.

People get connected to the server which has the lowest RTT. Say if you are in germany playing warframe and there is a dedicated server in germany somewhere, you get connected to it because you have the best ping there. Thats why many servers are empty (I believe) because there are many of them and people will only get connected to the one which has a lower RTT to them. Even if there is one with a higher RTT and populated, you still will get connected to the one which is empty (I believe).

Many "I believes" I know but we don't exactly know how these servers work yet(we also have zero control over them). They need to fix this because conclave is kind of broken now.

I find it interesting that a number of people seem to be hosting servers without being interested in playing Conclave themselves, but I'm happy they do. :P
To answer your question, one can indeed wait in an empty server for others to join. Having tried, however, I must say it's not a terribly great experience – I think you're right about RTT taking priority over population, and as a result the wait time is prohibitively long; everyone's spread too thin.

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2 hours ago, ChillZi said:

If nobody is in there can you wait in there? I never played conclave so I dont know if that works. Just stay in the lobby for a few minutes because it should get populated then.

Yes you can wait, i did waited on many times and after 5m nobody.

The only time i found a game it was because it didn't found a dedicated server and i was the host (like before).

I think in the 2h of searching for conclave games, i saw 2 players.


No but really  does anybody found people to play with ? Because i really don't find anybody this is pissing me off right now ...

I will have to find conclave players who found a server with players somehow and ask them to invite me on the server they play on ? ...

Edited by clemza
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1 hour ago, clemza said:

Yes you can wait, i did waited on many times and after 5m nobody.

The only time i found a game it was because it didn't found a dedicated server and i was the host (like before).

I think in the 2h of searching for conclave games, i saw 2 players.


No but really  does anybody found people to play with ? Because i really don't find anybody this is pissing me off right now ...

I will have to find conclave players who found a server with players somehow and ask them to invite me on the server they play on ? ...

Yeah this is really messed up. They absolutely need a server browser or people should be connected to servers where there is atleast one person there. Maybe they should make it that for each region the server with the best RTT for all players should be chosen and not only for each player individually.

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The only solution is for DE to augment the Matchmaking Engine with THREE options the Tenno can choose before hosting/joining a session.



1: Search for highest population (not full) match.

2: Search for populated (not empty, not full) match.

3: Search for --- USE[full] HOLLOW SHELLS - Jordas ---.

What DE did with Conclave, especially the map choosing, has given it some fresh life support

Would be nice to have a Conclave channel for people who want "to start a fight"


And then "Finish the fight".



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Yep, decided to try this new FFA Variant, only got empty servers.

At least before, if there were no players playing, we would know because we would get the 'Wait for players/Play now' prompt.
Now its: finding players....found something! "Oh, so I finally will be able to play!"
Nope, it was just one of the hundred empty dedicated servers due people trying to get into the 'Karma leaderboard'

Tried again.... another empty server. Again.... another empty one. And another, and another, and another... Can we please have an option to opt out of dedicated servers, since we cant find another playing on them?

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Guest Pun-chee

Well, to be fair, they did not state that it actually is fixed already:

  • Improved Dedicated Server matchmaking! This should also help alleviate players being put into empty Dedicated Server sessions. [source]
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