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What's the worst thing that happened to you recently in warframe?


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Getting stuck at the end mission results screen, having to Alt+F4, relaunch, only to find all my graphics are way wacked out.

To clarify, I simply closed WF and relaunched it and everything is as normal.

Though, I'd like to note that WF does not like running when your computer turns your screen off after a period of inactivity. It forces Fullscreen to windowed and causes a bunch of problems the longer you play after fixing that.

Edited by Rhundis
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The new Conclave Dedicated Servers. Sure, we've been asking for dedicated servers for quite a while, and we finally received them. But not like this.

There's no way to browse and manually select which server to join, on top of large amounts of players setting up dedicated servers, diluting queues and literally placing everyone into an empty server so that Conclave via public matchmaking is an impossibility.

So now I have to find a match on the Conclave Discord, and being the scrub that I am, I struggle every day as I go 1 kill : 15 deaths every match :(

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Worst thing recently I was in a fissure survival, I had 9 reactant and was scrambling to find a 10th. I told the guys at extraction to wait for me so two got off and one stay not giving a S#&$ about me. Count down didn't stop because of that guy and they got Nekros Prime Blue Print, gave some troll faces for that. ----- that guy.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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Also, not just my Stalker incident, but back during Long Shadow for PC, I was playing with other people on the endurance mission. We were doing good for about 20 minutes, until Life Support essentially refused to drop. AT ALL.

We ended up losing because we all choked to four deaths.

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Being trolled by some players who thought I would start crying when they yanked me around with ripline. I had time to kill and infinite patience to remain quiet while they tried. It was irritating but they realized I was a decent cookie and later tried to explain it was a strategy.


Next time ask, like a decent Limbo.

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Specters of the Fail. The relic system makes ducat and forma bps tedious and boring. It also made it so that the prime parts are worthless in platinum, which makes me stay away from trade even more than I used to. Only "reliable" ways to make plat now is either paying for it or doing the Trials. Trials are now difficult for me as all my regular players are now playing other games since the above update came out.

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the worst thing and expirience and truth about warframe:

happened for me in doing the todays sorties mission 1 solo

99 % of warframe is on overpowerdness, in expression, modding, moving, everything which i call from now on STUPID ^^)

i got trapped by myself as well as the circle of heroic actions is closed and there is this bad taste left back now

the whole development, everything aims on: you get or you have the chance for POWER

not skills, not technical things, not tactics, simply OPness, dumb, stupid, easy ...

and 1 % of warframe is cosmetics which is the overlay for our minds that we dont get really aware about and DE get the needed/wanted cash out of warframe, or their new company, or whoever, i couldnt care less because i feeded a long time this "greedy cashmashine" behind everything in warframe

yeah, OPframe is one of the biggest cashgrindblamemashines i have ever seen in the gaming industry

now, lets see for how long i feed this lill dirty mouth, even that DE doesnt care about my words, thoughts, insight ... for me "the war within" is the last chance for warframe to stay on my computer also for 2017

surprise me, DE ... or you loose ^^)

and GL for changing all this OPnonsense into a further playable interesting game for me ...

Edited by Guest
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Believing that this new Relic-system would actually remove the luck-factor in getting prime-parts, only to get smacked in the face when reality hits with 20+ radiant runs for Nekros Prime System - only got get S#&$ty Lex Prime parts that doesn't even sell for credits....

I quit Warframe because of the "bad luck" factor, came back after the new relicsystem was implemented..  Apparently a radiant group is suppose to have 34% chance to get a rare drop.... guess those 34% is infact 3.4% for me.

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