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What is the most generous thing a tenno did for you?


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I was given a Arcane Vanguard helmet for free when I started years ago. Wasn't as rare then but it was like 2 updates after they were removed.


I gave a friend who was just starting out a Rhino P set quite some time after vaulting. Also have done Clan contests where the winners get their pick of reward, whether it's a prime set, syndicate stuff, baro stuff, or just about any mod they want.


I've really come to appreciate the community of Warframe. At least those I play with and have crossed paths with.

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The most generous thing that a fellow Tenno ever did for me was this:


My only interaction with this Tenno has been random quoting in the "Face behind the name" thread.
Said Tenno saw me being sad about not having Mesa in a fan art thread, and suddenly I wasn't sad anymore.

Name hidden because reasons.

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I was given so much time and help, not to mention soooo many items by the two people that got me in the game, they got me started, so long ago. Got me the breeding grounds event done, back in the day, and then helped me farm the toxin dualstats, so at mr2 I had the two available dualstat sets that were around when I was new. (The shock sets were like 1000 plat, and I didn't count them much.)

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4 hours ago, (XB1)B1ueKarou said:

The most generous a fellow tenno has been to me was when i first started playing. this was before the most recent market facelift; before the starchart rework and all that. my first impression was this was pay-to-win. i wasnt aware that you could buy blueprints from the market or that the generic codex scanners were useless. i was playing on 'public' because i couldnt do a defense on my own when i met the guy. he checked my profile and saw i could rank up (i was mastery 0) so he invited me to a party where he carved a couple hours running me through the basics and teaching me the mechanics. i guess, in answer, i would have to say time. i would have given up on this game if not for him, so with a stupid amount of time put into this game what he gave me is easily the most generous thing i've gotten.

Plus you cant pay to win in a non competitive pve game. So theres also that.

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19 hours ago, TheFinalEpic said:

I ran out of plats to spend on a Warframe slot for my final warframe(Nekros Prime) to complete my collection of warframe. Two strangers, Beeoverlordd and wolfyuikimi both kindly gifted a warframe slot to me out of no where. :) Shout out and thanks again @BeeOverlord and @WolfYukimi

i already have gift from them too : 3


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Right after starting the game, cause my friend recommended to do so .... I Just became mad, because i've chosen the super bad MK-1 Paris.... Thats when he gave me an Ember Prime and a Boltor Prime Set, which was just super nice from him :) Maybe thats why I still play this game almost 2 years later

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Nothing of epic levels, but a friend once traded me an Ember Prime blueprint (I think that was the rarest part?) when I was a noober for like, two fusion cores. That meant a lot to me because I loved Ember, but was close to giving up on farming and had no plat to buy her parts. He seems to have moved on from Warframe a while ago, though.

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Dude gave me 400p for free, because he felt like it. (At least I think it was 400, it was a long time ago now)

I was gifted an Elytron by a buddy way back when the only way to get it was Archwing Interception on Uranus. I gifted him a Sybaris as thanks.

New player (MR2) tried to buy Nezha off of me for 35p, turns out he only had his starting plat. I gave it to him anyway, along with a Crimson Dervish (pre-Silver Grove, mind you). He insisted on giving me his spare Volt Prime Neuroptics for it, but the deal was still weighted heavily in his favor.

I won a pack of 5 forma in one of the giveaways that [DE]Glen does when he streams. Does that count?

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I wouldn't be where I'm at, if not for various friends I've made in this game.  One friend of mine (@parmvir1999) provides me with assistance on any mission I'm having trouble with, and helps me out with syndicate stuff.  He never asks for anything in return when we trade, either.

Another friend used some of his platinum to gift me the Destreza Finesse bundle when I was having trouble farming the Nitain for it.

Then there's the small army of fellow Tenno who have helped me farm for stuff or taxied me places, or even make my way to Kela in order to complete Chroma!

Thanks to everyone who's ever helped me, and I hope to be able to return the favor!

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Absolutely nothing.


A "friend" almost did something nice earlier.


I need Ash Prime Systems, Nyx Prime Chassis and Nekros Prime BP. A "friend" has them spare and offered them to me for some old mods but just before we go to trade he had a change of heart and decided he wanted 200 plat instead.


That's 200 plat more than I have so that was out. I was going to give him my spare Saryn Prime set but decided to keep it. 


I had a big case of the happy before he changed his mind. 




Aside from that almost nice deed happening, nothing else has happened in around 2 years of playing. The most generous i've seen people is getting through a mission without anyone raging at someone else.



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