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Loved the quest. Would prefer being able to quit and resume at will. Co-op support in these quests needs to happen.

graphics look incredible

stop putting new things behind the Sortie grind wall. Sorties don't work because not everyone is going to sink time into leaning how to cheese through this stuff. And you have to cheese it because the mechanics are broken when enemies hit lvl 80+. Please, stop Destifying your game by locking new content behind a mode most people won't play.

TWW story, presentation and structure was excellent.

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5 hours ago, (Xbox One)JACK BURT0N LSG said:

Loved the quest. Would prefer being able to quit and resume at will. Co-op support in these quests needs to happen.

graphics look incredible

stop putting new things behind the Sortie grind wall. Sorties don't work because not everyone is going to sink time into leaning how to cheese through this stuff. And you have to cheese it because the mechanics are broken when enemies hit lvl 80+. Please, stop Destifying your game by locking new content behind a mode most people won't play.

TWW story, presentation and structure was excellent.

I love the quest. Although I prefer that you don't get to quit and play at another time because it adds to the structure and tension because you're not like "Hunhow's trying to crush the moon and wipe out our entire species. Eh, I'll do it tomorrow". You know? I don't play sorties not because they're too hard and I don't know how to cheese. It's because of the way I progress in the game. I take things slow. It would be better if I told you in a party chat but whatever.

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18 hours ago, (Xbox One)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

Well I mean, they took control of Teshin and controlled our Warframe for a brief moment and also almost took control of our minds using Transferrence. No Grineer has ever done that. I mean Vor tried but still.

What I mean is that they should have been the most fearsome in terms of actually fighting them. Turns out they were dependent on one non-Orokin looking Orokin staff. That's not fearsome. At the very least they should have been a bit more majestic. They are supposed to be Queens after all. Rather than coming across like the Wicked Witch, the Queens should have at least seemed like Orokin, if that's the route they were going for. They didn't come across as Grineer Queens so much as Grineer Grandma and child.

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16 hours ago, (PS4)underthumb said:

My thoughts on The War Within:

The Good

  • As I played it, I kept thinking "This is what Warframe is missing." A sense of story and purpose provided by missions. There are other quests, but they are often just Ordis or some other agent briefly talking at you before sending you on a standard mission. You have no opportunities to express your opinions on what is happening, no opportunities to push back or question these agents. You just silently do as they command.
  • Spending time as my operator was great. I want more opportunities to do this. After all, this is Warframe's distinctive conceit: special adolescents controlling other-worldly bodies of space ninjas. It is really the operators at the heart of it all, not the warframes.
  • The new operator powers are great. Enjoyed using them.
  • I liked the fact that the final battle wasn't just "shoot this thing until it dies". It actually required that one apply the skills taught earlier in the quest.
  • The new tile set is fantastic. I love its sprawling and multi-layered nature.

The Bad

  • I stated this in a previous post, but the Grineer Queens were a letdown. Warframe doesn't need more overwrought, exaggerated villains. The Grineer Queens would have been much more interesting as calculating and considered foes, rather than easily riled, loud, cartoonishly evil foes. If the queens were somehow behind my operator's abilities, and wanted to simply use my operator's flesh, maybe they should have tried to convince my operator to yield her life willfully to a "higher purpose".
  • I encountered a few bugs, and it was not initially clear how to kill the kuva guards. Teshin said I should use my powers like I had with the maw creature, but I had possessed that creature. I initially tried to possess the guards, but this was not the right course of action.
  • I shouldn't have to have a wiki open when I start a quest. If you're going to have story quests so spaced out in time, I'm going to need a refresher about who Margulis is and so on. And on a related note, Warframe really needs in-game, written lore. And I don't mean the curt snippets I can get from the codex. I mean at least a few paragraphs explaining the major NPCs and what your operator has done with them up to this point.
  • The actual quest was much shorter than I would have expected for the amount of time it took. I suspect that implementing the new operator mechanics, unique animations and so on took a great deal of time. But it immediately made me sad, because I thought, "Is it going to be another year before I see a new quest like this one?" Is there any way to prioritize the creation of these quests? Other studios can clearly make story-based add-ons at a faster clip, so perhaps there are lessons to be learned from other development pipelines. From my perspective, Warframe doesn't need yet more warframes and yet more weapons. It needs more story. If story is a cost center rather than a profit center, then sell me quests. I'm much happier to pay for quests than a new rifle.

I agree. There is little reason for why Warframe's story needs to be such a mess. We don't need any more useless snippets like, "Once the blade weapon of choice for an exclusive order of Tenno assassins, the Karyst dagger grew to become a symbol of honor and duty for all Tenno," with no follow-up or tangible meaning. I get it, DE doesn't really care about this sort of thing because it doesn't sell, which is why the choices at the end of TWW will have a very limited impact, but if they are going to go through the trouble of doing lore, they should go all the way. This half-hearted effort and these half-finished ideas have become very frustrating. We don't need five different sources of vague quotes. We need lore that translates into actual gameplay experience.

I fully agree that this game doesn't really need more Warframes and weapons (at least, not at the volume they are currently pumped out). Warframe needs more substantive content, and that means more story, more environments, more gameplay experiences, etc. That sort of thing is far more important than new, redundant items that very few people end up using.

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I must say I really enjoyed the War Within. It was a great cinematic experience. There were some issues with figuring out what to do and even getting out of the Orbiter proved to be quitte a challenge. I also enjoyed the adition of a new map with new enemies and the Operator now having a more active roll ingame.
What I didn't enjoy was the adition on Kuva (specially to craft weapons) and the Riven Mods. Riven mods have to great random reward and we need to farm for Kuva for it. And the Kuva beeing a "grinner" adition I sense that in the future we will have to find more of it for grinner weapons, ence then having something similar done to the Corpus and Orokin faction in the future thus having content for, at least, another year. To be true, I don't like the entire "grinding" aspect of Warframe. You introduced focus. Then relics as rewards, fine. But them void traces? Then sculptures. Now Kuva. The entire franchise is turning into a "grindfest" while new gameplay content is almost obsolete. I read the foruns asking about "new huge bosses like Lephantis", "new/more archwing missions", "riding mechas", etc. But the game stays pretty much the same. Even the Operator is only needed for collecting Kuva... So, in short, less "grind" more "adventure".
Love Warframe and all you been doing, and I know it is tuff to come up with new stuff and please everybody, but I just wanted to give my opinion about it, that's all. Keep up the good work DE.

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I have to ask: did anyone play test Kuva farming? You put new enemies into the game (Awesome!), that cannot be killed traditionally (What?) because you have to pop out of your warframe (why?) and pray that nothing touches you because your softer than a newborns bum, then stun them, dash through them, hope that you or your teammates kill them in their incredibly short window of vulnerability, then hope that you have enough non-displayed energy (where?!) to dash into the Kuva stream and hope like hell that it registers the hit (Fun?) and if that fails you're sent back to your Warframe with no shields (really?!) under a cluster bomb of staggered by enemies that can't be killed(not cool). Kuva farming, as it currently stands, sucks.

Kuva farming could work with some tweaks. You could keep the current mechanics but once these - the new enemies (I don't recall the name, we call them The Obesians. Sorry)- guys are vulnerable, they should stay that way. It's just beyond goofy trying to pop out of your Warframe only to immediately be sent back in with a random shot or melee strike. Kuva stream interception is also hit and miss. Forget that I can't find an indicator of Void Stuff energy levels on screen, half the time you dash at this stuff and the hit/intercept doesn't register. Fun! Reprimanded by Lotus? The Cherry on top.

I love the variety on the star chart. It really is awesome. The new rotation of Nightmare missions are perfect. The moving fortress is equally awesome. The invasions, mostly, are awesome. Kuva farming is the opposite of those things. It needs a re-work, especially with all the new stuff hidden behind it.

Riven mods! Great idea! Put them all behind the Sortie grind wall of bloody tears= bad idea! Look, I get that you want content for the "veterans" who are leet unstoppable cheese cannons but outside of Raids(if even then), you're not gonna appease this group. Putting new stuff into Sorties isn't going to fix the problem. Nezha didn't and that's why it moved to the dojo. The rewards aren't the problem, enemy level scaling is and at lvl 65+ a lot of them are 1-shot kill bots. Balance is key here, the standard grunt should not play like a bullet sponge boss. It's like fighting 50 boss enemies from Destiny, there's not a reward anywhere that could make that hassle worth it.

Also Archwing controls are wonky, would love to see a Halo Reach-ish approach to space combat, in terms of control. Why do archwing enemies have to be in our faces 110% of the time? Do projectiles not travel in a vacuum? (Maybe not, if I can catch on fire in space, why not?)

TWW is excellent. Kuva farming needs help! That is all.

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On 12/10/2016 at 6:12 PM, (Xbox One)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

I enjoyed the queens but I have to say that I think everyone always wants these quests to be longer. I LOVED the fact that you get to a certain point and can't be like "Meh, I'll get back to this later, I gotta do some fissures". You continue the quest 'til it's over. We need more quests like this. Instead of making small quests that give you Warframes just to satisfy vets for a week at best they should spend more time expanding these cinematic quests.

Be realistic. 

I too want reasons to come back to Warframe. But it took them nearly a year to complete content players finished in a few hours. I understand; I once built a mod for Oblivion that took two weeks to make, test and publish - and was roughly 4 hours long, if you took your time. 

Cinematic quests will NEVER meet player demand. Ever. Thinking that DE can focus on these and keep people...its an unrealistic idea, for any developer. If the multi billion dollar machine that is Blizzard cant publish quests often enough for fans, why do you think some small nearly-indie studio could.

What Warframe needs is to abandon scripted, cinematic quests altogether. DE lacks real writers. Their voice actors are not on par with cinematic experiences. And the content takes too long to build. 

Warframe needs to focus on Systems. Systems that can generate dynamic content based on player actions. Systems that can flesh out the war for the system, and turn it into a dynamic, ever shifting battlefront that offers unique mission opportunities and rewards, based on the choices the community makes, in terms of which nodes they focus on, who they help in Invasions and how long those invasions take to complete. We need maps to explore, and rewards found through playing the game. We need dynamic, changing worlds to mess about it, that exist with minimal developer input once the systems are in place.

Thinking any studio can retain players with scripted, cinematic quests is simply not realistic.

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

For a free to play game this was just amazing.

I was going through like " what is going on , nothing makes sense "

Then boom found out it was all inside our head fighting off the control of the queen. It was just brillant and I'm looking foward to the second chapter of the story.

I feel that anyone saying it wasn't good enough haven't considered all the updates given between announcement and release.

Expect the story to come out in pieces like SWTOR. It's good for f2p games to break it up for both profit and time to release other items.

Edit : If the Ordis music bit didn't make ya laugh then your not a true Warframe fan. 😂

With that said a few things could be done to make things better.

1. Riven mods eeew just eeew 😂

- Gun used to unlock them is the gun it is for - damage 3.0 to correct the mess.

- Kuva in normal rewards.

- Cap Kuva reroll cost.

- Diablo style keep certain stats for extra Kuva when rerolling.

2.  More Tenno customization , wanna look pretty. 😂

3. Kuva Guards immune to warframe attacks is really odd but let's roll with it. 😄

- Scale our tenno HP / shields based on Mastery rank? I.E Base 100hp ^ Rank 22 = 220 shields + 220 health so end result is 220 shields 320 hp.

- Each mastered skill tree (unlock all nodes (achievement style) increases Tenno power pool + regen).

Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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6 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Be realistic. 

I too want reasons to come back to Warframe. But it took them nearly a year to complete content players finished in a few hours. I understand; I once built a mod for Oblivion that took two weeks to make, test and publish - and was roughly 4 hours long, if you took your time. 

Cinematic quests will NEVER meet player demand. Ever. Thinking that DE can focus on these and keep people...its an unrealistic idea, for any developer. If the multi billion dollar machine that is Blizzard cant publish quests often enough for fans, why do you think some small nearly-indie studio could.

What Warframe needs is to abandon scripted, cinematic quests altogether. DE lacks real writers. Their voice actors are not on par with cinematic experiences. And the content takes too long to build. 

Warframe needs to focus on Systems. Systems that can generate dynamic content based on player actions. Systems that can flesh out the war for the system, and turn it into a dynamic, ever shifting battlefront that offers unique mission opportunities and rewards, based on the choices the community makes, in terms of which nodes they focus on, who they help in Invasions and how long those invasions take to complete. We need maps to explore, and rewards found through playing the game. We need dynamic, changing worlds to mess about it, that exist with minimal developer input once the systems are in place.

Thinking any studio can retain players with scripted, cinematic quests is simply not realistic.

We all have different opinions dude. Your opinion seems unrealistic to me because without these cinematic quests (or at least quests that aren't rushed) there's no lore which leaves a bunch of questions. Your idea would be fun if they added that as well as the quests. Community and cooperation is what WF is supposed to be but we need a reason to why everything is anything.

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36 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Onyx Guarrd said:

Oh I see now. I was all trying to scan him and shizz.

It's almost as misleading as potraying the Tenno to be super powerful and almighty in TWW to then find out they're worthless in game. You can kill a kuva guard with your beam easily in TWW but in game there's no point in it being there. Stun and dash. That's it.

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On 12/12/2016 at 11:42 AM, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

With that said a few things could be done to make things better.

1. Riven mods eeew just eeew 😂

- Gun used to unlock them is the gun it is for - damage 3.0 to correct the mess.

That's incorrect. The weapon you put the veiled Riven mod on does not force the mod to be for that weapon. It's totally independent. I tend to use the Synoid Simulor for my Veiled Riven mods, and so far I've gotten an Attica, a Gorgon, a Hind, and a Karak Riven mod. So no, you're wrong on that.

Also, Riven mods aren't so bad. Yes, they could use some more refinement, but they're a starting point. And really fun once you get a good one.

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4 hours ago, Salenstormwing said:

That's incorrect. The weapon you put the veiled Riven mod on does not force the mod to be for that weapon. It's totally independent. I tend to use the Synoid Simulor for my Veiled Riven mods, and so far I've gotten an Attica, a Gorgon, a Hind, and a Karak Riven mod. So no, you're wrong on that.

Also, Riven mods aren't so bad. Yes, they could use some more refinement, but they're a starting point. And really fun once you get a good one.

I think you may have misread that buddy.😂

On 13/12/2016 at 0:42 AM, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

With that said a few things could be done to make things better.

1. Riven mods eeew just eeew 😂

- Gun used to unlock them is the gun it is for - damage 3.0 to correct the mess.

- Kuva in normal rewards.

- Cap Kuva reroll cost.

- Diablo style keep certain stats for extra Kuva when rerolling.

2.  More Tenno customization , wanna look pretty. 😂

3. Kuva Guards immune to warframe attacks is really odd but let's roll with it. 😄

- Scale our tenno HP / shields based on Mastery rank? I.E Base 100hp ^ Rank 22 = 220 shields + 220 health so end result is 220 shields 320 hp.

- Each mastered skill tree (unlock all nodes (achievement style) increases Tenno power pool + regen).


Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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Imma split my thoughts into some categories:
1. TWW Quest:

  • I think we really needed some bigger quests with game breaking lore.
  • Can't wait to se how this good and bad choices thing will affect me.
  • The quest itself had everything I expected to see: some pretty easy puzzles, some mind shifting intrigues, immortal Operator when encountering Kuva Guards - I've been having so much funwith trying to kill them. 
  • I just don't get the point of Tenno body being nessesary for queens to live. I mean just ask Tyl Regor to clone you something fancy. :)

2. Kuva siphons:

  • Finally some event that doesn't require you to have bigger guns than your squadmates and actually requires some skill. Solo players aren't behind too, it's pretty easy to finish it solo if you have some sort of brain. :)
  • One thing I would rather not see is siphon encountered in Sortie missiont. First of all ppl get distracted and sometimes that leads to failed mission when everybody got hyped about the siphon and the time is ticking. Second thing is simply that it's not the point of Sortie to farm Kuva. Finally, Guardians on higher levels can stun you permanently and if the siphon spawns in pretty enclosed area, there's no way to avoid them. I'm mostly playing Loki so that's not a problem for me but would rather not get around Guards on Sortie as Volt or Mag or Ember and so on.
  • Kuva Guards should have their own drops instead of other rare drops. Rip rare bullet jump augs.
  • Kuva itself is a good resource imho. It's not critical like Orokin Cells but it's useful in some ways. #ReworkControlModules

3. Kuva Fortress tileset:

  • I HATE defence. :D
  • I love every other mission, especially assault.

4. General gameplay and performance:

  • Bugs are there especially annoying ones are connected to relics.
  • Hotfixes are probably the least useful I've encountered so far. They fix minor things and with every hotfix there is new bug or two. I highly prefer that way of repairing stuff I've been experiencing during SotR update. Hotfixes were rare but very solid.
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9 hours ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

I think you may have misread that buddy.😂


Not really. It reads like when you unveil them, they are stuck on the weapon for that gun. I think you mean "Gun it's for is the gun it is for - damage 3.0 to correct the mess."

Unless you mean something else by 'unlock' not meaning 'unveil'.

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Overall, I liked the quest, and I really like this update but there were some specific things that I wanted to give feedback about.

-Custom Control Support: When I got to the part of the quest that required me to use transference, I couldn't because the game was giving me the wrong control prompts. I think this is part of a larger issue of a bug that wasn't caught (I created a thread about this), but it was frustrating and lead to that part in particular taking at least an additional hour to figure out. As you can imagine, this made the final fight MUCH harder, since I had to switch over from my "Classic Controls" to "New Controls" so that transference would work. The whole experience made the quest way less satisfying. I plan to replay it so I can enjoy it, so I'm glad that that feature has been added. Please do more testing regarding custom control set ups in the future for these major quests!

-Archwing in the new tileset: I actually liked the stealthy aspect of archwing in the quest, but archwing doesn't seem to have much to do with the Fortress tileset at all, except maybe assault if I'm remembering correctly (which is super fun). I'd love to see more portions of the tileset where I can hop onto my archwing in space!

-Morality System: This seems like it could be a cool system! I like that we can also change our alignments. However, it's hard to see any impact of the choices we made in the quest, so it would have been nice if there was some kind of tangible aspect to our choices. Some kind of item or change that would have been influenced by our actions would have made this feel more substantial (even if it was minor).

To contrast this with the Second Dream, the responses we gave to those questions actually did affect what our focus schools looked like. That made the recommended schools feel way more personal and gave our responses a lot more weight to them.

-Operator Mechanics: I like this new mechanic, but right now it doesn't feel all that useful. Yes, I needed it to beat the quest, and I need it to farm Kuva, but that's pretty much it. I've heard that this mode wrecks Sentients, but that's also a very specific circumstances. Currently, there doesn't seem to be a reason to use the operator in general missions, unlike focus powers. On that note, it would be nice if our focus class actually influenced the operator mode in some way, or gave them an additional action that's only available to their class.

I'm not asking for more enemy classes that require the operator to knock them down. In fact, I find that using the operators just for Kuva farming feels clunky. Instead, I would like to see the operator get more abilities that make that mode worth using, or some mission types that take advantage of the mode like the quest did. I especially love the idea of using transference on things that aren't Warframes, I think Operator mode really opens the door in terms of some interesting puzzles that can be introduced, and would love to see it embrace that direction.

-Riven Mods: I've posted feedback about this system as a whole in another thread I made, so I won't talk about that specifically here. In stead, I just wanted to point out that getting these as a reward from TWW is kind of odd. They aren't talked about at all, and are sort of just handed to you with no real explanation. In fact, you're not even told to equip them in order to unveil them. Honestly, because they give random stats and are given to you out of no where with the quest, they feel like they were rushed and tacked on to the quest's rewards. I don't think that these were in fact rushed and just tacked on, but it feels that way because they don't seem cohesive to what we just experienced in the quest.

Again, this only feels this way because of how great Second Dream was. Once you finished that quest, you got a lens for your chosen school. That reward made sense and reinforced this great sense of cohesiveness to everything. Similarly, the Broken Scepter and the Orvius made a lot of sense like Broken War did, but the Riven Mod felt like a real outlier. I would have rather have seen them introduced in their own quest that also introduced the celphalon that makes them. I think the lore of that cephalon only exists on the website right now? It's too bad, since I think the cephalons are pretty neat!


Other than that, there's a ton of stuff I like about this update!

-Love the endless Relic Missions! The booster bonuses at the end of each round do a pretty good job of compensating for everyone needing a relic to choose a reward. Being able to farm up Void Reactant is also great.

-Great to see Nightmare mode is back! I miss being able to just replay the same nightmare mission over and over again though. As a player with most of the Nightmare mods, this doesn't bother me too much, since I don't have much to farm for. However, I also don't see why I shouldn't be able to do them again, considering that this isn't the case for Fissure missions. I guess the occasional Nightmare Alert kind of helps to balance that out, but the limit still seems arbitrary to me.

-The cinematics and voice acting were great! I totally enjoy learning more about the lore in Warframe, and the presentation of it all was very captivating. The pace was pretty good, and the story elements that were expanded on and introduced were interesting! I'm pretty excited to see where things will go next! It would be awesome if the story could be included somewhere in the codex so we can check it out periodically, especially the stuff from the quests that we can't replay yet, or things that are revealed in Events.

-The Assault Mission Type is AWESOME. They feel like mini-raids, and that makes me really hopeful that more tilesets will have assault missions! What I really want to see, is that assault mission types are used as a way to introduce players to Raid-specific-mechanics. Right now, one of the main reasons why people aren't playing the Raids, is because it's too difficult to get a team together that knows how to do them/how to teach people how to do them. Assault Missions could be a great way to introduce players to Raids.




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12 minutes ago, (PS4)blackbeltdude7 said:

Overall, I liked the quest, and I really like this update but there were some specific things that I wanted to give feedback about.

-Custom Control Support: When I got to the part of the quest that required me to use transference, I couldn't because the game was giving me the wrong control prompts. I think this is part of a larger issue of a bug that wasn't caught (I created a thread about this), but it was frustrating and lead to that part in particular taking at least an additional hour to figure out. As you can imagine, this made the final fight MUCH harder, since I had to switch over from my "Classic Controls" to "New Controls" so that transference would work. The whole experience made the quest way less satisfying. I plan to replay it so I can enjoy it, so I'm glad that that feature has been added. Please do more testing regarding custom control set ups in the future for these major quests!

-Archwing in the new tileset: I actually liked the stealthy aspect of archwing in the quest, but archwing doesn't seem to have much to do with the Fortress tileset at all, except maybe assault if I'm remembering correctly (which is super fun). I'd love to see more portions of the tileset where I can hop onto my archwing in space!

-Morality System: This seems like it could be a cool system! I like that we can also change our alignments. However, it's hard to see any impact of the choices we made in the quest, so it would have been nice if there was some kind of tangible aspect to our choices. Some kind of item or change that would have been influenced by our actions would have made this feel more substantial (even if it was minor).

To contrast this with the Second Dream, the responses we gave to those questions actually did affect what our focus schools looked like. That made the recommended schools feel way more personal and gave our responses a lot more weight to them.

-Operator Mechanics: I like this new mechanic, but right now it doesn't feel all that useful. Yes, I needed it to beat the quest, and I need it to farm Kuva, but that's pretty much it. I've heard that this mode wrecks Sentients, but that's also a very specific circumstances. Currently, there doesn't seem to be a reason to use the operator in general missions, unlike focus powers. On that note, it would be nice if our focus class actually influenced the operator mode in some way, or gave them an additional action that's only available to their class.

I'm not asking for more enemy classes that require the operator to knock them down. In fact, I find that using the operators just for Kuva farming feels clunky. Instead, I would like to see the operator get more abilities that make that mode worth using, or some mission types that take advantage of the mode like the quest did. I especially love the idea of using transference on things that aren't Warframes, I think Operator mode really opens the door in terms of some interesting puzzles that can be introduced, and would love to see it embrace that direction.

-Riven Mods: I've posted feedback about this system as a whole in another thread I made, so I won't talk about that specifically here. In stead, I just wanted to point out that getting these as a reward from TWW is kind of odd. They aren't talked about at all, and are sort of just handed to you with no real explanation. In fact, you're not even told to equip them in order to unveil them. Honestly, because they give random stats and are given to you out of no where with the quest, they feel like they were rushed and tacked on to the quest's rewards. I don't think that these were in fact rushed and just tacked on, but it feels that way because they don't seem cohesive to what we just experienced in the quest.

Again, this only feels this way because of how great Second Dream was. Once you finished that quest, you got a lens for your chosen school. That reward made sense and reinforced this great sense of cohesiveness to everything. Similarly, the Broken Scepter and the Orvius made a lot of sense like Broken War did, but the Riven Mod felt like a real outlier. I would have rather have seen them introduced in their own quest that also introduced the celphalon that makes them. I think the lore of that cephalon only exists on the website right now? It's too bad, since I think the cephalons are pretty neat!


Other than that, there's a ton of stuff I like about this update!

-Love the endless Relic Missions! The booster bonuses at the end of each round do a pretty good job of compensating for everyone needing a relic to choose a reward. Being able to farm up Void Reactant is also great.

-Great to see Nightmare mode is back! I miss being able to just replay the same nightmare mission over and over again though. As a player with most of the Nightmare mods, this doesn't bother me too much, since I don't have much to farm for. However, I also don't see why I shouldn't be able to do them again, considering that this isn't the case for Fissure missions. I guess the occasional Nightmare Alert kind of helps to balance that out, but the limit still seems arbitrary to me.

-The cinematics and voice acting were great! I totally enjoy learning more about the lore in Warframe, and the presentation of it all was very captivating. The pace was pretty good, and the story elements that were expanded on and introduced were interesting! I'm pretty excited to see where things will go next! It would be awesome if the story could be included somewhere in the codex so we can check it out periodically, especially the stuff from the quests that we can't replay yet, or things that are revealed in Events.

-The Assault Mission Type is AWESOME. They feel like mini-raids, and that makes me really hopeful that more tilesets will have assault missions! What I really want to see, is that assault mission types are used as a way to introduce players to Raid-specific-mechanics. Right now, one of the main reasons why people aren't playing the Raids, is because it's too difficult to get a team together that knows how to do them/how to teach people how to do them. Assault Missions could be a great way to introduce players to Raids.




I agree with pretty much all of this but how is the sceptre broken? We knocked it out of the queens hands... IMO it should be called "Kuva sceptre" and should have a description that says "A deadly weapon forged by the Orokin to command the Dax. This talisman draws health orbs from deceased enemies and energy orbs from destroyed robots".

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Feedback. Right.
I just uninstalled Warframe. I like Warframe. I liked the beginning of the quest. I usually like the stories and ambience of the quests.
I don't like Archwing. I can get through regular missions mostly by blindly flailing around - blindly being the operative word - in Archwing missions I barely see anything because all I see is black and glitter and blinking stuff.
And my archwing being in the center of the screen randomly slowing down while I try to fly faster.


So we get this mandatory Archwing mission. I tried several times. Switched to Itzal. Still failed, obviously.

I don't really know WHY. Maybe it's because the controls don't react properly. Maybe it's because the Archwing randomly stops flying faster (whenever you hit the ship I guess). Maybe it's because the ship definitely does NOT have the shape it seems to have.


Here's a suggestion, which will cost more work but might keep people who abhor Archwing in the game: offer an alternative part that is maybe harder, but doesn't force you to use Archwing.

Why can't we infiltrate the ship and ride along inside? Maybe do a survival mission inside it. Perhaps something that could be done as a group.


Or, hell, let us PAY to move beyond that Archwing dreck. I'm not saying I'd pay much, but I'd pay something to not being forced to endure this.
The alternatives are a broken screen, ulcers, or simply uninstalling the game. No win for anyone in any of these, I think.

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1 hour ago, Rejutka_Lupex said:

Feedback. Right.
I just uninstalled Warframe. I like Warframe. I liked the beginning of the quest. I usually like the stories and ambience of the quests.
I don't like Archwing. I can get through regular missions mostly by blindly flailing around - blindly being the operative word - in Archwing missions I barely see anything because all I see is black and glitter and blinking stuff.
And my archwing being in the center of the screen randomly slowing down while I try to fly faster.


So we get this mandatory Archwing mission. I tried several times. Switched to Itzal. Still failed, obviously.

I don't really know WHY. Maybe it's because the controls don't react properly. Maybe it's because the Archwing randomly stops flying faster (whenever you hit the ship I guess). Maybe it's because the ship definitely does NOT have the shape it seems to have.


Here's a suggestion, which will cost more work but might keep people who abhor Archwing in the game: offer an alternative part that is maybe harder, but doesn't force you to use Archwing.

Why can't we infiltrate the ship and ride along inside? Maybe do a survival mission inside it. Perhaps something that could be done as a group.


Or, hell, let us PAY to move beyond that Archwing dreck. I'm not saying I'd pay much, but I'd pay something to not being forced to endure this.
The alternatives are a broken screen, ulcers, or simply uninstalling the game. No win for anyone in any of these, I think.

I've encountered none of these issues.

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