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[TWW] General Feedback


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TWW constructive feedback on mission mechanics:
During the challenges in the Mountain Hall Pass:
I often felt frustrated and infuriated
-my screen is properly calibrated but it was very frustrating to find the next rock surface /"safe island" in the dark cave, I felt like running blind and wounded from a fast predator (golden maw)
This should be fixed by giving a hint, making the next rock surface highlighted after 2-4 failed attempts.
-Confusion with new transference mechanic use: After the TWW patch I had no idea that transference power is activated by holding key 5 (before playing TWW quest)
-Confused at taking control of golden maw part, I got stuck there for a long time.

The other parts felt very intuitive and I was glad that no one was holding my hand, but after a few fails the game should give hints.

Feedback story wise:
When it came to the Zariman accident, Tenno's origins and parents, those are just murky, the story didn't reveal anything new about it, it was only about how the Tenno deals with it.


The major reveal was that Teshin is dax warrior and queens are orokin living in grineer bodies. The continuity is how the orokin were living indefinitely.
I personally wanted to learn more about the Dax. They served the orokin by oath or the scepter has a real power over them ? How does the scepter work ?

As for the new Tenno ability, I would really like to see it expanded. For now,  to have indicators about the new powers (energy or time left while roaming).
Later to have items (similar to mods) that boost tenno efficiency, range and health .
In the future I would love to see mature (~18 year old looking) Tenno introduced by another story mission .  (They should be or at least look legal, now it is just weird to be a space gimp and have a pre pubescent kid in the back of the van... I mean orbiter :)
I would love to see the mature tenno wielding new powers and have an ultimate transference form for a limited time when it comes to the Sentient invasion .
(focus power on steroids)


Upon learning about the new ability, I wishfully thought that while running around as tenno, our warframe can defend us (because of the Specters of the rail update) and in this case the operator would be running around / fighting in tenno form while partially controlling the warframe (which would be controlled by AI just as with specters ).


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Relatively new player here but here goes.

  • New tileset, love it
  • Quests, also great. Aside from clunky feeling when operating the operator. Screw them worms. Really.. Worms? :/
  • Endless-ish grinding returning. I haven't gotten to that stage of my WF'ing yet but it's good to know that it'll be there whenever I do reach it.

Rivet... Right. Just no. I love the idea but there's just way, waaaay too much RNG associated with them as is. First, getting the "right" mod for the you're even interested to test it out with it with and then getting the resources to re-roll them into.. Nope. Aaand then you have to unlock it.. AGAIN. And this is a feasible grind, DE? No. AND trade-able? Geez. :X Get a test server listen for feedback through that. 

Sure, this is the first iteration of Rivets and I'm sure it'll be improved but still, huge nope, should never have been released in it's current state.

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Quest was Ok, but several parts really grinded my gears:

1) I got annoyed by the whole teenager in puberty vs Teshin "you are not my dad act".

2) Apparently u magically are able to jog, while u have a bone in your leg, even though before u could not. Who would have thought. Took me like 20 retry's until the message appeared, otherwise i had no idea, since before it did not work at all. 

3) The part with controlling a maw was semi-bugged, since when i possessed it and burrowed Graboid style i could not travel under Stalagmites/stalaktites several times, had to redo it a couple of times so it would register.

4) The energy indicator for Void Energy for stuff like dashes and all have a bad visibility.

5) Kuva Guardian fight made no sense to me, the fact that i had to dash to steal their scepter/melee EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE STUNNED from void energy is completely counter-intuitive (and for some reason Teshin voice was REALLY low during the fight)

6) Operator Health is way too low, especially considering we already have a focus system in place and it allegedly let us become STRONK, but no, im a pleb apparently.

7) So far i've yet to see any consequences of my choice to kill Fatso Queen or going all evil, but i guess its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the line. 


As far as Riven mods goes, i imagine damage 3.0 is never happening then ~_~ If so, what's the reason for 15 mod capacity? The only restricted thing we have are loadout slots/inventory slots, resources/mods were always obtainable by the thousands. What's the deal? Where are ANY explanations for the cap? Why not make it 50-100 at least, since u know, we have A LOT of weapons?

Kuva siphoning is ok'ish, but it needs to be way more reliable to farm the kuva blood at least. Too much RNG with spawn mechanics. 

Kuva fortress tileset is interesting, but i don't get the lore behind invulnerable sensors/camera/s or turrets which are immortal and spew 8+ latched grenades at u every 10 seconds or so. Its also kind a hard to navigate, but i guess thats a matter of time. 

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Looking at the sheer amount of backlash from the Riven mods, let's take a break and look at something else, something I find far less enjoyable.

  • Nullifiers now notice and investigate their bubble taking damage 
  • Enemies will notice and investigate corpses

My solo gameplay is almost entirely based around stealth, and these two changes have all but ruined my entire experience. (I don't use Coolant Leak but I imagine it screws with people going for melee stealth finishers) All it takes is one Grineer to turn around and glance in the general direction of a corpse on the opposite side of the room and there goes my stealth streak. I can barely even manage a 500% multiplier anymore, and even worse, these changes basically force me to tote around a room-clearing weapon on the inevitability that I get discovered. When Banshee got her silence passive I picked her up, but now? I'm ready to put her right back down because she can no longer support my stealthy playstyle like Loki still (kinda) can.


As for Nullifiers, well... DE has proven time and again how much they love dear ol' Nully, this change is no different. Now it's either 1. Go into the bubble, lose all abilities and existing buffs while risking the stealth multiplier in order to keep the stealth multiplier, or 2. instantly end the stealth multiplier alerting the Nullifier, and his buddies if you aren't invisible or shooting around a tight corner with a silencer. There simply is no reason for me to continue playing the way I have preferred to play since I found Warframe. I feel no incentive to solo missions anymore except Spy and Syndicates (and some Sorties). And to top it all off, in order to level my gear in any reasonable amount of time I'm going to start resorting to the boring meta, whichever nodes those are now. These changes were utterly detrimental and I know no reason why they should exist.

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My Feedback (long post)

TLDR version: confusing quest, with a lot of deaths.  not intuitive. Veiled Riven mods need to be prevented from being traded



The quest

was LONG.  very long quest.  and with the number of retries and deaths it took me 2 hours to complete.  Start with two boring captures with a couple of cinematics.  Ho hum nothing new.  Then you have the Archwing "puzzle" which wasn't so bad once you figured it out.  Would have been nice to have a way to latch onto the cargo ship, instead of having to pace it.  When it first went through the tunnel i didn't realize I had to take a side tunnel and meet it on the other side.  I think i died 2 or 3 times there.
When I got to the fortress, it wasn't so bad, doing the mission. until you got to the queens chamber.  yep big cinematic, and the finally ejection to earth. I died about 5 times trying to figure out what i was suppose to do with the Orokin sculpture.  Then about 20 times trying to Run/jump pass the snakes in the bone piles... until i tried just running.  I almost raged quit the game at that point.  Also what I DID not like is Teshins dialogue was not subtitled, and being hard of hearing I had no clue what he was saying even with the volume up. When I got to the point of having to transfer to the orokin snake thingy, I did what the tutorial said, pressing e to stun it, and 5 to transfer... and it did not work.  Should have been cloak dash.  and this was suppose to prepare me for the finale, and it didn't.

I had  a crash when I went back to the mission with the Kuva guardians.. which was probably fixed with the hotfix.. which i had to now do. and the only option for me was to go RIGHT back into the Kuva guardian mission.

another 25+ deaths battling the Kuva guardians.  cause i didn't have any clue what i needed to do to defeat them.  Really sucked having a warfame with just a melee weapon, and not being able to use the abilities for anything.  Felt really on a railroad as far as options.  Was no way to hide the chat while this was going on.  Ended up having to ask for help via the chat on how to pass it.  no clue i needed to stun THEN dash through them.

WOuld have been nice to know what my choices were suppose to affect.  i know it was mainly for how you killed the queen, and what you did with the kuva.  Like the 2nd dream option, i really like to know what the choices meant and how they were affected.  Cause it sucks being stuck with an option you don't want.


another resource to farm... oh god please no.  STOP  Seriosuly, stop this.  No more resources until you find better ways to use the resources no one needs anymore.

Riven mods

like them overall.  But it is hidden behind a really nasty RNG wall, and some of the requirements to unveil are rather ridiculous.  like doing a level 30+ defense, without the target taking damage, or 5 headshots in a row with a Scoped sniper rifle.

Also, the simplest fix right now, is to not allow trading of unveiled riven mods.  The problem is, when trading them, you have no clue what weapon they are for, what MR they are, or how much Kuva is needed to re-roll them when trading. All of which you know before and after Rerolling them.



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So I am 30y old, not new to gaming or online "MMO" likes...

I would forgive you 1h of playtime of this overhyped quest which I had to ALT+F4 3 times as bugs in there simply would not allow me to progress further...

I would forgive you those bugs that plague other fields of this game other then the newly added quest. Ive seen this to happen in many games so I am used on this. 

I kinda like the way you integrated operator into the story, I would have some objections about its integration into gameplay, but what the hell its a positive. At least those fancy dresses for 150 plat have some meaning now.

I like the idea of new resource and giving endgame guys actually some endgame, once again I have some objections against how is done apart that it is plagues by bugs as well. Still a good thing 

Now lets make some detour and let me quickly tell you a story why I stopped playing Diablo 3... As the endgame grades in there either in vanila or in Ros, you either are lucky for a drop of item, that you can sell for 250€ as in vanila or push yourself into lvl 200 greater rift.. or you can bang your head against the wall until this thing drops with the same change as winning a lottery... 

Now you added those BLOODY RIVEN MODS. I have chance ONCE per day to drop a mod, which more or less in the field of RARE rewards. Now, when this mod finally drops from Sorties, I have to do a Challenge. Sure, no problem. But doing Solo 30+ Interception without taking damage? FIVE TIMES? THE HELL! .. But still Ok, its a challenge, you do this and then you get "Laser Rifle super uselss mod" for your companion... While the guy next to you gets for his "Score 3 headshots while sliding" a Tonkor mod +210% crit, +90% heat, +70% reload speed.. And from now on your game, is the same a Diablo 3 RNG fest which I Hate..



I like on Warframe one thing. Give time, I can acquire a weapon or a playable character. There is plenty of weapons and we all have some favourite ones. I do as well. Now this things I can improve by using mods. Again, given time, I can have the same mods as guy next to me and improve them to be able to complete. And to this order with a slight RNG for drops, you introduce Riven mods, which chance all in a sense that if I am lucky, I can get a personal Nuke launcher or a wooden stick (which is broken in 3 pars already). And given time, I most likely NEVER get the same mod as the guy next to me.. And even if I get a good mod, there is a pretty good chance it wont be for a weapon I like. I already hear you say, YOU CAN TRADE.. Sure, lets throw 2000+ platinum or some other ridiculous prices people are asking for mods that are rightfully OP and in a way are changing Warframes "Pay 2 Skip" which I do, and I am happy to pay for a game I like, as I work I cannot play 12h to grind stuff in normal manner, but I like playing this game. But introducing these mods you are changing this to "Pay MORE 2 Win." And I am NOT ok with this. Never will. Either you have money or time, I am ok with this for Free2Play games, but I want too same level playfield for all. By this update, you have fked this up WAY more then I would ever expected. So please, sit down, read your community comments and really think about if its a good decision. I hope you will come up with some sort of solution other then "pay us 40€ to endgame modes." I will give this few weeks or months, if nothing chances, I will find other game in which I can pump my money.


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On a very open tile hitting the kuva tiles isn't a big problem.

However when there is a lot of stuff in the way, sometimes the siphon already sucks in the cloud before a player can actually see it. This is especially frustrating because there is no place where the kuva siphons show up all the time.

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  • Love the direction the story is going. The writing is great and the cinematics are excellent.
  • The actual "War Within" part though, I see where you were trying to go with it, but it needs to be fleshed out more. Right now the alignment thing just seems like an awkward feature that you weren't sure what to do with it. I'm interested to see what you do with it in the future.


  • The actual mechanics of the quest were frustrating and extremely vague. The floor puzzle with the orokin snakes was really irritating. The timing is too tight on all of the sections.
  • The final fight with the Kuva guards was probably the most frustrating thing I've done in a long time. The extremely limited mobility of the Operator in comparison to the Warframes is really jarring, which added more frustration to actually trying to execute the mechanics of the fight.
  • The fight with Teshin was frankly a bit of letdown. A lot of time was spent focusing on the Operator and their new abilities, then the fight with Teshin completely reverses and forces you back into your Warframe, locked into using your melee weapon.
  • The final part of the fight with the queen was difficult to the point of absurdity. Teshin says something about breaking the shield and dashing through the queen, but there's no way to actually break the shield. Instead you have to wait until she drops it to shoot a laser at you, hope you get lucky enough to dodge it, then void dash through her in the remaining tenth of a second, hoping you aimed it correctly to actually hit the staff.


  • The new tileset is beautiful and well done, but it's also a bit confusing to navigate in some parts. The minimap markers also like to disappear, leaving me with no idea where I need to go. Also the rescue vault is needlessly complicated to navigate and nearly impossible to do successfully without a stealth frame. With the operative only having something like 200hp against turrets that one-shot him, it's an exercise in frustration.
  • Kuva siphons could be a little bit more frequent or have some sort of fail-safe mechanic. I went around 18 missions without seeing a single one.
  • Riven mods - Personally I'm fine with them. The RNG involved is quite excessive, and the Kuva costs need to be capped for rerolling, but overall they're fine. They add a long-term goal to the game and with some tuning should be a good addition. I'd like to see trading of identified mods get disabled, and have veiled mods be completely reset and completely random, including the weapon type. Perhaps add two types of rerolls, one to completely reset the mod, and one to reroll the random stats on an identified mod?
Edited by Synitare
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I'm a bit disappointed with DE. I know their game is free and they don't owe me anything. This is just feedback from a player that enjoys the game.

TWW quest was fine I'm not hating on that.

The new Operator mode and Riven mods really aren't making me want to play more. I didn't care about my operator after the second dream to me it was just a fancy focus menu. And after TWW i still have no connection to my operator. The Riven mods that RNGesus bestowed upon us definitely aren't all that interesting to me. The star chart doesn't offer much challenge, and anything challenging doesn't offer much reward to it. People posting how excited they are about their new tonkor 250% dmg + 250% dmg mods I don't get it. Tonkor already one shot almost anything you shot it at why would I need to grind for such a mod. I've also seen mods that are as stupid as +cold dmg, + slash dmg, - overall dmg. WTF is that? Such a big gap in power. . .

To me I still don't see the end game content. If DE thought grinding these insane rng based mods for the hopes of making my strong weapons stupidly strong against enemies that take such a small amount of ammo to kill was going to keep me playing idk anymore. In terms of end game Pre TWW and Post TWW not much has changed in terms of end game. I long on and my choices now are grind/trade for Riven mods, or grind the new resource with the new mode I don't really care for. Guess I'll just wait for the new Boss system thing to come out. . . .Back to log in, craft forma, logout


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24 minutes ago, xXRiomaXx said:


i agree to some degree here. the last thing i want from a loot shooter is RNG stacked ontop of RNG. i dont mind the addition of new resources but kuva siphons? where? because i havent seen one yet in the LVL30+ grineer kuva tileset missions. i didnt like rerolling in The Division so im not going to like it here. we want a game that is less of a chore to play not more of a chore to play. if there is going to be grinding and farming atleast be reasonable about it. i dont expect end game from warframe because it is still just a coop shooter im here to pew pew grind farm and have fun with friends that is why i still play.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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i think i fixed the troubles with controling the "operator"

some general sensitivity and calm mind is needed to get this done

i missed it because if youre always ready some "pressure" can arise, in this way this pressure is useless and leads to chaos-control of the new keys which are given

as well as slowly i get familiar with the keys and control ... ^^)

so, finally i made it ...

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I have mentioned this in two other threads thus far, and would like to give this some visibility. I suspect I'm not the only Tenno playing on a laptop and USB Xbox controller. In my case, limited table space, among other things, has me unable to play with keyboard controls during missions outside of messaging and a few other small things.

The Operator mode is not useable via controller alone, so I have to work out some kind of three handed affair to deliver some subpar execution on my laptop. And Digital Extremes intends to launch this quest/DLC/update on Consoles!?!?!? Yeah...I'm tempted to avoid playing like the plague right now until I hear this issue has been resolved. This is a problem I need fixed.

With regards to Riven mods, they are cool. They are also HORRIBLY BALANCED, and add exponentially greater levels of RNG into the mix. The mods are almost completely random in what they can do, and it takes a considerable effort to roll stats for them after you obtain one. Also, apparently they are making waves on the market when something of such potentially extreme power levels should never have been trade-able in the first place.

Aside from that, the quest was good! I feel like a full year, plus all the [DE]lays were not as fruitful as they COULD have been, but the content is certainly interesting and engrosses a player. The plot still leaves a lot of open questions, and lingers on things we should probably already know based off previous quests and codex entries, but that also leaves a player waiting for more. So, good job on teasing us? Uhh...

In all seriousness, The War Within was cool. It just frustrates me that there is so much in need of polish after the dev team put in so much time investment on it already. Which is why I end this post with a message to [DE]: Keep strong, we're trying to point out things to fix and possible triage them so you guys can prioritize fixes accordingly, and that you guys did succeed in making something amazing! Now lets keep it amazing and remove the weeds we're finding in your metaphorical garden.


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First and foremost, I got a Soma riven, which I could actually sell after re-rolling FIVE TIMES. I've seen multiple MR22's, some of whom are founders, recieving thing like Stinger + slash - damage + RoF, while people who were barely qualified for TWW got Tonkor +Crit +Crit Damage etc. Before anyone tries to go "you got a crap one, thats why your complaining." or someone with that Tonkor Mod tries to justify its existance, my experience was middling, and I got plat for it, which is a positive imo. 
    It was supposed to make low end weapons viable, to add variety to the game and give players a reason to use weapons they liked but couldnt cut it, or just never tried in te first place. I'l make this real simple; an MR8 gets a Tonkor or Soma +crit. Do you honestly think they're going to bother with other weapons? Do you honestly think they arent going to go, "This weapon is crap, I'm going back to my Riven Soma." when trying out new weapons?
    Then to have to go through sorties, which people dont like, to get a CHANCE at getting another, to get a CHANCE at a challenge that doesnt require you to basically glitch the game and kill Sentients while bleeding out just to complete, you only have a CHANCE at getting the actual weapon type you want. Then you get to battle RNG even more as you dump more and more of a resource you only have a CHANCE of coming across in a level, to get a CHANCE at stats that dont make the weapon useless. This is lunacy, and with only 15 slots maximum? So much for variety.
    This game is supposed to be about the community. Having come from Crossfire, a terrible P2W chinese FPS, that was what drew me to Warframe in the first place. These mods are only going to drive a wedge between new ond old players, and those who were screwed or lucked out. Which is why I'm taking the time to write this, as my experience was neither negative nor positive, yet the sheer amount of people who have been screwed or start arguments over this stupid system made me feel its necessary. That isn't right. People already have "No CP no INV" rules, which again, as a mostly solo player, doesn't affect me. It does affect people I will be playing with eventually however, by putting a bad taste in their mouth. Being excluded for not having something that one would either have to dump an inordinate amount of time into the game to accquire, or shell out actual cash, is going to cause a huge resentment amongst the playerbase. I don't want to see that happen, it'll be the death of the game I love.
    Then there's the way this reflects on DE as a company. Moving market BP's to their own tab, releasing Kavats with an obscenely annoying method to farm DNA, selling relics in the market and their 1:1 return, and now mods that are going for 2.5k plat two days after they're released? I may have crap eyes from playing videogames all the time, but I'm not blind. Not to mention the fact thet you have no idea how many times the mod was re-rolled when buying.
    So, how to change it? Well, unlike my only other post (on Vaccum, go figure) I don't know. The only system I can think of is the Runestone system from Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2. You want a +2 crit on your sword? You get 4 runestones, 4 pearls, pay a dude currency and he forges it into your weapon. Pay Kuva and Orokin Cells, you get a crit boost. People can pick what they want, it gives vets something to use rotting resources for, it gives new players something to work towards. But it will take actual work and thought, so, oh well. Other than that, I'd get rid of them before that plat hole becomes too large.


- causes unnecessary resentment between players in a co-op game
- is supposed to increase variety, only widens the power gap
- will cause newer players to think any gun without a riven is bad
- collectors are screwed due to 15 max cap
- will cause exclusion
- has ZERO balance based on overall progression
- looks like a plat grab
- is causing people to be screwed in trade chat
- increasing re-roll cost is a joke
- has already broken the market
- has no easy fix that wont infuriate people further

Bravo. To the guy I sold mine to, I'm sorry, I thought it would reset the re-rolls because logic. Oh and as for the quest I beat in 45 mins?

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For the first time since starting warframe, I've lost motivation to play it. Riven mods are the reason. It's not where they sit in the game as it stands (where my existing equipment already trivialises most content) but the direction they point the game in. I was excited for maybe one day, until I started thinking about what they imply for the future.


 I suggest that the devs simulate (situations such as):

1) people of wildly differing power playing together. Who is this fun for?

2) someone who doesn't "main" frames or weapons, trying to maintain multiple viable combinations of equipment.

3) someone trying to bring the right builds/loadouts to groups (public/private)

4) a clan of (say) 100 people progressing through the game together at, and subsequent to, the point they start acquiring Riven mods. What happens (over time) between those who are lucky enough to get nice mods and those who aren't? What does the group look like in a week? A month? A year? I don't mean now, with established groups, while current content is already trivialised by existing equipment. I mean some group starting to play in the future when Riven mods might be some intermediate point in progression.


At the moment, acquiring them is just a matter of luck. Whether you get one for a weapon you can use in different builds is also a matter of luck. There is no way to control which weapon you get it for, or the time frame of one chance per day. The only rng you can overcome is for the stats.


Perhaps the intent is to increase the variety of weapons used. However that's across your entire player base. Everyone gets different mods, so they use different weapons. For someone who already tries to play a variety of builds with a variety of weapons, this pushes in the opposite direction. To max a specific weapon I need catalyst, forma, affinity, maybe an augment/stance, and now a Riven mod. The first few I can acquire for a weapon of my choice, the Riven mod just turns up whenever it feels like it sometime much later in the game. So in addition to 1 to 4 above, I suggest you simulate a single person starting from the beginning, trying things out and trying to decide what they want to build/play. For example, when someone asks "what is a good weapon, should I potato this or that" should I be saying "don't worry about that until you get your first Riven mod"?

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Dear DE,

I'm not mad but I'm grateful and also a tad disappointed. The TWW besides some game breaking bugs and inconsistency was an utter blast but it didn't last the worth while of delays to get, It had less than 1 hours of quest content including the exploration of every possible cranny and unskippable cutscenes. With that being said I was on the edge of my seat from the beginning of the trailer, which felt spoiled, to the end where the void was talking (it could also have been a sentient) to us..But whatever. I'm looking forward for maybe last big update of this year if any. Warframe as story has so much potential and that's why I'm still here, however warframe as game need to watch out of not being a copy of those other big games out there and being washed away into that pile. Either Way I'm looking forward for other reveals and gameplay. 


With the addition to the riven mods, Warframe has set an new level upon the already gruesome challenge that is called balancing in this game. The idea of the riven mod seems (for me) to add a point (layer) towards the each's own gameplay, with some people already receiving mods for a great weapon because they choose to carry that weapon during the quest. WHile others seemed to be jacked by RNG, none of the less it happens a lot here. Besides it only seems as an idea that needs explored more and I'm up for it. But right now the way of receiving it seems cruel, just like those pesky lenses. Luck, upon  RNG, upon RNG, and caps. Isn't there another way to introduce such systems?

For the balancing issue, as for right now I don't have a clear solution for it. But what I know , I can make it clear for you, at least in some manner for you to get my point.

  • Warframe has something called scaling which only can apply to enemies because they have levels. We on the other hand have ranks, which are and can never be higher than a certain point and because we as players are a combination of different ranking systems we can tackle the scaling system through mods because it raises us above the braking point of the scaling system.
  • As new systems gets introduced, new mods to tackle those systems are introduced as well. But here comes a problem that you as providers are in way an addition to this problem. As the new systems can't be tackled by mods of the old system and thus progression is halted in some sense. To be able to tackle the new system all mods from the old system, at least those which doesn't provide much benefit in certain ways (as for gameplay), are being replaced leaving behind an abundance of mods, frames, weapons, etc. Which are in someway still useful but to most of us, not the straightforward way to tackle the new system. And thus never explored until the basics of progression for the new system is set. Some evidence can be seen in the way of the majority uses certain frames, mods, weapons, even gameplay and whatever. As a result to that, you desperately nerf the solution without solving the problem, and so forth and so forth. Warframe is introduced to game in which you can tackle the enemies in different ways, but in reality it rarely seems to be the case. Look at the builds and uses and you get my point.
  • The ranking system only works so good because all frames / weapons / mods and etc. have different jobs within gameplay and leveling would do much more harm than good in this way.And it would have put a restriction on so much more content, than just new releases. With the ranking system new frames / weapons / mods as well as the old can are able to the used all the time every time, even though this sometimes may be a problem. How ever it works better than if this was a leveling system.
  • In addition to new content, the old content rarely gets revamped to match the new content and thus sets of a wave of new content getting nerfed instead of the other way around.


  • Pls looking into that system of always having to have equiped certain mods / forma's for what ever to be even remotely usable.
  • Try to force more weapons effectiveness and variation against different mobs instead of one weapon for all


My advice to you is to look into warframe from the get go. Revamp the old (not only gameplay wise but also the mods and all the weapons/ frames and companions) without it getting in the way of new stuff like what happened this year.  



Edited by ChaellExE
add some thought that popped in to mind
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Hi guys, i have a Simple but powerfull idea to prevent the MASS scaming happen in warframe right now with the Riven mods.

So the riven mods system are awesome, but not perfect becasue of the simple "repack" once you opened it, the chances of getting scamed is almost 100%.

Here is my idea: they should add a little number right next ro the "Veiled" thats shows you that the riven mod was opened by the number of times that appeares. also it would be so, so much better and less "scamable" if you actually replace the Veiled with the Weapon type (tonkor, soma, ect.) if the Riven mod was revealed once to prevent scaming.

i hope im right here if not im very sorry.

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On 11/14/2016 at 0:47 AM, Major_Phantom said:

Can we get a rework done on the Focus system? Like make its tree add stats to the operator form to be more useful outside kuva gaurds.

Also why does one set of the focus have drawbacks upon upgrading while none of the others have it?

Edited by ChaellExE
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So far I only have feed Back on Riven mods. . 

1) riven cycle , as we all know as of now there is no cap to cycling your riven mods it keep increasing every cycle

Will there be a cap?  To the cycle mod ? 

I.E, 2000 KUVA ? +/-

2) the mission to unlock riven mods , some of those to need to look in too , my friend have gotten glide aim head shots . . . The hit box for the head is really shoot right in the face 

3)mod ? Only mod  slot for riven, once you COMPLETED TWW quest ? 

Why ? Cause there is really no space to add new mods , unless you are trying to say that those mod (riven) is meant to remove basic mods as the riven have is own multiple  stats 

4)riven mod in sorite ,Is that the only place we can put the mod in ? 

If so, the riven mods may need to increase drop rate ( if the drop rate is low around LE CORE ) 

5) kuva the spawn for kuva siphon may have to increase Abit like 40?% I have more spent 1hr searching for the siphon only getting like 1/3 of the spawn 

If there any new / feedback can just help add on :D 

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I have to agree with much of the feedback already mentioned here.


  • This Quest was anticipated for almost an entire year, indirectly pushing expectations very high with every pushback of the release date it received. I know that this may be my own mistake and certainly not the intention of the developers, but nothing was said because of WHY the release was pushed back. Assumptions and expectations began to dwell and rose to unexpected levels and general disappointment set in when I completed The War Within. I finished with one thought in my mind: "So, that's it?"
    • Conclusion: The pushbacks and the indirect expectation this quest was setting (even if not intended) did certainly not match my experience at release. Disappointing.
  • I was fortunate enough to receive exclusive information on this quest from a friend who attended video game conventions where DE decided to show up (I think everyone knows that I cannot disclose any more information about details). According to said friend, he was told that The War Within is 

- about 5 times longer than The Second Dream / has 5 times the cinematic time.

- '[...] going to be amazing, we have done this really evil and mean thing for Tenno and it’s going to blow your mind.'

- a choice-dependent quest.

  • Unfortunately, I felt like none of these statements made where actually true.
    • I finished TWW in about two hours (and I even took my time, not focusing completely on finishing as fast as possible). This is certainly not [5] times longer than TSD.
    • It is true however, that TWW has more cinematic time. But I ask myself, is that a good thing? Because I feel like it wasn't. I am definitely not a person of being told to, I would rather appreciate a nice show instead. Less talking, more showing please.
    • I have absolutely no idea what "this really evil and mean thing for Tenno" is supposed to be, because nothing besides some parts at the end of the quest felt "evil" towards me.
    • Now choice-dependency is something I take the most umbrage with here. I just hate it when games take my input and seem hesitant in using it. Three choices: Good, ambivalent or bad. An outcome depending on those choices is meaningless to me if it doesn't happen immediately after or even within the same quest.
  • The Archwing Part - oh boy. I was thrilled to see what DE could have done with the Archwing to actually make it look good. You dodge some lasers. Awesome. But there comes the question of the quest again: "And... that's it?" You announce the usage of the Archwing but we don't even get to use any of its fighting (or other possible?) potential(s). Another big disappointment.
  • I will discuss the new tileset in the next paragraph, but this is supposed to be the fortress of the Grineer queens, as far as I know, the highest ranking grineer officials we have heard of as of today. Breaking into their fortress and finding the place where they actually are is certainly WAAAAAAY to easy. This is supposed to be a high-security castle with multiple layers of security and clearance. I understand that the Grineer aren't very smart, but for someone to actually hide their home in a cluster of asteroids and not sealing it off properly (I mean, come on , they are the heads of the Grineer!) is just super conflicting for me. (Example: Even the Shadow Broker in Mass Effect 2 made extra efforts in not only sealing off his base by making it virtually undetectable, but he also invested in efficient security personnel in case something went wrong!)

New Tileset

  • I actually enjoy the new tileset, I enjoy it more than the clutter-littered underground sealabs on Uranus. This seems more clean and nicely thought out. Black and red is my favorite color combination as well so you gave me something I can truely enjoy. Well done on designing this new tileset.
  • I don't know why there is "(Archwing)" attached to every node on the Tileset though. I played through it and was never in need to actually use the Archwing. I hope this will come at a later date or it will be just another disappointment.
  • On the downside, I have no idea why the scanners are vision-only. Again, I can't run through a Grineer spy vault with Loki's invisibility and expect the laser to fail detecting me. This would have made the tileset a lot harder, but now it only furthers the use of Loki's invis to dodge the annoying scanners and alerts. A possibility that maybe was considered but not implemented, since the scanners are invulnerable (or so it seems for me). Disappointing.
  • Let's face it, these aren't really new enemies here. They are reskinned Grineer with a different (more powerful?) arsenal. I was expecting a little more innovation, more high security units which are relentless and very zealous in guarding their precious queens. None of that. *Sigh*

New Abilities & Resources

  • I'm not really a fan of them, especially, because it seems, they are just effective on one certain enemy type: The new Guards. Really? This is not the way to introduce a new ability. I didn't even use the focus abilities before TWW, because I saw no or less reason to actually do so and now I just use my evolved abilities to defeat one type of enemy? Come on. This needs to be worked on.
  • Another resource enters the fray. And its acqusition is dependent on luck. yay  Given the possibility this resource has, I can absolutely see why but why does this resource exist in the first place? What is its potential? Where did if come from? Why are the Grineer farming it? The background could've mattered but I have seen none of that.

New Mod Types

  • I see absolutely no incentive to farm these mods and depend my luck on two sequential dice rolls to get the one I want. I have seen other games do that and I ditched those games, because I am certainly not the type of gamer to grind mindlessly just to hope to get the mod for the weapon that I want and then to either hope it has good stats or reroll it for ever-increasing amounts of a luck-based appearing resource. It is sad to see Warframe go down the direction I never wanted it to. I certainly never asked for this, but I am only speaking for myself. Giving old weapons love is a nice idea, but please, giving a Tonkor or Soma as powerful stats as I have already seen on other posts is just madness and just further broadens the power gap.

Conlusion & Constructive Feedback

  • If I would describe The War Within with one word, it would be "underwhelming".
  • The pushbacks of the release didn't justify the end result, in my opinion.
  • The quest was a nice story and that's it. It didn't feel like it could reach the levels of excitement I felt during The Second Dream.
  • The quest gameplay didn't feel as enjoyable as I thought. As much as I like Operators, I didn't feel like they needed the new abilities they got.
  • Anti-climactic ending. Meaningless choices. Overall expectations did not match up, disappointment ensues.
  • Really like the new tileset though, even though it doesn't really fit the situation it should be in (high-security grineer fortress, home of the highest grineer officials).
  • Certainly no fan of the new Mods. Will consider again if they get readjusted.
  • No conclusion on the infested door. HUGE LETDOWN.


The War Within had the potential to be something bigger. That is something I would actually say, just because it got delayed for so long and so many times. In the end, I feel like the update delivered a luke-warm experience of very, VERY mixed feelings towards all of the content it contained. Even after just two days, I don't even remember vividly what was discussed during the quest in detail. I still do so with The Second Dream though. Something has gone wrong along the way.

The new tileset could have been used so impressively! The quest could've been made a dynasty-warriors like type of invasion, where Tenno combine forces to conquer asteroid after asteroid to weaken the security lines of the Grineer and fight alongside each other to help them in getting closer to the Grineer queens. Stealth-based missions which required you to not be seen and infiltrate high-security sectors and blow up fuel reserves or gravitational devices that would allow Tenno to crash asteroids into other asteroids or high-action sequences that require heroic and hectic combat with heavy grineer vessels, ships or defense systems to destroy would've left a much better impression on me. But this didn't happen. You go in, easily get to the queens (on a FORTRESS that is supposed to be HIGH-SECURITY), exposition ensues. You come back, you decide, you leave. I cannot even begin to tell you how wrong this all felt.

DE, you have given me multiple times to really like you in the past, but recent events really make me doubt my investment in you. I'm a very resentful person and I certainly cannot take much more of this. This is a fair warning. Please.

Edited by Proxykon
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Want to add something that hopefully might get changed or explained with a future quest and that is about the new mechanic.

Basicly my quesiton is now, are the Warframes itself aware and sentinent like hinted in the second dream or are they simple shells?

Becasue what does irritate me about the new mechanic is, how enemys just simply ignore your Frame as soon you jump into your Operator, i mean isn't that kinda dumb on the enemy side to completly ignore the now defensless body with its weapons and abilitys. Shouldn't the frame fight them still on its own like a specter atleast?

I also want to add, farming Kuva is ridiclious, repeat enemy spawn with the guards in the mess you have to take out with your Operator but switch back on damage while looking aorudn for those damn clouds. Especialy painful if you have a already squishy frame and even happen to not have any people join your pug.

Also since the Update, when i now join open groups in missions i always start at the beginning of the map and not as it normaly was  near the host, so having to run all trough even if they are almsot done already with the mission.

Edited by Marine027
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My feedback. I loved the quest and story line.

I like the changes to Sorties as long as the changes to invasions pans out as being good haven't seen a weapon pop up there and invasions still feel irrelevant. I don't like that Riven mods are sortie only and seemingly hard to get. I hate that riven mods are RNG inside of RNG inside of RNG. RNG on sortie RNG on weapon type and RNG on bonuses. Some of the Riven unlock quests are brutal and stupid.

New weapons seem decent havent used them but have seen them do alright. Kuva can be a nightmare to get think it needs to be fixed a bit but its not too bad.

I would like to see Sortie have double drop. Where maybe Riven mod is a guarantee or high chance along with what ever else you get. Or perhaps you have to do something special during the sorties like lets say find caches on each sortie mission and you get a riven mod. 

Oh spawning at the start of the map every time is infuriating

Edited by Ecliptix
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