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[TWW] Bug Report Megathread


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Falling through the map and using /unstuck while out of your 'frame deprives you of your 'frame.  You are stuck as the operator for the rest of the mission. 


And Your squadmates laugh at you have chat... "look at the scrawny nerd run!!!"


Oh, and if you finish a  mission as the operator you get no rewards 


Edited by QQQQMkII
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There's a bug that won't let me trade kubrow imprints for some reason. Kavat prints can be traded just fine. It happens with another guy too. Said 'Failed to make the offer' or something along the line. I don't know why. This applies to both old and new prints. Please fix it. 

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On 11/12/2016 at 9:39 AM, Kelshiso said:

Confirmed: not getting stealth xp

Tried it as well. Similar results.

I want to add that enemy perception of sound has become a lot higher to the point where melee hitting obstacles nearby alert them. Strangely, even after they seem to return to a relaxed state after being alerted by those sounds, stealth killing them will not count towards a stealth multiplier, not grant stealth xp and break the stealth combo. Another strange behaviour I've noticed is enemies not returning to their relaxed state at all, and conversely, enemies returning to being relaxed while the minimap still shows them as alerted.

Something stealth related borked.

Edit: I just read up some other posts and it seemed those changes are intended. If that's the case, I hope the drastically increased time we would have to spend in order to keep our combo multiplier up is going to be compensated with better XP gains, longer stealth timers or whatever other changes you have to implement to make stealth play viable again.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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Since the update my game has been freezing fairly often, it seems to always happen when the Relic reward pops up. After the freeze (lasts for about 5 seconds), I get 'lost connection to host' and get booted back to my ship. Very annoying because I've lost a few relics because of this.

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21 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Tried it as well. Similar results.

I want to add that enemy perception of sound has become a lot higher to the point where melee hitting obstacles nearby alert them. Strangely, even after they seem to return to a relaxed state after being alerted by those sounds, stealth killing them will not count towards a stealth multiplier, not grant stealth xp and break the stealth combo. Another strange behaviour I've noticed is enemies not returning to their relaxed state at all, and conversely, enemies returning to being relaxed while the minimap still shows them as alerted.

Something stealth related borked.

I'm having the same problem. It's also not giving that extra bonus on weapon leveling and focus farming during the stealth bonus. And there's times they're staying alerted after they awaken from Ivara's sleep arrows. I hope they get this fixed by tomorrow. I've lost a day and a half of my affinity booster to this bug.

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9 minutes ago, 21nixonme said:

I'm having the same problem. It's also not giving that extra bonus on weapon leveling and focus farming during the stealth bonus. And there's times they're staying alerted after they awaken from Ivara's sleep arrows. I hope they get this fixed by tomorrow. I've lost a day and a half of my affinity booster to this bug.

Nevermind, it seems to be an intended feature. Tested around some more and yeah, the enemy seems to be more aware of sounds and stuff "not quite right" than before. I wouldn't spending more time outsmarting the enemy if it was actually worth my time, so I think what we'll have to do is wait and see. Right now stealth play as a comparable XP farming mechanic is ded.

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Here's a video of me playing TWW and experiencing total of 7 bugs.


1. Getting stuck under the platform where the ship flies during the archwing mission.

2. Fortress Scanner noticing me behind a object.

3. Blunt not having a health tag/meter. (Atleast they used to have one if I remember right)

4. Sentinel (helios) flying in the background during a cutscene (not sure if on purprise but I find it dumb).

5.Sentinel (helios) Trying to kill me during the escape of the liset.

6. Only being able to use melee weapon (normally and in archwing mode) after the last fight with the queen and Teshin.

7. Liset coming inside of a asteroid to pick me up.

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Arsenal UI locks up ( freezes ) when switching Between Configurations, when a Riven Mod is present on an existing Config (Example Config A to Config B).

No Mods are loaded in the bottom selection area. All buttons become unresponsive. Input from "Back/ESC" is ignored. Chat and Dioramas (such as Mod and Market pages) from Chat still work.


  • Use a Vectis Prime.
  • Place a Vecits Visidex (Rank 10, Mastery 12, +155.1% Damage, +81.1% Status, 1 Kuva re-roll) on Config A
  • Back out of "Upgrade" screen to confirm/update Mod placement
  • Reenter "Upgarde" screen.
  • Click on Config B
  • This has Soft-locked me 6 / 7 times so far in self-testing.
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On 12/11/2016 at 3:14 PM, Gaminus said:


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Got a gamebreaking bug during the mission after you meet Teshin and the Queens.  My sentinel is with me, and keeps killing me, making it impossible to complete the mission.

This is frustrating.


You're meant to exit the room.

The room is entirely locked which is a bug that a lot of people are getting but they have yet to fix it.

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12 hours ago, Sarge_Tarmus said:

My computer device remembers the times, when dinosaurs had been ruling this world. Everything in my display settings is set to ,,low" since I started playing this game.

disable everything in there lmao and it should work

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Rifle riven mod, find 4 caches without raising the alarm. The problem is that the mission type (sabotage) where the caches appears always activates the alarm as part of the mission. Many times I had all the 3 caches and went to finish the mission and the numer for the riven mod when from  3 to 0. In hives destroying a tumor activates alarm, on earth the toxin mixer does it, on ships activating the console that activate the fuel core thingy activates the alarm. So it seems that is imposible to complete.

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At the start of TWW I don't receive the message that lotus is suppose to send and in the second mission of the adventure 


in jupiter when i'm suppose to track Teshin's specter i don't get any marker on the map, lotus doesn't say anything related to the adventure or even her normal dialogs and I looked all the map and no signs of Teshin, just normal corpus enemies.


Now I still without the message from lotus but just got a marker and dialogs on the mission and I can complete it normally

Edited by ikarus1452
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When playing missions on Grineer tilesets (Post War Within) Kuva Siphons pop up, that's natural... However, I've been playing on Grineer tilesets during Invasion missions where I side with the Grineer. Since all the info is still a bit hazy, I'm not sure if it's a bug... But I believe that to collect Kuva from the siphon, the guards must first be killed, and since the guards are Grineer faction, I cannot harm them while siding with them in invasions.

Unrealted to the bug above, thank you DE crew and all for continued work on the game! The War Within was a very exciting experience!

Edited by caffinatedCinders
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Bug or feedback I don't know.


Mission 1.

If you don't go in with the transport, you have to die to retry. I suggest a timed Failure when the trasport flies past the first scanner.

Note: I actually got stuck here at first not understanding what I was supposed to do. Ordis becomes helpful after that though. 

2. Map confusion.

The markers for the keys to open the elevator kept sending in the wrong direction.

I was about to give up just running around chased by the entire grineer army, when suddenly the current marker showed up.

It took me a good 15 minutes of confused and frustrated running.

If this can be helped somehow, please do so. I allmost quit in defeat.



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Since this pertains to post TWW content, I'm keeping this bug report in a spoiler. I would report some other bugs I've encountered, but other people have reported them already.


I see that only two people posted about Kuva events happening during invasions on this thread. From my observations, Kuva Siphons are appearing in all missions involving Grineer, ally or enemy, and the problem occurs when the Grineer are your allies. You cannot damage the Kuva Guardians and Jesters, and you cannot Void Dash through Kuva entities because they are likely mistaken by the game to be Grineer units. Thus, the Siphon takes all 8 Kuva necessary for completion, and the side mission is a failure for the majority of Tenno on the squad.

I heard from others that something similar happened to them before, but this only happened to me once. I was in a Phorid Assassination mission, where the Kuva Siphon spawned in the same room as Phorid. At first, I was laughing as I saw the Guardians struggling to fend off the Infested, but then I realized the fiasco that was about to unfold: we couldn't intercept the Kuva. Once the Siphon collected all 8 Kuva, the Siphon disappeared, and Lotus voiced her disappointment; then the game froze. Windows Task Manager said the game wasn't responding, so I force-quitted it, but no crash report prompt came up afterward.

I suppose this is potentially three major bugs:

  1. The Kuva event is appearing in Invasions involving Grineer.
  2. You cannot collect Kuva while the Grineer are an ally in an Invasion mission.
  3. There is a chance that failure to intercept enough Kuva is causing a game crash (likely a false positive, too).

Unless the first two are unintentional (which I'm sure they are), then the necessary fix is to prevent Kuva Siphons from appearing during Invasions involving Grineer so that there won't be any weird crashes and dismayed Tenno who couldn't collect the rare Kuva.


Otherwise, great job DE! Really, give yourselves a pat on the back while I digitally applause!:clap:TWW really impressed me! And please don't take to heart all those people who say, "This shouldn't have taken a year to make." They forget that you were also developing all the content that preceded TWW: Lunaro, the Starchart update, The Silver Grove, and the other subsequent updates that, from what I can see, weren't however completely planned; they were merely what some people wanted for a long time, and despite the criticism about the delays, you responded promptly and honestly to all kinds of feedback! Also, though I'm certain none of you initially planned TWW to be split into so many parts and delayed over and over again, U19 as a whole is a tremendous amount of devoted labor accomplished in less than a year since The Second Dream update. Add all that work to your convention attendances and organizing your own Tennocon for us, the Warframe community:community:, and you get one of the most hard-working small/medium-scale development teams on the planet. I congratulate you all on this milestone of an update. :heart::highfive:

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Found a really annoying invisibility issue. When going invisible during the missions I've noticed a large sphere around my frame that blocks vision. Have tried with Ivara and Loki and both have the same results. Changing to a lighter colour like the green in the picture makes it slightly easier to play. Zooming in with weapon does not show the distortion and displays everything normally.

Adding in that I am no longer receiving focus from missions. Frame and all 3 weapons are using greater lenses but still not getting anything.

Edited by Hosanin
Added another bug
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So I just encountered a bug involving (see spoiler,.)


Riven Mods if you install on on your primary that is veiled, and you try to swap configs it locks your controls to only being able to press t to go to chat, you cant use esc. or /unstuck, as you are not in a mission. i equipped the mod on a max rank soma prime, formad one time, in the only available mod slot i had left. the only way i could get out of my arsenal was to use the task manage to kill the evolution engine entirely and relaunch. happened to me 3 times before I could get it off my weapon



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