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[TWW] Bug Report Megathread


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1- During the ordis trying to kill me moment. My Shade sentinel bugged to opening of the door. Then the door didn't open. After restarting i just made sure that the sentinel didn't get near the door until the opening sequence ended to solve the issue.

2- During the operator adventure in the snow planet i got press "" to do transference. Using the skill button worked but when i got back in my ship i could not use the ability button and still got the press "" message. I got to get my keyboard and press 5 to do it. So you guess right in the fight against the queens guard i got to use both my keyboard and my controller.

3- If i get to navigation with my operator the front sigil rotate 90 degrees more but just when i use navigation. When i leave it its actualy rotating back.

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did  not found a mention of this in this thread.


Today I had a Kuva Siphon on a Void Sabotage mission.

First the Siphon startet collecting Kuva before we charged the portal. By the time we did finish the charge, the siphon already had collected the 8 parts.

Second on the UI the number of collected reactants and the counter of the siphon used the same element.

It also could possible be that they use the same counter aswell, so that collecting reactants will fail the kuva siphon task.


did another mission on Sedna with relics, had the 10 reactants before we made it to the siphon. then the Siphon would not start to collect.


Edited by moxjk
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During the quest, when you're required to activate Transference to go back to Teshin and to your Warframe, i am completely stuck. What happens is, the cinematic plays out, the "Press 5 to use Transference" appears, and then when i activate it (no matter how i do it) the "whitening" plays out but then i get stuck on a completely white screen that goes on apparently forever.

I've tried so far, with no success, to:

  • Activate Transference using different keys
  • Activate Transference by using the "Activate Ability on Selection" option in the menu.
  • Repeatedly verify and optimise the client, then repeating the whole process from the start
  • Completely erasing the client and downloading a new copy of it from scratch, then retry all of the previous steps.

All of this to absolutely no avail. It's really a huge problem, i'm stuck in this eternal loop inside the quest and cannot do anything to break it...

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"network si not responding" issue when login or come back to liset after mission, relay.. sometimes its takes just a time and sometimes it logs out me or crash the game.

sometimes runs well but mostly not, so i think i cant fix it by myself. i tried to change some settings, nothing works (verified; optimized; 32/64; dx9,10,11; connection settings /all nominal/...)

PC - win7 64bit, amd phenom, gtx960, 8Gb

launcher - fullscreen, 32bit, dx9

please check it and fix, its very annoying:/

edit: everything looks fine now

Edited by _eight_
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-Almost everytime i find a kuva siphon, i become unable to use melee function (quick or equipped)anymore.  When it happens, it has always been when i found it with telos boltace equipped as my main weapon.  I am still able to swap weapons and finish the mission, but can no longer melee or quick melee for the rest of the mission.

-It is impossible to complete kuva siphons when they appear on nightmare modes with energy drain, make operator abilities not use the energy meter.

-if you press 5 too fast you can create duplicates of yourself and if they take damage it actually hurts you, and if they are downed you become unable to shoot/use powers, but you can walk around and resurrect yourself.  This has happened to me a few times when i am not the host.

Edited by TheBestUsername
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I can't even log into the game, i've verified cache and reinstalled the game twice now, I reinstalled it on steam and after that didn't work I just deleted the steam version and downloaded the official launcher. The launcher is fine and the game gets me to log in screen but the cursor is missing and a few seconds later the game crashes.

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45 minutes ago, ShadowMark25 said:

Hello. There are three Bugs I'd like to report, with two of them being visual.

01. You can no longer use Focus Abilites.

02. A Sonicor Holster bug, proof below:


03. Operators seemingly having double hoods when their hood is up. Warning, spoilers in the pictures.

  Reveal hidden contents



You need to hold 5 to use focus.

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Putting this here as TWW is completely unplayable due to entire missions becoming skippable because of a one-time crash. A few Tenno are having this issue too, I'm disappointed I've waited a long time, just to wait even longer to actually play it. The Wait Within is real for some...

Other Tenno's threads were merged with similar issues.

Edited by Man_In_Suitcase
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12 minutes ago, Pricex2 said:

It goes black when ordis tells me that i can help clean the infested door. Anyone else having problems?

I have this exact problem, but has been going on since Saturday and still waiting on a fix.  Top of the thread says that its been fixed (Crossed out) but still going on.  Kind of hard to play Warframe, when you cant play Warframe.

If it helps, bug number would be WAR-1099129.

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A couple of bug regarding relics have popped up since the update. Neither of them causing crashes, but still worrying.

1. It's not counting Meso Relics opened for the purposes of getting into the Uranus Junction.
2. It's not taking away relics after I open them. (Haven't really kept track, but this has exploit potential so I'm unwilling to further reproduce and risk getting penalized.)

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