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[TWW] Bug Report Megathread


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On 11/16/2016 at 10:03 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

Hmm, sounds like your "Invert Tap/Hold" setting was swapped. Open up your "Options", you'll find it under "Controls": 

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- Fixed a progression stopping issue in The War Within related to exit doors closing.



I tried to cut it down as much as possible, sorry for the extra stuff in there.

My Hold/Tap setting is swapped intentionally since I use Ivara and Vabaun a fair bit and dislike having to wait for the hold to use my abilities.

That said, the fix worked, I can use my focus again. Thanks for the suggestion and clarification about what was going on!

Hopefully focus/operator-mode can be fixed so that it works with Hold/tap switching. Even ignoring the other warframes, I would much rather my focus be at a tap and the more dangerous operator-mode not be so easy to accidentally drop into by making it the "hold" option.

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58 minutes ago, Kiradien said:

Negative Multishot can prevent weapons from shooting any rounds at all - I Really hope this is a bug.

I don't think it's a bug. 100% or more of negative damage will make the weapon do zero damage, and 100% or more of negative ammo capacity will prevent the weapon from loading ammo leaving it unable to fire. That's the vicious part of these mods.

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On 11/15/2016 at 11:52 PM, Nz_BeastNode said:

Bug: XP Didn't get added to my melee weapon after completing a mission, leaving it unranked.

I had the same thing happen to me during Sortie 2 from the day before yesturday. I should probably have said something earlier but I got distracted and forgot.

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Hello every one,


I'm not sure if I am the only person to get this issue (I haven't seen any one else mention it) and I'm not entirely sure it has to do with the war within update; I just recently attempted to apply a 4th forma to my Gorgon and instead of changing the blank slot to the desired polarity it removed one of the existing polarities. Once again I'm not sure if this directly pertains to the recent update but I feel it was worth mentioning.

Image related



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18 minutes ago, A-143 said:

Hello every one,

I'm not sure if I am the only person to get this issue (I haven't seen any one else mention it) and I'm not entirely sure it has to do with the war within update; I just recently attempted to apply a 4th forma to my Gorgon and instead of changing the blank slot to the desired polarity it removed one of the existing polarities. Once again I'm not sure if this directly pertains to the recent update but I feel it was worth mentioning.

Image related



Write a support ticket

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Since the TWW update  I have noticed that if you have the Kohm and the Twin Rogga equipped the Kohm max ammo is reduced down to 10%, not sure if it does this with any other weapons . this was the loadout i had, as soon as i unequip the Twin Rogga ammo goes back to normal.




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Posting here, because was directed by support to do so.

Stuck after mission where operator gets back on ship after regaining transference.

On screen message says "Press LCTRL for Void mode".
No matter if i press it on my keyboard/Razer Orbweaver and enable/disable void mode this message stays and Ordis doesnt say line:
"Ah there you are".

Therefore quest doesn't progress and i'm locked out of everything.
So far tried steps none of which helped:

1. optimize / verify cache

2. reset controls

3. reset video settings

4. reinstall


Problem persisted since release of TWW


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In several mission I can't cast the Operator's Void Ability. The control active the Operator. The problem is present only in some mission and not in all. I did the same mission more 10 times and five of them i had this bug. Other five I casted the Void Ability like normal.

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1 hour ago, AirlockMaster said:

Stuck after mission where operator gets back on ship after regaining transference.

On screen message says "Press LCTRL for Void mode".
No matter if i press it on my keyboard/Razer Orbweaver and enable/disable void mode this message stays and Ordis doesnt say line:
"Ah there you are".


I'm stuck here as well. I can't progress and I can't leave the mission. I just tried again a few minutes ago and nothing has changed.

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Riven Mods

They're bugged. They unequipped themselves. I spent a long time trying to complete challenge with bugged Riven Mod that were actually unequipped, Side note...riven mods system needs to be tweaked. I could potentially spend years farming  kuva and riven mods and rerolling my awful stats to only yet again get duped. Raising cost of kuva each time is too drastic imo. Also there are many many other little weird bugs I'm sure you're aware of since TWW,

PS... I think operator shouldn't have to use melee push then dash but rather more combination of their abilities...like operator might dash first then use melee push or beam. Also give me my other weapons in the final mission, i only had melee and it was bugged so i failed many times because i literally couldn't do anything.

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On 11/15/2016 at 11:30 PM, Styggh said:

Under several mission I have had a trouble activating my current focus school... I know about holding down "5" to activate it nowadays post-TWW, but it doesnt matter if i just tap "5" or hold it for serveral seconds, i still just pop out in my tennoform without activating the focus school. 

This problem is _not_ always present, the 'hold-5' works as intended for 85% of the missions i do, but it is really really annoying those times it doesnt.The only thing failing that i can think of is that the host might be a bit laggy and i have tried to enable Zenurik.


//Right now im doing the sortie and the 2 first missions neither zenurik nor naramon worked to activate at any time.. just the tennoform popout no matter how i pushed "5" (as is my default bound key).

I found out what my problem was. I had the Invert Tap/Hold Abilities enabled in the optionsmenu. I toggled it off and >boom< it works as intended again. Except for not tap/holding the other abilities as i want =)

DE, please check tennoform/school-activation vs Invert Tap/Hold Abilities-option out, something is awry there =)

cheers /Styggh

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1 hour ago, AirlockMaster said:

Posting here, because was directed by support to do so.

Stuck after mission where operator gets back on ship after regaining transference.

On screen message says "Press LCTRL for Void mode".
No matter if i press it on my keyboard/Razer Orbweaver and enable/disable void mode this message stays and Ordis doesnt say line:
"Ah there you are".

Therefore quest doesn't progress and i'm locked out of everything.
So far tried steps none of which helped:

1. optimize / verify cache

2. reset controls

3. reset video settings

4. reinstall

Problem persisted since release of TWW


I can only concur as I submitted a ticket describing an identical issue yesterday.

UPDATE: Using toggled-crouch (in order to rule out any input issues) did not help.

Edited by merrowind
testing, testing
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22 hours ago, Psych0sh00ter said:

In solo, if I die as I'm activating Transference, I'm permanently stuck in Operator mode, and I cannot go back to Warframe mode. When I "die", I immediately regain full health, so I can't fully die.

I just had this happen to me as well. Also, the Operator's powers were not regenerating so I couldn't do anything except run and jump.

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I've had HUD strangeness when my warframe was magnetized going through a door and I pressed 5 to get my operator out - the whole of the rest of the mission, right up until I found another door to get myself re-magnetized near the end of the level, my hud remained jittery and pixelated, like it does when you are magnetized. Very confusing.

I've also had the hud freeze up if my warframe was taking damage when I brought out my operator while farming kuva on Sedna - it may not be when I'm taking damage, but every time it freezes up I'm at some point where I have no shields and my health is down slightly. I'm left with the same overlay for the whole of the rest of the mission, so I have to rely on friends to guide me out of the map.

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Hitting 'randomize' on my Kavat appearance causes the game UI to freeze up! Sound/idle animations still go, but the actual game is unresponsive and I have to do a force-close from outside the game to shut it down. 

FWIW I just purchased the Kuva armor for my Kavat within minutes of trying this.

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51 minutes ago, LethalShot007 said:
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If you type in [Valkyr Prime Helmet] into a chat and click on it, it brings up a codex entry for the Valkyr Prime Neuroptics which can be clicked on to show the codex entry for the Valkyr Prime along with the Venka and Cernos Prime.


Thats why someone typed it into chat the other day! i couldn't decided if it was a scam or they were just really confused.

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Why is it that when I log on to Warframe it is taking me straight to the quest TWW?  Can't get to my ship. Can't go in a mission. In the quest I can't use  L Shift to jog.  All I can do is walk and jump. No void abilities no nothing....can't advance to get to the next part of the quest. Is this a bug?

Edited by -Sharpz-
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