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Why do you think D.E introduced some very extreme... "challenges" with the TWW?


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2 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Do you think requiring 20 kills with a hobbled key equipped while wall running or latching without touching the ground is a challenge? it is literally impossible unless you take a very specific build that invalidates it completely. Where is the skill in that? The tactics? The strategy?

The strategy is what gear you pick for the job. The tactics are how you apply that gear and the skill is how good you are at useing it. Maybe the strategy is so good that you don´t even need to be good at useing it but isn´t that the point? What is the use of having dozen of frames and hundres of weapons if there is never any reason to adept your gear to the mission. Inevitable if something is supposed to be a challenge it should be expected that one has to bring ones A game which should include optimizing ones gear for the task.

Also on a minor note your example is horrible - I could literally do it with any frame by going into a large room populated with enemies and a decent wall (void tile set would spring to mind).

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9 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:


Look at this.

Look at this and tell me how this is enjoyable, challenging content, Look at this and tell me, if it is possible, how it can be done without cheesing or cheer luck. Tell me how it isn't just arbitrary, borderline BS. Tell me how this involves tactics or adaptation or strategy in any way. Tell me how this ISN'T very questionable design, and maybe I'll consider accepting the idea that Riven mods are just fine how they are. As an extra challenge, tell me how WITHOUT doing the "you just want everything to be easy" or ''it's MEANT to be hard" thing. Those aren't arguments. Tell me how, nothing more, nothing less.

Try to at least consider the amount of things out of your control that can go wrong while even trying to attempt this contrived nonsense. Think about all the tiles, enemies and spawns that might go wrong out of your control. Think about how often you'd have to restart. I'm waiting for someone to come up with a cheesy way to do it that completely invalidates it, because that's the ONLY way it will ever be fun, or interesting, probably even possible.

This is not the challenge anybody asked for, casual or hardcore. This is digging holes with chopsticks.

for someone like me who was unlucky enough to get this riven mod reqs let me tell u guys this is not fun

when i first saw this mod i thought i could just have a clanmate to help  me out with the reqs wrong anyone in the party cannot use abilities if someone does it fails

then i thought well might as well go total stealth i somehow managed to kill all exterminate targets had to redo this a couple of times since syndicates and stalker liked to visit

and then the target it self scorch just wow how do expect not get damaged it runs away shooting at you if you did not clear out all the enemies chances are high ur gonna run into some and get damaged

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On 12/11/2016 at 7:25 PM, AandOE said:

I had to do "72 headshots in 1 day", and thought it was bad until I saw a lot of the other requirements that folks have gotten. Question! Are your challenges purely RNG, or are they affected by the Morality compass? Mine's 'Sun'.


Just saying, even though I play on XB1 and haven't got this yet, I got 72 headshots in one mission by doing a corpus survival with Lex Prime :).

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I got lucky, on the stupid simaris challenge. My target was an infested. Just picked up a synoid Simulor, and got through it with little trouble. If it was corpus or grineer...idk what i would have done.


However, the mod i got? A friggin Stinger mod. Like, seriously? The challenge is NOT worth the reward, and that is a huge problem with these mods

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There are many ways to "challenge" yourself at Warframe. I actually kinda recognize some of the Riven "challenges" as ones people have talked about doing on their own without rewards, just because they can/could.

Challenges like that most extreme "Synth a Target without traps or powers, while hobbled, and taking no damage" are ones that challenged your knowledge of Game as system itself, not just the execution of play. For some people getting 4 Head Shots while aim gliding is actually far more challenging, and possibly impossible due to physical limitations that no amount of "get good" can overcome.

Off the top of my head for "Synth a Target without traps or powers, while hobbled, and taking no damage" off the top of my head's knowledge of "the game" I would look at using:

  • Ivara, for built in enemy radar
  • Pack on extra enemy radar mods
  • Likely avoid an active pet, Shade as carrier for Animal Instinct not for its stealth,
    • Also give the Shade "Laser Rifle" off the Wyrm and have it hold the Riven mod.
  • Crouch (don't Run) a Low level Exterminate mission to limit random enemy spawns
  • Load a Lanka or Drakgoon (yes the bouncy flack shotgun) with more Punch Through and Silence mods
  • Get a high status Secondary (Pox, Marelok Vaykor, AkBronco Prime, Akstiletto Prime, Statcor, Sonicor, etc.) and
    • Build it for Blast and Electric and Impact bias with as much increased status DURATION as you can get.
    • IMO Marelok Vaykor is likely the best option as its easier to use at extreme range, although AkBronco Prime Procs like crazy.
    • This is your "Stun gun"

Use the enemy Radar, and 'X-Ray' enemy sight of the Scanner to line up your shots with your wall puncher Lanka/Drakgoon, slowly kill your way forward, making sure to scan rooms as you enter them to get the Synth target picked up. Allow the AI to "calm down" if its in an alert state (dot in triangle instead of hollow), then pop the Synth target with your "Stun gun" and scan like crazy. Then run if you didn't scan it fully, and wait for it calm down again.

It's not exactly an easy execution, especially around the Synth Target, but the "challenge" is understanding the various game systems that you are interacting with.

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21 hours ago, Brasten said:

There are many ways to "challenge" yourself at Warframe. I actually kinda recognize some of the Riven "challenges" as ones people have talked about doing on their own without rewards, just because they can/could.

Challenges like that most extreme "Synth a Target without traps or powers, while hobbled, and taking no damage" are ones that challenged your knowledge of Game as system itself, not just the execution of play. For some people getting 4 Head Shots while aim gliding is actually far more challenging, and possibly impossible due to physical limitations that no amount of "get good" can overcome.

Off the top of my head for "Synth a Target without traps or powers, while hobbled, and taking no damage" off the top of my head's knowledge of "the game" I would look at using:

  • Ivara, for built in enemy radar
  • Pack on extra enemy radar mods
  • Likely avoid an active pet, Shade as carrier for Animal Instinct not for its stealth,
    • Also give the Shade "Laser Rifle" off the Wyrm and have it hold the Riven mod.
  • Crouch (don't Run) a Low level Exterminate mission to limit random enemy spawns
  • Load a Lanka or Drakgoon (yes the bouncy flack shotgun) with more Punch Through and Silence mods
  • Get a high status Secondary (Pox, Marelok Vaykor, AkBronco Prime, Akstiletto Prime, Statcor, Sonicor, etc.) and
    • Build it for Blast and Electric and Impact bias with as much increased status DURATION as you can get.
    • IMO Marelok Vaykor is likely the best option as its easier to use at extreme range, although AkBronco Prime Procs like crazy.
    • This is your "Stun gun"

Use the enemy Radar, and 'X-Ray' enemy sight of the Scanner to line up your shots with your wall puncher Lanka/Drakgoon, slowly kill your way forward, making sure to scan rooms as you enter them to get the Synth target picked up. Allow the AI to "calm down" if its in an alert state (dot in triangle instead of hollow), then pop the Synth target with your "Stun gun" and scan like crazy. Then run if you didn't scan it fully, and wait for it calm down again.

It's not exactly an easy execution, especially around the Synth Target, but the "challenge" is understanding the various game systems that you are interacting with.

This isn't as hard or as difficult as most think it is. Well especially in regards to Ivara doing it. Most of what you listed is in my standard Ivara build. The real trick to doing that challenge is having patience. Most solo players have some experience with this.


Also it was brought to my attention how easy the 3x combo for 30 secs is to get. Just whack on the Kuva Turrets.

Happy Hunting Tenno!

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  • 1 month later...

Somebody should help complete mine " Get 10 Kills in a row while wall dashing or wall climbing without touching the floor, raising alarm or taking damage" .... this is seriously way to freaking hard for me. Im MR 17 and have played for well over 1000 hours and this riven is insane.

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21 minutes ago, Evarren said:

Somebody should help complete mine " Get 10 Kills in a row while wall dashing or wall climbing without touching the floor, raising alarm or taking damage" .... this is seriously way to freaking hard for me. Im MR 17 and have played for well over 1000 hours and this riven is insane.

Try explosive weapon + infested (can't raise alarms). Then get a big mob to chase you, start wall hopping, and shoot the explosives around. A frame like Rhino might be helpful, so you can use Iron Skin and prevent any accidental hits from causing damage.

I haven't done this, so I don't know if it would actually work or if there's some weird condition that would fail it. Also, I'm not sure if these are supposed to be gear checks, but that's what they end up feeling like.

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Honestly, most of the riven challenges are pretty easy if you spend some time thinking about the best possible tool for the job.  For instance, the op's example is pretty easy with a max iron skin rhino.  The problem is that they frequently leave out little details such as "use no abilities" when near the synthesis target.  Using them anywhere else is fine, though.

In terms of challenging gameplay, I find the kuva stuff is only challenging in so much that it's full of cheese and possible bugs.  Guards are just pure mechanics cheese (immune to everything till you jump through the flaming hoop) while the other adds seem to respawn INSTANTLY when killed.  

They've done this because it's the only thing that they can do anymore, given the godliness that players have achieved through power creep.  (And yet they keep introducing new power creep)  The only way they can currently make their game challenging is by forcing you to STOP playing the game for a moment, and instead play some contrived mini-game, embedded in their game.

It's sad and dumb, and the only thing that has any potential to fix it is damage 3.0.  

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On 11/12/2016 at 9:12 AM, AdunSaveMe said:


Look at this.

Look at this and tell me how this is enjoyable, challenging content, Look at this and tell me, if it is possible, how it can be done without cheesing or cheer luck. Tell me how it isn't just arbitrary, borderline BS. Tell me how this involves tactics or adaptation or strategy in any way. Tell me how this ISN'T very questionable design, and maybe I'll consider accepting the idea that Riven mods are just fine how they are. As an extra challenge, tell me how WITHOUT doing the "you just want everything to be easy" or ''it's MEANT to be hard" thing. Those aren't arguments. Tell me how, nothing more, nothing less.

Try to at least consider the amount of things out of your control that can go wrong while even trying to attempt this contrived nonsense. Think about all the tiles, enemies and spawns that might go wrong out of your control. Think about how often you'd have to restart. I'm waiting for someone to come up with a cheesy way to do it that completely invalidates it, because that's the ONLY way it will ever be fun, or interesting, probably even possible.

This is not the challenge anybody asked for, casual or hardcore. This is digging holes with chopsticks.

Probably the worst aspect is that difficult riven challenge does not guarantee an excellent riven mod. For all you know, that's going to become a paracyst +zoom +mag capacity -damage mod while someone else will get a soma +crit +damage from having to score 3 headshots while hobbled. The stacks of RNG make it incredibly inconsistent which only causes further stress.

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23 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Completely agree on the kuva part there, as a partialy color blind (red), it's really hard to see them especialy on places like the gallion where it's also dark

Yeah, it's really killing me.


You know what's funny, though?


Sometimes, I do an "Instinctive void-dash" even though I don't actually see the kuva cloud... and I actually manage to catch the damned thing!


It seems like countless trial and error is teaching me the rough timing and route of kuva clouds' movement.


Hell, I think I might be developing a Dare-devil like superpower of some kind thanks to this poor game design. (LOL)

Edited by NativeKiller
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