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Ash rework discussion: I am scared


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The small cinematic is still there with all the I-frames included, without his dps what is left to ash? Shuriken needs the augment to be somehow useful, teleport almost always fails to trigger the finisher animation, then you have smoke bomb but if you want invisibility loki is just better so. . . I guess he's just a cool looking tank now.

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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I think Ash needed a nerf as finisher damage with bleed proc and hitting enemies through walls was a pretty OP combo.

Now at least some limitations are put in place and make people build more balanced instead of completely neglecting stealth. I'm actaully looking forward to the rework though I wanted some more stealth synergy.

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26 minutes ago, KurtOn99 said:

Cant wait for you to jump in T4 defense with you ash, and mark enemies one by one.

you dont have to carefully aim at the enemies... your aim just has to touch them so you can spazz your mouse on the screen if you wanted.

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Just now, Major_Phantom said:

I think Ash needed a nerf as finisher damage with bleed proc and hitting enemies through walls was a pretty OP combo.

Now at least some limitations are put in place and make people build more balanced instead of completely neglecting stealth. I'm actaully looking forward to the rework though I wanted some more stealth synergy.

What kind of stealth synergy? Blade Storm will use less energy if Ash is invisible and Smoke Screen can be used on the move or in the air. Also, Blade Storm will dissolve corpses, so enemies won't be left to get detected(they can still be desecrated too). Those are pretty beneficial to stealth.

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Broken? You mean fixed. The ability was broken stupid for ages now. It needed this. Having an instant safety button like that is not something ash should've had for as long as he did. If you can't survive level 150 gunners without spamming your 4 so you don't take damage, then maybe you shouldn't be playing missions at that difficulty that long? Using his invulnerability as a crutch isn't a good thing.

Edited by Cmdr-A
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Am i the only one who is happy with BS changes and runs with high duration high str neutral range %50 eff build ? Seriously they make ss castable at mid-air and marking cost reduced while using ss. As an ash player i am really happy with the changes because you can simply choose your targets rather than making groups of enemies immune to damage and making your teammates rage.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)OTF SERENiTY said:

XB1 Tenno here, 

Did they buff Smokescreen as well or just touch BS only? Most damage builts for ash have low duration which concerns me. I like smokescreen a lot but I've struggled finding a compromise between power duration and strength. 

They said they are making it so if you cast bladestorm while invisible (under the effect of smokescreen only I think it is) it costs less energy, so maybe you can skip a bit of efficiency to prioritize a bit more duration/strength, other than that, Smokescreen can now be casted while moving, I think that's it IIRC.

Edited by RazrOutlaw
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Just my pointless opinion - Ash will now stop to exist like a group frame at all. If before it was quite reasonable to bring him on some missions so you can at least go 4->arcane trickery proc->revive teammates, now he becomes quite useless in this point - Loki is better in being only invisible, Ash's cloak alerts enemies and I personally see no point in building him for stealth when another warframe does this better for 3+ years. And there is one more thing - ain't nobody have time to wait while you mark all possible enemies. I can almost see Ash trying to target at least 4 guys while teammates just kill them all. And... what is the point? To make Ash into some super-solo clunky warframe? Ivara does it better and "clunky" in warframe is a bad thing.

Sorry for my bad English. :>

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I was hoping for something like:

"mark enemies in a cone in front of you"


"bonus damage to an enemy who is first targeted by Bladestorm"

Need to "wriggle" mouse to mark the same unit multiple times is still better than tapping 4...

I see potential in marking a single enemy and executing from a distance.

I barely touched Ash since I crafted his primed frame, I will gladly give him another chance with new mechanics.

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and all the people in this thread that think the Ash nerf is a good thing, is why we cant have nice things. People gotta *@##$ and whine and get things nerfed because3 the epeen is threatened. It is seriously stupid they are nerfing a frame that has damage and nothing else and ZERO utility outside of a very shot self invis.

This why I play solo, to avoid whiners.

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Hey Tenno,

We understand there are and have been some initial concerns about the changes, but we really encourage you give Ash's new Bladestorm an honest try after today's Update goes live. Once you have him in your hands and can really get a feel for it our doors are (as always) open to your feedback. 

This thread will be locked once the update goes live. We'll house your feedback in a separate Megathread. Thanks guys. 

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1 hour ago, KurtOn99 said:

I guess you fargot, if you are using bladestorm bulid, there is no duration left for your smokescreen :)


1 hour ago, KurtOn99 said:

Smoke screen that lasts for 1.x seconds? Becouse thats how it is when having BS bulid on your ash.

Is it really that hard to re-work your build? You don't need max power strength anyway, just increase the duration. You can probably drop your range, too. God forbid you actually have to have a balanced build and not a 1 ability wonder.

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