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The War Within: 19.1.0 Ash Revisited


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On 11/29/2016 at 10:12 PM, Zounderth said:

Okay Bladestorm is not how it used to be, yet it still have the same problem of Vomit Cam. I've seen a few YouFrame Tubers tackle the issue and i think i can safely say the consensus are: "Let Ash's Clones do the Bladestorm". I think it suits the current "target mode" better since whenever you're targeting enemies, you're pretty much close to them and you need to be mobile in doing so, so you're constantly on the move and finding targets at the same time. Smoke Screen had the best change as this enabled Ash to be really mobile, BUT funny enough you are still stopped by Bladestorm's Vomit Cam. Being "trapped" in this animation just goes against the spirit of the Target Mechanics and the new Smoke Screen which is creating this fluid gameplay for Ash. As sentimental as the Bladestorm Animation can be, after 4 years i think its time for function over "coolness". 

If Bladestorm is changed to Clones doing the dirty work, there might be an issue of : "Eh, i wonder how many enemies did the clones kill?"

The key to this is UI. If theres 10 enemies marked by the clones, a UI number on the bottom right screen (maybe anywhere thats good) will show the number in Green color indicating those enemies are marked by your clones. It will turn Red when enemies are killed by clones, Yellow if marked targets are killed by allies and/or White if marked enemies survived the BS attacks. Also, the radar will show a small red skull on enemies killed by Ash's clones momentarily. I think its important to know these details so that Ash players can further plan their attacks based on the UI (especially the radar skull icon). 

Energy usage could probably use some more tweaks either decrease the energy cost for BS or increase Ash's energy pool. Or perhaps make Ash regenerate energy whenever he is invisible? lol i dunno but something to make his energy more efficient.(mods are not helping that much).  

Teleport has a nice addition too, but this is nothing new, Ash had this ability before it just disappeared from a few past updates and no one noticed or cared lol. Its nice to see it came back but i hope it could be expanded upon further so Ash is able to teleport to mods, resource (Argon,Gallium etc), credits, ammo, health/energy globe etc. rather than just objects that have health bars. XD

Also, Ash Koga Skin O.O  it looks so sick! Amazing work by the design team! It just hits all the right notes for Ash!   


Just continuing on from my previous post, had an idea about the Marking Mechanics: 

Make Ash mark 3 ticks on enemies whenever Ash aim on their heads, so if Ash aim on other body parts its 1 tick, and if you hover on it for another sec adds 2 ticks then 3 just like how it is right now, but with directly aiming at the head (like a headshot) it grants instant 3 ticks, this will make marking faster and have more control over who you want to kill with 3 ticks and/or 2 or 1 ticks for the other lesser threatening enemies. Maybe this will help with the new BS?

3 seconds marking is too long for an Ultimate to work in optimal form, so i hope the instant 3 ticks marking on head will help a little and sending clones to do BS will make Ash free of a 4 year old Animation prison XD. Plus, being able to deploy your Clones to attack enemies creates a very interesting gameplay for Ash and the possible Augmentation mods that would benefit from this. 





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since you are nerfing annoying abilities get rid of nova's 4, ash targets a large number of enemies and what happens next ? nova presses 4 and fires 1 shot , can you guess what happens next ? yeah ! they all die and ash now has 0 energy left , nice going , at least make ash's energy cost happen after he begins dashing around stabbing people in the face, that way when there is a nova in the team who only knows how to press 4 and fire 1 shot ash wont get screwed

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37 minutes ago, HaloxxFanxx said:

Great.  Now all thats left is to rework ash prime so that he's not so bulky which contradicts his stealth and assassination purposes.

Assassination purposes were killed with the clones and made sure to be dead and gone forever with that latest update. but at least there's still stealth with his smoke screen.

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Finally I will be able to kill enemies before some bastardous Ash kills the whole room, but also being an Ash user, Rip I liked him.

Maybe that means we're closer to the reimplement of the Rail Wars!


Still haven't fixed holsters on Loki Prime though. general Ideas of fixes.

-Heavy sword holster on the other side of his hip, the knobby thing currently screws it up and keeps it from making contact with his hip. no matter how much to adjust it. 

Unless you like a 6 foot sword attached to your knee and going into the floor.

-For all back "single Sword" holster positions (Including Nikana and Heavy swords) on your back on Loki Prime, the knobs get in the way and has it floating way out or it doesn't sit in a good position. I propose making holsters clip through those just like the Uru syandana does. Imperator Syandana also has a similar issue that Uru formerly had.


This is probably posted in the wrong place as well, but it is related.

Note that I primarily run console, but wanted to make these issues.... Noticeable? don't know the right word for it. 

Even though it was way back, I'm glad Uru was fixed. That one's my oldest and favorite.


Edited by VedDovah
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10 hours ago, darkwarheart said:

since you are nerfing annoying abilities get rid of nova's 4, ash targets a large number of enemies and what happens next ? nova presses 4 and fires 1 shot , can you guess what happens next ? yeah ! they all die and ash now has 0 energy left , nice going , at least make ash's energy cost happen after he begins dashing around stabbing people in the face, that way when there is a nova in the team who only knows how to press 4 and fire 1 shot ash wont get screwed

Since you're relatively new to the game why don't you experience it a bit more before you cry nerf,or would you like them to nerf any frame/weapons that will kill your marks?

you never know you may find nova's 4 will come in handy later on if you come to realise that it's a team game and the one with the most kills at the end is not necessarily the best player.

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3 minutes ago, _sheepy_ said:

Since you're relatively new to the game why don't you experience it a bit more before you cry nerf,or would you like them to nerf any frame/weapons that will kill your marks?

you never know you may find nova's 4 will come in handy later on if you come to realise that it's a team game and the one with the most kills at the end is not necessarily the best player.

Besides, I regularly get more kills than novas on my team, armed with just a Lex. You want more kills than the Nova? Shoot first.

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I have yet another suggestion for the new Blade Storm since his ultimate is no longer conducive for squad play and really offers no support anymore (other than his very VERY short stealth). 

They could make it so that once marked, all other players can then do an automatic 'finisher move' on each marked enemy, based on their own melee damage. Then, once everyone gets 1, 2, or 3 finishers (depending on marks), BS can be activated, allowing Ash to do his own, then rinse and repeat. 

This would catapult Ash into one of the best support frames out there and could make him a 'must-have' for sorties and other high-level missions. It would also result in squads requesting Ash frames to join. 

Just a thought. What do you think?

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9 hours ago, Maugre said:

Besides, I regularly get more kills than novas on my team, armed with just a Lex. You want more kills than the Nova? Shoot first.

This is part of my complaint with the nerf: what's the point of having an ultimate at all if shooting is the most efficient method of killing multiple enemies? It literally is more efficient to get a good weapon and use that on mobs instead of even worrying about marking or activating BS. 

Sure, he can use this as a way to do high damage against very high level targets - and that's great - but let's face it, pulling out your gun and shooting is almost always more efficient than worrying about marking and activating BS. 

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10x kavat genetic codes added to alerts ? then why did i just get one from an alert ?

instead of saying "we're planning to replace 2k endos with ayatans," just do it already, or better don't even place ayatans into sorties, same goes for forma, i mean you can farm the crappiest relic and get 4 formas bp in 20 mins.

3 nitain as rewards cause many player only got less than 9? well, instead of ruining even more sorties drop table with S#&$ like this, just prolong nitain alerts duration, or double the number of nitain lerts in 24 hours. isn't it a less ruining change ?? 

and of course the marvelous exilus adapter. one can already go bird watching for cephalon simaris and get reputation

in the end please change the drop table for good this time

-riven mod

-orokin catalyst and reactor (which many people lack of)

-4k endo

-legendary core


Edited by Tarwo
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Remove Nitain and lenses from sortie drop table and move them somewhere else please.

Before the change I was getting endo, which was fine, with the occasional Riven mod and rare lens. Which was fine.

Now, for the past week, I've been getting nothing but lenses and nitain.

There's a reason people don't keep massive stores of nitain in their inventory. It's because there's only a finite number of things that need nitain to be built.

Lenses don't need a 3% drop chance each. With 10 lenses, that's 30% chance for a lens (29.82% because Greater Unairu is "slightly" lower for some reason). That is way too high. Barely anyone puts lenses on every single weapon and frame that they use for many reasons such as not wanting to gain random points for unwanted schools or just because they don't like the symbol beside the frame/weapon name.

I suggest increasing the chance of farming nitain from sabotage caches. You put them there for a reason, might as well increase the chance to provide incentive for people to actually play them more. Or, move nitain from sortie drops to uncommon AW drops.

Lenses should become another Exilus adaptor sort of thing (where you have a bp but require one forma to build per regular lens), or at the very least, definitely reduced in drop chance from sorties.

At the very least, endo can almost always be used in some form or another eg maxing primed mods to sell (or other r10 mods), or maxing Riven mods. Lenses and nitain are very specific items that should be separate from sorties.

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11 hours ago, Necromateur said:

This is part of my complaint with the nerf: what's the point of having an ultimate at all if shooting is the most efficient method of killing multiple enemies? It literally is more efficient to get a good weapon and use that on mobs instead of even worrying about marking or activating BS. 

Sure, he can use this as a way to do high damage against very high level targets - and that's great - but let's face it, pulling out your gun and shooting is almost always more efficient than worrying about marking and activating BS. 

I was referencing the "let's nerf Nova's ult" thing, but that's a good point.

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On 12/1/2016 at 9:29 AM, Ookami_Nihonto said:

Assassination purposes were killed with the clones and made sure to be dead and gone forever with that latest update. but at least there's still stealth with his smoke screen.

No I mean, visually he looks like a mix between Rhino and Excalibur (trying to find a better description than fat ***) which makes him look more like someone who should be drawing attention rather than avoiding it.

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15 hours ago, Necromateur said:

This is part of my complaint with the nerf: what's the point of having an ultimate at all if shooting is the most efficient method of killing multiple enemies? It literally is more efficient to get a good weapon and use that on mobs instead of even worrying about marking or activating BS. 

Sure, he can use this as a way to do high damage against very high level targets - and that's great - but let's face it, pulling out your gun and shooting is almost always more efficient than worrying about marking and activating BS. 

Well... it does make him more effective at taking out Wardens without jeopardizing the hostage on rescue missions.  He can actually select which wardens to kill instead of killing them in front of each other.

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And if Bladestorm were connected to shuriken, I mean when ash throws shurikens once you hit the target shuriken release a sort of '' smoke grenade '' with an area-effect of about 10 meters can not be expanded with stretch and when pressed 4 Bladestorm acting with a single jump on every enemy that is located in the smoke ?? It would be a great way to make even useful shuriken

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11 minutes ago, HaloxxFanxx said:

Well... it does make him more effective at taking out Wardens without jeopardizing the hostage on rescue missions.  He can actually select which wardens to kill instead of killing them in front of each other.

To be fair, his attack would likely hit both of the wardens anyway if they were that close to each other. And you can only "select" your targets by mousing over them, so you'll still hit any bystanders on the way to selecting the next warden if you're trying to cover all of them in one go.

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Just now, Maugre said:

To be fair, his attack would likely hit both of the wardens anyway if they were that close to each other. And you can only "select" your targets by mousing over them, so you'll still hit any bystanders on the way to selecting the next warden if you're trying to cover all of them in one go.

I meant single wardens, not two or three in the same exact spot in the area, which is very unlikely to happen since they are spread out pretty thin.

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Just now, HaloxxFanxx said:

I meant single wardens, not two or three in the same exact spot in the area, which is very unlikely to happen since they are spread out pretty thin.

Aside from the Ceres and Fortress maps, a "pro" bladestorm build used to be able to hit an entire room. And otherwise, only the wardens are actually able to trigger the execution, so if you killed off all the enemies in an area without the other wardens noticing (let's be honest, the rescue rooms have pretty scarce security other than a few grunts and some wardens, so that wouldn't be much issue), you'd be fine anyway.

I also think it's worth while to say I'm not really in favor of the old way bladestorm worked anyway.

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51 minutes ago, HaloxxFanxx said:

I meant single wardens, not two or three in the same exact spot in the area, which is very unlikely to happen since they are spread out pretty thin.

i think i understand what your trying to say but even with the original and the 1st. rework to BS this wasn't really an issue at least not for me cause BS pretty much killed them anyway and now not so much, cause of the mechanic of having to selecting them and the drop in dps.

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4 hours ago, Kterot said:


And if Bladestorm were connected to shuriken, I mean when ash throws shurikens once you hit the target shuriken release a sort of '' smoke grenade '' with an area-effect of about 10 meters can not be expanded with stretch and when pressed 4 Bladestorm acting with a single jump on every enemy that is located in the smoke ?? It would be a great way to make even useful shuriken

This will just make it like the old Bladestorm and it doesn't make Shuriken any better. It makes BS slower too because its one more step before you can activate BS, a current problem that the new mechanic has as well. Marking enemies is fun but it doesn't really work as a functional Ultimate that should be instantaneous or kill-steal proof.   

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