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26 million losers? I'm not so sure...


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8 hours ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

Well, if it really does affect a lot of players. She isn't too far away from the truth IMO.
Anyway, I think it was just a mistake, because she really seems to love the community a lot.

Yeah, I am sure it was just a mistake, tbh.

Say "Million Users" 5 times really fast and "Million Losers" will probably sneak it's way in on most folks. Add the nerves of doing it on camera in front of a national audience and the effort spent to ensure diction is correct and you see what slips out.

I am sure Rebecca didn't mean it.... That said, it's still a pretty epic troll:clap: 

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10 hours ago, Naskoni said:

I don't think you know what "apology" actually means... because THAT wasn't it....

Making a mountain out of a molehill. 

Watch the most recent devstream, she is incredibly embarrassed about the whole thing, that is definitely not someone who "did it on purpose", either to troll or any other reason. Why should she "apologize"? She ALMOST made a slip of the tongue that she didn't mean, caught herself, and has been shamed for it over and over. 

If anything a lot of you should apologize to her for being like every internet mob ever, and taking a tiny mistake or gaffe and trying to turn it into an e-lynching. She has handled the whole thing with grace, embracing the thing as a joke/meme, even though she is clearly mortified, because she knows any other reaction would just make things worse -- internet mobs are like that. Shaming someone for something tiny until the whole thing is blown out of proportion to ridiculous degree, and then still demanding apologies from the people they unfairly shamed. 

Let it go. 

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6 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Making a mountain out of a molehill. 

Watch the most recent devstream, she is incredibly embarrassed about the whole thing, that is definitely not someone who "did it on purpose", either to troll or any other reason. Why should she "apologize"? She ALMOST made a slip of the tongue that she didn't mean, caught herself, and has been shamed for it over and over. 

If anything a lot of you should apologize to her for being like every internet mob ever, and taking a tiny mistake or gaffe and trying to turn it into an e-lynching. She has handled the whole thing with grace, embracing the thing as a joke/meme, even though she is clearly mortified, because she knows any other reaction would just make things worse -- internet mobs are like that. Shaming someone for something tiny until the whole thing is blown out of proportion to ridiculous degree, and then still demanding apologies from the people they unfairly shamed. 

Let it go. 


When you spend as much as I have, for as long as I have, you can tell me what to let go of or how to view companies that practically call their customers/players/users, losers. And not apologize, because that hasn't happened. Not even a fake apology. If you consider yourself to be a loser and view people calling you that as something normal, good for you, not going to argue there. I usually don't let it slip when people I support call me that. I've paid, aplenty, for the privilege to hold such a view.

As for the last stream - I watched it, not a hint of actually addressing the issue, I saw no regret whatsoever, just embarrassment. Basically, "no big deal". As I did in the last prime stream too - how dare they drag her behind to sign documents that she didn't officially call their players losers... the injustice of it! People have been fired for less, but for her there doesn't seem to be an actual limit - how can she regret it if she considers it to be something normal...?

The fact that there was no apology of any way, shape or form tells me they do hold the view of there being nothing to actually apologize for, i.e. the statement, as far as they are concerned, is actually true. The only "problem", as such, is that it was announced so publicly. And then comes the logical question - do I want to continue to support people that supposedly work thanks to, and for, people they actually regard as losers?

As for ME apologizing to HER - ha-ha-ha-ha!

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Yeah I read you pretty much intone the same thing you said in that post you just wrote in your other posts as well... full of anger over a little mistake. You can keep being angry all you want, don't expect them to address it further. It really wasn't a big deal, even if you have personally turned it into one. 

Don't expect everybody else to go along with your tantrum though. I'm not going to address your comments further, you are convinced that she willfully and maliciously thinks ill of the players, and nobody will convince you otherwise. I can't make you not be bitter and believe that if you choose to, enjoy your stewing. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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12 hours ago, Naskoni said:

I don't think you know what "apology" actually means... because THAT wasn't it....

Are you really being serious here now? She never directly said "Losers", there's nothing to apologize for.

Oh the internet and its entitled a-holes.

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On 12/8/2016 at 11:04 PM, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

as if DE didnt have enough bad PR this year 

lets list them :D 

  1. umbra year+ delay 
  2. TWW delay + broken up to smaller updates
  3. slip of the tounge on a major awards show


did i miss any?  

I'm sick of hearing about umbra.  They never hinted to it being this year anyway.

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Are people still on about this? Seriously? I'd trip over my tongue if I was giving an interview and had a million things going on in my head at the same time. Jesus. Y'all need to put away the tar and feathers already and just chill.

Besides, even if Rebecca was thinking we Tenno are all losers and mistakenly said that out loud instead of keeping it to herself...what's the worst thing she could say now? That we're all adopted?

Oh wait...



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On 12/5/2016 at 5:43 AM, Naskoni said:

I hate to break it TO you, but it seems you are completely clueless as to what MMO even is, because Warframe isn't it? Battlefield is more of an MMO than Warframe will ever be...

MMO or Massively multiplayer online. Defined as:

An online game capable of supporting a large number of players at once, typically from hundreds to thousands. 


Sounds like you are the one here that doesnt comprehend the term friend. 

Edited by (PS4)thedarkness1962
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