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Do you think Warframe should be more mainstream popular?


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Warframe is more popular than you might think. a while ago it was the main F2P game advertised on PlayStation Store, and Watchmojo.com did a top 10 video on it, and they usually cater to the mainstream. as others have said though, not everyone is into the F2P system (I wasn't before I played Warframe), not everyone likes Third-person and not everyone likes Space Ninjas for whatever reason.

problem is, it's a double edged Sword in that by bringing more people, you'd also bring more Toxic people. obviously not everyone is like that, but it's still something to be taken into account.


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10 hours ago, Godzelda123 said:

This is true, but yet I don't see it referenced nearly as much as those two games. TF2 espeically seems way more popular when it comes to the fanbase and amount of players.

TF2 isn't that much more popular than Warframe...


Warframe is consistently in the top ten of all games on Steam, not just f2p games.

Honestly, what does it matter how many people are talking about a game if they're not actually playing it? Warframe's player numbers and retention are very healthy.

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12 hours ago, Godzelda123 said:

Sometimes it annoys me how underrated Warframe is, it's a hidden gem of a game. Usually when I tell people I play it they'll say "Oh I think I've heard that name" or just haven't heard of it at all. At times I want everyone to know about this game and to see major gaming websites or Youtube Channels talking and referring to it. Then again I rather enjoy the small community, and the hidden gem aspect kinda makes Warframe feel more special. Kinda like you're part of some secret club in a way. So what do you guys think? Would you enjoy Warframe more of it was popular as other Triple A games? Or is it's popularity fine where it is? 

its not more popular at a guess because just like MANY years ago you still need to refer to an external wiki/forum to learn how to do what should be explained ingame for nearly everything, especially new content, its always been a long term failing to everyone except hardcore players, i know many friends who just gave the game up in frustration because of that very problem.

Edited by Methanoid
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How much more mainstream and popular do you want it to be? People alreay pointed out how it's constantly showing up in the top ten on Steam, the game is being played by even more people on consoles, GameStar just rated TWW with an 82, TotalBiscuit and AngryJoe covered Warframe in their channels (though it's painfully obvious that Joe doesn't actually play it and is just getting boosted), PC Gamer crank out one Warframe article after another, praising the game's underdog history... I'm not sure you can get much more popular than that with a F2P title developed by a relatively small studio.

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3 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

TF2 isn't that much more popular than Warframe...


Warframe is consistently in the top ten of all games on Steam, not just f2p games.

Honestly, what does it matter how many people are talking about a game if they're not actually playing it? Warframe's player numbers and retention are very healthy.

how the hell a football manager is over Warframe? jajajaja

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1 hour ago, Sziklamester said:

Because it is a fair game and many of us like the football. (Like me)

aaand is sandwiched between TF2 and ARK, being a completly different game altogether, THAT is the weirdest part for me XD, but it must be a good game, i know a lot of people that likes that kind of games

(i'm from argentina, here you breath football but personally the electronic football games never resonated with me >.<)

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It's not like popularity can just be increased by doing nothing. There are reasons why Warframe isn't more popular, like terrible new player experience, grind everywhere, lack of endgame, horribly broken core of the game. I've had several friends who tried the game out, but promptly quit it once because of one of those issues.

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On 12/3/2016 at 0:14 PM, Redthirst said:

It's not like popularity can just be increased by doing nothing. There are reasons why Warframe isn't more popular, like terrible new player experience, grind everywhere, lack of endgame, horribly broken core of the game. I've had several friends who tried the game out, but promptly quit it once because of one of those issues.

The way you just described Warframe made it sound unplayable.  Yes it has it's issues for sure, but if it was that bad nobody would be playing it. Warframe has a  great aesthetic, tight controls, solid gameplay that for many (Including myself) makes the grinding actually fun to do. Yes the new player experience could use some help, it's buggy at times, and the RNG can be frustrating. But by no means is it as bad as you made it seem. 

Edited by Godzelda123
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1 minute ago, Godzelda123 said:

The way you just described Warframe made it sound unplayable.  Yes it has it's issues for sure, but if it was that bad nobody would be playing it. Warframe has a  great aesthetic, tight controls, solid gameplay that for many (Including myself) makes the grinding actually fun to do. Yes the new player experience could use some help, it's buggy at times, and the RNG can be frustrating. But by no means is it as bad as you made it seem. 

And yet that's how the game is. It's not unplayable since it has some redeeming qualities, but it's still a deeply flawed game that could be magnitudes better.

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On 12/3/2016 at 1:35 AM, Heckzu said:

While Warframe has the 5th highest player count on Steam, Warframe isn't widely known.

If you ask a gamer of they know about League of Legends, Battlefield, Call of Duty, or Overwatch, odds are that they've either played or have seen gameplay on those games. However, of you ask if they know of Warframe, odds are they've never played or even heard of it.

PvE games make no one any money...

Unless you have a competitive E-Sports game it will never be maim stream.


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2 minutes ago, DxAdder said:

PvE games make no one any money...

Unless you have a competitive E-Sports game it will never be maim stream.

World of Warcraft, Runescape, Maplestory, etc. are (were?) "mainstream" in the sense that many people knew about them, and they were PvE games.

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On 12/2/2016 at 8:46 PM, Godzelda123 said:

Sometimes it annoys me how underrated Warframe is, it's a hidden gem of a game. Usually when I tell people I play it they'll say "Oh I think I've heard that name" or just haven't heard of it at all. At times I want everyone to know about this game and to see major gaming websites or Youtube Channels talking and referring to it. Then again I rather enjoy the small community, and the hidden gem aspect kinda makes Warframe feel more special. Kinda like you're part of some secret club in a way. So what do you guys think? Would you enjoy Warframe more of it was popular as other Triple A games? Or is it's popularity fine where it is? 

It lacks anything to make it appeal to the mainstream. It is literally just a game about farming for loot then grinding that loot. We may like that, but most people don't.

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11 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

World of Warcraft, Runescape, Maplestory, etc. are (were?) "mainstream" in the sense that many people knew about them, and they were PvE games.

Wow has E-Sports,  I really don't know a lot about the other two you mentioned. 

And lets not forget World of Warcraft is a AAA title and although I enjoy playing Warframe it is no where near as polished as WoW.

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17 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

WoW isn't anywhere near as big in e-sports as Starcraft, and I doubt many people outside the gaming community know much about Starcraft, at least in the West.

True, I think more people would know Overwatch, Heartstone  or Hero's of the Storm.

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