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Graphics: Rated M, Story: PG


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I finally played TWW and I can't figure out who DE thinks the demographic is.

Personally, I don't find the Teeno melodrama relatable.

But I also grew out of the Animorphs before finishing the series, so maybe it's just not for me?

Full Disclosure: Still bitter about Sedna Junction and the Djinn Stinger Riven mod I got after all of it.

EDIT: I'll also clarify that what they did was well done. It just seems like it's for kids, despite being really violent.

Edited by MXultra
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It does kinda force the whole whiny teen thing out of no where onto the operator character, so I get why they don't seem relatable. But at the same time, the character is introduced as a child, so it's sorta logical to start the development there oozing out emotions left and right. Puberty, I suppose.

Maybe that will be addressed with the moral choice system, having that affect dialogues in future quests. Light being all innocent and caring, neutral being indifferent, dark being whiny and entitled, or something.

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3 minutes ago, AlphaSierraMike said:

It does kinda force the whole whiny teen thing out of no where onto the operator character, so I get why they don't seem relatable. But at the same time, the character is introduced as a child, so it's sorta logical to start the development there oozing out emotions left and right. Puberty, I suppose.

Maybe that will be addressed with the moral choice system, having that affect dialogues in future quests. Light being all innocent and caring, neutral being indifferent, dark being whiny and entitled, or something.

Given discussions in the past about the Tenno ways, and the way things were presented in the quest, I think it's less "innocent, indifferent, and whiny." And more about our relationship with the void and the powers and outburst from it. Do we Reject the void, find Balance with it, or Embrace it?

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22 minutes ago, MXultra said:

so maybe it's just not for me?

Of course it is not just you. DE can't make a story that is palatable to thousands and thousands of players - one single dissatisfied person would be a miracle.

DE can't write a story that literally everyone likes, and neither can you.


Still, I think that most of the feedback I saw in the forums was quite positive.

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In all fairness, Teshin does kind of come at us with the whole "you're still just a kid" thing even after we've proven ourselves capable of...well, basically everything you have to do to reach the Sedna junction and unlock the quest to begin with. I'd be pretty cheesed off by that too.

If I had to guess, though, based on the story so far and what people like Steve have said on devstreams in the past (e.g. acknowledging that some people wouldn't like the twist in The Second Dream), they're doing what writers should do and writing the story they want to tell, rather than trying to write a story they can market to this or that crowd.

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It's obvious that high school gamers would think WF is cool, but is that who it is aimed at?
Everywhere else WF opts to give the player choice. Why can't I be a little kid? Or college aged? My guess was that most of WF's fans were around college age.

But it's also the writing and the Queens' voices. It seemed like it would be fine if it was targeted at an age range below what the ESRB/PEGI would allow to play the game.

That's the disconnect I was trying to point out in the title.

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>.> I don't think it was the story that was the problem to be honest. (Though I found TWW pointless in terms of character development other than finding out that my cute lil tenno is actually a whiny annoying b**** who happens to idolise the lotus right up until shes told she can't have her juicebox. Not to mention I didn't care for teshin at all after he turned his blade to me so I was hoping i'd get to kill him.)  

My issue is that the graphics don't really stand up to it's rating. Where's the blood and violence? I didn't even get to see blood when killing the queen. I merely zapped her with my void goo. Hell at least the stalker stabbed my valkyr. I'm playing a game where I can dismember enemies with a shotgun to the face and then suspending all their friends in the air with an energy net so I can leasurely kill them all at my will. Not watching high school musical. ("Ordis turn off that damn music." "♫But operator, this is my jam!♫")

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1 hour ago, MXultra said:

It's obvious that high school gamers would think WF is cool, but is that who it is aimed at?
Everywhere else WF opts to give the player choice. Why can't I be a little kid? Or college aged? My guess was that most of WF's fans were around college age.

19 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Edgy teens is the target demo these days.

I suppose that's true, but edgy teens want to be powerful young-adults who know better than all of the stinky old adults who try to cage them to their caste systems and problems all the adults made. See: All the YA novels and movies and the like. 

They don't want to be emotionally crippled prepubescent child soldiers with all the strength and build of a wet noodle. 

I don't think that DE has a target demo when it comes to their narrative, their gameplay, yes, but not the narrative, and if they did, your classic teen that likes YA Genre fiction isn't going to be any more enamored of playing a Teeno than you. 

Also see: the deluge of players with a Stalker or Red Veil avatar making or linking fanart or requesting the ability to murder their Tenno.

Edited by Gelkor
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Yes, they do. It's the same concept behind the Incredible Hulk.

Who is still an adult, and accomplished one at that, when he is not the Hulk, (if the writers even bother to write Banner anyways instead of just writing the Hulk as an ersatz Conan the Barbarian). 

Course, he's dead now anyways.  Stupid Hawkeye.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I read WW Hulk. Not really the point though.

None of it's the point, I don't think the Hulk/Banner Jekyll/Hyde dynamic is an apt corollary to the Teeno at all.  A closer one being, say, Jean Gray/Phoenix in some of the runs where they are all teenagers, except age her down to pre-teen and all of the annoying stuff that comes with that, like her being a total tool to all of her friends.  (See: Jean Grey in All-New X-Men)

Pretty much everyone likes to hate on children in genre fiction, especially magical children, and teenagers aren't an exception, and I'd wager "edgy-teens" are in the majority in wanting to remove their Teeno from the game. The decision for the protagonists wasn't made for them. 

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I think DE is just telling a narrative and not really thinking about target demographics.  In a few ways what's going on with the Tenno is very similar to Shō Fukamachi after acquiring the Guyver unit.  Well minus the advisor that the Lotus represents.  Both are teens that have acquired vast amounts of power and thrown into a war they didn't create.  It actually makes a bit of sense to have the Tenno behave as their physical age suggests.

The mature rating is because of the blood and severed limbs you see in the game. 

Hehe, just think of the real hell they will present when they are older.  :D

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15 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

None of it's the point, I don't think the Hulk/Banner Jekyll/Hyde dynamic is an apt corollary to the Teeno at all.  A closer one being, say, Jean Gray/Phoenix in some of the runs where they are all teenagers, except age her down to pre-teen and all of the annoying stuff that comes with that, like her being a total tool to all of her friends.  (See: Jean Grey in All-New X-Men)

Pretty much everyone likes to hate on children in genre fiction, especially magical children, and teenagers aren't an exception, and I'd wager "edgy-teens" are in the majority in wanting to remove their Teeno from the game. The decision for the protagonists wasn't made for them. 

Nah, they want to have someone they can identify with, and eventually leading to power-fulfillment.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Who said 18?

Also, Tenno are eternally-young, immensely-powerful (allegedly) immortals, not 12 year olds. It would be like saying that edgy teens don't want to identify with Hellsing's Alucard.

I assumed edgy teen meant to encompass older teens, who notoriously hate "kiddy S#&$." If you meant younger teens to pre-teens, I suppose that's accurate

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

edgy teens would be closer to 13 to 16

"It's not a phase, Lotus!"

Idunno, I'm still pretty sure their biggest market is adults with money to spend on things, I don't think the Teeno choice was a conscious decision to attract young players, if they can identify with it, sure, whatever. But if this turns into some stupid love triangle I'm out.

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