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My personal Apology to the Fans


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In all honesty, ça me fait chier :x @IgnusDei, your work was and probably always will be amazing. I have never been on such a shopping spree in game since the introduction of your skins haha. Though as a fellow artist, I understand how infuriating it must be for someone to alter an original idea and more often than not, make it uglier. It pains me to see you leave, but I think it was for the best.

Good luck on your future endeavours :)

Edited by REKTifier_
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21 minutes ago, Magnus said:

The right one sucks. Why on earth would they make it worse? What's the benefit of that?

I can probably infer why, from an artist's standpoint.

It's to give the 3d design team an easier time making the deluxe skin. If you look at her shoulders, the elbow, the knee, and the head, you'll notice they're much more choppy/roundish/blockish so the 3d design could have a much easier time modeling the skin instead of focusing on little details such as the knee, head, elbows, and etc. (which is bull) 

I really don't know why they decided to use a butcher knife as a replacement for ember's head, and the skirt is just a lazy excuse to cover her hips, which is just a bull and sensitive excuse

TL;DR model team could easily make the skin, but DE's skin is still bad anyways.

Edited by Jaruis
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6 hours ago, Xeotroid said:

On the left you can see the original, on the right you can see the edited version by DE.


To DE:

Remove that side mohawk thing. She's not Nyx....

That skirt thing? I know you placed it there so she doesn't look like she's pantless but... replace it with a thick belt/strap like the one under her chest, and make it crooked like one of those fashion belts on skirt.

The white arm.. looks good. I actually quite like the longer elbow. Looks like feathers. But when viewed together with the dark arm? Wtf DE. Seriously, look at it altogether. See that ugly dark bulge elbow? It's ruining everything. If you're going to do that, might as well keep the old look for both arms. At least it's symmetrical that way and fits each other.

The dark arm... replace it with the old look. Seriously. Flame spikes > Tumor bulges. She's not Nidus. Just make it like what you did for the white elbow instead.

Dark shoulder.. why? It looked way better before. Stop trying to find something to improve especially when it already looks great. Change it back.

That knee edge part looks good, makes it look sleek like she's wearing boots. But make it thinner+sharper like the upper edge. It's too thick compared to the upper edge.

Edited by SunsetChaos
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6 minutes ago, SunsetChaos said:

To DE:

Remove that side mohawk thing. She's not Nyx....

That skirt thing? I know you placed it there so she doesn't look like she's pantless but... replace it with a thick belt/strap like the one under her chest, and make it crooked like one of those fashion belts on skirt.

The white arm.. looks good. I actually quite like the longer elbow. Looks like feathers. But when viewed together with the dark arm? Wtf DE. Seriously, look at it altogether. See that ugly dark bulge elbow? It's ruining everything. If you're going to do that, might as well keep the old look for both arms. At least it's symmetrical that way and fits each other.

The dark arm... replace it with the old look. Seriously. Flame spikes > Tumor bulges. She's not Nidus. Just make it match the white elbow.

Dark shoulder.. why? It looked way better before. Stop trying to find something to improve especially when it already looks great. Change it back.

That knee edge part looks good, makes it look sleek like she's wearing boots. But make it thinner+sharper like the upper edge. It's too thick compared to the upper edge.

Good feedback there, makes me realize that not everything that was changed is necessarily bad.. still though, I think they should have been ''hands off'' and simply sack the 3d team on it for a 1:1 introduction into the game.

I mean, no offense to DE, but who cares if it's somewhat more work for the 3d team, it damn better well be, considering that we're paying through the nose for those skins.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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46 minutes ago, Xeotroid said:

On the left you can see the original, on the right you can see the edited version by DE.


And here I was, hoping they'll remove those ridiculous heels and add some muscle. You know, to fit the Ember theme.

Regardless, OP is aware of the situation, things are the way they are. You can't exactly beg someone into staying after they were terminated by a third party.
Look on the bright side though - this opens up a spot for other creative minds, as well as allows the op to seek new opportunities.


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2 minutes ago, cxll said:

And here I was, hoping they'll remove those ridiculous heels and add some muscle. You know, to fit the Ember theme.

Regardless, OP is aware of the situation, things are the way they are. You can't exactly beg someone into staying after they were terminated by a third party.
Look on the bright side though - this opens up a spot for other creative minds, as well as allows the op to seek new opportunities.


Other creative minds.. you mean like Nova's deluxe skin..?

Whereas Banshee was ugly to me in her default appearance, that skin -made- Nova horribly ugly to me. (obviously I haven't wasted money on it as such.)

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It's sad to most likely see you go, but know your contribution will always be highly appreciated and respected!

I know this isn't anyone's fault; sh*t happens unfortunately. If you can't find a compromise or work well your contractor, it's best to leave things as is and move on. They'll always be bigger and better things for your future, and it should be great for your portfolio.


As a music tech major and composer/musician, I can absolutely understand and empathize with how it must feel. After months and months of continued alterations to your creations, there's only so much one can take before they reach their breaking point. Especially if it's changes because of the other party's agenda (i.e. who commissioned you) and not because of technical reasons or complications.


Again, at the end of the day, it is what it is, but I hope you continue to follow and strive for what you love most! Regardless if you don't/can't return for future commissions I'm more than sure many of us here will continue to support you on your future endeavors.

Cheers friend and hope to see more of your [the vibe I get] Megami Tensei / Kazuma Kaneko inspired designs!

Even if they're not, then concider it as a huge compliment haha (:

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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25 minutes ago, Vesiga said:

i dont like the change to the helm.-. the rest is ok

Agreed. Other than the skirt (which I like) it just looks like some of the random spiky bits were smoothed out to simplify the model.

We don't know what happened, I really like the TC's work and have bought most, so their contribution will be missed, but DE's art folks typically do nice work as well.

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Well nice job DE, couldn't just let things lie and now you've lost one of your biggest money makers. Now we're probably going to see more things like the Nova Asuri skin which won't sell half as well. They're going to need to correct this error if they don't want to look like the bad guys here.

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Sad to see this end.

You helped to take Warframe from the hard robotic place it was in, and open our eyes to what organic biotechnology can really look like.

You allso blended scifi with fantasy in a very cool way, in fact I have never seen it done quite this way before.

Regardless of how and why you and DE part ways, allways know that the impact of your work will continue to shape this game for the rest of it's existance.

Many thanks and good luck.

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The original looked way too much like nova. The head blade is very much a part of ember's silhouette. The DE version is much more fitting.


When you work with others you can't expect your work being left unedited, especially when it doesn't fit the aesthetic of the rest of the game.

Always a shame to see a fellow artist at breaking point, I know exactly how you feel (have quit over creative differences in the past, thankfully didn't randomly burn any bridges though :p)

Edited by emikochan
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you made literally every single on of my favorites :(


EDIT: can't believe i forgot to mention this part as well but you've seriously inspired me as an artist. albeit i may be S#&$ty, i've made so much personal concepts, themes, ideas, etc. that have been inspired by you. I'm sorry to hear your departure on creating concepts here but rest assured, youre still an amazing artist and i hope the future treats you well c:

Edited by homiedudemanguy
forgot to mention appreciation
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19 minutes ago, emikochan said:

The original looked way too much like nova. The head blade is very much a part of ember's silhouette.

The skin is smouldering and half-burned I doubt it will be mistaken for Nova. Although I guess it looks more like Nova than the Nova Deluxe skin does :P

The head blade is part of Nyx's silhouette. Ember Prime doesn't have a head blade, she has flaming torch with the prongs radiating upwards from her nose which the first design looks very similar too.

Edited by Azure.M
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4 hours ago, Tormound said:

My guess is that he didn't like the design changes the art team was doing his designs. Which I have to say, the one Ignus made looks a lot better.

11/10 agreed. Why do the design team legitimately make things look so specific and... I want to say boring maybe? Tennogen always managed to get this amazing loom and review out of everything. And ig's original design looks so much better. The blade and the fire on her left arm make it look better. What's up with the tacky blade stuck on the helm?

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Damn, this sucks. I liked  Ignusdei deluxe skins, it's like they were the only thing attempting to make space ninja, look more like sleek space ninja anymore. 

I don't know what's been going on in Menky or DE's head since the earlier days, but they seem to have strayed and gone too abstract to the point of unattractiveness for my taste, what with the likes of Guardsman knockoff Inaros with dog nipples  and other less ninja or even less humanoid looking visages such as the case with Ivara's, Titania's or Limbo's heads, or even Mesa's very basic rough draft looking textures which they still have not PBR'd since her debut. This unattractiveness even starts to shine through with prime variants, such as with Ash prime looking very dull in texture and having those even more gigantic mollusk shell looking arm guards that make him look more like some bulky Mutant football player.

Wrong headed design decisions by DE since the debut of the game were reasons why I was awaiting an Atlas, Nekros and Inaros skin from Ignusdei in the future as well, a handful of the most unappealing and non-ninja looking Warframes to me by far.

It's bad days ahead if the only people doing deluxe skins now are going to be the likes of the Nova deluxe skin designer *shudder*. Where was DE then to curb that unfitting design? Or did they actually make that design worse than the original submission/s too?

Edited by UrielColtan
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4 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

This was a big mistake from the design team to not take his passion more into account. 


People LOVE his skins. And people constantly cried for joy when they first saw his skins, and then cried in sadness when they saw how the art team "improved" them. Or rather, altered and removed much that was great about them. They way they ruined his concept for both Loki and Banshee and now Ember. It sounds to me like he didn't like how heavily they were changing his designs, and he got upset about it because he is passionate about his art. They gave the "well it's our game our say thing" and that probably annoyed him even more because he didn't feel his art was respected. So then probably more passionate words were exchanged. 

It's understandable, artists are extremely passionate about their work. We don't know exactly what happened, but I think DE perhaps shouldn't be working with outside designers on skin designs if they are not willing to trust that designers work, and instead want to alter it so so much from the original. 

Either way I will miss his designs -- also, it sounds like it isn't just his decision anymore. 

So much agree. Much approve. Could have said it better.


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You might want to turn down your passion quite a bit, because this is a regular process on any game industry. And the changes seems very justifiable so far, simplifying small details that will take up quite a lot of polys anyway despite being small and redistribute them to the more bare area. In this case small spikes -> skirt. I'm actually most surprised that they didn't change a thing about the asymmetry because that's the most problematic parts. Asymmetry took more time to be made, took more spaces in UV map and might ended up having lower res if DE didn't choose to up the resolution instead.

I suggest any pro concept artist or any aspiring artist that wants to work in game industry to learn a bit more about 3D. Least you'll learn why the design needs to be changed, it's not just about passion butting. Best you will learn how to make design that translates better to 3D models and make your design more easily acceptable in the industry.

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