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Ember, Low Level Bully


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11 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

I like people crying about Ember os'ing everything on Earth and Mercury.


Yeah, like 99% of the frames. WoF doesn't even kill everyone instantly, unlike Equinox, but it seems you don't rant on her, dunno why.

I can outplay an Ember on low-tier planets with Mag, Mirage, Oberon, Saryn, [insert warframe with any weapon that has more than 10m range], ...

She might need a rework indeed, but I really hope DE won't rework her for the only sake of "she one-shots everything below level 4".

Your ember only has 10 m range? scrub.

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1 minute ago, AnonumusSoldier said:

Your ember only has 10 m range? scrub.

The 10m limit applied to weapons, just to get rid of glaxions and cie. Don't care if their range is 10, 20 or 30m, that sucks, and if you're being so picky, you too.

Even with a 250% Ember, any weapon without range limit can kill your target before you come close enough for them to burn.

And you should learn the edit or multi-quote functionality. Scrub.

Edited by Chewarette
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2 minutes ago, AnonumusSoldier said:

*uses all 4 skills, fails to see your complaint* 

Do use them because you actually need em really really bad?


I use all 4 skills on my ember, but im just fooling myself cause 4th can do 1st and 3rd skill easy... 

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6 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

The 10m limit applied to weapons, just to get rid of glaxions and cie. Don't care if their range is 10, 20 or 30m, that sucks, and if you're being so picky, you too.

Even with a 250% Ember, any weapon without range limit can kill your target before you come close enough for them to burn.

And you should learn the edit or multi-quote functionality. Scrub.



also, knowing how to multi quote and caring enough to do so are 2 different things

Edited by AnonumusSoldier
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5 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

The 10m limit applied to weapons, just to get rid of glaxions and cie. Don't care if their range is 10, 20 or 30m, that sucks, and if you're being so picky, you too.

Even with a 250% Ember, any weapon without range limit can kill your target before you come close enough for them to burn.

And you should learn the edit or multi-quote functionality. Scrub.

dont forget ignis..... the super powered world on fire

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3 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

Do use them because you actually need em really really bad?


I use all 4 skills on my ember, but im just fooling myself cause 4th can do 1st and 3rd skill easy... 

this can be said for most if not all frames. Sayrns power comes from spore. Do her other abilities buff spore? Yes. Do you really need them to get thru a mission? No. Do i use them anyway? Yes.

I could go thru the other frames but that would really be too long a post.

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15 minutes ago, AnonumusSoldier said:

All affinity from kills is shared, so who gives a flying fig? Because you didn't have the most kills at end of mission screen? Your argument can literally be given for every single frame/weapon in the game in the hands of someone that knows how to use it in low tier missions. The problem isn't the frame, its enemy scaling. In order to handle most of the missions that long term players run, you have to make your builds as powerful as possible. When said players run low tier missions for whatever reason, they kill enemies at an absurd rate, causing buthurts like you. Then one day if you ever stop playing casually and git gud, you will be faced by players ranting at you over your OP builds, and at that point you will then realize what we are talking about, and feel very, very foolish.

You should see..... the title of this post is "Low Level Bully" . People wont use ember on important high tier mission.... i only use it for low level alert, syndicate mission, and simaris scanning... other than that? Sleep in my storage...


Take note that he just play for 6 month, i dont expect him to spend any plat, and i dont see any raid record of him in wf.christx.tw, what would you expect?

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Just now, AnonumusSoldier said:

this can be said for most if not all frames. Sayrns power comes from spore. Do her other abilities buff spore? Yes. Do you really need them to get thru a mission? No. Do i use them anyway? Yes.

I could go thru the other frames but that would really be too long a post.

But those skills works together with all of her skills it chains and buffs

thats why I said she needs a rework like Saryn. And yes most frames will/should get rework.


Aside for her 2 skills 1st and 3rd skills are really useless. This is why most ember players just spam 4. I have yet to see an ember that casts her 1st ability(rank 10+) in game.


Also by that logic we should remove skills from frames since we can go through missions with out using em.


What im saying is make ember fun and functional. Yes im killing all the mobs by just walking but where is the fun in that?


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6 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

no different to nova tbh, and novas done that for far longer.

Compared to Nova, Ember is a walking molecular prime. If it was a team with ember and nova the mobs would have been dead before the molecular prime hits them. 

One of my suggestion to ember skill set is remove fire blast and make her 3rd skill a stationary World on fire....


Edited by Neptlude
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2 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

Aside for her 2 skills 1st and 3rd skills are really useless. This is why most ember players just spam 4. I have yet to see an ember that casts her 1st ability(rank 10+) in game.

Theres heaps of frames i own where i only use 1 or 2 abilitys, why would ember be any different.  its no different to me not using freeze on frost, or any number of other abilitys id rather not wste energy on when i can save it for the more useful ones.  I cant think of a single frame where i use all 4 abilitys, theres nearly always 1 or 2 you can easily do without.

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1 minute ago, Methanoid said:

Theres heaps of frames i own where i only use 1 or 2 abilitys, why would ember be any different.  its no different to me not using freeze on frost, or any number of other abilitys id rather not wste energy on when i can save it for the more useful ones.  I cant think of a single frame where i use all 4 abilitys, theres nearly always 1 or 2 you can easily do without.

This is why all other frames should get rework not just ember >:U (Im pushing ember cause I have a love hate relationship with her lol)

Seeing the new infested frame with all of his skill has use, and the past reworks of the older frames, DE seems to be going to the right direction of skill interplay.

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15 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

Compared to Nova, Ember is a walking molecular prime. If it was a team with ember and nova the mobs would have been dead before the molecular prime hits them. 

One of my suggestion to ember skill set is remove fire blast and make her 3rd skill a stationary World on fire....


WOF affects 5 targets at a time, Molecular Prime will nuke everything in range.  I'm guessing a lot use ember like me, full range low str combined with the FireQuake augment, as only 5 targets get affected you need the much larger range to give time for target rotation over more enemys than you would normally get, esp for infested missions, dmg is a relativly unimportant byproduct, CC is the desired result.

its also not much different to rhino stomping all over the place, only he has to briefly stop to do it, or having everything getting sucked into a vauban vortex, Banshee soundquake, Frost avalanche, etc etc etc, theres tons of frames that can pummel a wide area in lowbie lvls.

Edited by Methanoid
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2 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

This is why all other frames should get rework not just ember >:U (Im pushing ember cause I have a love hate relationship with her lol)

Seeing the new infested frame with all of his skill has use, and the past reworks of the older frames, DE seems to be going to the right direction of skill interplay.

if you mean abilitys need to have interaction with each other, like possible with saryn then you will still get ppl ignoring the setup/primer powers as its too complicated to execute when ppl are typically in a rush to complete missions or stuff just dies too fast to bother.  As for stupidly overcomplicated mechanics like limbo and a few others thats been a downside of warframe for years, being forced into reading a wiki site to figure out everything that should be simple has always driven away all but the hardcore gaming fans.  Its one of a few reasons i quit for a year+, came back hoping it had improved but i still cant get friends/family to stick to it, they love the visuals and gameplay but they eventually give up in frustration and confusion.


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9 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

if you mean abilitys need to have interaction with each other, like possible with saryn then you will still get ppl ignoring the setup/primer powers as its too complicated to execute when ppl are typically in a rush to complete missions or stuff just dies too fast to bother.  As for stupidly overcomplicated mechanics like limbo and a few others thats been a downside of warframe for years, being forced into reading a wiki site to figure out everything that should be simple has always driven away all but the hardcore gaming fans.  Its one of a few reasons i quit for a year+, came back hoping it had improved but i still cant get friends/family to stick to it, they love the visuals and gameplay but they eventually give up in frustration and confusion.


We need to find a mid where its interactive yet simple... It doesnt really feel like playing if ye have brain dead skills of pushing 1 button and everything dies and you all have to do is walk from point A to point B.

Tho why would people rush to complete a mission?

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Just now, Neptlude said:

We need to find a mid where its interactive yet simple... It doesnt really feel like playing if ye have brain dead skills of pushing 1 button and everything dies and you all have to do is walk from point A to point B.

Tho why would people rush to complete a mission?

we actually used to have it to an extent, instead i come back after a year and find ash's ultimate is confusing and annoying as hell, excal's ult is also changed into a confusing mess, and newer warframes have abilitys that are overcomplicated, ppl dont want overcomplicated, they want simple and understandable.

Like with my example of ash's bladestorm, when we check the ability info ingame it looks so simple, then you goto the wiki to see the real info on it and its worlds apart different, same for limbos abilitys and quite a few others, we used to have more simple and easy to understand abilitys and their needlessly becoming overcomplicated.

To a lesser extent its similar with the HUD, i often see icons+timers near my shields/hp and have utterly no clue what 99% of those icons even represent, i think the only 1 i know and can identify is the squiggly icon for "New Moon" from my Vazarin focus when i pop "5".

Also take an ability we have previously mentioned like World On Fire, ingame it just says "Deals High Damage Over Time", then you goto http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/World_On_Fire and you get access to the not so simple reality of the ability, there is far too much of the game stuck behind this confusion, it sno wonder a lot of ppl do not stick around for long once the novelty wears off.


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8 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

we actually used to have it to an extent, instead i come back after a year and find ash's ultimate is confusing and annoying as hell, excal's ult is also changed into a confusing mess, and newer warframes have abilitys that are overcomplicated, ppl dont want overcomplicated, they want simple and understandable.

Like with my example of ash's bladestorm, when we check the ability info ingame it looks so simple, then you goto the wiki to see the real info on it and its worlds apart different, same for limbos abilitys and quite a few others, we used to have more simple and easy to understand abilitys and their needlessly becoming overcomplicated.

To a lesser extent its similar with the HUD, i often see icons+timers near my shields/hp and have utterly no clue what 99% of those icons even represent, i think the only 1 i know and can identify is the squiggly icon for "New Moon" from my Vazarin focus when i pop "5".

Also take an ability we have previously mentioned like World On Fire, ingame it just says "Deals High Damage Over Time", then you goto http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/World_On_Fire and you get access to the not so simple reality of the ability, there is far too much of the game stuck behind this confusion, it sno wonder a lot of ppl do not stick around for long once the novelty wears off.


I personally like the new skills not really hard to understand(limbo still need skills to use properly) and pretty satisfying when you change em correctly and pull out great damages. :)

Been playing this game for a year now nonstop

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49 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

I personally like the new skills not really hard to understand(limbo still need skills to use properly) and pretty satisfying when you change em correctly and pull out great damages. :)

Been playing this game for a year now nonstop

Yeah its not hard to understand like anything else ingame........ once you read the wiki, absolutely nothing ingame tells players anything at all about the abilitys that they should, thats why many ppl just cant be bothered with the game after a while, which is deffo frustrating for me as i want to play games with ppl i know.

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22 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

We need to find a mid where its interactive yet simple... It doesnt really feel like playing if ye have brain dead skills of pushing 1 button and everything dies and you all have to do is walk from point A to point B.

Tho why would people rush to complete a mission?

Because there are more important mission to be done

Because someone else is waiting for trade

Fissure time is going to finish soon

I need to pee/poo



And any combination of such rushing conditions

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3 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

Huh? My sentinel clears low level maps without any input at all. Who needs Ember for that?

My feelings are hurt... Embers being made fun of. :sadcry:  
As for op, I see problems with her, like a frame held together with band-aids.  Aug band-aids, accelerant band-aid, etc. You get the idea. While I do not agree with some of your points, if her kit was burned for the second time and she got a fresh new kit, I'd still use her regardless if she becomes Mag tier. I think it's a little silly for players to defend a frame that has obvious problems and sugar coat it as if they were non-existent. You have to play every frame to be able to compare and judge your main one, otherwise every frame in the game would be perfect if the users are oblivious to anything by that one frame.  
She gets fixed or give her a brand new kit. Either option sounds fine to me, the only way it could get worse is if Ember drops below Mag tier. 

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16 hours ago, Yami666 said:

Once you will have enought hours played you will see, that you want the job to be done as most efficent as possible. 

Pretty much this. For killing and having fun, endless missions exist. The non-endless missions are usually too easy anyway and you just want to get them done...quick. But if you're actually planning on having fun and doing a high lvl defense or survival run, you won't see an ember deleting everything on the map.


15 hours ago, Melitics said:

Hydroid seems absolutely fine though.


This thread though.

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16 hours ago, Melitics said:

There is a difference though. Ember can just press 4 and go sit on the Cryopod while everything dies around her, even Nova who's considerably stronger has to actually shoot enemies to trigger her Ultimate.


And I'm not complaining about her killing beginner enemies, I'm complaining about the fact that she does it so easily with no effort or any input whatsoever.

Who's the one not reading now?

Pretty much any well built frame OR weapon can wipe out low level maps. They are low level maps. For beginners. Therefore --> Easier. It most certainly doesnt mean this frame or any other needs be killed (because lets face it, that's what would happen) Maybe people could be less ignorant in their use of it of low level maps (especially if low level players are there trying to learn), since that's the core issue. People always are the issue.

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