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Javlok feedback.


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Not Vacuum (that would look weird), but maybe by Chesas? That would give the breed more of a use, I guess. But it would probably require they make another animation (tilitng the head and picking up the spear), so maybe not for a little while if they really like the idea and decided to implement it?

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17 minutes ago, HyokaChan said:

...By Chesa Kubrows and maybe Vacuum.


Yeah. That would make things a lot easier.

It'd be weird but the way I think I'd be happiest with is for it to just come back to your hands like the glaive but different. The only idea I have is just like the Mios it's a melee but has a whip on it. So maybe the same concept but different have a line of rope(or something else) attached to your arm and when your throw the Javlok after it's landed some where you press the alt-fire again for it to go back to you. But that could be a bit broken so maybe you need to be in X amount of meters from it to be able to pull it back 

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20 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

be nice but ....unfair in some regards

valkyr rip line, and a few other abilities could be said to do the same 

but why single out mag specifically? 

a general retrieval system would be a better implementation imo

Hold X to have it fly into your hand sounds like it would be good.

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Ah yeah of course there would be other frames that can benefit of a targetting retrieval system
My first thought was mag because of uhm the pulling thing,the augment and the frame itself not being seen around that much anymore

but yeah i agree pressing/holding "x" button to make it come back to you would be nice

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Right now there is few reasons to even use the Javlok, it is so mechanically unergonomic and has such bad non-damage stats that is rendered basically useless.

  • very low clip capacity and very high reload time
  • slow projectile primary fire
  • self-damaging secondary fire which renders the entire weapon inoperable until you run up to it or wait 20 seconds.
    • being able to retrieve at a distance or having it immediately come back would be nice
  • primary fire requires charge, but the charging is uncontrollable
  • the secondary fire's flight arc resembles that of a hippo being shot out of cannon with half-wet gunpowder

Frankly, any number of weapons, even pretty bad ones, are better than this thing which otherwise could have been awesome. It's like the Buzlok all over again, but far worse. I really can't see how this was let through quality control.


Edited by Insizer
added more.
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- its fun to use 

-decent stats

-Throwing it does an decent aoe 


- self damage makes sense for a javelin to do self damage but not the tonkor?  -_-

- no real use to the secondary fire other then being fun

- no real reason to use the secondary fire other then for fun.... primary fire does more damage then throwing the javlok makes no sense if your gonna throw and lose your weapon then make it a bit stronger

- the javlok disappears sometimes when thrown 

- Heavy caliber with it is a hilarious joke

- split chamber on the secondary is worthless


The only things I would want to see changed is to make it easier to fetch your javelin, buff the secondary fire, and remove the self damage from the secondary fire



Edited by SonOfFirstSun
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7 hours ago, UvBenServed said:

Just wanted to throw out some changes that I'd like to see for the Javlok:

  • Small aoe on primary fire with no self damage (similar to the opticor)
  • Ability to throw while reloading
  • Damage of throw proportional to how many rounds are left in the magazine
  • Throwing the Javlok consumes however much ammo is in the magazine (secondary fire doesn't consume any ammo atm)
  • Throwing the Javlok reloads it
  • Reload speed applying to the time it takes for Javlok to return to you
  • Getting a kill by throwing the Javlok will automatically return it to you
  • Increased magazine capacity, decreased ammo maximum

My main concern here is trying to make both firing modes at least somewhat viable, and hopefully encourage players to use both of them regularly. Safe sustained damage to soften enemies up and risky burst damage to finish them off. If I'm overlooking something that makes one firing mode far more effective than the other, feel free to let me know.

Yes to all with one exception. The auto-retrieve, make it on direct impact rather than kill. That way it rewards skill while remaining usable once mobs begin to brush off your damage.

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Yeah I'm down with most of this. Built mine so it took a few days to get my hands on it.

Ranking it up the 2 main things that really seemed "off" to me were that the Fireballs have No AoE, it really seems like they should.

And that when I've run it out of ammo is when I want to throw it the most.

It's like "out of ammo? spear chuck!" 

Also with wanting the Fireballs to have an area burst I would like to see the Spear Throw act more like an arrow being more along the lines of high single target with a ragdoll effect. 

Maybe DE could let us equip Thunderbolt with Spears and add in that they get like Effect Chance Doubled* on Spear weapons, kind of like how Bows can get increased fire-rate over rifles. *(maxed out this would still "only" be 60% vs Concealed Explosives 80%)

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the problem i have with this weapon if it had alittle more Status & AOE Damage on its Primary fire it would be Much Better,

right now you have to Hit an enemy with Slow Moving Fireballs to do any damage, and with no AOE damage you cant target the Ground ether,

an increase to 40% or 45% Status Chance & an 10m AOE effect on Primary fire could Push this weapon into being a great Utility weapon,

but as it is right now its kinda Meh,


it really need to have an AOE on Primary Fire, right now it looks cool but not much else,

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as ive said in another Topic,

the problem i have with this weapon if it had alittle more Status & AOE Damage on its Primary fire it would be Much Better,

right now you have to Hit an enemy with Slow Moving Fireballs to do any damage, and with no AOE damage you cant target the Ground ether,

an increase to 40% or 45% Status Chance & an 10m AOE effect on Primary fire could Push this weapon into being a great Utility weapon,

but as it is right now its kinda Meh,


it really need to have an AOE on Primary Fire, right now it looks cool but not much else,

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One idea I would like to add is on the throwing mechanic. I've noticed that on heavy duty targets when I throw it may stick to them. Funny but not great when I need it back. So you need to kill that target or wait for it to return. As a possible solution could Javlok have a DoT when stuck to an enemy? Just an idea.

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it needs to have an AOE effect its too slow in firing to do much when it comes to moving targets,

and because it doesnt have an AOE its high Crit Chance doesnt matter as much, i would love for it to have a AOE of 10m

other wise it just another Meh weapon with a really cool secondary Fire,

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Now I can do a whole spiel about loving the concept of the Javelin-Guns that were introduced with the Javlok along with a bunch of other exposition on it, but I'm just gonna skip to the point and put everything nice a short. 

However do note that I am going to talk about the Javlok itself and it's various mechanic stuff as opposed to typing out Javelin-Gun each time because quite frankly that'd get tiring and we only have the Javlok in the first place.

What I think are some issues with the current iterations

  • The fact that the actual throwing mechanic is slapped onto the alt-fire bugs me a bit when it could've easily worked alright as a Charge attack instead considering the Javlok still goes through a short charge-up time for each shot even when tap-firing. Additionally not being able to hold your charge makes the weapon feel a bit awkward, which is something another weapon called the Opticor also shares.
  • The animation transition from throwing the Javlok to switching to a Secondary is a bit awkward, meaning right after a throw you have 2 or so seconds of not being able to fire back at an enemy or something, making the flow feel a bit awful.

What I think could potentially be done to make the weapon class feel a bit better to play with - 

  • Change the Throw Attack into the Charge Attack for the weapon, and allow players to Hold their throws, allowing for more precise aiming and the ability to cancel the throw by hitting the reload key.
  • Smooth up / hasten the transition to Secondary Weapons so as to let players keep the flow of combat instead of awkwardly waiting two seconds to be able to fire (during which it'd arguably be better for them to have risked their life to pick up the Javlok again).

Thoughts on these proposed changes?

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19 hours ago, AndiNaga said:

it needs to have an AOE effect its too slow in firing to do much when it comes to moving targets,

and because it doesnt have an AOE its high Crit Chance doesnt matter as much, i would love for it to have a AOE of 10m

other wise it just another Meh weapon with a really cool secondary Fire,

I don't particularly think it needs AoE, as that is the function the alternate fire fills.

Having a larger hitbox on the projectile would make it more forgiving when it comes to accuracy and moving targets. What makes the primary so useless is that the visual tracking is betrayed by the space the projectile occupies in 3-d space. The projectile cannot be aimed at all because it does not visually represent the trajectory it follows.

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Alrigt so Javlok is awsome and fun weapon but honestly it feel like a lot of unused potential for me (some other weapons could have more tricks too but i've mentioned it in my quest concept) so i tought that it could be more complex but at the same time more usefull so the idea is that primary attack could be splited into two diffrent attacks, a melee jab when we tap button and slug shot when we charge this attack, also we coudl hold charged attack for some time, about alternate attack, throwing, only thing iwold like to see changed is ability to hold the charged throw so we coudl aim it better of just walk few steps away from the blast radius. not sure if that should go here or rather to extras, but well definetly wanted to share this idea.


Also if someone is interested with this quest concept i talked about here it is:


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