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Will we ever see a trading auction system in this game?


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Like honestly, EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO has a good trading auction system, yet this one seems to be still stuck in 1990's with its archaic trade chat and tiny trading zone which looks more like a clusterfk......

It's simply ridiculous, dont you think so???

Especially wnen you give us over 9000 RNG-reliant items and force us to trade nonstop just to get something we want,.. Like really, its literally impossible to get riven mods or arcanes you want without trading all thanks to crayz RNG and 24 hour time gating, and with current state of trading system, it is honestly harder than lifting a mountain with one hand.


I dont want to sit whole day reading a tiny chat window just to find a riven mod I want. You cared enough to add nitain extract for people who cant wait 6 hours for new nitain alert, then it is only logical to expect an auction house to be added for players that expect to wait for eternity for a riven they want to appear in trade chat if you want to keep riven mods in such a horrible grindy-RNG state with 24 hours time gate. At least then people can just buy platinum and buy the riven they want from the other players instead of simply saying *f. this game* and quitting when they realize that they will never get the one riven they want for the outdated weapon that they enjoy. Not even mentioning it would actually increase platinum sales for DE which means more money for your gaming company.


Honestly, I wanted to write much more insulting post about this, because its a SUCH A HUGE >MAJOR< OVERSIGHT by devs which brings nothing but frustration. Game is literally reduced to *watch into chat window for hours* instead of actually playing it at this point for me.

Edited by Shining_Darkness
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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Tyreal2012 said:

Having seen the Auction House in D3 i will flat out say hell no. End of Message.

Wow really? You honestly want everyone to keep being stuck reading endless scrolling text in a tiny window and waste their time trying to get what they want? Care to explain why??? Come on, please tell us why we are forced to go through this pain as opposed to having a nice polished auction like the all other mmo's have?

Edited by Shining_Darkness
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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Tyreal2012 said:

Having seen the Auction House in D3 i will flat out say hell no. End of Message.

For those of us who haven't played D3 since waiting for MoP to launch in WoW, can you please explain a little more what is wrong with it?

While you're at it, can you explain why one (apparently) bad implementation of an auction house should rule out being inspired by the dozens of good ones?

Personally I don't even want an AUCTION house, just a kind of market board without bidding wars and only buy-now prices.

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6 minutes ago, Shining_Darkness said:

Like honestly, EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO has a good trading auction system, yet this one seems to be still stuck in 1990's with its archaic trade chat and tiny trading zone which looks more like a clusterfk......

ts simply ridiculous, dont you think so???

Especially wnen you give us over 9000 items that are RNG-reliant and force us to trade nonstop just to get something we want,.. Honestly, its literally impossible to get riven mods or arcanes you want without trading all thanks to crayz RNG and 24 hour time gating, and with current state of trading system, it is honestly harder than lifting a mountain with one hand.

Honestly, I wanted to write much more insulting post about this, because its a SUCH A HUGE >MAJOR< OVERSIGHT by devs that It's just... just... UGH...

I never played other MMO, could u explain it a bit?..how improve the trading chat?

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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Tyreal2012 said:

Having seen the Auction House in D3 i will flat out say hell no. End of Message.

I'm with this guy.


As bad as the chat window is, it's still far better than an auction house approach. I'd much rather have a setup similar to warframe.market.

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4 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

I'm with this guy.


As bad as the chat window is, it's still far better than an auction house approach. I'd much rather have a setup similar to warframe.market.

Better? HOW IT IS BETTER? It is worse in every way imaginable... xD

Edited by Shining_Darkness
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)AleDiorio said:

I never played other MMO, could u explain it a bit?..how improve the trading chat?

Here's a quick example of what World of Warcraft's Auction House looks like, just to have a common point of reference:


As you can see, you can search for any given text string (top left), get a list of anything on the auction house matching that text (main window), and after choosing one buy it (or bid on it if you prefer to take that chance) in the lower right.

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3 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Here's a quick example of what World of Warcraft's Auction House looks like, just to have a common point of reference:


As you can see, you can search for any given text string (top left), get a list of anything on the auction house matching that text (main window), and after choosing one buy it (or bid on it if you prefer to take that chance) in the lower right.

Ty, it looks interesting.

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23 minutes ago, Shining_Darkness said:

Better? HOW IT IS BETTER? It is worse in every way imaginable... xD

Don't get me wrong, the one simple chat window is bad, but I really don't want to have to deal with auctions. The warframe.market approach is one of the best I've seen: You put up a listing, and wait for the buyer/seller to come to you, OR you find a price you are okay with and approach the seller/buyer. No bidding wars, no gross undercutting.

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Doesn't have to be an actual auction house, just a marketplace. Put up an item for X price and if you wanna buy it you click a button, no bidding for stuff or w/e. Simply to get rid of any time you waste on staring at trading chat/wf market and then the whispers, the negotiating about the price, going to dojo and finally trading. 

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This comes up a lot.

The persistent lack of DE adding an offline auction house would seem to be the answer to your title's question.

Every other game I've seen with an offline auction house has 2 basic problems

  1. Because items can be resold, rare and valuable goods are controlled by a trading cartel (accidental or otherwise) of wealthy players who keep the prices high. Adding "taxes" on this process just requires the markups be more insane.
  2. Because supply vastly outstrips demand, prices on common goods fall through the floor. This means that you'd see things like pages and pages of entire warframe and weapon sets for 10 platinum. The prices being this low is bad for the platinum economy and undercuts the game's proper store.

And as far as an "online marketplace" that lets you browse what people are offering without dealing with a firehose of moving text, they've already experimented with that in the form of Maroo's Bazaar. So really if that's not good enough, we should explore why, and improve it.

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Just now, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Have to be physically at the screen ready to vet questions and accept the trades.

This probably won't change. Allowing trading without realtime player involvement vastly increases the supply of everything relative to the demand. Which affects prices. Which affects platinum sales.


1 minute ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Five items listed max.

Inability to set a price.

DE might be persuaded on these points :)

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I think a bazaar type system would be nice, just throw up a bunch of items you want on market with a price in platinum that you'd like with the given credit rates for taxes and give it a time limit and just sit back and wait for someone to buy it, or not, getting a message if someone bought it containing your platinum or specific mod or whatever you wanted for it, I don't see why anyone wouldn't want a system like that.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)ArchangelX3Z said:

I think a bazaar type system would be nice, just throw up a bunch of items you want on market with a price in platinum that you'd like with the given credit rates for taxes and give it a time limit and just sit back and wait for someone to buy it, or not, getting a message if someone bought it containing your platinum or specific mod or whatever you wanted for it, I don't see why anyone wouldn't want a system like that.

I believe the dev's said in a devstream it takes out player to player interaction, and was not in tune to the games concept.

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Just now, Ziembski said:

No no no no no. The trade as it ia now ia fine. Also, You got warframe.market if u want to overpay but get something fast.

Strange, whenever I've bought stuff on Warframe Market it's been cheaper than in trade chat. By a LOT.

But hey, if you're happy to sit glued to the screen afraid to blink while scanning trade chat, go right ahead. I prefer to play the game.

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It would be nice to have some sort of trading system that requires a little less physical presence. I wish Warfame would have something like RuneScape's Grand Exchange implemented for trade. List an item, put in the amount of plat you want to sell it for, leave it be until some one buys it.

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On 2016-12-19 at 9:28 AM, Shining_Darkness said:

yet this one seems to be still stuck in 1990's with its archaic trade chat and tiny trading zone which looks more like a clusterfk......

On 2016-12-19 at 9:31 AM, Shining_Darkness said:

Wow really? You honestly want everyone to keep being stuck reading endless scrolling text in a tiny window and waste their time trying to get what they want? Care to explain why??? Come on, please tell us why we are forced to go through this pain as opposed to having a nice polished auction like the all other mmo's have?

You CLEARLY don't understand the three extremely simple reasons why we don't have an auction house in Warframe, so I'll lay them out for you.

1)  Server space is not unlimited.  The ability to have an auction house is completely dependent on the company that runs the game having enough spare server space to host the auction house.  So unless you're going to pay to purchase and maintain the server yourself, put on your Deal With It glasses.

2)  Warframe's economy is akin to the real-world stock market.  There are no auction houses in real life for things like purchasing a home or buying CDs or making grocery runs.  Prices fluctuate based on demand and availability, and adding an Auction House won't do anything except allow you to vend items without being online - players are not going to bid against each other to obtain something they could get from someone else for a vastly lower price from RNG themselves eventually - and there are plenty of other, better ways to implement the ability to sell items while offline.  Putting that fact aside, adding an auction house would essentially guarantee that the only people who would be able to get anything in trades are those with the largest wallets, which is DIRECTLY contradictory to what Warframe's economy is all about.

3)  You don't actually want an Auction House.  This one always gets me hate, but unless you actually read my reasons I'm going to just point and laugh at you.  This is actually very simple.  You're playing another game.  You see the Auction House that game has.  You say, "hey, this is cool.  Why don't we put it in Warframe?"  But you've forgotten the reason that game HAS an Auction House in the first place:  there is an extremely limited number of the items being sold there.  Why did Destiny lose its S#&amp;&#036; when Xur brought Gjallarhorn back?  Why did the "Greatsword of Alkuthalmak (Req. Lvl. 135 Chmp)" in Generic Asian MMO #57 get sold for 32716485931676 [premium currencies]?  Because there aren't an infinite number of them in existance, and you want it.  Auction Houses exist in games where EVERYTHING is tradeable, including weapons you've already used, improved, and tired of when you found something that has an extra +1 in the VIT stat.  Warframe is not other MMOs.  Anything and everything you would ever see in a Warframe Auction house (aside from Primed Chamber EDIT 2024: even Primed Chamber isn't limited in quantity anymore after Baro brought it) can be obtained without spending a single Plat.  Prices are generally fixed, but fluctuate over time.  No one is going to bid 50 Platinum on an unranked Ammo Drum, because even if you COULDN'T get one yourself by spending fifteen seconds on Mercury, you could find someone else selling it for less than 5.  You don't want an Auction House, you want a Market Board.

Here's a quote from an economist (Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Cambridge) talking about trading in MMOs:


The Auction House system simply doesn't work.  In any MMO that has an Auction House, the economy is just so broken there is no saving it anymore.  When 0.1% of the players control all the prices for the other 99.9% of the player-base, that's not good design.  The Auction House has to be one of the worst MMO design-features ever.

The Auction House is the bloodiest of PVP arenas, where the loser is lying helpless on the ground with their belly slit open and gold coins pouring from the wound.  And there's no scaling in this arena.  The experts can prey on the inexperienced with ease.

Look at the impact Ebay and Amazon had on the world's economy.  Suddenly everything was available, everywhere, causing the prices to drop drastically.  Local stores that sold the item for $50 now had to sell it for $10 because of stuff like that.  The only reason people go to any local store is to see the item and have it right now.  An Auction House is the equivalent of the real-world online economy without any of its drawbacks, because you see and have the item immediately.

Here's another quote from another economist MMO creator (B.S. Economics from Stockton, Ph.D. Economics from Yale) - I have changed every instance of "craft" to "grind", as Warframe's grind is akin to the crafting system of other MMOs:


I don't have anything against auctions.  But in an MMO, an Auction House is shorthand for "everybody sells everything for the lowest price the market will bear".  This is not good game design.

There is no reason every MMO should have an auction house.  Lots of MMOs implement it unthinkingly, because they believe (as some players do) that it's a mandatory back-of-the-box feature.  Few MMO devs take the time to think about the ramifications of the feature.

But let's consider Star Wars Galaxies.  No Auction House, and widely considered to be one of the best, games for [grinders], if not the best.  [...]

Now, not everyone wants to spend hours shopping for crap so they can go adventuring.  If the core of your game is monster-stabbing, and the success of said monster-stabbing relies on [items obtained from grind], it behooves you to make sure players can get their hands on [said items obtained from grind].  Or else they can't monster-stab.

Let's say it even more generally:  the transactions that let players play the game on a day-to-day basis should be fast an easy.  The transactions for rarely-needed things, for luxury items, or for power-player goods don't benefit from being trivialized like they are in an Auction House.  [emphasis mine]

Let's instead look at the "Commodities Market" model.  It works like this:  certain items are classified as commodities.  You can place these in the Commodities Market, along with the minimum price you're willing to accept for the items.  Players who want to buy them indicate the maximum they're willing to spend.  So it's a blind auction.  [You don't see the bids, and they don't see the price.  After a set time runs out, the player who was willing to pay the most money that you'd be willing to accept gets the item(s).]  This isn't quite as convenient as an auction house, but there are other tools you can add, too, like virtual shopping assistance that can search a list of your 'favorite sellers'.  You can also add item-request board (like a virtual Craigslist).

Long and short of this controversial point: you don't actually want an Auction House, you want a Sell Board instead of the current Trade Chat (we have one already, but it's on the forums rather than in-game), and you want a Commodities Market for offline sales.  Put these two together and you get a system that functions LIKE the Auction Houses of other games, but brings NONE of the problems.

Edited by Yzjdriel
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14 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

The Auction House is the bloodiest of PVP arenas, where the loser is lying helpless on the ground with their belly slit open and gold coins pouring from the wound.  And there's no scaling in this arena.  The experts can prey on the inexperienced with ease.

I will never look at an AH the same way again lmao :D

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