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Riven Mods for Faint Disposition weapons nerfed (again) as of 19.5 preload.


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Just now, KyoBladezen said:

I believe you're the one missing the point. Rivens are intended to buff weak weapons, and provide a slight bit more options for every other weapon. When in any other mod as there been more than two bonuses? Sure, your final one is a negative, but it's still objectively better for that weapon than the standard mod. If you follow that logic, which DE has expressed as the intent they had when making Riven mods, then Rivens are working as intended. Your Simulor has more options, with no option being a buff over standard mods, and my Flux Rifle has gotten enough buffs to just barely make it functional in Sorties. 

You are leaving out the fact that it is a 18 capacity mod, I would be fine with the nerf if it didn't take up 18 capacity and was on par with a 60/60 mod or slightly more in terms of capacity requirement, but not 18. The nerf was simply too much.

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Just now, Beocca said:

You are leaving out the fact that it is a 18 capacity mod, I would be fine with the nerf if it didn't take up 18 capacity and was on par with a 60/60 mod or slightly more in terms of capacity requirement, but not 18. The nerf was simply too much.

18 capacity really doesnt mean anything. Throw in a forma, and it becomes a 9. It can still fit into just about any build. 

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Just now, KyoBladezen said:

18 capacity really doesnt mean anything. Throw in a forma, and it becomes a 9. It can still fit into just about any build. 

It does mean everything, when it has a D-polarity and nerfs are made after the fact that people made builds around them. How's that for more options? I'm sure you enjoy having to reforma your build every two weeks to adjust to changes of Riven mods.

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1 hour ago, Beocca said:

It does mean everything, when it has a D-polarity and nerfs are made after the fact that people made builds around them. How's that for more options? I'm sure you enjoy having to reforma your build every two weeks to adjust to changes of Riven mods.

So, you're salty about it getting a nerf that most people knew was coming? And no, I really dont mind re-forma'ing. I have plenty of forma, and a group of friends that are always up for running XP farms. 

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8 minutes ago, KyoBladezen said:

So, you're salty about it getting a nerf that most people knew was coming? And no, I really dont mind re-forma'ing. I have plenty of forma, and a group of friends that are always up for running XP farms. 

I'm sorry but I have no interest in further discussion with someone that speculates about wether someone is "salty" or not. I think we both voiced our opinions about the change here and it's not really important to continue the dialogue between us. Lets keep adding more to the discussion about the mod if we have something instead. We already established we view this nerf differently and that's fine.

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Sigh... See this is the problem. If they would have taken their time with this Riven System and designed it properly, they wouldnt have these problems about people saying their weapons got nerfed or the stats being crap.

It is clearly their fault for rushing this. It was clearly not tested properly.

Instead we get fix after fix after fix...

Bandaid here, Bandaid there....

What I don't unterstand is why they allowed trading Riven Mods as soon when it was released, when they knew this system was not ready.

But Hey what do I know...

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I agree wholeheartedly with this change. They couldn't have stated it ENOUGH that rivens were meant to boost inferior weapons. I sold all of my high tier weapon rivens for lots after rerolling for good stats then bought ones for "crap" weapons very cheap. I knew this would happen. People who flocked to rivens for weapons that did not need them at all have no one to blame but themselves.

I fully support them 100% removing them completely for weak disposition ones. Those weapons don't need a boost at all.

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Say you get one of these new ultra faint disposition Rivens? What would you do? Roll on it? or forget it exists?

If you choose to roll on it, get ready to spend 1000x Kuva trying to make it simply as good as any worthless mod you have.

If you choose to forget it exists, then why is it there in the first place?

They should have left the faint Riven alone and further increased the values of these others. Lowering the stats just makes it further improbable to get a viable mod that's worth using in the first place.

This has nothing to do with the proportional strength of a mod so get that out of your head. This is about wasting your time because basic options are harder to beat.

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From the latest build notes:
Disposition has been reduced for the following weapons:

  • Soma
  • Simulor
  • Tonkor

It's just a few weapons, still I wish DE would stop messing (I wanted to use a different verb) around with the bloody Riven Mods... At one point you had a working build, next you can scrap it again... Instead of nerfing stuff, they should strengthen other stuff or make sure they do their homework before people do the big platinum game.

Luckily I didn't jump that train...

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7 hours ago, bubbabenali said:

Meanwhile even a +300% damage riven doesn't help the Pantera to reach "not MR fodder anymore" levels

Yeah I feel like they are on a wrong track here. Instead of pulling down top tier weapons they should push the bottom more. I don`t understand how nerfing some top tier weapons will make the riven system more attractive. It`s just anoying for everybody. Players are angry which spent plat and effort into these rivens, everybody is unsure what weapon will be tuned down next maybe? And low tier weapons are still sh§% with rivens. 

They should buff "Strong" Disposition instead and leave the rest alone for now.

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1 hour ago, AcceptYourDeath said:

They should buff "Strong" Disposition instead and leave the rest alone for now.



Nerfing Rivens to where basic mods can easily compete is counter productive to the system and makes it less attractive.

Simply buffing Strong disposition gets the same result without de-valuing Rivens for faint disposition any further.

It has become downright stupid to try and roll a viable Simulor Riven. Not good, just viable.

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18 hours ago, ChillZi said:

Sigh... See this is the problem. If they would have taken their time with this Riven System and designed it properly, they wouldnt have these problems about people saying their weapons got nerfed or the stats being crap.

It is clearly their fault for rushing this. It was clearly not tested properly.

Instead we get fix after fix after fix...

Bandaid here, Bandaid there....

What I don't unterstand is why they allowed trading Riven Mods as soon when it was released, when they knew this system was not ready.

But Hey what do I know...

It was all a money-grabbing scheme from them to get players to buy plats to purchase the god/OP tier mods, and then nerf those to the ground. Rivens were what made me start playing the sorties again, but this second nerf has turned me off, not gonna bother with sorties now(again). And yeah, they are not get me to use a karak/mitter/braton/stradavar, etch with even +400% buff. They shoulda left the faint rivens alone and buffed the strong rivens, but no, they have to nerf everything that some people(if not all) have fun with. This is the reason why they don't get any money from me. Have supported them more than they deserve.

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On 12/20/2016 at 8:25 PM, Major_Phantom said:

I think faint weapons shouldn't have had rivens at all so people actually go trying other guns but that's just me.

I don't really have sympathy of any sort for a simulor riven, I'm sorry.

You're bad natured. Rivens should bring joy to the people who have them. Instead, you're asking for getting a riven for simulor or soma to be a huge let down and a waste of a rifle riven mod.

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16 hours ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

Arent we discussing two different mods. One is rolled 6 times. They are not even the same mod. The discussion doesnt make sense.

This was gone over multiple times, you can roll rivens and keep the original stats, which is what he did, unrelated to the fact that the original stats now have less weight.

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14 hours ago, Coaa said:

I agree wholeheartedly with this change. They couldn't have stated it ENOUGH that rivens were meant to boost inferior weapons. I sold all of my high tier weapon rivens for lots after rerolling for good stats then bought ones for "crap" weapons very cheap. I knew this would happen. People who flocked to rivens for weapons that did not need them at all have no one to blame but themselves.

I fully support them 100% removing them completely for weak disposition ones. Those weapons don't need a boost at all.

Excuse me, but your logic is failing.

Riven mods buff bad weapons.

Riven mods being good for good weapons has no bearing on that objective.

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Rivens for the top tier (or "popular") weapons were a CLEAR sign of power creep. The few people that had them had the most powerful weapons in the game because of these mods, even though these weapons already perform well up to level 120+ enemies without them. The nerf of these mods shows DE doesn't want to create a plateau of power creep. And on trade chat, all I saw was a flood of "WTB simulor, tonkor, soma, dread riven mods", despite people asking 2,000+ platinum for it. If you bought them for that much, I'm honestly sorry they're only worth like half of what you got them for now, but oh well. I couldn't even sell my top tier tetra riven for more than 100p, so obviously these mods were too op, and DE doesn't like it when things like that exist. I guess just learn for next time something like this happens

Edited by LabMan95
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8 hours ago, Snowbluff said:

You're bad natured. Rivens should bring joy to the people who have them.

First of all- you're pretty rude for insulting someone who disagrees, Second- the devs have said the point of the system is to bring more weapons up to power and bring your attention to ones you might never have tried normally. In that sense why do people in trading want simulor, soma, tonkor and sybaris rivens as an example? That's cause people are less interested in exploring new weapons as oposed to using their already formad and potatoes high end guns with even more absurd stats. Call me bad natured all you want, doesn't change the fact that player behavior on a grander scale doesn't do what the developers wanted with the system and they're making changes to try and guide it as it'll end up in a richer experience. Feel free to disagree but if we never had rivens for top tier weapons, we'd see a whole lot more veriety in guns in games and since they were never introduced, no one would be disappointed.

8 hours ago, Snowbluff said:

Instead, you're asking for getting a riven for simulor or soma to be a huge let down and a waste of a rifle riven mod.

I'm not asking of anything of the sort, I'm expressing my sadness that the system wasn't implemented in a slightly different way. Now it's too late to change as people've invested so much in their rivens. You've completely missed my point and misunderstood what I'm saying. Getting rivens should never be disappointing apart from rerolling stats. I do not want rivens for top guns to get useless, I want them to not have existed in the first place. It's a piece of feedback that can affect future systems implemented to try mess with weapon balance and if you can't see it as such, I have no interest in taking this discussion further.

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9 hours ago, Snowbluff said:

Excuse me, but your logic is failing.

Riven mods buff bad weapons.

Riven mods being good for good weapons has no bearing on that objective.

What part do you not understand? Weapons like tonkor and simulor that completely trivialize almost everything the game offers currently do not need a riven to begin with.

I didn't think it was that hard to understand honestly.

Weapons like hind and attica that can't even really push higher then level 40 content with 5 forma need them. Not weapons that unforma'd can destroy the starmap and do fine in sorties.

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1 hour ago, Coaa said:

Weapons like tonkor and simulor that completely trivialize almost everything the game offers currently do not need a riven to begin with.

Then they shouldn't exist.
This is why we needed a balance pass on all weapons, not Riven Mods.

As long as faint rivens are still decent (compared to all other mods) it's somewhat acceptable, but something like "30% heat + 30% vs grineer + 15% reload" for a Tonkor for 18 points simply shouldn't exist (just like riven mods as a whole).

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On 12/21/2016 at 3:20 AM, Ryunokage said:

I can't really see any argument for faint riven dispositions being as high as 0.50, especially given how they compare to the other weapons in warframe.

The riven system after all, is intended to promote the use of under utilised weapons, ideally by making them comparable to the current meta. If anything i'd argue that riven affinity for meta weapons should be brought down to 0.2 or even 0.15 to achieve a rough degree of parity.

I think Riven mods for "meta" weapons shouldn't have been a thing in the first place to be honest with you.

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