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Cap the Cumulative Login System's Unique Rewards


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@Cool3303: 4 hours of grinding? Really? Your system would totally kill my interest in the reward system or better: motivate me to log in every day. If the worst think that can happen is, that I fall back 30 days, then why bother at all? It's a step back to the first reward system.

In all those threads in which players bemoan lack of endgame, lack of content etc. you can always read that those players got bored, had nothing to do, but they logged in because of the current reward system. It kept them motivated to at least check and look around on a daily basis. Incredably clever by DE. I highly doubt that your system will achieve the same.

 600 daily logins equal 4-6 hours of grind for you? Wow...on that assumption I doubt you will achieve a compromise.

Edited by Sahansral
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Speaking as someone who is pretty high up on the food chain of logins myself, I agree with OP.


A system of progression where you have no respite and can only ever fall further behind is not a good motivator. It's a stressful one, it feels awful when you do have something occur, potentially without your own control, that sets you irrepairably back from your future goals. Which is fine, when those targets are minor points of prestige, not when they're unique gameplay-affecting entities.


I say I'm "high up" on the login pecking order and not at the bleeding edge for a good reason - I had a few occasional days where there was a bug, or I left Warframe running during a day and didn't specifically relog (when that was necessary to tally a login day), and as a result.. I'm a handful of days short of the optimal right now.


The login system changed to allow unique rewards and, in part, to avoid the progression reset we had before, falling back to a lower reward tier for a few days. But that was only a minor setback - a few days at suboptimal reward structure. You'd still be on the same table once you tallied up your consecutives again.

Now imagine you were no longer eligible for a 75% platinum discount if you ever broke the consecutive login chain. You'd be rather displeased at the irrepairable hindrance, even if you can still get just as much total discounted money from acquiring and using the lower discount values more than once.


If unique gameplay affecting rewards continue to be implemented further and further into the login progression, then the system has failed to provide incentives for player retention, because unless you were already playing, then you've already lost.

Besides, if you've logged into the game for 400 days, then odds are, you just like the game outright, at which point the draw of logging in on any given day is playing the game more, not getting another fancy new toy just for typing your password and hitting return.

Edited by EDYinnit
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4 hours ago, EDYinnit said:

Speaking as someone who is pretty high up on the food chain of logins myself, I agree with OP.


A system of progression where you have no respite and can only ever fall further behind is not a good motivator. It's a stressful one, it feels awful when you do have something occur, potentially without your own control, that sets you irrepairably back from your future goals. Which is fine, when those targets are minor points of prestige, not when they're unique gameplay-affecting entities.


I say I'm "high up" on the login pecking order and not at the bleeding edge for a good reason - I had a few occasional days where there was a bug, or I left Warframe running during a day and didn't specifically relog (when that was necessary to tally a login day), and as a result.. I'm a handful of days short of the optimal right now.


The login system changed to allow unique rewards and, in part, to avoid the progression reset we had before, falling back to a lower reward tier for a few days. But that was only a minor setback - a few days at suboptimal reward structure. You'd still be on the same table once you tallied up your consecutives again.

Now imagine you were no longer eligible for a 75% platinum discount if you ever broke the consecutive login chain. You'd be rather displeased at the irrepairable hindrance, even if you can still get just as much total discounted money from acquiring and using the lower discount values more than once.


If unique gameplay affecting rewards continue to be implemented further and further into the login progression, then the system has failed to provide incentives for player retention, because unless you were already playing, then you've already lost.

Besides, if you've logged into the game for 400 days, then odds are, you just like the game outright, at which point the draw of logging in on any given day is playing the game more, not getting another fancy new toy just for typing your password and hitting return.

As someone who repeatedly is unable to login in due to health issues I don't agree with op. Login rewards in warframe are the fairest I have come across. There are no reset to zero and no missed days taking away the rewards from the days you missed. All the rewards are waiting for you to log in again. You miss nothing.  

"falling behind" is a point of view. Login rewards are a neat present when you get to milestones, but they are not the be all end all of warframe. I have probably been unable to play  for more than 150 days since this login system was added. Does missing that many days make me wish for a way to bridge the gap between myself and other players logins? No, because it's not a race, it's a personal journey mirrored by other players. Removing the unique weapons and mods would make this login system as boring as the last one. Everything barring login sigils (which I like but concede that others may not)  is attainable by minor grinding, light trading or a sprinkle of plat. Login rewards are a time gate and I'm thankful every day that they are not an rng gate, we have have plenty of those. The current login rewards are not punishing to players who can't log in, rewards just wait politely for you to be able to login again and resume. 

I guess I've always been of the mindset that login rewards are a gift from the devs. A "wow you've logged into our game for 400 days here's a cookie!" type of thing. It doesn't  matter if someone else got a cookie before me, I still get my cookie and it's just as tasty as  the early birds. 

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12 hours ago, Sahansral said:

@Cool3303: 4 hours of grinding? Really? Your system would totally kill my interest in the reward system or better: motivate me to log in every day. If the worst thing that can happen is, that I fall back 30 days, then why bother at all? It's a step back to the first reward system.

The difference is that it is a couple hours of grinding you have to do every milestone. Which means every 2 months if you push this up any further you will fall behind another milestone and need to craft that one too.

Also its additional grind everytime you have to do it. Likewise new or returning players will have a ton of milestones they missed.

Grinding 4 hours means spending a entire day farming. Which makes you fall behind another day, do it in 2 or 3 days and you see what I am getting at.

It will still be preferrable to "just" login, if possible.

And what do you gain from daily logins? What does DE gain?
You bring up the "returning to game" threads.I dont want to downplay which portion of the playerbase those represent but sure:
In the "I quit Warframe threads" you also hear about people getting burned out and not being able to take a break because they are oppressed by things like Constant Grind, Prime Vault and the Login System.

My Personal perspective:
I personally feel oppressed by the milestones. Logging in Daily is a bother to me and I DO NOT need the incentive.

The first thing I do when I start my Laptop or my PC is open Firefox and click on WF Forums and Deathsnacks which I've bookmarked.
I won't abandon Warframe... but logging in is a bother, patching for 20mins without any options to stop WF from taking the entire Bandwith is a annoyance.
Hell if I see a Sortie which takes less than 30 mins I would login happily and do it.

I've also been unable to login very often in the past and had some struggle with bandwidth limits (thank god thats over) So I can entirely see how harmfull it is.

6 hours ago, Drasiel said:

I guess I've always been of the mindset that login rewards are a gift from the devs. A "wow you've logged into our game for 400 days here's a cookie!" type of thing. It doesn't  matter if someone else got a cookie before me, I still get my cookie and it's just as tasty as  the early birds. 

See here is the problem though? Would you be affected if instead of a cookie there would be a biscuit?
Thats all OP (and I) am asking for.

Stop locking non-cosmetic content behind there or (in my Opinion) shrink the timegap to a manageable amount.
I can very much understand that the players that logged in every day want some exclusivity but what is your problem???

6 hours ago, Drasiel said:

The current login rewards are not punishing to players who can't log in

Please try to understand:

I did everything which interest me in this game, except trying the extremely unique Zenistar. I also assume the Sundial Rifle will be just as unique.
The problem is: Everday I do not login is another day I have 0.0% reason to login and play  Because only the Zenistar would prove sufficient reason to do so.

So quite clearly I am getting punished,discouraged,dissuaded, call it wathever you want from not logging in.

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On 12/22/2016 at 10:38 AM, Callback said:

A system like this, if allowed to grow indefinitely, causes many problems.

  • It not only discourages, but actively punishes breaks from the game
  • It prohibits both new and returning players form ever catching up
  • It creates an increasingly large divide among the comunity

Warframe is a grind.  That is fine.

Ok so, first of all, you're saying that a game company discouraging people from taking breaks from their game is bad. Have you ever run a business before? That's like saying "our customers are coming back three times a week to order our food. That's ridiculous, we don't want their business!" Are you mad?

As for the "prohibits catching up," but what about those people that want to take breaks like you just mentioned? Wouldn't others be able to catch up to those whom took a break, even though it's a terrible thing? Because that's exactly what happened to me and a bud I got playing this game. I had played for 2 years before he even started the game, and he ended up getting his Zenistar and Primed Fury two weeks before I did. Now I'm ten days in the login ahead of him. Things happen.

If you're mad that some other dude invested his time into a game and is getting good stuff out of it, then your bitter grapes are your own problem. 


Lastly, Warframe is not a grind. People MAKE IT a grind by choosing to do so out of impatience. Again, an individual's decision, and not a game design spec. Deal with it.

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2 hours ago, DiosGX said:

Ok so, first of all, you're saying that a game company discouraging people from taking breaks from their game is bad. Have you ever run a business before? That's like saying "our customers are coming back three times a week to order our food. That's ridiculous, we don't want their business!" Are you mad?

No he says it actively punishes breaks from the game.

To stay with your comparisions: "Oh you want our newest dish? Sorry thats only for customers that have been here for 500 days. You need to visit 150 times more. Don't worry we are just encouraging you to visit our restaurant."

Edited by Cool3303
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The entire presumption of this discussions is based on that DE simply don't have a cap planned, which we cant even tell because we have yet to hit even the 400 day mark.  Sure DE have plans for future rewards out to 550 days (as far as we know), but maybe they have plans for the cap to be at the 2 years of playing mark (about 700 days).  

We also have no idea if DE even have plans to release other ways to gain these items when there are actually sufficient number of them (or once the set is complete) to be some kind of rewards (we have only 3 to date, out of thousands of other rewards in the game already).

There are so many other issues in the game, and this one is simply a perception of information we don't have.   It would be like complaining now about Nidus may never get a prime variant or complaining that when the game ends that we are all left with nothing other than memories.

Edited by Loswaith
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52 minutes ago, Cool3303 said:

No he says it actively punishes breaks from the game.

To stay with your comparisions: "Oh you want our newest dish? Sorry thats only for customers that have been here for 500 days. You need to visit 150 times more. Don't worry we are just encouraging you to visit our restaurant."

If I ran a restaurant, you'd better bet I'd save the better wine and meat cuts for people that have been coming there for longer. So, you're not gonna convince me with that one.


Also, a fistful of mods don't make or break the game, especially when they're just +1 versions of mods that already exist. There is no extra gameplay changes brought by any login rewards save for the Zenistar, and even then, it's not that great of a melee weapon outside of MD or Defenses or pre-made survivals. 


If you think any of these login rewards are seriously changing the game so much as to present some type of segregated divide within the community, you might just be an elitist dealing with elitist players. I suggest not doing so.

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While I don't agree 100% with the OP, I do see where they are coming from & do agree with them somewhat.

In a grindy game like Warframe, the current log-in rewards system *does* somewhat punish players for taking breaks after they get fatigued. Of course, this isn't some sort of severe punishment, just something that might make a player feel like they lost a bunch of possible progress because they took a few days off.

Also of course, the special milestone log-in rewards aren't needed in any way either. You can get to mastery rank 20 just fine while somehow missing every log-in reward I'm sure. The rewards are just extra caveats to help keep you playing everyday. Are some of these rewards almost *too* nice compared to how hard it might be to get them? Maybe.

Now in my opinion, there is pretty much never just a black or a white when it comes to an issue. This issue to me, also falls under a grey area. The way log-in rewards are handled now is slightly punishing to players who wish to take breaks/do other things in their lives every once & a while. On the other hand, this log-in rewards system is OK, & lets players get these rewards at they're own pace & such.

I've played MMO games that have had log in rewards *much* worse than how Warframe has it right now. Imagine needing to login once a day, for 40 days straight in order to get all the milestone rewards, and if you miss even *one* of those log-in days, then you won't be able to get the final milestone reward. Some games have time limited log-in reward cycles, which are like 3X as punishing as how Warframe has it. As long as DE doesn't change it one day to "Oh, you only logged in 190 days straight? Well too bad, because now the special rifle/mod at the 200 day mark is now locked away forever!" then it should be mostly fine with how it is now. At least everyone can seemingly eventually get to the high level rewards, & the only thing that missing a log-in will affect is just slowing down the milestone slightly. If missing a log-in prevented you from getting certain things, then it would need to be changed. But as it is, it's OK right now.

Sure, it could use some work most likely, but in terms of a log-in rewards system with milestones, it's somewhat one of the better ones to be honest.

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7 hours ago, Cool3303 said:


See here is the problem though? Would you be affected if instead of a cookie there would be a biscuit?
Thats all OP (and I) am asking for.

Stop locking non-cosmetic content behind there or (in my Opinion) shrink the timegap to a manageable amount.
I can very much understand that the players that logged in every day want some exclusivity but what is your problem???

Please try to understand:

I did everything which interest me in this game, except trying the extremely unique Zenistar. I also assume the Sundial Rifle will be just as unique.
The problem is: Everday I do not login is another day I have 0.0% reason to login and play  Because only the Zenistar would prove sufficient reason to do so.

So quite clearly I am getting punished,discouraged,dissuaded, call it wathever you want from not logging in.

The suggestions for changing my cookies into your biscuits comes with several additives I don't agree with. 

Here are the "raisins" that I see in the current biscuit recipes proposed. 

- create a grind based alternative. Raisin: this would need to be so obscenely high in order to equal the same value as the time gate, that it would essentially be useless for those not logging into warframe everyday anyway. To low and it would invalidate the time gate that is the current system check. Balancing the grind cost would also be a continuing headache: the more long term players amass massive stockpiles. That means either using current or introducing new expiring resources, which everyone hates, or having to readjust the costs on a regular basis. 

-Speed boost (ex. Each day counting as 2 until up to x login reward reached, where x is current max login days reached-y) for returning players. Raisin: This seems really unfair to the people who logged in every day. What this comes across as is returning players are more valuable than people who stay with the game and should have the actual time they need to login halved just because they missed days and are "behind". 

-Baro should sell login rewards. Raisins: same reasons as the grinding suggestion. 

-Put a cap at 500 or x rewards. Raisins: the login system becomes potentially  useless to long term vets at this point. Once there are no more unique items the login rewards essentially revert back to a slightly kinder version of the first system. A rotation of items already attained, resources we don't need, boosters we don't need, standing we don't need, and potentially for the trading focused tenno: uneeded plat discounts. 

As far as you being punished by the game I think  you are rather punishing yourself :/ you have a very clear activity you need to do x times to accomplish getting the zenistar. Since that is the only thing that interests you one would think you'd be logging in as much as you can and accruing the necessary resource, in this case days. If you don't perform that action that's on you. Believe me I understand how life can get in the way of gaming but farming logins is equal or less effort (depending on situation) than farming the resources you need for other weapons. 

Now not to be a total debbie downer some things I would accept as a cookie enhancer would be a login booster for plat or a pay plat to skip x days useable once per milestone segment. Warframe has always had a friendly relationship with pay to skip the wait so that might be an acceptable option for people on both sides of the fence. 

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6 minutes ago, Drasiel said:

The suggestions for changing my cookies into your biscuits comes with several additives I don't agree with. 


-Speed boost (ex. Each day counting as 2 until up to x login reward reached, where x is current max login days reached-y) for returning players. Raisin: This seems really unfair to the people who logged in every day. What this comes across as is returning players are more valuable than people who stay with the game and should have the actual time they need to login halved just because they missed days and are "behind".

-Put a cap at 500 or x rewards. Raisins: the login system becomes potentially  useless to long term vets at this point. Once there are no more unique items the login rewards essentially revert back to a slightly kinder version of the first system. A rotation of items already attained, resources we don't need, boosters we don't need, standing we don't need, and potentially for the trading focused tenno: uneeded plat discounts.


Now not to be a total debbie downer some things I would accept as a cookie enhancer would be a login booster for plat or a pay plat to skip x days useable once per milestone segment. Warframe has always had a friendly relationship with pay to skip the wait so that might be an acceptable option for people on both sides of the fence. 

I didn't get to reply to you before when you were directly addressing me, but to refine my point, I don't agree with any queue-jumping paradigm, because that does potentially force the bleeding-edge players to pay to remain where they are relative to abitrary other player X, and diminishes their gratification for the loyalty shown.


But I do agree that the unique rewards need to be capped. Whether we know or do not know the truth of this matter is irrelevant, players can still voice the opinion, and DE instantiates a cap behind the scenes or is simply reinforced that they are doing the right thing if one already existed, no harm either way.


As for what to give people after that cap, well... That's definitely up for debate; although I'm sure a stipend of platinum wouldn't be refused, DE has been showing us quite a lack of understanding for what changes will satisfy the greatest proportion of players of late (see Sortie rewards with Nitain/Forma), so any decisions of specific items are unlikely to be well received.

Of course, platinum from this kind of reward probably wouldn't be tradeable, limiting its use somewhat, but there are always more cosmetics and slots to buy...

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17 hours ago, EDYinnit said:

I didn't get to reply to you before when you were directly addressing me, but to refine my point, I don't agree with any queue-jumping paradigm, because that does potentially force the bleeding-edge players to pay to remain where they are relative to abitrary other player X, and diminishes their gratification for the loyalty shown.


But I do agree that the unique rewards need to be capped. Whether we know or do not know the truth of this matter is irrelevant, players can still voice the opinion, and DE instantiates a cap behind the scenes or is simply reinforced that they are doing the right thing if one already existed, no harm either way.


As for what to give people after that cap, well... That's definitely up for debate; although I'm sure a stipend of platinum wouldn't be refused, DE has been showing us quite a lack of understanding for what changes will satisfy the greatest proportion of players of late (see Sortie rewards with Nitain/Forma), so any decisions of specific items are unlikely to be well received.

Of course, platinum from this kind of reward probably wouldn't be tradeable, limiting its use somewhat, but there are always more cosmetics and slots to buy...

Okay yeah I get you. That's not unreasonable. So here's 2 ideas to chew on:

1. Logins from the nexus app count as daily logins (something that was claimed would be included in the last major revision of the app and was not followed through on) which would alleviate download time, loading, and bandwidth complaints. 

2. And this is just off the top of my head and could have a myriad of pitfalls and issues: what If milestones after whatever is considered an acceptable number improved the login weapons in some way? It keeps the rewards unique and within the same system of log in to get rewards. If you don't have the weapon (selling etc)  you get another copy which Is still decent because even if you don't like it hey free weapon slot. 

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I'd personally like it if the rewards were for how old your account is, rather than just log-on days. Think about it: You finished your steamsale games and realize you havnt played Warframe in 30 days. You remember that there's cumulative bonuses for the age of your account. What could be waiting for you when you get back? A new weapon? Customization Options? Resources and boosters(Though theyd need to be changed to be redeemable at any time, rather than have them stack.Maybe as blueprints)? It could become the thing that MAKES players want to come back, rather than make people not want to because they missed so many days and cant keep up with the primed fury zenistars. 

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Just gonna say, I work 12-16 hours a day and since this system has been in place I've missed only a dozen or so days. Is it because I play this game everyday? hell no, I generally don't even play more than a hour or two when there is new content. However you know I do, I take 5 mins out of my busy day, boot up the game and login, boom got my check for the day and off to more important stuff. Long story short, this is a system for those that believe the rewards matter and are worth getting, and those who don't to both get everything eventually. These are rewards for dedication and until the next SynSim (love how auto-correct always has that as Dumdum, so fitting) is in the login rewards, there is no change needed. If you want it, you'll get it eventually.

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Oh man, this is still going? There isn't even a question of fairness, it's like asking for a trophy when you're on the losing team. You weren't there, you didn't support long enough, so you don't get the tiny little gold thing to put on your shelf. It doesn't boost WF's economy, sure, but it's a nice little thank you to everyone who sticks with it. 

I also saw a point made earlier that the most dedicated players were hurting the game because they are able to farm things since they have all that free time, meaning they don't need to buy plat.

No. Just no.

In farming parts, you're still aiding the playerbase (unless you solo, but then whatever), adding to playercounts, and keeping missions flowing. Also, most players who focus exclusively on farming parts want to do something with those parts, like, I dunno, trade them for platinum. I wonder where that platinum comes from? Could it maybe be people who, gasp, paid for it? No matter what, long time, recurring players, even those who don't actively buy plat themselves, still contribute to the game's economy, even if indirectly. 

I'm glad to see so many people were against this mess of a thread, it really was unwarranted complaining.

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I don't really see the problem with the login system. I'm over 250 days in even after taking a break for a while. Missed nothing, rewards started counting from where I stopped. I like that. Its like saying a new player that just joined needs some fast way to catch up to a 3 year old vet, Ridiculous. Keep playing and you'll catch up eventually.

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This game is not meant to be fair.... While I can understand your point of view, I also disagree with it. Players that have played for a while "can" agree (they could disagree too). But this login reward complaint is silly. You just login, and get a reward... you don't even really need to play, to get those rewards. It doesn't take that long to login either. If you are tired from work or classes, you can afford to spend like 5-10 minutes just to login, click your reward, and log out.

All players will eventually get the login rewards, that others further along has.

This is actually attainable. While not everyone will get it at the same time, they will eventually get it. Fairness? I think it's fair (generous) enough that DE even thought to reward players for login dedication (not necessarily playing). 

It's a completely different story with the Excalibur Prime topic, where only people who played in the beginning and bought founders package can get it.

New players shouldn't be able to get everything (immediately). While I don't mind some new player friendly features or tutorials, they shouldn't be babied. Grind through a little, and learn dedication. If the new players quit because they feel that the game is too much after a few days, then the game isn't for them.

I can admit that this game could have more ways/features to introduce new players to clans and such, but at the moment, players old and new, need to learn to be resourceful and patient (or spend/trade plat if you aren't patient). This isn't a pay-to-win game. It's more a pay-for-convenience. This game does not necessarily lock you behind much, since plat can be traded. Only thing locking you is the steam-exclusive tennogen skins. But for that you have to pay (no use crying about that either). 

There are even some things you can't really pay for like MR restrictions. But hey, grind through it and so forth. It isn't that hard, especially with friends/families/clans. This may sound like a generic answer, and it is. But it is what we have to work with, as there aren't more social interactive features yet available for this game.

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  • 3 months later...

@Callback I Feel your pain, and understand what you mean even if I don't agree 100% with the method of solving the issue. I stumbled into the same issue, I left just before of the implementation of login 2.0, I was burnt out and I had done everything I needed to, I'd got all the prime frames available, all the frames available. When I stopped they didn't have Daily Sorties, They didn't as many items for syndicates, and I'd maxed those already, The daily like Invasions didn't give you event weapon parts and I'd done all the quests and There wasn't the daily style resource like Nitain. Hell because I'd barely sold anything from the void I didn't need to grind for ducats I just traded my old stuff in. There was nothing to do on a daily level, not like there is today, So I was burned out. I stopped, came back for a quest or two or even, saw the new login system, thought it looked cool, but there was still very little to do (and at the time I didn't know how "Important/ unique the rewards would get" No one did), so I did the smart thing, and left the game.

Nowdays I'm back and enjoying it at a better pace, there's a reason to login everyday - Sorties are pretty good for a 20-40 minutes distraction, they've got lots more items to spend the syndicate rep on, invasions only take 3 missions, the mission types are varied and the rewards regularly include fricken event weapon parts, likewise logging in just for a little nitain or designated nightmare mod, makes a small stint in warframe much more pleasurable once you've reached near to the end of the game. DE has changed the system so its much nicer to play it daily and pace yourself preventing burnout, which goes hand in hand with the new login system.

@Callback Remember when the only way to get Gorgon was from login, Now it only takes killing a certain kind of enemy. Remember when Event weapons and mods were limited to events, now you can get them from normal missions, Baro and Corrupted Vor/Spy. Seems like everything will eventually have multple ways of 'farming' so I wouldn't stress to hard about it, DE will probably eventually have those weapons obtainable in another way (Baro or even just play purchasable probably). My first riven (at login day 23) was for the Azima...so i only have to wait 50 more days to use a riven.

I figure when the divide gets big enough DE will make days purchasable by plat. Either directly (2p for an acceleration of days up to a cap, probably the second most recent point) or by providing a booster (200p for a 100 Day Double Tribute booster - Doubles login days and rewards per day for 100 days, cannot be bought if your acculmulative login days are passed a certain point)


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On 4/21/2017 at 9:17 PM, Youchoob said:

@Callback I Feel your pain, and understand what you mean even if I don't agree 100% with the method of solving the issue. I stumbled into the same issue, I left just before of the implementation of login 2.0, I was burnt out and I had done everything I needed to, I'd got all the prime frames available, all the frames available. When I stopped they didn't have Daily Sorties, They didn't as many items for syndicates, and I'd maxed those already, The daily like Invasions didn't give you event weapon parts and I'd done all the quests and There wasn't the daily style resource like Nitain. Hell because I'd barely sold anything from the void I didn't need to grind for ducats I just traded my old stuff in. There was nothing to do on a daily level, not like there is today, So I was burned out. I stopped, came back for a quest or two or even, saw the new login system, thought it looked cool, but there was still very little to do (and at the time I didn't know how "Important/ unique the rewards would get" No one did), so I did the smart thing, and left the game.

Nowdays I'm back and enjoying it at a better pace, there's a reason to login everyday - Sorties are pretty good for a 20-40 minutes distraction, they've got lots more items to spend the syndicate rep on, invasions only take 3 missions, the mission types are varied and the rewards regularly include fricken event weapon parts, likewise logging in just for a little nitain or designated nightmare mod, makes a small stint in warframe much more pleasurable once you've reached near to the end of the game. DE has changed the system so its much nicer to play it daily and pace yourself preventing burnout, which goes hand in hand with the new login system.

@Callback Remember when the only way to get Gorgon was from login, Now it only takes killing a certain kind of enemy. Remember when Event weapons and mods were limited to events, now you can get them from normal missions, Baro and Corrupted Vor/Spy. Seems like everything will eventually have multple ways of 'farming' so I wouldn't stress to hard about it, DE will probably eventually have those weapons obtainable in another way (Baro or even just play purchasable probably). My first riven (at login day 23) was for the Azima...so i only have to wait 50 more days to use a riven.

I figure when the divide gets big enough DE will make days purchasable by plat. Either directly (2p for an acceleration of days up to a cap, probably the second most recent point) or by providing a booster (200p for a 100 Day Double Tribute booster - Doubles login days and rewards per day for 100 days, cannot be bought if your acculmulative login days are passed a certain point)


Remember primed chamber?  How we all expected it to be released post-event in a permanent drop home like all previous event mods had?


Don't count on DE to ever do the right thing on their own.  They need coaxing from a business perspective.  And my point about the system putting off returning players, who are a major source of platinum sales, is a valid one of the type they might actually listen to.

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On 22.12.2016. at 7:38 PM, Callback said:
  • It not only discourages, but actively punishes breaks from the game
  • It prohibits both new and returning players form ever catching up
  • It creates an increasingly large divide among the comunity

Agreed.I am player with almost 2k hours of playing and I play only this game actively over a 2 years now but I'm still 40 days behind.With life obligations this is only going to get bigger.I don't rush in getting that login rewards,dont get me wrong,but I am wondering how will player that just started playing ever gonna reach this...

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