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Lack of Credits


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This has been bothering me for years, posted about it more than several times. How do people come up with tens of millions of credits? It's common to see average-MR-players with huge "cash" stocks while trading. I've never had more than a couple of millions and I'm constantly suffocating to the lack of them. Building several weapons, crafting materials, crafting pets and upgrading mods around the clock while trying to obtain platinum from missions that award next to zero credits other than the daily Sortie. Credit booster only makes the situation bearable for a short moment. Not having abused those well known credit glitches and exploits in the past has added yet another unnecessary handicapping factor. Oh, and not to mention cycling Rivens...


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The principle is simple: Reduce expenditure, increase earnings. I normally stock up on a lot of credits simply by not spending anything. Once I amass a large stockpile, I can casually spend credits here and there and keep my reserves going. Raids and Sorties generally give a massive chunk of credits for a couple of hours of work, so if you can find a regular group, run those. The Arcanes also sell for hefty amounts of plat.


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7 minutes ago, Siideriu said:

This has been bothering me for years, posted about it more than several times. How do people come up with tens of millions of credits? It's common to see average-MR-players with huge "cash" stocks while trading. I've never had more than a couple of millions and I'm constantly suffocating to the lack of them. Building several weapons, crafting materials, crafting pets and upgrading mods around the clock while trying to obtain platinum from missions that award next to zero credits other than the daily Sortie. Credit booster only makes the situation bearable for a short moment. Not having abused those well known credit glitches and exploits in the past has added yet another unnecessary handicapping factor. Oh, and not to mention cycling Rivens...


Sechura Pluto has a 22k-26k mission completion reward, earning on avg 50k credits a run of 5 rounds with credit booster, 100k with credit booster during double credit weekends. It is pretty tiresome but like everything pros n cons. With double credits n a speed nova and good weapons you can do solo runs for less enemies spawning, earn 1 mill in an hr

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Ultimate credit farming (gets insanely boring though).


20 waves

4 clan members

4 Secura Lectas 

4 boosters 

No ability or other weapon kills

Should be around 800k per 20 waves and it's very fast. Then just repeat until bored or until you have enough to make ya happy.

Once you have all frames , weapons and the best of the best mods all maxed. Nothing really to use your credits. Littarly cannot burn them quick enough.

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23 minutes ago, Siideriu said:

This has been bothering me for years, posted about it more than several times. How do people come up with tens of millions of credits? It's common to see average-MR-players with huge "cash" stocks while trading. I've never had more than a couple of millions and I'm constantly suffocating to the lack of them. Building several weapons, crafting materials, crafting pets and upgrading mods around the clock while trying to obtain platinum from missions that award next to zero credits other than the daily Sortie. Credit booster only makes the situation bearable for a short moment. Not having abused those well known credit glitches and exploits in the past has added yet another unnecessary handicapping factor. Oh, and not to mention cycling Rivens...


As a new or newer player credits are in constant shortage but as you move up the MR ladder and build most of the things, have most of Baro's stock, etc credits become less and less of an Issue. It also depends how long have you been playing the game. If someones been around for 2-3 years of course they'll have a nice credit surplus, it gathers up over time. I used to get a lot of the credits from void before the rework. Now Its Akkad/Sechura, credit booster and am hovering at around 10mil, give or take.  

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Here is how I do it.

Step 1) Buy a 3day credit booster for 40 platinum.
Step 2) Recruit a platoon consisting of Nekros, Fast Nova, Chroma, Volt/Valkyr/EV.
Step 3) Make sure people have Secura Lecta, and if not instruct them not to kill anything.
Step 4) Tell Chroma not to use Effigy in the first 15 waves, otherwise 50% credits will be lost.
Step 5) Go to Eris, Akkad (Dark Sector)
Step 6) Start killing and go for 40 waves.
Step 7) Profit.

I earn about 1.200.000 (one million and two hundred thousand) credits on 40 waves of Eris Akkad Dark Sector Infested Defense.
It is super easy, it's fast, you don't have go to chase anything, everything comes to you.

Nekros for Desecrate for more credit rolls, HP orbs and Energy orbs. Fast Nova so that your hits do more damage and so that enemies move a lot faster, but also so that molecural blasts do little damage and can't really kill anything. Chroma for the 60% credit drop chance. Volt/Valkyr for attack speed buff and CC/Immortality in case you need to do some reviving, EV in case you want to be 100% sure you'll always have energy for Chroma which eats energy with the Effigy.
Secura Lecta (Perrin Sequence whip weapon) when main-handed (hold switch weapon button) has a special effect of 100% drop rate for credits upon a kill with said Secura Lecta.

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