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Remove the Infested Cyst


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On 1/2/2017 at 7:31 AM, Zeyez said:

i think they used this method to see the connections between the players, starting for the initial vector (Nidus), since is barely possible avoid an player in-mission with this infection because the narrow corridors, ressurections, on start of the mission/joining randomly matches and the extraction, plus giving the infested charger as pet, as requested an long ago, considering on the lore, by itself, require the warframes have some connection with infested, so we have an "tamed infestation" strain called Helminth (if you don't know about the existence of strains on infested, Alad V created the Mutalist strain while he was infested and the Black Seed group brought the Juggernaut's strain... more and less)

if they are implementing something similar to the "corrupting blood incident", from WoW, they will be interested on this kind of data, after all, this is an controlled environment with "real people" inside of it, without "any real consequences" except the little annoying cyst destroying our "fashion frame" end-game

But i stopped playing public immediately when this happened, and then, when i did, i only would take the 1 or 2 frames that were already infected so i wouldn't infect more frames. That skews any kind of information. Because they didn't tell us it if this was bad or good and we were left ignorant to wonder what the consequences would be, many people did just that- avoided the infection.

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3 hours ago, -CM-DarkSyndrome said:

lol all these ppl being serious when the OP is obviously be sarcastic......smh. Why can't people understand sarcasm anymore :c

Sarcasm and internet text are known to not mix well. It's not hard to see that OP isn't very serious though.

I stopped playing entirely while I wait for the space aids to blow over.

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14 hours ago, Ailissa said:

Made me cringe watching yet another person on these forums quote me with a severe lack of reading comprehension.


The implementation of the whole thing needs a complete rework because of the infection the frame is useless to me and i'm stuck playing solo until they put in a cure which should have been there from day one instead of this half arsed mess we have.


I didn't mention, not once, not even a slight hint, at the frames abilities being useless. 


I said, plain as day, that because of the infection, it's useless.



Then dont call him useless, say something like "not thought through" or "not well done". Calling him useless means adding him did nothing, but it was the infection that made him "useless".

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If ANYTHING they should add something to the operator. So she can fully cleanse the normal frames from being infected, unless you want it to happen. I mean if you think about it. Ordis even mentioned to the operator. That they could help ordis with that infected room, so... They are immune to the infection.

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3 hours ago, DxAdder said:

Fashion Frame people will pay 20 easy to get rifd of this.


I fashion frame fairly well and will pay 0. I almost think DE should pay us when we remove it, for the time, effort, and aggravation of whatever grind fest they'll likely put in place.

It was an unfinished system, dropped on the community while the majority of the DE staff was on break. Another very bad decision to round out 2016.

This, combined with the Hema, and various other poor direction over 2016 has basically had me ignoring every Login Discount Plat offer since about July, and I do not see a reason to put more money in if Warframe keeps going in this direction. I don't see a reason to monetarily support what I consider bad design, bad practices, and generally a bad direction for the game.

I'll take the Free part of the play, until DE turns Warframe into such horrible grind fest that even the very fun shooting aspects are eclipsed by horrible tedious slog. At which point I'll just stop bothering to login at all, like the majority of my friends list dating back to the days of Closed Beta have already done.

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19 hours ago, Cortanis said:

You know, this wouldn't be nearly so bad if it wasn't for a series of companion mistakes in this.

1. Can only hold 1-2 eggs at a time. This means that even if you do manage to pull an egg in multiple runs, you're still stuck with the egg limit and in so doing you're limited to the ability to drain any amount of cysts.

2. Hatching time limit is the other big one. In the amount of time you're going to be able to farm an egg, possibly build a power core, and hatch the little abomination, you will roughly be at a point that the cyst will have reappeared on a single frame. That's also in the full disregard that even if you're playing with the most basic setup, you will still have three frames available and that you will likely want to drain/purge the cysts from.

3. the last major problem is the puppy grinder cost as well. Let's say for argument that you pull out the plat to instant finish all the processes and that you manage to pull god tier luck and consistently pull an egg each farm run. Each time you do this, you're still going to have to fork over the credits to toss the little abomination every time and for every cyst. This gets incredibly expensive very fast.

I think you missed the fact that even if you drain the cyst it will come right back without even needing to be reinfected. Draining it merely gives you 1 day of relief from it.

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22 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

If your friends leave the game because of such a minor thing they are not exactly the sort of customer DE is looking for in the first place.

Cute, tough talk, but misguided.  Maybe not people you want around, but let's look at the business model.

How many different color pallets and cosmetics exist in this game?  How many skins, glyphs, sigils, etc?  Why are primes, the essence of the game gear, prettied up versions of the originals.  Why is the largest community initiative the game has Tennogen?  Of the monetized items in this game, how many are merely cosmetic?  What use are all the orbiter decorations?  The different landing craft with articulated hoo-has and whatnots that only show up on loading screens?  How many times do we get cosmetic new content versus actual gameplay updates?  Why do the quest stories tend to be flashy movies more than real gameplay?

Hate to break it to ya, but pretty stuff is EXACTLY what DE has been dragging customers in with.  Does that mean I think that's where the energy should have gone?  No, not really, I'd have personally rather had polish, balance, and usability options, but there it is. 

Half the game content, maybe more, is cosmetic fluff.  Given that, and the rather saturated shooter market, it's fair to say that more than a few customers are with this one because of aesthetics. 

At that point, a zit seems kinda bad.  The timing is even worse.  We get Rivens, divisive in their acquistion and implementation, accompanied by yet another new resource with another batch of operator driven quest that doesn't have game mechanic continuity with the last one(still think it's about gameplay and not pretty?).  We get a PvP tactical alert(with pretty rewards), we get a flagrant cash grab price scheme on the new weapon(with fresh looks and animations, it's just a burst rifle), and instead of any resolution to make any of that make sense, we tie it all together with a nasty stress zit that is clearly unpopular(seriously, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that most people don't want this thing any longer than they have to).

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9 hours ago, NeroAugustine said:

They are allowed to leave us twisting in the wind for a while. Viruses are eyesores. They are inconvenient, and they have nothing to do with binary 1 0 decision making.
If they weren't, then the cure wouldn't be that big of a deal would it? You'd just choose not to get it in the first place.

Yes, ideally, I'd be able to choose that.  Seems I'm not.  I've not done the quest, I haven't gotten the new 'frame (I don't want it), I've hardly played since the update, and I've still, somehow, managed to get infected.


You are in their world. All the control you ever had was blessed upon you by them. If them taking a bit of it back, and keeping you in the dark a while is too hard on you, then get out of their world, and take everything that actually belongs to you (nothing) with you.

And that's what I'm doing.  I'm not uninstalling, but until there's a cure, it's tested and proven to work - then I'm not going to log in at all, not even for daily door prize.  For however many months that takes.  Not a threat, not bluster.  Just fact.

That's how much having to look at that tumor, that I never asked for and did everything I could to avoid, means to me.  That's how much this whole ill-conceived and poorly/incompletely-implemented plot line bothers me.  I've been put in a situation where the only remaining option to not participate is to stop playing entirely until there's resolution - and so, I will.

See you on the other side.

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22 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

If your friends leave the game because of such a minor thing they are not exactly the sort of customer DE is looking for in the first place.

No offense, but that's a pretty stupid way to look at this. DE is a (wait for it...) business, they don't have the luxury to cater. If said guy is a potential paying customer the investors aren't gonna wanna here "He was acting like a baby over cosmetic appeal..... derp" in a board meeting. Especially considering this game LIVES OR DIES off cosmetic appeal. The gameplay mechanics are run of the mill TPS with Ninja Gaiden elements. The story isn't particularly enthralling. There's no competitive aspect aside from conclave. Mission criteria are lacking in motivation. And the kicker, no endgame to speak off without absolute confusion amongst the majority of players. Fashion is this game's Magnum Opus thus far in it's development for many. Hell, fashion IS endgame for some of them.


Tl;dr- If this issue is causing people to loose interest, they SHOULD acknowledge it and respond. They are not above reproach.....even if some actually believe them to be.

Edited by (PS4)KikoEschobar
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9 minutes ago, Thrymm said:

Cute, tough talk, but misguided.  Maybe not people you want around, but let's look at the business model.

How many different color pallets and cosmetics exist in this game?  How many skins, glyphs, sigils, etc?  Why are primes, the essence of the game gear, prettied up versions of the originals.  Why is the largest community initiative the game has Tennogen?  Of the monetized items in this game, how many are merely cosmetic?  What use are all the orbiter decorations?  The different landing craft with articulated hoo-has and whatnots that only show up on loading screens?  How many times do we get cosmetic new content versus actual gameplay updates?  Why do the quest stories tend to be flashy movies more than real gameplay?

Hate to break it to ya, but pretty stuff is EXACTLY what DE has been dragging customers in with.  Does that mean I think that's where the energy should have gone?  No, not really, I'd have personally rather had polish, balance, and usability options, but there it is. 

Half the game content, maybe more, is cosmetic fluff.  Given that, and the rather saturated shooter market, it's fair to say that more than a few customers are with this one because of aesthetics. 

At that point, a zit seems kinda bad.  The timing is even worse.  We get Rivens, divisive in their acquistion and implementation, accompanied by yet another new resource with another batch of operator driven quest that doesn't have game mechanic continuity with the last one(still think it's about gameplay and not pretty?).  We get a PvP tactical alert(with pretty rewards), we get a flagrant cash grab price scheme on the new weapon(with fresh looks and animations, it's just a burst rifle), and instead of any resolution to make any of that make sense, we tie it all together with a nasty stress zit that is clearly unpopular(seriously, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that most people don't want this thing any longer than they have to).

^This. Every last word of it.


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8 minutes ago, Thrymm said:

Cute, tough talk, but misguided.  Maybe not people you want around, but let's look at the business model.

Yeah... let's look at it.
DE says their game is in Beta which means they are changing things constantly.
If someone has a problem with such a small thing as the cyst and isn't even patient enugh to wait for some changes, it is certain such a person will leave the game with the next change not wanted by him or her.
It's pretty wrong to think DE has to appeal to everyone and anyone. That's like saying Facebook has to appeal to people without access to the internet because Facebook is a company.
Sure thing DE should work at the problem. I never said they shouldn't. But people don't want to give DE some time. I said it already: One big thread about the problem is enough. There is no reason whatsoever to open 10 threads every day. (Oh and I wish there were just 10 threads every day. But there are far more)

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Consider it a gauge of how many (different) people are upset by this, and how upset they are.  Also, please be honest - is your wish for a single thread because you'd like it to be easier to ignore this issue in favor of reading about the things that do interest you?  I suspect the people making these threads don't want to be (more easily) ignored.

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23 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

If your friends leave the game because of such a minor thing they are not exactly the sort of customer DE is looking for in the first place.

not minor though, minor would be a tiny pink dot on your frame, the cyst gets fairly big is distracting and bulbus... its pretty annoying to look at and the fact they didnt release entire thing at once is concerning...how many weeks is this gonna take before we see a solution? i can understand people taking a leave of absence till it gets launched

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1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

DE says their game is in Beta

Not sure if serious. "Beta", if you don't know, is an abbreviation for "beta-testing". As if having mostly finished product that needs live testing before getting official release. When a team doesn't have QA department whatsoever and continues to add untested features, it can't be called "beta". Maybe (four years too) early access or something.

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Seriously, major reason I play warframe is because of the visual aspect. You guys are kind of messing up for me with this giant growing cyst on my neck that then finishes with a freaking hair. I already built the thing I don't want to keep getting it on the brand new frame with the skin I just paid actual money for on tennogen. Maybe you guys are laughing but seriously from what I can tell this kind of upsetting people. Can you just create a fix a way to opt out. I will probably be taking a break and hope this is not an issue when I come back. Thanks for reading.

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On yesterday update red text they told they will give information about a possible cure for us tu play "safe warframe".  And I have to say that was a funny comment xDD

So just wait some time.

EDIT: Forgot to say they will give that information next friday

Edited by ArionLightning
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16 minutes ago, d4rkSector said:

Seriously, major reason I play warframe is because of the visual aspect. You guys are kind of messing up for me with this giant growing cyst on my neck that then finishes with a freaking hair. I already built the thing I don't want to keep getting it on the brand new frame with the skin I just paid actual money for on tennogen. Maybe you guys are laughing but seriously from what I can tell this kind of upsetting people. Can you just create a fix a way to opt out. I will probably be taking a break and hope this is not an issue when I come back. Thanks for reading.

Many peoples are in the same boat. We can just hope they will do something.

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