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Remove the Infested Cyst


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13 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

> wait 7 days

> get an Egg

> drain the cyst

> resume Fashionframe

so keeping the thing on you for 7 days, looking for or buying an egg, crafting an incubator core which is 100k and argon crystals and then incubate a thing not all of us might want to keep and surely don't want to keep 8 of them around and even having to buy stasis slots for it if you don't want to get rid of some of your current pets and this for each and every one of your infected frames sounds reasonable ? yeah ok

Edited by Zaods
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I have this on 3 or more of my frames and its extremely annoying.  As someone who enjoys fashionframe DE needs to offer a toggle option in settings ASAP.  It really wouldn't be that hard...  The only thing this is doing is forcing me into soloing missions to avoid spreading to my favorite frames.  What a disaster on DE's part

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Its literally a plague of course you don't want it, its incredibly short sighted to think this is supposed to be a permanent thing. I am sure there will be a quest to cleanse your frame or something, removing the cyst and making that frame immune. Or maybe a gear item that you build in bundles of 30 where you have to inoculate yourself in a mission. It will be annoying, and they'll improve the cyst nonsense later, right now its atrocious, but this isn't permanent

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6 hours ago, TruthArbiter said:

Cuz people are so obsessed with FashionFrame.

I don't know if you put it negatively but when you spend handful amount of time to make your frames appear at their best then a large lump of flesh on your neck moreover a PINKY one is something that should bother you on a high note. I'm really feeling disturbed on this and thrown Nidus in the arsenal without even ranking him to max (SALTY) but cant save it cause others have already injected their bludy injection on me and I'm already doing the job regardless of if I desperately want to avoid it. Just want DE to make a recovery or removal option for this.

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I think we all are all aware of the helminth charger pet and how it uses that giant purple pimple on the side of your neck to grow.

Is there any way to remove the cyst without having to breed a kubrow with it? I'm lazy to breed one and just consign it 2 minutes after I get it. :P

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The thing is, DE is in vacation and they have all the rights to be cause imo lately the updates have been pretty good and they all worked really hard on it but if they were unable to develop this thing fully before releasing it which clearly they didn't considering our "reward" is ridden by glitches bugs and placeholder animations/sounds then just don't do it i mean we've had the infested door for a year way before nidus was teased at all before we got any concrete info on TWW or a teaster for it and it was there just when kavats were just being talked about i'm sure no one would've minded this whole cyst thing taking a month or two to be released most people even forgot about the door's existance since it lingered there for so long with no attention to it, it's just rushed and inconsiderate the community's reaction to it is obvious and should've been seen coming from miles away.

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10 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

So you are saying you can't get infected again? really? seems like a nidus could infect your wf again, and they can infect EVERY warframe you have. So at any given time, it seems to me, you will have cysts on your wf. This is a terrible idea. I have to abort any mission when a nidus joins these days and since he's the new thing and everyone is playing him that's most missions. DE really dropped the ball on this one, it's PVE, players shouldn't be affecting each other like this.

You can't get infected again, yes, because even if you use the Cyst you never stop being infected, drain the cyst and it will regrow again.

BTW, Nidus' that got infected were only the Frames that started the Infection, other infected frames can also spread it.

The idea isn't terrible, actually it's quite good, the only problem is that it seems that it was rushed out and they didn't make a "cure" or a toggle for the cyst. The general idea is that the Infection allows people that still don't have Nidus to get the Charger pet, making it so the charger isn't locked behind obtaining Nidus, the community is who gives you access to the Charger, the community shares content with each others. Now is when you think BUT! And this is where I advise you to read the first phrase of this paragraph again.

Also, because it's PvE players should affect others like this.

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56 minutes ago, God_is_a_Cat_Girl said:

You can't get infected again, yes, because even if you use the Cyst you never stop being infected, drain the cyst and it will regrow again.

BTW, Nidus' that got infected were only the Frames that started the Infection, other infected frames can also spread it.

The idea isn't terrible, actually it's quite good, the only problem is that it seems that it was rushed out and they didn't make a "cure" or a toggle for the cyst. The general idea is that the Infection allows people that still don't have Nidus to get the Charger pet, making it so the charger isn't locked behind obtaining Nidus, the community is who gives you access to the Charger, the community shares content with each others. Now is when you think BUT! And this is where I advise you to read the first phrase of this paragraph again.

Also, because it's PvE players should affect others like this.

If that is all it is it's even more of a dumb idea than i had thought. Lock the charger to nidus, that's far better than all the unwanted infection going on.

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Add a blueprint to the market that lets us craft an immunization to the infection, as well as an infectant for people that want to get rid of immunization (or something like that.) That cyst is really annoying the hell outta' me lol. I don't really want the charger pet, I prefer my Kavat.

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Agreed.....annoys me so much that I straight out hate Nidus now and not even ranking him up to 30 since the very first day (way too much salty). All my handsome knights & sexy babes now have a horrifying PINK fleshy thing on their necks making them some kinda zombie.

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Agreed. I want the thing gone. I'm fine with having the thing once and participating in the mechanic but other than that it's a nuisance and it's being forced on players.
Add a function to the infected room to be able to make our frames immune to it.

Allow people to vacinate themselves against space aids and think of another way of aquisition for the infected pet. Also, it looks like a mutated grineer, not an animal, did we kidnap a grineer soldier and mutate it into the new "kubrow"? I'd like to think my frame doesn't make slaves.
It's a new pet, don't reuse the assets like that.

Edited by Acersecomic
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I'd like to just opt out of it. Honestly it's annoying to have this giant pink fukbubble on my neck even after making a charger. And since it apparently didn't drain all my infected frames I have more fukbubbles I can't do anything about. I like my charger, and potatoe'd it because I didn't think I'd have to deal with fukbubbles anymore. Let me just not get infected anymore or have an option to no get infected. It was interesting for all of two days but I'd like to play with people again and not worry about getting AIDS from them again. I mean come on this should be common sense.

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On 12/29/2016 at 7:01 PM, FlinttheImmortal said:

Indeed.  After a player cultivates their space-ebola growth, harvests it, and makes an ebola-doggy, does that warframe then become immune?

I hope this is the case.

I'm fine with having to infect all my warframes once.  I actually find this whole thing/experiment kinda fascinating.  This is how virologists and immunologists model disease spread - albeit in a far less stylish manner. They just input variables for population numbers, transmission vectors, and so on into a program and just read the output numbers on the screen, no flashy space ninjas required.  I would really like to see the numbers on the infection spread though.  And if enough players/warframes become immune fast enough, will the infection simply die out, by which I mean, will a player new to the quest be unable to spread the infection to any significant number of the player population?  Fascinating stuff.

But back to the point.

Do the warframes become immune after the seven-day period?  Once is all fine and interesting, but I have no interest in popping my space-pimples every seven days to harvest goo to make a pox-dog I will probably already have...or whatever other item DE cooks up for us to do with the stuff.  I'm assuming there will be some other way to get the stuff...perhaps a la the Myconians.  Or something just between Helminth and Nidus?  They do seem to be quite the pair of chums after all.

'Cause it's about the fashion, you see.

And no your frame doesn't become immune. My nidus's cyst was drained and now there's a new one because I forgot that while you can't get infested in relays you can while trading. Fuking ran right up and practically buried his neck in my face some time while I was distracted with trading.

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1 hour ago, AhmadIvu said:

All my handsome knights & sexy babes

made me lol <3

But yeah, it's a pretty crap move for DE to put this all on us before going on holiday with no patch coming very soon. The option we have is to make a charger for each infected warframe we own :/ but then, are warframes even immune to the virus after it's been removed?

Edited by SpiralViper
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I have that stupid nonsense on: Chroma, Atlas, Excalibur, Frost Prime, Ivara, Limbo, Loki Prime, Nekros Prime, Nidus, Nova Prime, Titania, Trinity Prime, Vauban Prime and Volt Prime.
I haven't played any of the other frames I got since Nidus launched and I will not until this stupidity gets a solution.

DE, just hotfix whatever into the game that we can use to get rid of it.

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9 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

Chroma, Atlas, Excalibur, Frost Prime, Ivara, Limbo, Loki Prime, nekros Prime, Nidus, Nova Prime, Titania, Trinity Prime, Vauban Prime and Volt Prime.

And your feelings do appear loud and clear seeing you did write down all your frame names. I'm just unable to express myself that how much it makes me feel sorry to myself when picking up frames and moreover feels more bad when one of my knights silently injects another tenno around. DE shouldn't have done this at first place and there could be so many other options for them to implement this system rather than doing this.

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2 minutes ago, AhmadIvu said:

And your feelings do appear loud and clear seeing you did write down all your frame names. I'm just unable to express myself that how much it makes me feels sorry to myself when picking up frames and moreover feels more bad when one of my knights silently injects another tenno around. DE shouldn't have done this at first place and there could be so many other options for them to implement this system rather than doing this.

It's rape is what's they've done to our frames with this space aids :(

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