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What makes you open your wallet?


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Small things that are likely to succeed. Say that I want a new kind of kubrow - now if I only have one kind then I'm practically guaranteed a new kind. Say that I need a neurode - I can buy several for less than a lunch. Big bulk purchases of plats are only for when you get those price tags. Otherwise you're wasting your money imo.

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In terms of games especially MMOs... There needs to be a promising outlook on the games future in general, plenty of players since it's an MMO - active and down-to-earth Devs, and at LEAST halfway decent community (Which I gauge from the forums and ingame play of course) for me to even start thinking about investment in time OR money, not to mention actually liking the game obviously lol.. Basically I need to be able to sit back and say Alright, I can pull a good 2-5 years out of this game or until I quit it before it inevitably dies, but that's just my outlook. Also the reason I never micro-transactioned quite a few games that had a careless money hungry dev team... *cough* Bungie, but after all that, usually cosmetics will catch me for SURE

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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On 1/4/2017 at 5:38 PM, mdoucet said:

Curious what others are willing to pay for (with cash, not necessarily platinum) in a free-to-play game. Anyone who has bought Prime Access a few times likely has more platinum than they will ever need, so what's left beside slots and cosmetics (all joking about the Hema aside)?

When I was a new player I bought a weapon or two, not to mention a couple of warframes. I even bought a forma for our brand new dojo! With the pool of potential new players dwindling over time, what can Warframe do to get veteran players -- many of whom wait to buy platinum at discount or are flush with it from Prime Access -- to open their wallets?

I imagine a lot of people buy boosters and relic packs with their platinum before farming, but I'd be curious what the rest of the community does. I would have been willing to pay for the latest "vault" accessories, for example, but didn't because I already had the warframes (not to mention the Frost accessories from last time). The last couple of times I bought full Prime Access I ended up farming for the items with my friends anyway.

Glyphs were a nice way to let players customize, and operator customizations were insta-buys for me until they broke our in-game profile screens with bald operators for more than a month.  As for Tennogen, the items can be great, but I doubt they keep the lights on at DE. I would be willing to pay $20 every few months for a lesser Prime Access pack (without the platinum) that consisted of just the weapons or just the warframe, plus maybe the $50 for accessories (assuming they didn't include 30 Air Support Charges).

What would you be willing to put some dollars down for?

  Slots followed by slots with some slots followed by slots and slots with a few slots. I may be a filthy non-cosmeticist, but i'm also a hoarder and a filthy slotlord. Through the power of limited inventory, Digital get's their needed moolah outta me. I'm just sad they don't offer more slots at once.

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Badass, hard-worked, fashion. In warframe and GW2 the majority of my time and money goes to decorating my characters.

I avoid generic garbage and rushed pieces so lately all I buy in warframe is high quality tennogen. DE's designs have been pretty awful when it comes to anything other than the initial vanilla frame release.

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Pleasure purchases, if I want something simply because its nice and I think I'd enjoy I'm fully fine with putting money into it, even to the extent of being willing to throw extra money at a company because I enjoy just the way they function/market. However in that same strain of behavior, If I ever feel a purchase isn't entirely for pleasure, if it feels pushed upon me or I find myself wanting to buy it for alternate reasons such as to avoid some other unpleasantry, I find myself being far more conservative about my spending. 

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I can't justify buying plat, it's so easy for me to trade for it in game. I posted several 75% discounts because it just didn't make sense for me when I have a bunch of plat hoarded from trading.

That said, I do buy tenno gen. The price point is good for me. I would buy prime access, but I can't get around the price tag. $20 would be about the most I would pay for prime accessories at this point. 


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depends on your current financial situation.  When even buying the most expensive plat package at full price mounts up to no more than 10-20 mins of salary in the office, you start questioning why even go through the trouble of farming?  Once your cross that mental threshold then every purchase becomes mindless:

  • When crafting weapons you never check for slots, you just claim the weapon and if a popup shows to charge you 12 plat so be it.  (same with warframe)
  • Put potato on new weapons and warframe immediately without even testing to see if you like it.  If you ended up dissolving it to make another weapon so be it
  • When forming weapons you never check if you have formas, just click to buy forma directly at the weapon screen.  Any yes walking over to the marketing to get the 3 pack forma bundle is too much trouble.
  • You need mod? don't farm, use trade chat.  Trying paying double the plat to have flocks of sellers rushing to you so you don't have to wait.
  • You need to upgrade the mods you just bought? It used to be 2p per gold core, now 20p per sculpture, just fast track everything

All of the above "bad habits" I mentioned are very quick into draining thousands and tens of thousands of plat; I don't get why people keep saying a few thousands plat is all a player will ever need to spend, I burn through roughly somewhere between 500 to 1000 each week just for the "conveniences" listed above, haven't even gone into actual spending like prime stuff and rivens yet...


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Actually I'm trying to refuse to spend platin because of the actual Hema Pay2Win situation. In my case they lost about 2000 plat because of the Hema debacle I would have normally spent on a Riven I liked. I spent a lot on Rivens.

Forma and Slots are reasons, too.

Edited by Doc-Orange
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10 hours ago, Rosellaa said:

Omg where? That's amazing

Well, just the case. I was very close to commissioning an artist for the art (there's limbo daki art floating around already, zephyr as well iirc).
Would've gotten it custom printed on redbubble or w/e it's called or smth.

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