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The forgotten token system


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48 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DShinShoryuken said:

If a token system was implemented, the tokens should have a decay timer just as the Argons. This way, there are no hoarding until something "good" comes along. 

Sorties should be a fun thing with challenge. Players seem to do them more for the reward than the challenge. Guess this might be the reason for the no token as it would take away from RNG and rewarding for persistence. 

I did 5 Sorties before they put it behind the WarWithin wall. Got lenses.....not missing them. 

How would you implement a decay on something that you can only get once per day without completely screwing people who play more casually? It works for Argon because you can get the ones you need for an item you want to build in usually 1-2 missions.

I don't even see how hoarding is an issue here, though, since people will always keep buying Riven mods as far as I can see. If not to keep them, they will try to sell them.

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19 minutes ago, Tyrian3k said:

How would you implement a decay on something that you can only get once per day without completely screwing people who play more casually? It works for Argon because you can get the ones you need for an item you want to build in usually 1-2 missions.

I don't even see how hoarding is an issue here, though, since people will always keep buying Riven mods as far as I can see. If not to keep them, they will try to sell them.

Unless it has a hardcap like: Can only have 100 Token Points and the rarest thing costs 80.

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40 minutes ago, I3jionaa said:

Complain will newer stop, i spend x amount of tokens and got y amount of rivens, they was for weapons i did not wanted, 3 in a row, please fix it ^^

this is exactly what would happen. As long as its possible to not get the best rewards, there will be people who complain about not getting the best rewards. 

and if they did hand out awesome rivens like candy- people complain that theyre "mandatory" 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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4 hours ago, Ailissa said:

They haven't "forgotten" about it, they never acknowledged it to begin with.


DE refuses to let go of their RNG, it keeps people playing.


Say they bring in tokens and you get what you want, you don't need to do it anymore so you play less which means you are less tempted to buy anything.


YOU are not the priority and that's what this "developer interaction" era has got some people believing. Profit is, and always will be, king. You will always be second to that regardless of how important a developers lets you believe you are.

^^^ he get's it^^^

This is why I don't bother with Sorties anymore, a waste of time for me.

DE will get it when they see people more and more people play less Warframe and go play other games.



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As nice as it would be to have a token system people would still complain about it, a lot.

Right now you're guaranteed a reward every day where if it was changed to a token system you'd get tokens and maybe endo in addition.

Suddenly the forums blow up with "Wow I need to do four days of sorties for a lens?", "Seven days to get a Riven, wtf DE!?", and "Where are legendary cores??" (y'know DE would never put the cores up as a token reward).

You get to roll the dice or grind while getting nothing in the meantime. Just with the Hema DE wouldn't budge on reducing token costs only so much and we'd likely end up with a system that feels unsatisfying if maybe more fair.


Plus people will never be satisfied with this game, no matter what changes are(n't) made.

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6 hours ago, Extroah said:

Make the game even easier/more convenient, yeah yeah, no, please dont.

I get where people are coming from with that idea, but naah, please. Next thing you know is people wanting a menu to pop up showing all avaialble drops to chose from when killing Stalker.

I have seen posts asking for a stalker token system aka kill the stalker 20-50 times each time you get a token then trade those tokens in for the drop you want. 


I think a token Lottery would be better. You earn tokens each time you do a sortie then you can use those tokens to boost your chances at getting the thing you want.

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3 hours ago, Tyrian3k said:

How would you implement a decay on something that you can only get once per day without completely screwing people who play more casually? It works for Argon because you can get the ones you need for an item you want to build in usually 1-2 missions.

I don't even see how hoarding is an issue here, though, since people will always keep buying Riven mods as far as I can see. If not to keep them, they will try to sell them.

There are many ways to do a decay. I am not really thinking about it in depth but you can have them start with either a value to cash in right then and there for random reward or have them start decaying with either a monthly timer/value timer over time. 

This way, if you do 5 SORTIES in a week, they can be used for RNG to give a random reward for each or use the 4 for a better shot at a better reward....but only 1 reward that way. While the newest reward for that day only be used for a Random that day until it decays at least 1 day. Ergo, save to put together for Random or spend that same day for Random with full effect. 

Like I said, not really thinking about it but it could be done. 

As for hoarding....Let's say a player keeps all their tokens until the end of a SORTIE season to use for the next season and then they use an however.....they get whatever RNG gives by not doing the SORTIE and then realize they didn't get what they wanted that way. Complaint comes as usual and DE has to make changes again....meanwhile someone else was happy with what they got but now a new system is introduced again. Hence, no matter what happens, someone will get upset over the tokens and mess it up for someone who does like it. Better to just leave tokens out to stop any of this from happening. 

Or how it could happen with no timer....

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5 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

assuming DE implemented a system, they won't but let's have a giggle anyway:

I reckon you'd get 3 tokens a day, one for each mission. a Riven would cost 100 Tokens, a Potato BP 500 Tokens and endo would be 50 tokens for 2000 or 100 tokens for 4000

so assuming this is the case, you'd still be doing a fair few sorties for your guaranteed Riven. in fact if they kept rewards alongside Tokens (again, I doubt it but this is just for fun), you'd probably get at least 3 Rivens by the time you can afford 1 with Tokens, maybe more if RNGsus loves you. and it wouldn't affect the other RNG layers for Rivens (Prerequisite, Weapon choice, and first roll of stats.)

make no mistake, even if Tokens became a thing, they would A: make it so that you still need to play a substantial amount of Sorties in order to be able to get what you want, and B: they would probably remove rewards at the end of a Sortie and replace it with the Tokens entirely, making said grind mandatory if you want a Riven mod (though you could also trade I suppose).

don't think just because Tokens being implemented would make the Grind easier, in fact it would probably worsen it.

Agreed, I think a token system as DE would implement it would be very unsatisfactory for most players. Assuming the current drop rate of 20% for Riven mods is correct, that means DE wants you to get one roughly once a week; that means you're looking at grinding tokens for five to seven days before you see any sort of reward. Say what you will about the current system, but at least you're picking up rewards (boosters, endo, other stuff maybe) while you're trying to get a Riven mod.

I think it's safe to assume that DE doesn't want players to have a steady supply of free potatoes, so those are probably off the reward list as well.

In other news, I just picked up four Riven mods in the past four sorties (!!!!). What we need is a system that levels out RNG, not a special currency for rewards... like so


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What if instead of changing current system to token system, we could keep both. There would be sorta like slider in sortie missions window, and you could adjust it to either normal system or do it for token (before starting first mission of sortie).

It's like you decide either to go for random and potencially better reward instantly, or you pick collecting tokens and after set amount of sorties you claim reward you are after.

De would have time to polish token system in between updates considering feedback, and i do agree something like legendary core should not be in token system, instead you would keep choosing endo, but said core should exist as rarest drop in old (current system).

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