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The Glast Gambit: Update 19.8.0


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21 hours ago, ArchPhaeton said:

Bait? or do you even warframe bro? Ever maxed a rank 10 mod? Ever maxed a Primed mod? Ever bought anything from Baro? Ever used the Foundry?

For the guy that said that playing "normally" you could get "a million creds sitting" , a million creds is nothing man. With 4k hours clocked in Steam I barely had over 5m creds, mostly by playing "normally". The amount of creds we get doesn't keep up at all with the amount of creds we spend.

I have all the possible primed mods maxed... yeah. And i also have 4800 hours clocked on steam in this game. So tell me something new... not this. Also you having that many hours in game and only having 5 mil credits kinda makes me think about what you said and not believe any of it.

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46 minutes ago, Blazability said:

It's honestly not that bad of a farm. People just make it sound bad by being in larger clans with only a small percent of players in the large clan actually farming it while the others are either inactive, leeching clan tech, or whining about the cost. We ran ODD for about 30 minutes to 1 hour per day for about a week or two and we got the 15,000 mutagen sample requirement done with about 6 out of 30 members actually farming it. Sure we complained about it, but when we were actually farming it, it wasn't that bad. If anything, the farming felt faster when we were complaining about it while farming it.


Also the farming actually brought our clan together to do something together for once in a very long time.

This. I guess collecting random ppl on recruiting chat have a bad side, and some of them you mentioned. Its better to have 1 active member then 10 leechers. Or even worse - greedy leechers.
I see that people have big issue with kicking ppl out from clans. I dont see a problem with kicking out some leechers, whiners and those who will rather slow down clan advancement then help it a bit up. For many clan leaders, its much easier to go here, whine and curse DE, rather then start cleaning up their backyard of moles. You gotta man up and cut of that cancer, ppl. DE wont do it for you. 

"Also the farming actually brought our clan together to do something together for once in a very long time." That was actually an idea of DE behind all of this. But people got it all wrong...

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28 minutes ago, Picoolo29 said:

I have all the possible primed mods maxed... yeah. And i also have 4800 hours clocked on steam in this game. So tell me something new... not this. Also you having that many hours in game and only having 5 mil credits kinda makes me think about what you said and not believe any of it.

Indeed. Something is fishy about his comment. Ok, maybe maxing out every single riven mod he got in his hands can explain that huge lack of credits, but still - why would you do it? 

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34 minutes ago, Picoolo29 said:

I have all the possible primed mods maxed... yeah. And i also have 4800 hours clocked on steam in this game. So tell me something new... not this. Also you having that many hours in game and only having 5 mil credits kinda makes me think about what you said and not believe any of it.


3 minutes ago, ARHYST said:

Indeed. Something is fishy about his comment. Ok, maybe maxing out every single riven mod he got in his hands can explain that huge lack of credits, but still - why would you do it? 

Believe what you want. With "normal play" you will never find yourself sitting on top of 600m creds, nor diving in a million Endo.

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30 minutes ago, ARHYST said:

This. I guess collecting random ppl on recruiting chat have a bad side, and some of them you mentioned. Its better to have 1 active member then 10 leechers. Or even worse - greedy leechers.
I see that people have big issue with kicking ppl out from clans. I dont see a problem with kicking out some leechers, whiners and those who will rather slow down clan advancement then help it a bit up. For many clan leaders, its much easier to go here, whine and curse DE, rather then start cleaning up their backyard of moles. You gotta man up and cut of that cancer, ppl. DE wont do it for you. 

"Also the farming actually brought our clan together to do something together for once in a very long time." That was actually an idea of DE behind all of this. But people got it all wrong...

see, i do researches alone, cause i tend to play for a while then take a month or two of a break, if i go to any clan - i am leech.

i maybe have like 250 samples(and i almost never used them for mutagen mass construction) cause i never had any incentive to go into derelict besides 10 kavat codes and few corrupted mods i'm satisfied with already having. maybe in a year or 3 i'll have 5k samples, but i am sure aint gonna buy it with plat. is it fair in regard for 1 man clan?

i've been more or less successful in farming reqs up for relatively expensive stuff like knux and few others before they buffed plastid drop rate, but if they don't buff drop rate on samples this weapon for me is a very very long shot. i could farm up everything else in one return to the game, this one i won't, probably even in 3 returns..... while i admit that me not playing every day and stockpiling like the vocal ones that "built it in a first day no biggie" sets me a bit further, i don't see why i should be virtually denied the ability to farm up the requirements in realistic time span

Edited by Pro3Display
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5 hours ago, Ciaus said:

I mean on DE's test servers it rains mutagen samples after all. 

Yeah I'm salty. 
ALso can they at least give SLecta a combat buff passive now that it's farming value has been slashed so heavily? You know... TO HONOUR MY MULTIFORMA POTATO REAL MONEY EQUIVALENT INVESTMENT.

Also infested salvage in sorties?
I'm not even logging in today.

earning 600k credits per 20 rounds isn't a good inversion for DE (?

Good if we have a weapon who has the chance of increase the credit farm but, a player why need 11kk or more, after having EVERYTHING in the game? i can get a good amount of credits doing all three trial daily, i can farm credits doing normal missions AND doing the alerts, guys don't be a corpus (greddy).

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24 minutes ago, ZAXNIGHTMARE said:

earning 600k credits per 20 rounds isn't a good inversion for DE (?

Good if we have a weapon who has the chance of increase the credit farm but, a player why need 11kk or more, after having EVERYTHING in the game? i can get a good amount of credits doing all three trial daily, i can farm credits doing normal missions AND doing the alerts, guys don't be a corpus (greddy).

You have everything in the game good for you this is for the normal players that don't and you have plenty of credits go max a corrupt mod like blind rage and see how many credits you have left.. And normal missions only yield 30k credits on average when things cost up to 1.4mil to buy in credits not to mention blueprint cost and several other factors including baro, we needed some sort of way to exclusively farm credits when we needed them, not to mention the fact higher tier missions don't yield much for credits either. That is the issue there was absolutely zero reason or neccessity for DE to nerf secura lecta what so ever, beyond them trying to force people to spend plat on credit. Pure and simple, if they were smart maybe they should have made a better plat to credit exchange value and marketed this instead of just throwing an unnecessary nerf in the players face out of the blue.

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58 minutes ago, ArchPhaeton said:


Believe what you want. With "normal play" you will never find yourself sitting on top of 600m creds, nor diving in a million Endo.

I am "normal play" player. I go hardcore during holidays. Right now, i have 32mil, because in last month i got few very good rivens (10 in total) which i wanted to lvl. Cost for each riven to max it up was 400k credits. There were also few (least say 2 primed mods) which i maxed for trade. So, i would  have almost 40mil if i wasnt so active in riven business. I dont need 600mil of  credits for anything. Even end game and everything that is  matter in end  game doesnt require that much credits. I am doing sorties every day and play around 3 hours each day, because thats how much i got of free time because of job  and family. So, i consider myself as casual player. And i have 4018 hours of steam gamepay.

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2 hours ago, ARHYST said:

I consider as "very fair move" not backstabbing us who did research. 

What I'm a bit miffed about....

So, we're NOT going to adjust the ridiculous resource requirement because "fair move" and all that.. but.. what about all those people who payed an obscene amount of credits to Maroo for Endo conversion? I payed somewhere up to 5mil for this joke. Is this reimbursed? Do we get a refund? Nope! So much for "fair move".. Oh, but wait, we can earn that back... with.... the... Se... oh...  Nevermind that then....

Don't get me wrong: it is wholly the prerogative of DE to do all this, but I can't stand being clemdoodled... (don't urinate on my head and tell me it's raining and all that...)

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23 minutes ago, AythenaBlackStar said:

You have everything in the game good for you this is for the normal players that don't and you have plenty of credits go max a corrupt mod like blind rage and see how many credits you have left.. And normal missions only yield 30k credits on average when things cost up to 1.4mil to buy in credits not to mention blueprint cost and several other factors including baro, we needed some sort of way to exclusively farm credits when we needed them, not to mention the fact higher tier missions don't yield much for credits either. That is the issue there was absolutely zero reason or neccessity for DE to nerf secura lecta what so ever, beyond them trying to force people to spend plat on credit. Pure and simple, if they were smart maybe they should have made a better plat to credit exchange value and marketed this instead of just throwing an unnecessary nerf in the players face out of the blue.

Nope, i left a LOT of stuff as weapon syndicate as rhino prime and ankyros prime, but, i have to say, i had the same problems at the beggining as everyone here, and i know what is needing credits to upgrade a mod, so my question here is, what is the hurry for have everything in the same day? i mean all we need the credits, yes, but in a interception, survival, defense or excavation you can earn a good amount if you have the right team, i had near 10kk credits in the past, and just spend time on hieracon or any dark sector farming anything i was needing, so why complaining instead on be creative farming credits? 

I'm a "normal player", must say this, i have never spend a dollar here an i have all the warframes for exception Rhino and Excalibur (impossible to have these days) so, it is just effort and do the right bussiness.

By the way. i'm talking about the last year, near july or august, when the secura lecta wasnt relased yet, so, isn't fault of DE for nerfing the secura lecta, is the fault of some users who are really lazy to join a random team and hang on in a endless mission.

And last thing, i don't have a year playing, and i have a decent arsenal, and i don't need millions on credits to feel good, i mean i'm not Nef Anyo to earn more and more credits to feel good.


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Most of you saying you have 4,000+ hours on steam, you realize that counts for all the time you sit outside of the game right? Steam even counts the time you spent in the launcher. The actual number of hours you played is in your in game profile. Steam says I have 3,295 hours and my profile says I have 1,668 hours total time played. There's even a "Gross Income" to tell you how many credits you have earned on Warframe. Don't adjust your numbers so it looks like the game doesn't award you credits for playing, cause it's not hard to say I played 3,000 hours and have no credits instead of 1,660 hours and 150,692,000 credits.

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17 minutes ago, ZAXNIGHTMARE said:

-snip- so my question here is, what is the hurry for have everything in the same day? -snip-

You got it wrong m8. Nobody has mentioned getting creds fast out of haste; the thing is creds burn way faster than how they come. That said people these days have it way easier with dark sectors, powerleveling, sorties and whatnots; Back in the day we didn't have any of these. This is why they don't believe my numbers, at the current rate you get rich way quicker than before, yet expenses have also increased greatly.

3 minutes ago, Blazability said:

Most of you saying you have 4,000+ hours on steam, you realize that counts for all the time you sit outside of the game right? -snip-

You got a point there, but that's still a lot of time invested. The whole lecta issue is just the symptom of a game's issue: if you want to achieve X goal in a reasonable amount of time, you're pushed into hardcore farming. Most game modes are barely rewarding... a neurode form a cache? 2k creds? You can run 5 waves of any dark sector and get 20 times that for a fraction of the time.

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1 minute ago, ArchPhaeton said:

You got it wrong m8. Nobody has mentioned getting creds fast out of haste; the thing is creds burn way faster than how they come. That said people these days have it way easier with dark sectors, powerleveling, sorties and whatnots; Back in the day we didn't have any of these. This is why they don't believe my numbers, at the current rate you get rich way quicker than before, yet expenses have also increased greatly.

so why then people complain about a simple nerf? i mean the credits come and leave, and actually is quite easy to farm them without a secura lecta

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Imo nerfing lecta didnt fix the economy in the game at all. Personally this does not affect me, i hoarded boatload of plat from trading. I can afford a booster every now and then. But what about those who dont have the time to spend farming prime stuff and sitting in trade chat for hours trying to sell it, or dont have the money to buy platinum.  Removing cred cost from extracting endo from ayatans was a good move, but surely isnt enough. You still need milions to max gold mods.. Dont even get me started on primed ones.. Oh and baro's prices.. Im not even gonna go there.

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DE how can you not see how cancerious that change is to lecta?

Nerf it, that's fine, but now akkad groups read


"H :credits: Farm, Need EV/Chroma/Nekros, Have Lecta, MR18+ Only"


Like.. wat... this is not a good change. a 4x total on credit gain i can actually understand, but the mastery scaling just adds elements that player use to beat each other over the head with.

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10 minutes ago, Serbian2G said:

Imo nerfing lecta didnt fix the economy in the game at all. Personally this does not affect me, i hoarded boatload of plat from trading. I can afford a booster every now and then. But what about those who dont have the time to spend farming prime stuff and sitting in trade chat for hours trying to sell it, or dont have the money to buy platinum.  Removing cred cost from extracting endo from ayatans was a good move, but surely isnt enough. You still need milions to max gold mods.. Dont even get me started on primed ones.. Oh and baro's prices.. Im not even gonna go there.

Exactly I see DE doing absolutely NOTHING to balance this is out what so ever, they could do 7x the amount of credit reward for missions, they could divide the cost of everything involving credits by 7 they could do a lot better then just ohh here we nerfed this just cause, not to mention also the tax for trading primed is 1million there are several things in the game that are stupid high in credit cost, you don't see DE resolving that instead. 

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31 minutes ago, AythenaBlackStar said:

Exactly I see DE doing absolutely NOTHING to balance this is out what so ever, they could do 7x the amount of credit reward for missions, they could divide the cost of everything involving credits by 7 they could do a lot better then just ohh here we nerfed this just cause, not to mention also the tax for trading primed is 1million there are several things in the game that are stupid high in credit cost, you don't see DE resolving that instead. 

That tax is fair for me, get a primed mod is a "legendary tier", you won't sell a primed mod for 1 plat right?

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5 minutes ago, ZAXNIGHTMARE said:

That tax is fair for me, get a primed mod is a "legendary tier", you won't sell a primed mod for 1 plat right?

There is already credit tax for every trade that gets heavily pricey without a million credit cost just for the trade not to mention the plat you would spend its ridculous this is going to hurt DE in the aspect of players won't bother buying plat because they can't afford the tax for the things they would spend it on, secura lecta was a positive thing if for nothing else enabling the market growth and giving players that want to buy things with plat a way to earn enough credits REASONABLY to afford the tax to go with it. I've done my share of hierchon and even that isn't great compared to a 50 wave of akkad for 1.25mil the point is its a nerf with nothing else to balance with it. Hence it is not 'balancing' the game it is ruining it. I mean sure if mods stopped costing credit to upgrade and were just endo only I would be a little sour about the credits i spent but also would have to remember I had the chance to use a secura back when it was worth using to farm with. So yes once you are one person that this doesn't affect versus thousands it hinders severaly congratz you are the 1% that has no affect from this. As for the rest of us 99% we really have every right to be pissed off about it ^-^

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Can you please return Nidus to how he was? I don't mind that it takes 15 stacks to self revive, that's fine, but i do dislike how hard it is to keep stacks on him now and build them up in bigger missions, most the time my maggots have run off somewhere that I have no idea, and now that they won't self detonate they stay lost, and if I bleed out without 15 stacks they all just go away now, and including that with the nullifier bubbles, it just feels like it's impossible to keep my stacks up anywhere near the capability of self reviving.


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They should buff credits from missions themselves, honestly. I would've been fine with it if they nerfed the Lecta to near-uselessness but increased the amount of credits that missions gave (or, even better, gave a pretty large bonus for every 10 rounds/10 minutes/however many excavators you did in endless missions - thereby not forcing people to do 5 waves of defense and extract when wanting to farm credits). There's a lot of ways they could've gone about this, but just flat-out nerfing the hell out of the Lecta but giving us nothing in return to make up for the absurd mod upgrade costs...this was the wrong way to do it.

And before anyone suggests it, no, removing the cost for Endo conversion isn't enough to make up for the millions of credits you spend on each high tier or Primed mod just to upgrade it. It helps, sure, as it's one less cost to worry about, but it does nothing for the main issue.

Maybe Steve needs to buy some Primed mods from Baro this weekend and upgrade them on his newbie account.

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