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Quick Steel Event Feedback


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I figured that I'd put my two cents in as feedback to the new tactical alert, quick steel. Let me preface this by saying I do NOT actively play or enjoy warframe PvP.

Personally, I like this variant, and for a number of reasons: The gameplay puts everyone on a level playing field, both weapons are viable, and the entire gamemode, for the most part, rewards skillful play. After trying out both this variant and normal conclave, I find the variant to be much more enjoyable overall.

Rewards: I've seen a number of complaints that the cosmetic rewards given by PvP events force players to play PvP even if they don't like it. Personally, I did feel pretty forced at the start, but at the same time, I have no credible complaint about the rewards so far. It's a tac alert, so it has to give something special. a sigil and a liset decoration aren't anything groundbreaking, and as for the potatoes, well, it's still pretty standard to include those in tac alerts.

Overall, I'd prefer some PvE tactical alerts that add lore to the game or some such over PvP ones with fairly standard rewards, but for a PvP alert, it's pretty good.

As a side note, I played snowday showdown, but didn't complete every phase of that alert; only the ones that had a reward I was interested in. I do plan on completing all the stages of this alert, maybe even doing a couple side matches to rank up my conclave standing.

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I hate the mode and this is coming from someone who hates Conclave yet can consistently get in the top 3 when doing this event. I hate how the melee feels, is really my problem.

It's clunky, it's sticky, and it doesn't flow well.

I'm all for, "you swung and missed, now you're getting punished." What I'm not for is randomly doing 3 swings when I tap once. What I'm not for is bad connection quality causing that guy to hit the ground when I'm bullet jumping, yet somehow he hit me and I get killed in mid-air from a melee swing at waist level on the ground. What I'm not for is the amount of patience these issues require me to have.

I'm not a teenager anymore. I don't like dealing with these things. I don't expect it to be perfect. I just expect it to be a relatively smooth experience and it's not. It never has been. Track record is proving to me that it never will be.

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I think people would have less of an issue with the event if it offered PvP-only or PvP-centric rewards so they didn't feel as compelled to play it. Matter of fact, I can almost 100% guarantee you that every complaint would rapidly vanish if they didn't ever offer a single potato or liset decoration with it.

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Honestly my only true complaint about pvp in general, and quick steel in particular, are the rounds are just too damned long. 7 or 8 minutes of losing is all I see at this point.  The game is pretty much over after the first 3 minutes.  If I'm not in the top 3 by that point, it just isn't going to change with another 3 or 4 minutes.


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Probably far too late for such a change, but I'm not a great pvp player.  Except for a single match yesterday where everyone agreed not to kill anyone else (therefore we all won), I'm in it for the long haul.  Especially since, I'm guessing, they hotfixed that option right the frak out.

7 minutes x 12 points needed = such a long and dull experience.  Even if I try my hardest, get 5 kills, which is freaking awesome for me to get, I will still be in 5th place, and still only get 1 point towards the event goal.

As a result, it doesn't even matter if I try, so long as I participate, whatever that means.  I usually try to get at least 1 kill during a match, then I just wander about and die over and over until the timer expires.


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Before: Needed balancing, but fun gameplay for the most part, where the best way to go around was luring someone into a slam, dodging it and then retaliating with your own for an easy kill, or simply fire the hikou at them a few times. Problems: nikana slam range far too large, knockdown from said slam lasts too long to escape, even with perfect timing. Possible fixes: reduce time the knockdown lasts by say 0.3s and cut the range in half and perhaps buff hikou dmg to always 2-hit, headshot or no headshot(but make the alt fire only deal dmg for one hikou, even if several hit).

After: Nikana feels terrible to use, hikou still doesn't feel damaging enough to matter, complete knockdown immunity is a terrible bandaid that makes skill meaningless. Pros: no more knockdown chains, far less nikana spam. Cons: nikana feels awful to use, hikou has almost no feedback (hitting targets doesn't really do much, even the damage is negligible) and there's just less action compared to before.

Conclusion: I personally would have enjoyed the gamemode even after the event if it'd been balanced in a good way, but after the changes, it feels terrible to play, so once the event finishes I'll be avoiding it like the plague.

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6 hours ago, SevenLetterKWord said:


Don't delude yourself, I wasn't loosing. I had like 8 games, won 3 and was secend or third at least 3 other times. Still it was one of the worst experiences in warframe. Felt completely random, no skill no tactic, just spam and bash buttons and pray for kills. Every tactic I tried was useless and I always defaulted to just spam attacks, because that was only thing that got any results. You may think that it's good, but it isn't, so keep your insults, it makes you look bad.

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6 hours ago, MortalSword said:

I agree with many of your points, but I find the opposite is true on this one. In my experience the animation for the slam takes longer than it takes the target to recover. I've often slammed someone, and been killed in response. 

It's quite hard to tell, because of the constant chaos in any game I had. But opposite hapened to me quite often. Other player usualy gets behind you or just out of your field of view and unless I bullet jump right away he just slam attack out of nowhere again and usually kill me. Or maybe it was someone else, you don't get promp of who actually knocked you down. Either way the window for reaction after being knocked down is either awfully small or none and it feels terrible. Just being tossed around untill you run out of health. It would be better if all the attacks were just instakills and you were immune to knockdowns. Or there was a block that you can do right after standing up so you don't have to jump away as only way to have a chance.

Edited by SirWorm
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Warframe engine is clearly not meant for PvP, I've got no clue why devs are forcing that aspect. 

It's clearly a copy of Genji in Overwatch but it's not fun due to...

  • lack of health regen
  • inconsistent damage
  • clumsy and inconsistent movement

I've never played conclave before nor will I. It's horrible.

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12 minutes ago, Siideriu said:

Warframe engine is clearly not meant for PvP, I've got no clue why devs are forcing that aspect. 

It's clearly a copy of Genji in Overwatch but it's not fun due to...

  • lack of health regen
  • inconsistent damage
  • clumsy and inconsistent movement

I've never played conclave before nor will I. It's horrible.

Well good sir, you are mistaken in many ways. Firstly, that engine was made with PvP in mind and you are probably trying to find some correlations with other PvP games. Secondly, you have to get used to PvP in Warframe and find builds and weapons that suit you most. In general I honestly don't think you can compare PvP in warframe to other games.
1. Health regen is not required. If you want it, you can get mods. I think pickups are doing their job just fine.
2. Inconsistent damage... I can't say it is, never experienced anything like that in other modes, in QS it seems to be a latency issue, as I have described in the end of my post. Outside of that you deal exactly as much damage as your weapons are supposed to, there is no place for chance.
3. That I can address to in a way but yet again, it's a matter of getting used to it. You might want to look up some good PvP footage on youtube to understand how it's best to jump and parkour.

FYI, my initial post wasn't a rant about PvP in general, it's a constructive criticism of this particular mode compared to classic PvP.

Edited by ice.goblin
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Even if there were no glaring issues with latency and hit detections, and I am pretty sure there are, making a game mode that locks you in uninterruptible animation after any attack in a game where anybody can bullet jump across the room from around corner and slam attack you before you CAN EVEN MOVE again is just stupid. You get punished for trying to play, not just for playing badly.

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45 minutes ago, Siideriu said:

I've never played conclave before nor will I. It's horrible.

Wait, so you've literally never played a single game of Conclave?
You have exactly zero experience with Conclave?
Then why, oh god why, are you giving Conclave feedback?

45 minutes ago, Siideriu said:
  • clumsy and inconsistent movement

Boy, I wonder if your sensation of clumsiness could be attributed to your complete lack of experience.

Reading your post is a bit like a listening to a man who has sat in a chair his entire life complain about running.
"Running is clumsy and inconsistent! I've never run before, nor will I. It's horrible."

It's almost surreal.

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The Hikou are fine, IMO. The secondary dire is also nice. But I agree that using the Nikana is worse than before: the second attack has so much delay and so little range that the guy you knocked down have the time to get up and kill you

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Could you people please stop fighting around "I'm right, you're wrong" arguments ? All I saw from the start to the end was "Not netcode is bad", "no you're wrong", "no I'm right", "no you're left". It's starting to get ridiculous. I remind to everyone that your discussions must remain constructive.

Just stop contradicting each other. It should make the feedback much more interesting.

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6 hours ago, Chipputer said:

I hate the mode and this is coming from someone who hates Conclave [...]

If you hate Conclave, how can your feedback ever be not negative?

4 hours ago, SirWorm said:

Even if there were no glaring issues with latency and hit detections, and I am pretty sure there are, making a game mode that locks you in uninterruptible animation after any attack in a game where anybody can bullet jump across the room from around corner and slam attack you before you CAN EVEN MOVE again is just stupid. You get punished for trying to play, not just for playing badly.

Melee locks you into an animation sequence, true. That's why I said: "...melee is still effective and deadly, but situational and has to be used with prediction and caution...".


4 hours ago, ice.goblin said:

Dude, why do you choose sides? Positive... Negative... The only good feedback there can be is critical and constructive, otherwise it's just how you fell.

I didn't choose the side, it just happens to be that my impression about QS is more positive than negative. The feedback part of my post was that I wanted to thank DE for making another fun time limited VARIANT.

And let's be honest, most of the so called feedback threads made about QS, are pure rant posts with some unbased "arguments" shoved in. Prove it or it doesn't/didn't happen.

Edited by Sneazle
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short: i dont like the event at all.


my personal preference is i dont like pvp. it does not have to do with warframe. it is simply something i do not enjoy. so you put in content for a small group of players that do enjoy this part of the game. (assmuning here it's small since thats the usal context you give in the dev stream. if not, it's still very specific content, catering to only a group of players and it is not even trying to reach the whole player base). so the "not for all" part is what i personaly dislike in the direction the update is going. i understand that's very subjective, since if you love the current pvp you might love the conent coming with it. but if you dont play it/take it away the "update" was basicly just a hotfix, adding two alt helmets.

the event feels forced on the majority of players. some people might say, but "you don't have to play it". let me explain what i mean. warframe is a loot based game. player's that stay in the game are moste likely looting packrats with an obsession to collect stuff. so they want to have that "thing" if they can get it. so when you tease in the update notes, that you can get a new special decoration for your ship, guess what will happen? if you add in usefull items like the catalyst and reactor currently the reward for the 12 points, you create a strong "incentive" (to put it lightly) for the players that this game is made and the player type this game attracts. so even if you absolutly hate pvp, but have the option to get a special decoration + usefull items you can use in the future on new weapons/warframes, but have to spend an hours or more in a bad game mode. the majority of the players will do that and take the trade off. so i feel from that part the event feels forced on the "main" (pve) playerbase.

there is nothing special about the event. if you dont like the all vs all pvp type. you will not like quick steel. yes you only got the two weapons and yes the weapons are a bit modified, but the game mode offers nothing new/exciting/special. it is basicly all vs all pvp. i personly think if you introduce a new pvp mode or option it should have come with some special mechanic/quirck to it, that makes it different from the existing ones. althrought i don't like lunaro, i feel it did excatly that. it offers an other feel/ruleset/goal like the other pvp modes.  the quick steel is missing that. you don't need to completly stomp out a new arena,animations and so on like lunaro. but at least change the goal/rules/mechanic. so it is not just the same as x. the special feel is missing in my eyes from this mode completly. i can just go in normal pvp and equip nikana+hikou. for that reason (forgive me for saying that) it feels a bit lazy from the design perspective. maybe add an option to block the hikou or "throw them back", maybe add a slash dash with lower dmg to the nikana attack,maybe let the nikana get bigger/longer with ech hit. just some fun "out of world" mechanic would bring a lot of life into this in my eyes. even for non pvp players. offer something unique/fun in the gameplay perspective and it will not matter much if it is pvp vs all.

if you want to make an event for the community as a whole the point system as it is feels like the wrong step, since it can be very frustrating. yes pvp is more of a selfish game mode, so it is a winner/loser system. but most players who join the event have not played pvp at all or much. as i understand you want to get them into pvp or at least show them it could be fun/interest them in the game mode. getting only 1 point per run and having to 9/12 runs a ~7mins is not. i feel if you create an event that should work for all and offers pve rewards (catalyst/reactor) it should be more on the fun side. this mean if a player does not like the game mode, there should be an option to get rewards in the same time, as some one who does enjoy it and would not mind grinding out the 1 point runs. since the players disliking the thing will moste liky not place top 3, there for only getting 1 point. meaining he feels he has to play more of a mission/game mode he dislikes to get the rewards. which leads to more frustration on the player side. so maybe a more balanced approach there would be nice. the points/missions you have to play seem a bit high in my eyes. since if i remebr correctly most times it is something like 3 missions (even on survial, getting you to about 3x 20mins = 60mins). with the current 8min rounds (lower if you have luck and join a running group), you start at 9x 8mins = 72mins. if you add the loading times this gets much higher. so for an "optional" event it seems a bit high, compared to events in the past. if you add to that it is pvp and players might dislike it, i feel it definilty is a bit  much. the time investment adds to that "frustration level" ;)

i dislike the reward pve things in pvp mode. i have seen this talked about a bunch of times in the comments already. it is a general problem of the current pvp system, with the conclave skins. i love the skins and have farmed for some myself, but i disliked the whole expiereince. by adding the same thing/problem as an event feels bad. these things should be seperate. if a palyers decides to do pvp let him and he will get pvp benefits. if you only do pve, then fine, but don't let me loose out on things.

some question that is in my head since the index event. why focus on pvp (or game modes that are heavily disliked/not played by the community - archwing) at all so much? as i understand and it seems like most players come to/play/stay with warframe, is for the pve content. The pve content has a lot of issues/things that could be improved. why don't you guys focus on that mainly/only. the last updates you kinda seem to push for a pvp direction with the index, snowball event, now quicksteel. then the whole "archwing" maybe in sorties. i can understand that you wanne expand, but have the last year expiriences not shown you that helping the content out that most players do play benefits you alot (for example the whole vakuum thing). why not improve the new player expirience, by adding a bit more guidence, changing the ressouces you can get on planets, so you could actually build a new warframes/weapons after the 2nd/3rd planet. for older players imporove the endgame(relic farming). i know there is stuff coming in the works for all those things (syndicate kingpin / beginner sentinel). But these seem more like bandages and do not adress the actuall problems. so putting work into section that are barely played seems strange from a player perspective.

so yeah, overall not my cup of tea. but besides that it feels like some missed oportunities.

thx for reading.

fight on tenno =)

Edited by sulusdacor
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3 hours ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

Wait, so you've literally never played a single game of Conclave?
You have exactly zero experience with Conclave?
Then why, oh god why, are you giving Conclave feedback?

Boy, I wonder if your sensation of clumsiness could be attributed to your complete lack of experience.

Reading your post is a bit like a listening to a man who has sat in a chair his entire life complain about running.
"Running is clumsy and inconsistent! I've never run before, nor will I. It's horrible."

It's almost surreal.

Obviously I tried the event mr. Sherlock. Funny you can't come up with anything related to the topic but instead go full ad hominem on a person giving feedback. I'll see you in decade when you hit puberty.

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4 hours ago, ice.goblin said:

Well good sir, you are mistaken in many ways. Firstly, that engine was made with PvP in mind

Incorrect, PvP played a very minor part in the previous titles it was designed for. And that's exactly how it feels. EVO Engine is too inaccurate for anything but PvE hack 'n slashes. There's a reason why PvP in larger player quantities wasn't released until 2015 and we all know how much DE derailed off good game design that year.

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