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Eximus units with invulnerability, really DE?


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1 minute ago, Lord-Scath said:

I think it will work out in the end they did say on the stream that what they showed off was just a prototype and wasn't set in stone and it's not even close to being added anytime soon

And what we're posting about is so that it doesn't get implemented ever.

I do agree with DE on Eximus units being pretty useless, incidentally. I just also believe that invulnerability is a gigantically terrible idea. Make the enemy bigger, tougher, give them unique random resistances (i.e. imagine a Bombard Arson Eximus that also gains a 75% damage reduction to one random damage type when he spawns, he is also bigger in size, with more health and glows with an awesome power (I just had to add an anime reference there), now tell me if he wouldn't be cool to fight).

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I am fine with weak-points, but 100% immunity is not fun. Maybe give them like 90% damage reduction until all of the weak-spots are broken, at least let us see numbers. Hopefully this will be a time for them to go back and adjust some of the more BS Eximus ability (Like energy drain and unavoidable toxin AoE).


And as for AoE weapons... good. AoE weapons are honestly too good at everything, weak-points like this would leave them as the best way to take out mobs, but now you have to bring another weapon to take out priority targets. Specialization is a good thing.


I do hope that they don't copy-paste this mechanic to Grineer and Corpus though, this concept works for Infested but it would be really weird for Corpus especially.

Edit: Maybe make weak-points the Grineer thing, as they are the guys with armor. Then do something different for Infested and Corpus.


Edit #2: What if they just scarp Eximus all-together and just replace them with Rathuum and Index enemies (keep Infested Eximus for now I guess)? These guys fill the niche of Eximus, as they are super-beefed up versions of regular enemies, but they are also much-much better designed.

Edited by DrBorris
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3 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

What was the level of the test enemy?

Err ... waitasec ... 24, okay, yeah.

16 minutes ago, Leahzar said:

I love how no one is mentioning that the eximi units elligible for this will start at level50.

Not exactly. They said that low-level eximi won't have that. Base chance will start at about 30%, scaling with enemy level up to about 50% at level 50 (which will be the maximum).

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I think they should create that eximus change as subtype of normal eximus. For example: Sortie with eximus stronghold modifier - 10-25% chance to spawn this invulnerable type, but on casual mission (without modifier) may be 75-100%

UPD: Forgot update topic to see new answers. They planning add spawn chance

Edited by StolenLife
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1 minute ago, StolenLife said:

I think they should create that eximus change as subtype of casual eximus. For example: Sortie with eximus stronghold modifier - 10-25% chance to spawn this invulnerable type, but on casual mission (without modifier) may be 75-100%

I never brought up Sorties mind you. Such a change is terrible for any game mode. You think Bombards are annoying now? Oh, wait until they take no damage and you feel worthless. In fact, imagine feeling the same kind of worthlessness when trying to kill a butcher.

We are gorram Tenno. We killed the Sentients, and the Orokin. We got stuff done. We are badasses. And yet, there's going to be enemies straight up immune to damage.

Oh, and, do I have to bring up a damage-invulnerable Arctic Eximus Nullifier? I try to avoid saying things such as 'cancer' or 'aids' out of respect for people who do suffer them, but in this case, what else could you call it?

Think of all the fun we'll have with damage-immune Ancient Healers. Oh, yes, so much fun.

And while I might be able to keep up (I'm not a 'pro', but I like to think myself a decent shot with most weapons), it's simply not going to be fun. And if it's not fun, why would I play?

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30 minutes ago, Lyravain said:

What they suggest is a terrible idea. You'll have to stop every second to aim at a screming, muderous, jacked-up enemy to carefully take out one or two weakpoints before you can start killing them. Are you going to be able to do that reliably? Maybe, but not in a heated fight, so you'll use CCs. In fact, you'll spam CCs. It's gonna be the only way to keep enemies under control long enough for you to destroy that weakpoint. Sounds like fun, don't it? Oh, wait, no it doesn't.

Making them bigger, with more health and stuff, that I'm cool with. But invincibility is the worst thing you can add to a game. It makes players feel worthless and useless. Yes, in a boss, I can see it, bosses are supposed to be tough and hard to kill. I don't agree with the fact I can shoot them in their unprotected face and them not take any damage, but they're bosses, I can deal with that. But your everyday, run-of-the-mill enemy? No, freaking, thanks.

I do agree to some extent. This mechanic combined with a energy leech eximus for the infested faction is a downright terrible combination. You need CC to allow you to pinpoint those spots, all while surrounded by units that actively negate CC, which you lose because said eximus you cant kill has stolen all of your energy. I also think those spawn rates are WAY too high, even if you're going to high level content. I don't think the idea of it is unfun because its not true invincibility and there is something the player can do to remove it rather than being forced to wait it out like before. 

Edited by (PS4)VariantX7
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)VariantX7 said:

I do agree to some extent. This mechanic combined with a energy leech eximus for the infested faction is a downright terrible combination. You need CC to allow you to pinpoint those spots, all while surrounded by units that actively negate CC, which you lose because said eximus you cant kill has stolen all of your energy. I also think those spawn rates are WAY too high, even if you're going to high level content. 

Do mind, I'm not focusing solely on the Infested -if we let this go, it'll come for all factions.

So far, DE has stated they wanted to reduce CC-spam a couple of times. Doing this would mean that, regardless of map, regardless of mission, level or enemies, regardless of what you as the player want to play, we'll always need a CC-frame. We won't have a choice in the matter. And yes, I do realize that CC-frames are mostly a 'given' in higher level missions -but they don't always happen. Same as how I don't always play in teams with a Frost in Defences -sometimes I just don't want to stand in a bubble and shoot out of it.

The whole point of this is; invulnerability makes us feel useless and ineffective. It detracts from our sense of 'doing something' in the game when enemies can straight-up just /ignore what we do. Invulnerability is, quite simply, the worst design choice for any kind of gameplay that doesn't depend on such gimmicks. Either develop the entire game around invulnerability frames and how to get past them (RE with Nemesis did that, Shadow of the Colossus did that), or avoid them like the plague. I can accept bosses being invulnerable (I don't like it, but I accept it). But not our everyday enemy, even if they are eximus. The slowing of the gameplay is going to be tremendous.

Edited by Lyravain
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really looking forward to lvl 50+++++ eximus bombards with invulnerability
what fun it is to get oneshot without even being able to kill them before they shoot!
well...that will invite even more cheese to the game

what about nullifiereximini?getting oneshot across the map without being able to do anything?

Edited by kuchn
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the idea itself isnt bad. we tear through enemies in about 10 seconds tops. this is an issue since the gameplay starts to blur and become repetitive however, this idea needs a lot of work to be able to be released. id say the weakpoint has to be on the head or main body of the enemy, and never on the arms or legs, those parts are constantly in motion, making it near impossible to shoot without a sniper. also, there should be a maximum of how many invincible exemi spawn. lets say.... a cap of 10 in a level. and always spread out. this way we have to stay on our guard, but it also wont be too bullS#&$.

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2 minutes ago, plexus_brachialis said:

as much as i'd like to say 'let's wait and see' lately i don't trust DE to not make this awkward and painful for everyone involved. i had low-key hoped they wouldn't go the good old 'slap invulnerability on it' tactic when i saw stream announcement, but well.

tbh. they ARE dealing with space mecha ninjas with near cosmic abilities who melt everything in one hit. people are just annoyed that this is an actual obsticle for once when your grinding up loot. we should see how it plays out before freaking out.

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1 minute ago, Zokdul said:

tbh. they ARE dealing with space mecha ninjas with near cosmic abilities who melt everything in one hit. people are just annoyed that this is an actual obsticle for once when your grinding up loot. we should see how it plays out before freaking out.

tbh they are the ones who gave us all the tools to powercreep through the roof and instead of cutting that in the root and balancing the game they want to fight cheese with cheese

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1 minute ago, plexus_brachialis said:

tbh they are the ones who gave us all the tools to powercreep through the roof and instead of cutting that in the root and balancing the game they want to fight cheese with cheese

once they give us a shiny toy, they cant exactly take it away instantly and hope no one complains. they get their money from us after all. 

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2 minutes ago, Zokdul said:

tbh. they ARE dealing with space mecha ninjas with near cosmic abilities who melt everything in one hit. people are just annoyed that this is an actual obsticle for once when your grinding up loot. we should see how it plays out before freaking out.

do you remember how many eximus spawn per mid teir mission? and i doubt the mecha ninjas are cosmic abilities just super powerful just slightly above superhuman. and just throwing a speed bump right in the middle of the road without warning will cause a severe car crash so why risk it. you have forgotten how f'n difficult aiming in this game is especial for casual play. i don't like devoting an whole hour to one mission just to get it done. rather then try and ruin our fun maybe you should try playing a few side games to relief your boredom. its a lot better and doesn't ruin our casual play

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5 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

do you remember how many eximus spawn per mid teir mission? and i doubt the mecha ninjas are cosmic abilities just super powerful just slightly above superhuman. and just throwing a speed bump right in the middle of the road without warning will cause a severe car crash so why risk it. you have forgotten how f'n difficult aiming in this game is especial for casual play. i don't like devoting an whole hour to one mission just to get it done. rather then try and ruin our fun maybe you should try playing a few side games to relief your boredom. its a lot better and doesn't ruin our casual play


22 minutes ago, Zokdul said:

the idea itself isnt bad. we tear through enemies in about 10 seconds tops. this is an issue since the gameplay starts to blur and become repetitive however, this idea needs a lot of work to be able to be released. id say the weakpoint has to be on the head or main body of the enemy, and never on the arms or legs, those parts are constantly in motion, making it near impossible to shoot without a sniper. also, there should be a maximum of how many invincible exemi spawn. lets say.... a cap of 10 in a level. and always spread out. this way we have to stay on our guard, but it also wont be too bullS#&$.

im not saying make it super tryhard and difficult. im just saying spice it up a bit. and thats what they are saying as well. theres not going to be mass amounts of invincible exemi in one instance. as that would be insane.

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zokdul you do know there is a such thing as people loving to use melee in this game so what happens to those people that that can hit a target with a shotgun even if it is within kissing range of the shot gums barrel. so introducing something like this might end up forcing those players to leave because they can't enjoy the game anymore


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^ exactly. i love melee in this game , so the weak points would have to be larger and within reach. again. this is a rough draft. save the pitchforks untill its finished




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