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Limbo Rework Discussion and Feedback


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20 hours ago, TwevOWNED said:

Vauban, Loki, Nyx, Ivara, Rhino, Wukong, Inaros, and Nydus all have what equates to invulnerability or unlimited cc. There is no reason for Limbo to be handicapped from the start when there would still be other frames that would do what he does better.


I get not having infinite projectiles in there and evetually not letting any more in, but freezing Limbo's abilities for using them too well, meaning he won't ever press 3 in fear of making too many rift areas, is absurd. If there is an enemy cap and when you hit it other enemies get slowed or even just move at normal speed it would be fine, but making him weak when he already won't be anywhere near the strongest warframe is absurd.

Exactly my point. There are other frames who do essentially the same thing only without a punishment and number limit. Imo they shouldn't take away his only way of surviving because of the simple fact that one too many enemies entered the rift while Stasis was active without you being able to react quickly enough.


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14 hours ago, Viedra_Lavinova said:

Well for example, max range rhino stomp or frost avalanche can hit an unlimited amount of enemies. The problem the devs were discussing were for weapon projectiles. (Which is a reason why mirage 1 was changed from 4 to 2 clones, to prevent toasters crashing.)


The ability is more of a projectile amount limit than anything. (And the time stop power would be even worse than the mirage problem that happened years ago.)


Also, I foresee Cataclysm time stop combo to rival globe.

If it was a projectile limit than it would actually be a lot better than an enemy + projectile limit. Not sure DE will go that route though.

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13 hours ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

How about letting the rework hit live first before giving negative feedback.

Just test him first, perhaps its good.

I think it is obvious that all of my criticism is based on the footage we have now which can obviously changed. I am just stating the possible problems that Limbo might get with the current decisions. Hence why the tittle of the post says that "Limbos time stop limit is concerning" and doesn't say that it is bad.

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11 hours ago, Cortanis said:

I want to know what the hard limit on the number actually is. Saying their is a limit is one thing. Saying their is a limit of 10 targets is an entirely different ball game. The part that gets me is that Limbo's abilities are kind of built in with a limit to begin with. Cataclysm is limited by how large it is, banish is giant energy vampire if you're going to be constantly banishing stuff, and his new ability is going to be super costly to maintain in the first place. I get the need to maintain frame rate and keep from melting down toaster computers, but a little more clarity please. If they're going to stick a hard cap on this so low that you're basically limited to just things in melee range, they might as well just shelve Limbo at that point. If we're going to be talking about a cap that you can actually play with, then fine. Ether way, Limbo explicitly needs control over anything he's bringing into the void so that that cap isn't exceeded and he melts down. The suggestions of running a mechanic like Booben's Bastille are probably the best control on this so far I think.

The cap is unknown which is why it concerns me. I am just hoping they don't make the ability useless. If the limit is really big and you won't have problems using it where there are loads of enemies than I am fine with it cause at that point you can only get punished if you abuse this ability. 

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11 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

It would be good enough if they just resumed time once the limit is reached. Stasis sounds as though it is duration-based, so enemies and their projectiles will eventually break free even without Limbo's interference.

Suddenly being forced out of the Rift, unable to return to it temporarily and effectively rendering all his abilities momentarily inaccessible, would just be too much for how squishy he is. If exceeding the cap just resumed time (ending Stasis early), it would basically return the game to its normal optimized state, so even toasters can run it with gunshots flying and enemies being lemmings. Limbo will still have to dodge the unfrozen projectiles to save his skin, so combat isn't one sided but he remains in control of his own survivability- the Rift.

Agreed. Taking away his only ability for his survivability would be too much of a punishment for someone as squishy as Limbo.

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On 2/19/2017 at 10:36 AM, ChameleonBro said:

 -While this seems like a very good ability (which it is) it has one MAJOR restriction and that is the limit on how many enemies you can frieze.

I don't know if this has yet to be said, but it is far too early to worry IMO.  They very plainly stated it being a WIP and they have no where near worked out the kinks or the mechanics on how the restrictions are going to affect us.  They gave a vague reference of having some kind of limit to what can be frozen and possibly barring Limbo from the void for a short duration when its exceeded.

Until we get the specifics there really isn't much to go on.  She didn't even get around to testing more than a single duration build.  Your concerns are certainly valid based solely on what you saw and heard, just keep in mind they aren't set in stone quite yet.

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4 minutes ago, Lordckart said:

Limbo has reduced reload speed,holster time,and increased sprint speed too i think.

^ This.

Limbo receives several benefits as part of his passive (which might get tweaked i guess). I wouldn't mind if everyone else had more benefits, but honestly free energy regeneration plus invulnerability is a pretty nice bonus.

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3 hours ago, Chewarette said:

Even in that case. You're fighting against Grineers ? At a high-enough level in a squad, you'll have several Heavy Gunner around. They shoot like, a lot of bullets. Just add anyone with a Soma or anything alike and your rift will very, very quickly be overwhelmed and insta-lock you as soon as you use your Stasis.

As I'm re-reading myself I have to ask something, as I didn't follow the complete devstream so I may have missed something : will bullets shot from outside the rift towards you be stopped by Stasis as well ? Or only projectiles that are fired from within ?

What I don't really like with this rework is that it seems we will have to reduce our range in order to have the least annoying toolset (smaller AoE on banish, smaller Cataclysm/Stasis, smaller mini-Cataclysm to reduce the annoyance). Not by gameplay choice but because the design of his set will force you to.

No only things in the rift are affected and yes that is a lot of bullets I agree but if you banish  multiple targets and haven't used Stasis and dispensed justice then and no offense ment but you are doing it wrong. I'm not saying it's ment as a ability you just leave on and they aren't sure about the Cap and even if they are I can at least understand that they are trying not to make him OP. I just make suggestions to add ideas maybe they like one who knows. As I to have my concerns. 

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Petition to make Limbo`s Haven augment Heal allies in the rift as well as Limbo himself

What do you thinks about that Idea? I mean it would be really really useful because Limbo is squishy out of the rift. It would help with being caught off guard by an enemy! He would dash into the rift and quickly regain some of his health. A tweak of his augments would be a nice little addition to his rework anyway.

Edit: Was careless and forgot it was an augment for banish..all the reason why DE should make us enter the rift by banishing below our feet because people roll all the time.


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  1. The augment is for "bannish", limbo can't apply banish on himself
  2. Having a heal on entering the rift would mean that every 2 times he presses shift to rift dash he would get heal, for free. (for now the rift dash doesn't cost energy, yet) Or he could just enter/exit the cataclysm again and again, still too powerful
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Reading complaints about the stasis slowing down/freezing projectiles ... like ... really guys? Why be negative about it, just don't use that ability?

At least complain and say it should be implemented as an augment if you don't like the concept, instead of hating on something we haven't even got access to yet ...

Who knows you might actually enjoy it?

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I don't roll I Rift Walk however I do see the concerns of a accidental step out of the rift and then boom you get owned. That's why I suggested a tap of the button to role and a hold to Rift Walk or vise versa. 

As far as the  Banish it's the same suggestion of a tap for single targets and a hold for the AOE. I also think it should be increased or decreased by power range, duration or power strength. Just my thoughts though.

Edited by (PS4)Zero-0-P
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3 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

Reading complaints about the stasis slowing down/freezing projectiles ... like ... really guys? Why be negative about it, just don't use that ability?

At least complain and say it should be implemented as an augment if you don't like the concept, instead of hating on something we haven't even got access to yet ...

Who knows you might actually enjoy it?

Exactly, I love it. Again I get the concerns but it's still early I would like to see it polished before making that final judgment.

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26 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

Reading complaints about the stasis slowing down/freezing projectiles ... like ... really guys? Why be negative about it, just don't use that ability?

At least complain and say it should be implemented as an augment if you don't like the concept, instead of hating on something we haven't even got access to yet ...

Who knows you might actually enjoy it?

The concern is that once you hit a semi-arbitrary limit will lock you out of all your abilities, as an incredibly power reliant frame with 60 armour and low health + shields.

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1 hour ago, VentiGlondi said:

I doubt it.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they removed some of the benefits.

If you're talking about his current passive with the speed bonuses, maybe. But for the Rift Plane itself, what other benefits are there to remove aside from energy regen? If anything, it needs to do more because it really isn't all that impressive or useful to a team.

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A little bit of news about Banish on allies:

The question and answer in this context are fine by me, but considering there is also AoE Banish changes to factor into the rework, I really hope there will be something done to make teammates' lives a little easier with a Banish-happy Limbo around.

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