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Rivens Aren't Enough (Updated Ideas)


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I don't think Rivens have done enough to serve all of the weapons of the past well.
Granting 300% critical/status chance on a weapon with a 2.5% critical chance and a 5% status just doesnt seem to cut it.

I think DE can serve the community well by taking one older weapon once a month and giving it a special perk or attribute that makes it stand out from the others.

An example would be the Supra. An assault with a base damage of 45 and a crit and status of 2.5 and 5 respectively. 
Perhaps a perk where all missed shots are refunded to the magazine or the weapon regenerates ammo over time.

With enough consideration and thought DE can look towards improving weapons where Rivens could not; perhaps not in the form of damage but utility wise.

Here are some other idea to love/hate:

  • Tiberon- Consecutive body shots increase next headshot damage
  • Rubico- Precision Shots refill the entire mag from reserves
  • Seer- Aiming for 5 seconds locks on headshot accuracy
  • Harpak- Alt Fire Pins enemies to surface for duration
  • Mutalist Quanta- Shots fired into alt fire do 4xs damge on collision
  • Miter- Shots Ricochet to targets 3m away from hit target. Chains target to target.
Edited by (PS4)RenovaKunumaru
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

I don't think Rivens have done enough to serve all of the weapons of the past well.
Granting 300% critical/status chance on a weapon with a 2.5% critical chance and a 5% status just doesnt seem to cut it.

That's why you don't use critical/status chance rivens on weapons with low stats in those.

Seriously speaking though, yea, it would be nice to see older weapons actually buffed rather than just shoving rivens on them. In the same sense, though, there does need to be a selection of bad weapons. Sounds weird, I know, but it's the truth. 

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)rowansprite said:

That's why you don't use critical/status chance rivens on weapons with low stats in those.

Seriously speaking though, yea, it would be nice to see older weapons actually buffed rather than just shoving rivens on them. In the same sense, though, there does need to be a selection of bad weapons. Sounds weird, I know, but it's the truth. 

They don't have to be bad. They can serve as a utility when of damage and status are negligible. That can only happen though if DE gets creative in adding attributes to weapons, not just the newer ones.

However I do understand what you mean.

Edited by (PS4)RenovaKunumaru
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3 minutes ago, Askell91 said:

Every weapon can't be god tier. 

The idea is that with the right Riven, they can be. Otherwise no one's going to want a Riven for a weapon that can't be saved by one. They'll want Rivens for top tier weapons that get raised even higher in the hierarchy. Which kinda defeats the purpose of the whole system to begin with.

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12 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

The idea is that with the right Riven, they can be. Otherwise no one's going to want a Riven for a weapon that can't be saved by one. They'll want Rivens for top tier weapons that get raised even higher in the hierarchy. Which kinda defeats the purpose of the whole system to begin with.

That's not realy true. Just look at Boltor Prime and Soma Prime or Tonkor (usualy peoples think about these when you talk about OP weapons).

Rivens don't do much for these. The damage increse is so minimal or even worse than a regular build. 

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Rivens are really serving another purpose for me in general. They are making me look for a new game that can pull me away from Warframe. The frustration is real. I love Warframe but the sheer hatred burning out of me would overload the Emperor and Darth Vader right into a coma the minute the Sortie mission says congratulations here's a lens/sculpture for taking on spamming level 100 eximus units by the hundreds.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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3 minutes ago, Askell91 said:

That's not realy true. Just look at Boltor Prime and Soma Prime or Tonkor (usualy peoples think about these when you talk about OP weapons).

Rivens don't do much for these. The damage increse is so minimal or even worse than a regular build. 

That's really not true, actually. You just need to find the right kind of rivens. Like a reload speed and projectile speed buff for tonkor. Or a status chance and multishot chance boost for soma prime. A projectile speed and punchthrough mod for boltor prime.

Oftentimes the problem here is that even though riven mods are supposed to help break away from the meta mindset, people still view them as ways to increase meta stats.


1 minute ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Rivens are really serving another purpose for me in general. They are making me look for a new game that can pull me away from Warframe. The frustration is real. I love Warframe but the sheer hatred burning out of me would overload the Emperor and Darth Vader right into a coma the minute the Sortie mission says congratulations here's a lens/sculpture for taking on spamming level 100 eximus units by the hundreds.

And I would take a sculpture any day over a lens. I have literally no use for lenses at all. At least the sculpture I can trade for some endo.

I just got my first riven mod from sorties -- ever -- yesterday. And I got a flux rifle riven. I have never been simultaneously so happy and so pissed.

Edited by cittran
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6 minutes ago, Askell91 said:

That's not realy true. Just look at Boltor Prime and Soma Prime or Tonkor (usualy peoples think about these when you talk about OP weapons).

Rivens don't do much for these. The damage increse is so minimal or even worse than a regular build. 

Sure it is. Ill give you a Hind with an amazing riven. I'll take the Soma Prime with the okay Riven (or no Riven, honestly). Who's gonna do more damage? Ill give you a hint, its not even close. Point being there's no point in Rivens without the disposition properly balanced. It's supposed to bring life back to old, unusued, underpowered weapons. You see a lot of people rocking miters, pantheras and hinds now? Nope.

Also I have some amazing tonkor, simulor, and soma rivens, and they add more DPS than regular mods.

3 minutes ago, cittran said:

Oftentimes the problem here is that even though riven mods are supposed to help break away from the meta mindset, people still view them as ways to increase meta stats.

Pretty much this, well said.


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11 minutes ago, cittran said:

That's really not true, actually. You just need to find the right kind of rivens. Like a reload speed and projectile speed buff for tonkor. Or a status chance and multishot chance boost for soma prime. A projectile speed and punchthrough mod for boltor prime.

Oftentimes the problem here is that even though riven mods are supposed to help break away from the meta mindset, people still view them as ways to increase meta stats.


And I would take a sculpture any day over a lens. I have literally no use for lenses at all. At least the sculpture I can trade for some endo.

I just got my first riven mod from sorties -- ever -- yesterday. And I got a flux rifle riven. I have never been simultaneously so happy and so pissed.

I basically said Sculpture/Lens which means Lens are happening as well. After getting seven sculptures basically in a row and being able to aquire endo with ease,... Sculptures are simply being used to make Transformer statues in the back of the ship. I am after Rivens plain and simple. A hundred know-it alls saying be happy you got a sculpture can line up and say the same thing over and over... but I am playing sorties not for Sculptures or Lens, and with Rivens being in the reward pool and if the RNG is cranked up that hard, then yeah it's time to find a new game and take a break. A slot machine is a slot machine regardless the vehicle.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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Honestly what happened to the weapon syndicate mods? They are a good way to add unique abilities to old weapons but it seems like DE just forgot about them. The would be a better way to bring life back to the old weapons without all the riven rng. I know that last year they were talking about now mods but it seems like the idea was just scrapped. 

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)PillarOfWar said:

They need to make syndicate mods for old weapons. Mastery rank lock them if you are worried about power creep. But the syndicate mods are a perfect place to add upgrades to old weak weapons. What do you guys think of that? 

My problem with these augment mods that patch up old weapons is that they take a slot. For example, the Spectra mod adds 20 range to make it a long range beam weapon (still sucks, but whatever). It adds no damage and takes up a slot, which means the already inferior dps pistol is now even further behind just to make up for its shortcomings. Not a big fan of augments for the most part.

Also they have no effect on exalted weapons, so that's another tick in the negative column.

Edited by Skaleek
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11 minutes ago, (PS4)ThatPersonInMars said:

The BS enemy armor scaling is the biggest problem, causing critical weapons get an ridiculously HUGE edge over the status and damage weapons, causing players to use and call critical weapons with decent status META, and weapons with almost pathetic crit/status TRASH. It needs a rework.

Armor scaling, or lack of CP use, actually results in status weapons becoming much more important and viable over crit weapons. You need to proc corrosive a bunch to strip the armor and do full dps, even crazy high high red crits will get reduced to almost nothing by ridiculously high armor, leaving status weapons much more attractive against very high armor targets.

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I agree with the OP. some weapons cant be saved by rivens and in some cases, it is not only the damage, some weapons are broken.

The weapons that have more benefits from rivens are the ones that are already good and got extremely good rivens. 

Everybody know what they are at this point.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

I think DE can serve the community well by taking one older weapon once a month and giving it a special perk or attribute that makes it stand out from the others.

Considering it took them years to buff the Sicarus I'd say we won't be getting that anytime soon.


*sigh* I miss buffs like the heavy melee patch or the shotgun patch. There's also weapons that needs an all around rework like beam weapons and snipers. No matter how many damage you cram on those things it won't matter because they're mechanically inferior.

Oh and Javlok. It died before it can even be relevant. A complete waste of a cool concept. The animations are all pretty too.

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Were rivens really intended to make the less used weapons more used? I'm not so sure.

I don't see a riven on it's own making a gun good. As with any other "good" weapon, it's only good cos I've spent countless hours ranking it with forma and stuck a potato in it so I can cram all the high ranked mods into it. And chances are that gun you've built is pretty good without the need for a riven.

A riven mod would never make me like the Stug.

I'd like a riven mod for my Sobek please. Guess what? So does everyone else who owns a Sobek.

The cynic in me believes they were introduced to give people with not much else to do in the game something to do (let's go kuva farming!!!!) and to introduce high priced items to the market.

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OP idea about adding creative utilitary buff is nice. However that definatly would require DE to hire new group of peoples :D cause rivens release shown, its easier to slap generalized mod to everything without much thought. To name few flight speed on hitscan weapons, ridiculious stats like - 100 % ammo maximum, recoil stats on weapons like dera.

As a side note, we have warframes reworks, but weapons reworks ? I guess excuse would be you have ower 300 weapons use not broken ones not trash ones "D

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That's why I roll mods until they fit the weapon. I think that's what the reroll feature was intended for. :clem:

The supra for example, I'd probably roll until I hit damage/ele damage. It already has the augment for status, so that helps a bunch with that already. You really have to think about how to build certain weapons before you try sticking some high stat riven on them. 

Sure some weapons don't have much hope, but the amount of weapons they potentially make top tier viable is much, much higher than the amount of weapons that are still useless with them. It'd be nice for some kind of augments for them, but I don't think they'd want to implement that. Instead they'll just raise the dispositions on the really bad tier weapons, or do nothing. :P

Edited by Ker-Blammo
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I might try and compile a list of weapons that are not viable in any way at Sortie 3 level, but it may mostly be beam weapons and weapons that are meant to be thrown away for a better weapon (i.e. Skana and Mk1 weapons). Anything that loses effectiveness after Sortie 3 should not be considered as bad weapons as that is the highest level that DE intends for us to compete against.

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