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2 minutes ago, Raun said:

@(PS4)robotwars7 Wouldn't YOU get peeved if you wanted to make a change and people did nothing but try to make you look stupid?
I know it's easier to just sit there and let it be, but sometimes, things need to be addressed. Not to mention there are a lot of similar complaints both new and old.
I thought it was about time someone tried to speak up.

It's not the disagreeing, they haven't disagreed to anything...they're not even chiming in with anything. THAT is what made me say "Now, either help let the etc".
What's the point in replying if you're not helping anything or even want to talk about it?


There's nothing wrong with it though, you're asking for the nova deluxe skin to work on not nova which makes no sense, even getting the arms to do what they do now was a huge challenge for them asking for it on every warframe isn't going to be worth it for them.

If you feel you were ripped off just go to support and ask for a refund but there's no sense in making nova's special thing everyone's special thing.

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1 hour ago, LazerSkink said:

The arms were always meant to be exclusive to the skin from the very beginning, it was never planned to be an addition of the syandana.

Say it to the hundreds of fools. Me included. Well luckily I found out the truth before it was too late, so I got the skin only.

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16 minutes ago, Raun said:

Sometimes people DO come in late. Your point?
I was only able to purchase the collection Today Only to find there's some fine print.

I'd say the point is that you can already find many dead topics on this.. "issue".

You'll notice that most of the deluxe skins are based on some sort of mythos, in novas case it's the Hindu god Kali, the arms are representative of that mythos as is the rest of the skin, just like Oberon and Feyarch or Frost and Harka, and they should not be intermixed else the deluxe skin looses some of the unique mythos that is suppose to only be part of that frames deluxe.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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14 minutes ago, Raun said:

I don't think you guys are getting the point.

no everyone is getting you point and it's ridicoulus

if you would have read the description of the skin you would have realized that the multi arm effect is part of the skin and not the syandana

and as NovusNova already said: DE stated from the beginning that the effect is part of the skin

4 minutes ago, Raun said:

What's the point in replying if you're not helping anything or even want to talk about it?

trying to talk sense ito you

Edited by Helch0rn
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3 hours ago, Raun said:

I thought it was about time someone tried to speak up.


Someone already tried. Many, actually. There were a multitude of threads in the first week of this skin's release bashing and begging DE to make the change. It didn't happen then, so it's likely not going to happen now.

Look through the patch notes of the update itself:


Edited by LazerSkink
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Well then wouldn't it have been easier to make it so Other frames can't wear the Syandana? Like you equip Inaros for example and when searching in Attachments, you DON'T see the Dinavi Syandana....it's that simple then. You get Unique attachments to other frames and THOSE can't go onto any other frame too (unless you have both normal and Prime of that frame), At least with those, you don't see them in the attachments list on the other frames. Just do THAT for Nova at least.
The fact other frames can wear that Syandana makes it misleading.

There IS a seemingly rare case I have when it comes to the Helmet inventory too. Maybe I should address that instead.

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2 minutes ago, Raun said:

Well then wouldn't it have been easier to make it so Other frames can't wear the Syandana? Like you equip Inaros for example and when searching in Attachments, you DON'T see the Dinavi Syandana....it's that simple then. You get Unique attachments to other frames and THOSE can't go onto any other frame too (unless you have both normal and Prime of that frame), At least with those, you don't see them in the attachments list on the other frames. Just do THAT for Nova at least.
The fact other frames can wear that Syandana makes it misleading.

There IS a seemingly rare case I have when it comes to the Helmet inventory too. Maybe I should address that instead.

Then don't use it on other frames, simple. Again you're overreacting with something insignificant.

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8 minutes ago, Raun said:

Well then wouldn't it have been easier to make it so Other frames can't wear the Syandana? Like you equip Inaros for example and when searching in Attachments, you DON'T see the Dinavi Syandana....it's that simple then. You get Unique attachments to other frames and THOSE can't go onto any other frame too (unless you have both normal and Prime of that frame), At least with those, you don't see them in the attachments list on the other frames. Just do THAT for Nova at least.
The fact other frames can wear that Syandana makes it misleading.

There IS a seemingly rare case I have when it comes to the Helmet inventory too. Maybe I should address that instead.

I presume you're replying to my statement, and while you're right that the Syandana goes with the skin, it's not really symbolic of the mythos, I can't actually see anything that would lead one to associate it with Hinduism, the arms on the other hand(s) are very symbolic of Hinduism.


Get a refund if it's such an issue, but I don't want to see it on other frames, others also don't, and there are very valid reasons why it should not be on other frames.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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13 minutes ago, Raun said:

Sometimes people DO come in late. Your point?
I was only able to purchase the collection Today Only to find there's some fine print.

Fine Print implies the information was hidden and out of sight, the disclaimer that that the effect is only on the deluxe skin in right in the bundle description box. Not very hidden.

15 minutes ago, Raun said:

1. I don't think you guys are getting the point. Things being tied to only one frame such as skins and attachments will always be a bad idea in the long run for D E.

2. For ANY games company in their game. If they couldn't handle the impending want of fans for a single Syandana to do what it shows ON the bundle, then don't make it, It'll just make people get suckered into spending money for a the disappointment in the fact that it won't do the effect you were going for.

3. Yeah sure it means D E get's their money, but I believe people should get exactly what they bought.

4. I'm not the only one who complained about this and I doubt I'll be the last. but the fact this is "Kinda Old News" and things weren't changed makes it even MORE bad.

5. The fact that it's only in short bursts of visual is MORE bad.

6. I know that it goes with the Oriental Inspired look, but then we ALSO have Wukong and Nezha. Based on the 2 most iconic Oriental characters of ALL time and THEY can't get the effect?

7. Now, either help let the change get noticed OR ignore this topic.

1. We are getting your point, you want the "mystical arms" to be tied to the syandana and appear on any frame that wears it.

2. "impending want of fans" - Here you are implying that a vast majority of the community wants it the same way you do. Never assume that is the case. Also most people knew that the effect was only on the Nova deluxe skin.

3. Again, they never promised and said that the "mystical arms" were tied to the syandana, they always said it was specific to the Nova Deluxe skin. So you got exactly what you brought. Just because its not what you wanted doesn't mean DE is lying or misleading you.

4. Again, it was stated that the effect is only on the Nova deluxe skin, not the syandana. "Old news or not" DE have stated that numerous times and it isn't changing.

5. So you want the effect to last longer on the Nova Deluxe skin? That would be something to ask in Art, Animation & UI feedback.

6. Because it wasn't designed for them, it was designed for the Nova deluxe skin and no were in the mythology (as far as I'm aware) do Wukong and Nezha have six arms whereas the mythology the Nova is deluxe skin is based on does have a six armed goddess which is what they based it on.

7. You posted this in General Discussion where the point is to have a constructive discussion with people of different viewpoints, basically saying "only post if you agree with me or get out" because people aren't immediately agreeing with you is not constructive.

2 minutes ago, Raun said:

Well then wouldn't it have been easier to make it so Other frames can't wear the Syandana? Like you equip Inaros for example and when searching in Attachments, you DON'T see the Dinavi Syandana....it's that simple then. You get Unique attachments to other frames and THOSE can't go onto any other frame too (unless you have both normal and Prime of that frame), At least with those, you don't see them in the attachments list on the other frames. Just do THAT for Nova at least.
The fact other frames can wear that Syandana makes it misleading.

There IS a seemingly rare case I have when it comes to the Helmet inventory too. Maybe I should address that instead.

It is not mis-leading at all. It clearly states that the effect is on the Nova deluxe skin only.




If you feel "ripped off" and want a refund, you can contact support and ask for one.

Support: http://support.warframe.com/

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My issue on the helmets is due to the fact that I had to make the same Frames (I didn't have room for them when i had them before and I also figured that like weapons, they can be built and maxed for MR rank) but because of that, I have multiple duplicates of the frames Original helmet and even if you have those spare, you can't sell them for Credit or something.

Shall I go report that?

Oh and stop saying that this is an old topic. Sometimes people come in late. hence why LOTS of PC fans and ALL Console fans will never get Excalibur Prime.

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It might not be so have to have the animation on the skin be given the option of always turning on/off/with skills.  I don't know how much work would be involved, but it's not bad to consider. I think it'd go to pretty much the bottom of the barrel on the priority list though.  

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5 minutes ago, Raun said:

My issue on the helmets is due to the fact that I had to make the same Frames (I didn't have room for them when i had them before and I also figured that like weapons, they can be built and maxed for MR rank) but because of that, I have multiple duplicates of the frames Original helmet and even if you have those spare, you can't sell them for Credit or something.

Shall I go report that?

Oh and stop saying that this is an old topic. Sometimes people come in late. hence why LOTS of PC fans and ALL Console fans will never get Excalibur Prime.

Yes, go report that, make a new topic in the bug report or feedback section for UI.

it's just a red herring here.

And it simply is an old topic, that's just a fact, and you can't stop ppl stating facts, a quick search could have avoided a new thread on it.

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11 minutes ago, Raun said:

Oh and stop saying that this is an old topic. Sometimes people come in late. hence why LOTS of PC fans and ALL Console fans will never get Excalibur Prime.

Late or not, it IS an old topic. The forum has a search function for a reason. If people choose to not inform themselves beforehand, it's their own fault, not anyone else's.

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@Carnage2K4 Sometimes people miss the info and come in guns blazing you know.
The reason why I said "Stop saying it's an old topic" because I already knew from the first person who said it and saying it again goes nowhere.

the main issue I have is, why is it people always have to try and make you look stupid? There's a difference between stupidity and being misinformed. in this case I was Misinformed (Until NovusNova had shown me my oops lol Thanks Novus for that. honestly).
I noticed it happens a lot when someone has an issue and they want to voice the problem (no matter when it is or what it's about) replyers just sit there being like "That's how the cookie crumbles" when if YOU also think it's bull hockey then don't be afraid to speak up and don't let others push you down for trying.

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1 minute ago, Raun said:

@Carnage2K4 Sometimes people miss the info and come in guns blazing you know.
The reason why I said "Stop saying it's an old topic" because I already knew from the first person who said it and saying it again goes nowhere.

the main issue I have is, why is it people always have to try and make you look stupid? There's a difference between stupidity and being misinformed. in this case I was Misinformed (Until NovusNova had shown me my oops lol Thanks Novus for that. honestly).
I noticed it happens a lot when someone has an issue and they want to voice the problem (no matter when it is or what it's about) replyers just sit there being like "That's how the cookie crumbles" when if YOU also think it's bull hockey then don't be afraid to speak up and don't let others push you down for trying.

Yeah, but you're in a general forum, you'll never stop ppl saying the same thing even if it's the 85th time, there is no point fighting it, you just have to ignore it.

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@Carnage2K4 You're right. my problem is, I'm not very good at Ignoring. If i see a detail that just doesn't seem right, I try to resolve it. Never works though.
Guess it's me being stubborn lol.  

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1 hour ago, NovusNova said:

Syandana can be worn on any Warframe. The effect was always stated to be specific to the Nova deluxe skin and not the syandana.

This. The arms are linked to the skin, not the syandanna. That's why they only show on nova, and only when she has the skin equipped, and never on other frames. Test it. Run nova with the skin, without the syandanna, and the arms still appear.

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4 minutes ago, Raun said:

@Xaranoth Thank you for that. Do you know how to delete topics? I don't want this to waste space on the site.


Afaik only mods can delete threads. It looks like you already asked for this to be deleted, if a mod comes through and feels it's appropriate, they'll delete it. Otherwise it'll just get buried in a week or two, so it doesn't make too much difference.

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