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The Pacifism Defect: Update 19.12.0


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2 hours ago, PumaMrtvi said:

Yo .... this dude is absolutly right .... gys i have playec this game in over a year or more now... and i got all maxed mr 23... fcking arcanes and stuff ... then i get borred and strip all mods from the warframe and weapons ... and go spy mision with excalibur and a fcking dagger ... just to see can i do this :) ... and its more fun then grinding every day for arcanes or in this case hema .. or this operation...  its nice if u could get ignis W... iv u dont well fck it... i thik any one using ignis anyways have 4-6 already on it... so  i woulc get wraith just for mr... nothing more.. ps have fun with a game ..

Aside from not being able to play the game at all at the moment, I already have a 4 Forma Ignis I won't trade in for one I can't customize & has slightly altered stats that I can get just from modding the one I already have. When I do play Warframe, I tend to play it for a few hours but grind pretty much nothing. Just playing regularly and to have fun will get you to your goal eventually, not like Warframe has any true endgame outside of Fashionframe at the moment anyway, and that Wraith armor sure as hell ain't going on any of my frames. We need more Tenno inspired armor pieces with flowing lines and stuff like the Riv Elite Armor. I love my Riv Elite Armor <3

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Prior to the Hema's release the clan I'm in would have between 30-40 people on at max at any given point. This due to a large span of differing time-zones between us. After the Hema fiasco, and the return to the typical year-round school schedule our average players online has dipped to 10-12, with 20-30 on weekends. Most of the players are semi-active/ casual. Of the active members the majority are greenhorns who dont even understand most of the game yet (they're learning), and if this were any other weapon event that wouldn't be an issue. In this case you've turned something which used to just require personal effort into an all encompassing clan requirement, which directly detracts from the purpose that most people make and play in clans. Friends, the people who may not play often, but you have a blast when they do, or people who have stuck around with you for a long time, or people who you know IRL. This event has made it virtually impossible for most clans to complete the basic reward tier.

A Mountain Clan has 300 members max

The clan Im in only has 270 or so, and even if we were to kick everyone who hasnt signed in for about 30 days, we'd still have over 200. Of those 200, as I've said, most of them are semi-active, either working a job or going to school. The leftovers are we "lucky" few who have time to play this game for long periods, but due to the scoring mechanics of this event, no way to carry our clan. I mean, maybe, just maybe, 4 of us could try to get an absurdly high score to nudge into the top 10%, but considering just how few people we have I dont think its possible.

Let me be frank, the first tier of reward should simply be a matter of individual effort, an additional personal or cumulative clan rescue points (i.e. overall scores added together instead of just each persons best). It would be a reward to work towards after completing the 3rd base mission for the armor set. This wouldn't hurt the 2nd and 3rd tier rewards because those are obviously geared towards hardcore players and clans who can meet the challenge, and this would also give solo players a chance to get it of their own volition. Everyone would win, but they would have to put effort in.

I sincerely hope DE addresses this today on the devstream, another schism forming in the community only serves to hurt the game.

Edited by Nox_Terminus
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I've played this game for years at this point. I am MR23 and have the Lato and Braton Vandals, 3 Dex Furis, 2 Dex Dakra, and Dex Sybaris to show for it.

The cost of the Sibear was high, and DE said they would refrain from making "stretch goal" equipment in the future, DE once said that they wanted to reduce the grind and now we have the Hema and Rivens. The reward implementation of this event was what has finally driven me away and I uninstalled this morning. I may keep an eye on things regarding Warframe, but it would take a monumental show of good from DE to make me come back.

Oddly enough, Banshee was the first new frame after I joined, and the latest prime when I leave.



No, you cannot have my stuff.

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so after playing this event a bit it occurs to me how bad an idea it was to make it a competition for top 10% of clans when the main deciding factor here (for super long runs) will be how many of your hostages AI breaks.

i mean, im all for competing. but how about we make it not about a hostage rescue mission? i mean i honestly cant think of a "guard the convoy" or "escort the prisoners" type mission that i ever enjoyed, in ANY game ive ever played. and the single most memorable factor in every single one of those mission types that i can recall... is bad AI getting stuck or not following you and making it SUPER FRUSTRATING.

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The actual game mode is great. The clan thing is a complete over complicated mess. I like to play Warframe and joined a clan because its essential for many parts of the game. I now have to ask myself how good is the clan I joined? Should I stick with it or be looking for a different clan? How do I find a clan that will fit my style of play and engagement? I appreciate that the approach was to have players working together as a clan but this is just going to cause more frustrations, bitterness and segregation of players.  

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Lol so I took a break from WF after all that Hema stuff. I come back and now it's this. 

So let me explain some really obvious things to our dear DE. There is only one way to make people get into clans, alliances, guilds etc. It's clan wars. It's rather ridiculous we don't have one. I played few MMOs and if the game have pvp and alliances there must be some kind of guild war system. And as far as I know that's the only thing that will make people act together in a clan. 

I know that DE tried it with rails before and it didn't work well. But it's like they have a closed door and a wall and instead of trying to open the door they try to go through the wall. 

Also it's never a good idea to rise prices or create overpriced items. No matter what your goals are reaction will always be negative. 

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You know DE you crossed a line with this event. 

Not only did you tell everyone that cant spend 6 hours a day. 7 days a week that they are just a liability. 

You also in one fell swoop managed to kill 90% of all casual clans in this game. 

when the event is over and the top 10% is revealed(or did you make a typo and meant the top 10 clans like in all other events?)

you will have a mass exodus from all casual clans to the clans that got the research.

Then most clans that remain will downsize and throw out all inactive members just to be prepared for the next clan related update.

Me personally i already asked my clan to kick me out. I can ignore all dojo related things if it ensure that other players will not suffer because i have a life outside of warframe. 

If this is how you at  DE will handle clan related things i want no part of it. 




Edited by GhostLacuna
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3 hours ago, GhostLacuna said:

You know DE you crossed a line with this event. 

Not only did you tell everyone that cant spend 6 hours a day. 7 days a week that they are just a liability. 

You also in one fell swoop managed to kill 90% of all casual clans in this game. 

when the event is over and the top 10% is revealed(or did you make a typo and meant the top 10 clans like in all other events?)

you will have a mass exodus from all casual clans to the clans that got the research.

Then most clans that remain will downsize and throw out all inactive members just to be prepared for the next clan related update.

Me personally i already asked my clan to kick me out. I can ignore all dojo related things if it ensure that other players will not suffer because i have a life outside of warframe. 

If this is how you at  DE will handle clan related things i want no part of it. 





This is what I do in my clan

Finished to be gentle in warframe .



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1 hour ago, DESTROYERMEC said:

So Im in a ghost clan and to get the ignis wraith i need to get 260 points in  a SINGLE  mission?

Seems like it.

If you think it's too much just remember - it used to be 1300 (now that was a joke lmao)

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So do you guys just hate everyone who works full time, multiple jobs or doesn't have the free time to plop themselves in front of your game for 50 hours a week?

Task 3 of this operation. Not even at the clan stuff (which the rewards ladder for is just plan dumb to begin with). Just the third task. You need to rescue over 400 survivors. At the rate they hobble out that will take an entire day or more of solid grinding a single mission on a single node.

That's not for me anymore. I don't have that kind of time and I don't understand why that should be a requirement to do anything in this game. I'm not going to give any more chances for you guys to turn your terrible grind practices around. I've been waiting for 2 years and all that's come from it is: Rivens, ridiculous clan research requirements (Eg. Hema and Knux), removal of Draco, the awful new Void Key system that introduced even more grind because of how Relic acquisition works, and the only thing we have on Damage 3.0 is that you guys couldn't figure out how to rework the idiotic mandatory mods and mod system in general and so left them in.

Goodbye. I'm done supporting this game.

Edited by Mr._Clean
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Okay so here's a nice rant I'll keep short.  If you lose your last life and your squad extracts, you should still get the points for the rescues.  At least the ones that happened before you died.  Going well over 300 rescues with a 3 man squad after someone dropped only to lose your last life to lag after your leader wouldn't extract is the biggest waste of nearly 2 hours. 

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