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Braton Prime Builds


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Ive recently felt like my Braton Prime was lacking in damage, it used to shred through enemies of higher levels, (70+) but now it struggles to kill at level 40 enemies. I did sell a few mods that it had 3 nights ago and I tried to get suitable replacements but it just hasnt worked. Was wondering if anyone had some good builds

My Current Build: http://prntscr.com/eluk95

Froma'ed twice and catalyst installed.

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1 minute ago, booty_hunter said:

There are so many weapons better than the braton prime. just dont waste your time with it

Actually, when it comes to fully automatic assault rifles, there aren't that many better than it. A few, but not a large number.

10 minutes ago, PI3LOV3R said:

Froma'ed twice and catalyst installed.

Plan on at least four more forma.

What you're after is a high status percentage with primed bane mods. This is how the gun kills best. You'll want the usual base damage mods (Split Chamber, Serration, Shred, Heavy Caliber), two 60/60 status/elementals mods for combo of choice, Fanged Fusillade (the gun is primarily slash damage and you want those bleed effects), and the prime bane mod of choice depending on faction. If you're facing multiple factions (corrupted...), then sub in the primed cold mod for the bane mod.

Riven mods can improve all this further, but you can't count on getting Braton mods much less what they'll be. Ideally, you'll be looking for rivens that can replace more than one mod effect, but realistically you'd be looking for something with even higher base damage than HC that also has positive damage replacing the accuracy penalty. Replacing Shred also would be a possibility with a riven combining punchthrough with something exceeding the RoF damage boost that Shred has.

This all works pretty well on enemies well past lvl50, but when enemy levels get to around 100ish entire magazines have to dumped into heads and something else might be warranted.

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this was main braton p... serration.split chamber.heavy calibar max.shred. 3 element 90% and 1 status element...u can do sortie with it without problems..bashee also help to get max from that wepon....and if u going for riven  must have dmg mutishot.pounch trough..

Edited by ashrah
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My first tip is to never use Hammershot. It's DPS loss compared to any elemental mod. There isn't a single crit weapon in the game with high enough crit multiplier to make that mod worth it. Replace it with the 60% electricity + status mod if you have it, or just with a regular 90% elemental mod. Then add some nice riven with multishot, crit chance, crit damage and/or status chance for the last slot.


This is what I personally use



Edited by Wyrmius_Prime
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Here is a good starting point. These are two reliable four forma builds with mods that are relatively easy to get, and can easily be modified to suit your play style. The top build is good for maps with nice bottlenecks, but the bottom build puts out more damage per bullet. The dual stat mods bottom row can be swapped to create other damage types easily.

If you don't have Fanged Fusillade you can use a Bane instead, or replace a dual stat mod with a Bane for more raw damage for a specific faction. However, you'll need at least one more forma for Primed Banes, and another if you want to use Primed Cryo Rounds or future Primed Elementals as Sloan441 suggested.


Edited by MisterUltimate
Removed broken IMG tag.
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This is my current build. It's not perfect but it takes me to far into the higher levels. That is, against the Grineer... 


You can swap out the puncture mod for heavy caliber for higher DPS, but the hit on accuracy spoils it for me.

Without HC:
9565.219  BURST DPS

With HC:
14252.650  BURST DPS
11120.981  SUSTAINED DPS


Edit: with the Braton you don't really need a higher Status then abt 60%, rather spend the mod-space on damage mods. Because of the relatively high fire-rate, combined with it's decent accuracy, getting a status proc every four or five hits is generally what you're looking at. And you want those to count and not be wasted because of low damage (IMHO). 
Also, headshots count significantly with this weapon. Often enough I see an enemy explode in a fountain of gibs when I shoot them in the face.

Edited by ComCray
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1 hour ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

My first tip is to never use Hammershot. It's DPS loss compared to any elemental mod. There isn't a single crit weapon in the game with high enough crit multiplier to make that mod worth it. Replace it with the 60% electricity + status mod if you have it, or just with a regular 90% elemental mod. Then add some nice riven with multishot, crit chance, crit damage and/or status chance for the last slot.


This is what I personally use



Still not good enough! You dont have a maxed Heavy Calliber.

Also: Neutral disposition and +216% Damage? Never seen that.

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Max your mods my man. Or at least get them to R8.




Serration / HCal / Split Chamber / Shred (or any firerate mod really. Shred is preferable due to adding punchthrough on top of the firerate. )

60% dual stat ele / 60% dual stat ele / Point Strike /Vital Sense


Hammer shot is pretty crap, replace with another 60% dual stat or 90% elemental if you got the slot. Add a Riven and you can pretty much go forever. Braton P is terribly underrated for something that is both status and crit viable.

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59 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

Max your mods my man. Or at least get them to R8.




Serration / HCal / Split Chamber / Shred (or any firerate mod really. Shred is preferable due to adding punchthrough on top of the firerate. )

60% dual stat ele / 60% dual stat ele / Point Strike /Vital Sense


Hammer shot is pretty crap, replace with another 60% dual stat or 90% elemental if you got the slot. Add a Riven and you can pretty much go forever. Braton P is terribly underrated for something that is both status and crit viable.

Id love to max all my mods, Endo is short to come by as I focus more on my Ember's mods.

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2 hours ago, MisterUltimate said:

Here is a good starting point. These are two reliable four forma builds with mods that are relatively easy to get, and can easily be modified to suit your play style. The top build is good for maps with nice bottlenecks, but the bottom build puts out more damage per bullet. The dual stat mods bottom row can be swapped to create other damage types easily.

If you don't have Fanged Fusillade you can use a Bane instead, or replace a dual stat mod with a Bane for more raw damage for a specific faction. However, you'll need at least one more forma for Primed Banes, and another if you want to use Primed Cryo Rounds or future Primed Elementals as Sloan441 suggested.


I enjoy the look of these builds but High Voltage and Fanged Fulisllade are hard to come by, and are crazy expensive trading wise.

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1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

Still not good enough! You dont have a maxed Heavy Calliber.

Also: Neutral disposition and +216% Damage? Never seen that.

The one negative stat bumps up the percentages of the two positives significantly. When you see people selling mods with 3 positives and call them ''god tier'', know that those are actually pure garbage because of how low the percentages are.

Edited by Wyrmius_Prime
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27 minutes ago, PI3LOV3R said:

I enjoy the look of these builds but High Voltage and Fanged Fulisllade are hard to come by, and are crazy expensive trading wise.

Yeah, it'll probably be a lot easier to stalk Baro for when he has them for Ducats again sometime in the (hopefully) near future. In the place of Fanged Fusillade you can slot in a Bane in the meantime, or a single stat elemental if you are inclined to go ahead and add the Naramon (Dash) polarity in advance. Or since you have Hammer Shot you could slot that in until you get the mod you want.

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1 hour ago, PI3LOV3R said:

I enjoy the look of these builds but High Voltage and Fanged Fulisllade are hard to come by, and are crazy expensive trading wise.

High voltage is to bad, and with the fanged....  Just replace it with heavy calibre TBH. Just be warned of the spray 

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1 hour ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

The one negative stat bumps up the percentages of the two positives significantly. When you see people selling mods with 3 positives and call them ''god tier'', know that those are actually pure garbage because of how low the percentages are.

Wow... I think I better keep farming Kuva then, 27 rerolls was cleary not enough..

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2 minutes ago, PI3LOV3R said:

So both are a no?

Sorry,  auto correct. I meant high voltage is not too bad to get. It's pretty cheap. The fanged mod is harder. Keep high voltage, and I'f you can't get fanged, replace it with heavy calibre 

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15 minutes ago, Arniox said:

High voltage is to bad, and with the fanged....  Just replace it with heavy calibre TBH. Just be warned of the spray 


2 minutes ago, PI3LOV3R said:

So both are a no?

High voltage, ie; electricity as elemental on it's own isn't all that useful. The proc is a stagger for a few sec.

When using corrosive (poison and electric) then poison is the most important of the two (afaik).

However, electric is a great support for gas builds. The N sec stagger keeps the enemy longer in their gas cloud.. as in they get to enjoy bathing in it just a bit more.

Again, can't advise HC. Unless you're really good at close-combat short burst combat. For most people the loss in accuracy, the spraying, is a waste of bullets. And with each missed bullet the usefulness of HC diminishes. You rather have three hits with a 60dmg bullet then just one with 100dmg..

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3 minutes ago, ComCray said:


High voltage, ie; electricity as elemental on it's own isn't all that useful. The proc is a stagger for a few sec.

When using corrosive (poison and electric) then poison is the most important of the two (afaik).

However, electric is a great support for gas builds. The N sec stagger keeps the enemy longer in their gas cloud.. as in they get to enjoy bathing in it just a bit more.

Again, can't advise HC. Unless you're really good at close-combat short burst combat. For most people the loss in accuracy, the spraying, is a waste of bullets. And with each missed bullet the usefulness of HC diminishes. You rather have three hits with a 60dmg bullet then just one with 100dmg..

I dont plan on fully upgrading HC, keeping at R6. Hopefully when I have extra formas I can build my Braton to have electric + gas but for now its gonna be corrosive.


4 minutes ago, ComCray said:


as in they get to enjoy bathing in it just a bit more.


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