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So Console Players miss out YET AGAIN right?


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26 minutes ago, (XB1)AnnoyedHaddock said:

You can't really complain about things that existed BEFORE warframe existed on console though, and we are now getting Tennogen as and when it's released on PC, there were issues that had to be worked out with the creators that prevented this as they are paid a percentage of the sales for it, and console doesn't charge 'cash money' for Tennogen.

Sure I'd have loved to play the PC only events for an Aviator mod and a chance to get a Primed Chamber but I just gotta deal with it.

youre right, i cant complain about things that existed before console but i can complain about things that had the potential to be released on consoles but didnt because of some asinine reason

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

pc players always want to go to those but fail to mention, the rubedo skins, the month early content, the tennogen, the tactical alerts, the founders, among other things  


PS4 has had all tactical alerts All consoles received all tactical alerts

Edited by Dumfing
Sorry for my incorrect reasearch...
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wow. apologies on behalf of other console players, we aren't all like this.

OP, it's just a ship decoration, it really isn't worth throwing a tantrum over. we'll get quick steel, and no doubt we'll get plenty of salty complaints about that as well. you should already know by now that Console has to wait due to cert processes and such, if you can't handle the wait then go and play something else or move to PC. complaining here isn't going to do anything, other than make you look salty.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

doesnt get at the fact that DE gives THEIR made items to pc and not console and i do have pc but why would i play on there the game is garbage on pc

Yes tennogen gen is on pc because it's steam driven content. Tactical alearts are off cause of the cert process.. microsoft/Sony said no.

At this point I can say without a doubt the only reason you made this thread is you hate pc


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Just now, ZodiacShinryu said:

Straight from Drew in the official PS4 update notes...


Quick Steel:
Razor sharp Nikana clash with bullet fast Hikou in this amped-up deathmatch variant."

As far as if the valentines variant will release on consoles... I don't know. In terms of timeline it would come after anyway. Maybe they'll just merge the rewards. But the only one blowing things out of proportions is you.

im blowing things out of proportion because im tired of getting the crap end of the stick because i so happen to play on console? please elaborate i dont understand. also, i love the example you gave, "they should just release all updates then you come back here and complain that i dont have enough time to do them all" yea, you were out of context

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1 minute ago, Dumfing said:

PS4 has had all tactical alerts

not hearts and 


1 minute ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

Yes tennogen gen is on pc because it's steam driven content. Tactical alearts are off cause of the cert process.. microsoft/Sony said no.

At this point I can say without a doubt the only reason you made this thread is you hate pc


you resort to the conclusion that i hate pc? ok...

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

wow. apologies on behalf of other console players, we aren't all like this.

OP, it's just a ship decoration, it really isn't worth throwing a tantrum over. we'll get quick steel, and no doubt we'll get plenty of salty complaints about that as well. you should already know by now that Console has to wait due to cert processes and such, if you can't handle the wait then go and play something else or move to PC. complaining here isn't going to do anything, other than make you look salty.

salty because theres mostly pc players telling me on here it isnt a big deal but its ok because they got it already 

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

pc players always want to go to those but fail to mention, the rubedo skins, the month early content, the tennogen, the tactical alerts, the founders, among other things  

Well, the rubedo skins was a steam event exclusive I believe, the early content is due to cert which you already know, Tennogen is due to I think it being easier to pay the creators (I think it's easier to pay them when actual money is involved rather then platinum), tactical alerts I assume are also cert related, and the founders program ended before the PS4 even came out. :clem:

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Just now, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

It's all you are showing. You resort to ignoring the rest of my post.

i acknowledged how cert works and i know the updates are off on console but that doesnt mean they shouldnt somehow release it on console instead of next year and thats if the updates line up . the things about my post is how its not just the ship decoration but the whole deprivation of content. theres millions of us getting the crap end of DE's stick. 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

salty because theres mostly pc players telling me on here it isnt a big deal but its ok because they got it already 

I don't have it, and I'm saying it's not a big deal.  

Just now, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

i acknowledged how cert works and i know the updates are off on console but that doesnt mean they shouldnt somehow release it on console instead of next year and thats if the updates line up . the things about my post is how its not just the ship decoration but the whole deprivation of content. theres millions of us getting the crap end of DE's stick. 

So find a game that treats you better.

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very mature. such an incredible comeback. did you think of that all by yourself?

18 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

salty because theres mostly pc players telling me on here it isnt a big deal but its ok because they got it already 

translation: "PC players are being mean because they're telling me facts and logic and I don't like it, waaaah"

can we please get a mod up in here? this thread is going nowhere.

Edited by [DE]Taylor
removed quoted comment and link to author
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1 minute ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

i acknowledged how cert works and i know the updates are off on console but that doesnt mean they shouldnt somehow release it on console instead of next year and thats if the updates line up . the things about my post is how its not just the ship decoration but the whole deprivation of content. theres millions of us getting the crap end of DE's stick. 

You acknowledge cert then complain about the updates like cert doesn't exist. Make up your mind.

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1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

I don't have it, and I'm saying it's not a big deal.  

So find a game that treats you better.


Just now, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

very mature. such an incredible comeback. did you think of that all by yourself?

translation: "PC players are being mean because they're telling me facts and logic and I don't like it, waaaah"

can we please get a mod up in here? this thread is going nowhere.

hard to tell me otherwise when the ship decoration isnt sitting in my ship or in other words, the proof is there as it stands...DE deprived consoles yet again.

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2 minutes ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

You acknowledge cert then complain about the updates like cert doesn't exist. Make up your mind.

its not with cert its with DE's content that they choose to deprive consoles of... you brought up cert first and im saying its DE's content that they chose not to give console

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Dang dude, chill out. I'm a little miffed too but nothing to get my boys in a twist over. heck my clan emblem (which was approved days ago) was not implemented with this update, despite the fact that it has been over a month and that I paid for it. And yet i'm still not throwing a tantrum like you are. Am I a little let down? oh sure. But am I peeing my pants and acting like a spoiled brat? hardly.


Get over yourself, op. You're acting like a kid.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

im blowing things out of proportion because im tired of getting the crap end of the stick because i so happen to play on console? please elaborate i dont understand. also, i love the example you gave, "they should just release all updates then you come back here and complain that i dont have enough time to do them all" yea, you were out of context

I am unsure what you mean by example. If you mean because I chose the quote of blowing things out of proportion that you made in reference to someone else. I chose it because you said "another pc player" giving an example of the alternative. You have a estimate of time of one part of your problem right from DE but yet you explode when someone states the only way to deal with the entire problem in a timeline that you would seemingly prefer.

So, no, I am not out of context even if I also implied it to your entire thread.

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Just now, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I'm sitting here in disbelief at your incredible stupidity. you're saying DE deprived consoles of content... because you're missing a couple of decorations.... even though we JUST got an update today.. :facepalm: 

if stupidity was a weapon, you would be the equivalent of a thousand nukes going off at once.

nd youre the equivalent of an uncle tom sticking up for a business(DE) if you read my previous posts its not these decorations alone its the content in general. one thing here one thing there so they hope consoles forget about them a month later when they get the update

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Just now, (Xbox One)Xaevryn said:

Dang dude, chill out. I'm a little miffed too but nothing to get my boys in a twist over. heck my clan emblem (which was approved days ago) was not implemented with this update, despite the fact that it has been over a month and that I paid for it. And yet i'm still not throwing a tantrum like you are. Am I a little let down? oh sure. But am I peeing my pants and acting like a spoiled brat? hardly.


Get over yourself, op. You're acting like a kid.

He has the right to complain . In fact I'm proud that he made this post instead of deciding to shut up about it . 

Its unfair that we're not get the Valentine's Day stuff plain and simple 

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Just now, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

He has the right to complain . In fact I'm proud that he made this post instead of deciding to shut up about it . 

Its unfair that we're not get the Valentine's Day stuff plain and simple 

I'm not saying he is not allowed to complein. I'm saying he can act like an adult and calmly and thoroughly explain his position and why he feels the way he does. Instead of falling to the floor throwing a tantrum because daddy DE didn't give him what he wants.

in short. I'm not being critical of the fact he is complaining. But rather how he chose to do it.

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