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I really don't like the pattern of getting new warframes


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I think the problem for a lot people isn't the need to farm items for warframes, it's where we need to farm and how long it takes for each thing, which ultimately can leave a 'bad taste' after doing it.

I'll take octavia as it's the latest.

We needed two parts from lua, 1 of which was guaranteed drop but stuck behind rng of actually getting the location where that part was and 1 part from rng in caches that were guaranteed on the level.  I managed to get the part from the cache after about three runs, that wasn't too bad, but getting the music room to be in the level was a problem and I think I went into double figures just trying to get the music room to be there. 

The last part was from survival and rotation c on a key locked (yeah not expensive but still worth mentioning) map (derelict) which does not have public groups... so we needed to either go solo or get friends/clan/use recruit chat if you wanted to do it as a group.  Once you'd decided on how to do it you then had to spend 20 mins chopping up/wof infested which got tedious really quickly imo.... I think this took nearly two hours to farm this last part...

Now it wasn't hard, it wasn't excessively long in my case (although I know people who got it a LOT quicker) but my god was it boring and repetitive.  You then need to spend time levelling the frame which in itself is rather boring by the time you've done enough levelling to take you to over MR20...

Also it kind of felt that the locations were picked just to give derelict and lua 'something' to go there for, we've been asking for a reason to go there but I'll be honest, why will I go there now I've got the parts....


This isn't the only thing of late that has been boring and repetitive, the pacifism event couldn't have been any more mind numbingly repetitive, boring and time consuming than it was.  When you get an event where the amounts required by the dev's for the top reward (slot/catalyst and weapon) were so out of whack with the scores by the people playing the game that more clans got the clan bp than the top reward you start to wonder if the dev's have lost direction and are forgetting about the key element of any game to keep people interested.... the 'fun factor'.  Now don't get me wrong, the mission for the event would have been ok in smaller doses but when it gets stuck behind a 'best score' rather than cumulative total it's 'forcing' you stay for long periods to get the rewards and thats something you shouldn't be doing imo, ignoring the fact of real life not allowing it.

Now for me personally, boring and repetitive makes me have a negative feeling towards something and every time I've reconsidered buying something (I'd stopped due to previous DE decisions) the dev's end up doing something in the game that actually makes me think, why bother spending on the game, the next update might make me want to quit or they may just go and nerf something I've paid real cash for or enjoy.  I have bought plat in the past (at reduced prices because lets be blunt, the normal price is ludicrously high) but that was when the game was 'fun' and because I was enjoying it I was happy to support the dev's because of the enjoyment I was having.... now it's more along the lines of why would I invest in the game because DE seem to be focusing on selling stuff instead of focusing on the game and letting the money come because people are enjoying it. 

If DE want to sell stuff so much, stick new weapons/cosmetics etc (never do this with a normal frame) behind a short 'plat only' period, it would keep the 'everything but cosmetic for free' side of the game but may encourage those who are on the fence of buying it with plat to buy it with plat.  Don't put prime relics straight into game on release day of prime access, give prime access a short 'exclusivity' window.  There are plenty of other ways to encourage plat sales (lower prices wouldn't hurt either because lets be honest, most buy at 75% off prices) without the need to drag out content in the hope of making people annoyed enough to just say screw it I'll buy it with plat.  

Edited by LSG501
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8 hours ago, TheChaotic1 said:

I'm under the impression that they are putting   blueprints  in the derelict because it's underused and to help average folks eventually get the hema

I mean it was basically unused till now

That's because the Derelict is annoying to use. Build a key, build another key (cause if you're going, you might as well grab some friends and get whatever is in the vault).

Costly? No, if you're ready to go there you're ready to build all the keys you want, typically. Annoying? Well, it's like little bureaucratic hassles. "You'll need to complete form 25-B to play this mission. No, we didn't keep the last one you submitted on file. Yes, you'll have to complete it again."

Edited by (XB1)CannyJack
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18 hours ago, Vox_Preliator said:


Why is it bad for there to be a set of frames that are easy to get and a set of frames that are "difficult" to get?

Boss frames are easy, minus Mesa and Saryn, and arguably Atlas1 and Equinox2.  Dojo frames are either easy or medium, depending on if the research is already done.  Quest frames that give you the whole frame are easy.  Ash might be easy, depending on if there's a Manic-spawning event going on like Thousand Cuts or Pacifism Defect.  That's a whole lot of variety available

And even the "difficult" frames aren't so much difficult as they are more involved.  All three spy vaults?  Easy.  All three spy vaults again and again and again AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AAAAAAAAAA-ahem.  All three vaults a lot?  Still easy, just long.  Infested invasions?  Easy.  A minimum of nine Infested invasions of three missions each that show up randomly?  Still easy, just long.  Rathuum?  Easy.  Rathuum a lot?  etc. etc.  These all require a dedicated time investment.

Frankly, with Octavia only sticking one piece behind Rotation C (in an easy mission, as well) and the other two being readily available, I'm not clear why she triggered3 this thread.

1Not actually that hard, and is the usual "boss that drops one of three parts," but is a pain due to Archwing.

2More than double the usual boss drops, tied to a boss with a fair amount of downtime.

3I mean this in the literal way, she happened and caused this to happen, not the "lol ur triggered" way.  It saddens me that I would even feel the need to specify that, but here we are.

I'm mostly talking about the quest Warframes, maybe ivara was understandable since the second dream quest had nothing to do with her, atlas made people focus on the Jordas part of the game and forced you to have good archwing gear as well. As for the recent Warframes with the quests, at least Titania, Limbo etc leave you with the whole Warframe components.


Remember I'm not saying it's hard, I'm just mentioning that it's getting frustrating, even more than the previous ones.

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"Farming" Ocativa's parts for me was actually a good thing. Distributing parts through different missions is (for me at least) more fun. Running the same mission or boss over and over again leads to burnout. I found the Lua crossfire missions really rewarding. It was a tileset I had not spent that much time on. It took me about 10 runs to get systems and chassi. But I also got a lot of drift mods and two nitain from resource caches. I had a riven challenge that required me to get the death blow on 6 sentients. I could get rid of this challenge too. Her neuroptics are more tedious but at least you can to stock up mutagen samples, neurodes and nano spores while you are at it. And you will always find someone that wants to farm mutagen samples in ODS for 20 minutes. 

"Farming" Nidus on the other hand is rather depressing because you have to run one mission type for all his parts over and over again. And his mission type (infested salvage) is a poor-mans derelict because it has less rewards and a very small (and very dark) map. I pity new players because they will have to play 4 rounds infested salvage solo. There is no incentive to play 4 rounds of infested salvage for more experienced players once they got all of Nidus parts. 

Overall I would prefer to see more parts of frames distrubitued into different missions instead of creating a new mission type just for farming parts. If ressource caches and spy vaults would contain more parts instead of credits I would be perfectly happy. Even if I got all parts I can still sell the parts like I do with oberon-credit-drops. 

Edited by k05h
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2 hours ago, k05h said:

"Farming" Ocativa's parts for me was actually a good thing. Distributing parts through different missions is (for me at least) more fun. Running the same mission or boss over and over again leads to burnout. I found the Lua crossfire missions really rewarding. It was a tileset I had not spent that much time on. It took me about 10 runs to get systems and chassi. But I also got a lot of drift mods and two nitain from resource caches. I had a riven challenge that required me to get the death blow on 6 sentients. I could get rid of this challenge too. Her neuroptics are more tedious but at least you can to stock up mutagen samples, neurodes and nano spores while you are at it. And you will always find someone that wants to farm mutagen samples in ODS for 20 minutes. 

"Farming" Nidus on the other hand is rather depressing because you have to run one mission type for all his parts over and over again. And his mission type (infested salvage) is a poor-mans derelict because it has less rewards and a very small (and very dark) map. I pity new players because they will have to play 4 rounds infested salvage solo. There is no incentive to play 4 rounds of infested salvage for more experienced players once they got all of Nidus parts. 

Overall I would prefer to see more parts of frames distrubitued into different missions instead of creating a new mission type just for farming parts. If ressource caches and spy vaults would contain more parts instead of credits I would be perfectly happy. Even if I got all parts I can still sell the parts like I do with oberon-credit-drops. 

i guess that i could agree with

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As a completely newbie who started playing this month I notice 2 common things in these forums... One complaining that something is too hard to get and other is complaining the game is no challenge... As far as I see this game is is about grinding to get new items.. If something is easy then it loses its value quickly... As a beginner I would say DE's main goal is to provide things to do in game which keeps more active players. First time I saw Baro, exclusive events and content I realized this game does it far better than most other games right now. I don't have to worry for something like Destiny 2. I like games which are constantly evolving, and my thousands of hours in dota2 and tf2 prove this. I am glad I found this game and please keep doing what you are doing. 

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1 minute ago, Kusungphak said:

As a completely newbie who started playing this month I notice 2 common things in these forums... One complaining that something is too hard to get and other is complaining the game is no challenge... As far as I see this game is is about grinding to get new items.. If something is easy then it loses its value quickly... As a beginner I would say DE's main goal is to provide things to do in game which keeps more active players. First time I saw Baro, exclusive events and content I realized this game does it far better than most other games right now. I don't have to worry for something like Destiny 2. I like games which are constantly evolving, and my thousands of hours in dota2 and tf2 prove this. I am glad I found this game and please keep doing what you are doing. 

Hard =/= Fustrating

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1 hour ago, Kusungphak said:

As a completely newbie who started playing this month I notice 2 common things in these forums... One complaining that something is too hard to get and other is complaining the game is no challenge... As far as I see this game is is about grinding to get new items.. If something is easy then it loses its value quickly... As a beginner I would say DE's main goal is to provide things to do in game which keeps more active players. First time I saw Baro, exclusive events and content I realized this game does it far better than most other games right now. I don't have to worry for something like Destiny 2. I like games which are constantly evolving, and my thousands of hours in dota2 and tf2 prove this. I am glad I found this game and please keep doing what you are doing. 

You're looking at it from a very 'simplified' viewpoint and tbh someone who has only been playing a month won't fully see the problem because they haven't got to the stage where one problem actually arises. 

Those of us asking for more challenge in the game want something to do that actually challenges us rather than us being able to run around literally killing stuff with one shot or just using our top abilities.  This is something we can do for most of the map (sorties are a little harder usually, maybe two shots lol) once you get maxed out meta gear, you'll likely see what we mean when you get to that sort of stage in the game.

Now the problem with farming for frames etc is different in as much as it's not difficult to do the level required so in that respect it's not hard to get, what we're complaining about is the repetitive/frustrating/boring nature of the maps and requirements of those maps, especially maps where you need rng for the item to just drop.  This becomes especially annoying when you spend 20mins doing the same thing and end up with an item where you have so many of them that you've lost count or it's something that shouldn't be in a rotation at that level... a few thousand credits or a vitality mod should not be in a higher level rotation and they're just stuck in there to frustrate players and lower rng odds on the bit people want. 

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1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

You're looking at it from a very 'simplified' viewpoint and tbh someone who has only been playing a month won't fully see the problem because they haven't got to the stage where one problem actually arises. 

Those of us asking for more challenge in the game want something to do that actually challenges us rather than us being able to run around literally killing stuff with one shot or just using our top abilities.  This is something we can do for most of the map (sorties are a little harder usually, maybe two shots lol) once you get maxed out meta gear, you'll likely see what we mean when you get to that sort of stage in the game.

Now the problem with farming for frames etc is different in as much as it's not difficult to do the level required so in that respect it's not hard to get, what we're complaining about is the repetitive/frustrating/boring nature of the maps and requirements of those maps, especially maps where you need rng for the item to just drop.  This becomes especially annoying when you spend 20mins doing the same thing and end up with an item where you have so many of them that you've lost count or it's something that shouldn't be in a rotation at that level... a few thousand credits or a vitality mod should not be in a higher level rotation and they're just stuck in there to frustrate players and lower rng odds on the bit people want. 

This ^^

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22 hours ago, TheChaotic1 said:

I'm under the impression that they are putting   blueprints  in the derelict because it's underused and to help average folks eventually get the hema

I mean it was basically unused till now

I don't understand Derelict at all. There is nothing in there that people want, except for Corrupted Mods, which already require their own keys and impose a squad-wide set of handicaps. Derelict Keys are trivial to craft,both in terms of materials and time, so they're not even a legitimate barrier to entry except for the newest of the newbies -- and they don't even need keys, they can just hitch a taxi! The only purpose those keys serve is to impost an artificial 1-minute cooldown between missions, and even that is circumvented by pre-building a healthy stack of them. I mean, maybe you could argue mutagen samples for Infested research... but again, the mission keys aren't actually a barrier of any sort.


Why in the world do Derelict missions require this superfluous extra step?

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2 hours ago, Kusungphak said:

As a completely newbie who started playing this month I notice 2 common things in these forums... One complaining that something is too hard to get and other is complaining the game is no challenge..

You reached the path of enlightenment!

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33 minutes ago, Trissila said:

I don't understand Derelict at all. There is nothing in there that people want, except for Corrupted Mods, which already require their own keys and impose a squad-wide set of handicaps. Derelict Keys are trivial to craft,both in terms of materials and time, so they're not even a legitimate barrier to entry except for the newest of the newbies -- and they don't even need keys, they can just hitch a taxi! The only purpose those keys serve is to impost an artificial 1-minute cooldown between missions, and even that is circumvented by pre-building a healthy stack of them. I mean, maybe you could argue mutagen samples for Infested research... but again, the mission keys aren't actually a barrier of any sort.


Why in the world do Derelict missions require this superfluous extra step?

Just the equivalent of paperwork. It's basically one of warframe's "going to the DMV" moments - simple, trivial, and yet a hassle all at the same time.

Edited by (XB1)CannyJack
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I don't like the direction they are going with the last 2 frames either. Get the bp from quest and then grind the parts out from some random missions that have no connection to the frame itself. Its quite annoying. The quests themselves weren't that good either.  Nidus quest started of great then it turned to ****.  I wasn't that impressed with Octavia's quest either. I know they want to bring life to underused tiles and missions but considering the amount of planets and tiles I don't think there is much to be done in that regard. 

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And what exactly takes away youre time from some farm, we are not talking about hundred's of hours of actualy game play farming. No this is about 10h farm complaint if not less. Does DE pump out content faster then you can finish it all? I think not.

Are the farming missions in any way hard to a level of you actualy beeing able to fail? Impossible!! The hardest thing in the game is to not get bored.

So really what is this about you getting unlucky with some parts not droping fast enaugh? Wow okay. 

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On 4/1/2017 at 8:58 AM, SwordMasterZoro-EN- said:

The one thing I've started to notice in warframe is that regular warframes are starting to get more frustrating to farm, almost as frustrating as the primed warframes. It was nice that we did Titania, Limbo, Mirage, Inaros and Chroma quests that left you with all the parts to build the warframe, but the Nidus and Octavia quests, despite being long, it just left you with the blueprint and a ton of painful farming. The thing is even if you are blessed by RNG it still requires a decent amount of time to farm. Ivara being the worst to farm despite having no quest, and also the condition to get all 3 vualts to even get 1 chance to get 1 part out of 3 of them. 


I really hope that farming for new future warframes won't be as fustrating as these recent ones when it comes to farming, everytime i start farming them i end up stopping a session and just consider buying the warframe. 

What do you guys think?

When banshee first came out, she required players to farm 3 or 4 different mission types across the entire star map.  She was later moved into clan research.  The farm for these new frames is nothing new for Warframe, and isn't as bad as people make it out to be.

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23 hours ago, TessaraVejgan said:

I don't like the direction they are going with the last 2 frames either. Get the bp from quest and then grind the parts out from some random missions that have no connection to the frame itself. Its quite annoying. The quests themselves weren't that good either.  Nidus quest started of great then it turned to ****.  I wasn't that impressed with Octavia's quest either. I know they want to bring life to underused tiles and missions but considering the amount of planets and tiles I don't think there is much to be done in that regard. 

Octavia update also seemed rushed too, I'd rather they do what they did with the second dream and try and fix the bugs and alter the flaws then release it. Better delayed than buggy

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On 4/3/2017 at 8:32 AM, Trissila said:

I don't understand Derelict at all. There is nothing in there that people want, except for Corrupted Mods, which already require their own keys and impose a squad-wide set of handicaps. Derelict Keys are trivial to craft,both in terms of materials and time, so they're not even a legitimate barrier to entry except for the newest of the newbies -- and they don't even need keys, they can just hitch a taxi! The only purpose those keys serve is to impost an artificial 1-minute cooldown between missions, and even that is circumvented by pre-building a healthy stack of them. I mean, maybe you could argue mutagen samples for Infested research... but again, the mission keys aren't actually a barrier of any sort.


Why in the world do Derelict missions require this superfluous extra step?

Back when Lephantis, Nekros, and Corrupted mods were the new shiny, DE needed a way to pace the farming. The key system is now just an out-of-place artifact of that past. This is common in an ever evolving game. WF runs into this issue constantly (archwing, focus, weapon balance, mastery rank, mandatory mods, etc)

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  • 2 months later...
On 01.04.2017 at 4:01 PM, Momo93 said:

That is DE's goal. They got too greedy nowadays sadly.

They haven't got greedy the problem is you see that nasa haven't discovered any new planets in our solar system. Starchart used to have more nodes, like around 300+ and the xp you were getting was just lower so people were just completing the assasination nodes and be done with the rest of the planet unless they wanted to have an access to a certain alert location. What happens right now is that we have 227 nodes (227th being the silver woke thats been added along with harrow quest) and we get more xp but seems like each boss including derelict boss drops a regular frame part already, we get the oberon parts from exilus units, ash parts from manics and nyx parts from phorids that appears on invasions only, so literally there is no way left for DE to give those away from stupid locations, just to make you wander around the starchart a bit more cause it has a smaller size now. The thing is I usually never pay for but I had to buy the nidus pack and octavia pack, I knew harrow was going to be harder to farm, so I decided to boycott DE, I won't include Knell, Scourge, or Harrow in my arsenal and I'm planning to get em after a year, while they made a void bit easier to farm, they made regular frames harder to farm, also it is obvious that we need more maps and a bigger universe and lots of map overhauls and new bosses to get warframes, we can't do clan research or spend time in missions which we could only endure in events. 

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I'm fine with the current system, and I actually hope they scatter the parts more so we're not stuck in one game mode trying to get all the parts like with Ivara. She was the only frame that I actually had to buy.

And we now have 1 reason to go to the fortress. But I'd rather if it was a resource that we could only get there or has a higher drop rate there. Similar to argon in the void. And they also gave us a reason to play the new game mode. 

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i dont care about the drop rate i care how to get the frame. 

I am now sitting on 5 harrow chassis, or whatever the part of relict missions, because i was doing relict stuff to get the baro items. 

i didnt even open the quest and i got a bunch of copies of one part. 

That's not fun. 

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  • 3 years later...

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