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Possibly a Drift mod for duration?


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We all know the "Drift" mods like Cunning Drift, Power Drift and so forth, mods you receive at the end of Orokin Moon puzzle rooms and whatnot. And we do have a wide variety, power strenght, cast speed, range but, where's duration and maybe even another for efficiency?

An exilus Drift mod found in Lua that'd increase one's power duration and another auxiliary stat of the devs' choosing, the duration increase would be around the percentage of other rift mods, on the 15%'s.

It'd be a perfect fit for those who would still want to keep duration at 100% or a bit higher, say a World on Fire build which often has the duration around 85% with Fleeting Expertise and Transient Fortitude. So in case this hits the scope of anyone in DE, could a duration increasing Drift mod actually be a thing? And maybe even an efficiency Drift? And maybe in the future, would we be able to see an augment slot for frames? A slot reserved only for ability augments, and the slot is unlocked just the same as the Exilus slot is, with a craftable single-use item which might require an exilus adapter to craft perharps? Either way. I hope this suggestion sees some consideration in the HQ, and maybe comes a thing, who knows?

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2 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

Why using Fleeting Expertise on a channeled ability based build ?

Because fleeting + streamline = max efficiency so long as you keep duration at 60ish% on any channelled build. Duration is one of the most sensible stats to dump on most builds along with health, armour, and shields

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All excess efficiency going above the cap of 175% work toward channeled abilities and with negative duration, let's say r4 fleeting and r5 streamline and 85% duration you receive the same drain as with 175% efficiency if the mods would allow you to and 100% duration.


Primed streamline, one day.

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3 minutes ago, Sergster said:

All excess efficiency going above the cap of 175% work toward channeled abilities and with negative duration, let's say r4 fleeting and r5 streamline and 85% duration you receive the same drain as with 175% efficiency if the mods would allow you to and 100% duration.


Primed streamline, one day.

I feel like nobody reads the stats or abilities pages when moding lol

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