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Proper way to deal with players slowing down your missions.


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Disclaimer: It's a bit "ranty" but if you don't write stuff you feel strongly about every so often, I was told the Forums crash and then catch fire from lack of activity.


1) Run the game at their pace, and give helpful advice where required. It's actually incredibly entertaining.

2) There is no 2.

3) If it REALLY REALLY REALLY bothers you that much, quit mission and get into another one.


Just because you can Parkour and know every single tile so well you can run them while being hit with a Police Taser, does not mean the other person has a clue. I just watched a mate brand new to Warframe commit the most horrific acts of incompetence I have seen since my first day, and we are still both wildly amused. He was once staring at a blank wall he just jumped up to, and started asking me if he was in the correct spot. "Look at my screen for a second and that should be your answer" being my reply.

The non-endless missions generally go for 5-10 minutes at most. It's not like you decided to learn Structural Engineering at Uni for 5 years then realize you wanted to be a painter.

There is no such thing as people "leeching your game" because the harsh reality is that if you are unable to SOLO the particular mission up to the actual point you actually wanted to get to in the first place, you are in fact relying on OTHER people at some stage, and unless it was a proper team and not a PUG, you yourself are part of the fault if the mission eventually fails. Yes, you might get the odd person who does not want to open a door for you, or they refuse to drop a Data Cartridge, then again, my cat befriends my neighbors to bypass my food embargoes, so I already know that even those that you love the most will betray you for free snacks.

If you actually catch people that regularly get into a particular node and AFK or do little work, the problem is the NODE, not the people. You can't set up a "eat as much as you want buffet" and then complain homeless people are flocking in for $10 bucks and eating for 24 hours straight, in fact, that should be a GOOD thing. People will play within what rules and mechanics they are given, and if one Node is far better, and you hate "homeless Tenno" then be the bigger person and go to the second most used or third most used node and "waste" an extra 10 minute run to get the same results under more controlled conditions ... or you know, get a proper team together?

The Golden rule of mission running will always be "if this mission is really important to you, then take ALL the necessary steps to guarantee a success". In everything related to games and even the real world, "leave things to chance" will end in tears more then 50% of the times, so why act surprised when you catch your cat purring at total strangers for a free can of Premium Tuna?

... I really hate that<REDACTED>

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Of course, there is always the 'don't do random if you can't stand interacting with people that don't enjoy the game the same way' option. Going from Public to Invite Only means a world of difference when you are getting paired with / against players you can't stand.

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I have no problems with slow peoples because I am a looter type and for me a mission mean farm as much and loot as much as you can so not mind if others not rush a mission that is less enjoying. I like to help also to new players and personally myself have some new alt accounts but for reason I don't tell you who I am not about the fear of bans just it is not a reasonable context to tell. I am using my alts for re doing things and making different choices and playstyles and see / experience the game in a different perspective. I am only grind when boosters up on me otherwise I just run few rounds daily or two daily and play for fun.

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This is like every ARPG ever. Older players get to a point where we all sort of figure out the most efficient method to get what we want, but conveniently forget when we were new we didn't know all that.

Warframe is that, jacked up to eleven, because the parkour systems and design of tiles heavily reward mastering the mobility systems.

The problem isn't the slow players, and its not the vets among us that want to speed clear. It's the game randomly matching the two in the same mission.

That said (and this goes for all online games) if you get angry at the behavior of random people, perhaps you should stop choosing to play with random people.

Especially in warframe. Veteran players have access literally all of the tools to successfully solo everything in the game. If you really don't want to deal with randoms, you do in fact have the ability to select the frames and weapons that allow you to completely solo anything including sorties. The only exception to this is raids, which are already designed to require a slightly higher degree of teamwork and communication already.

Edited by PopeUrban
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The correct answer: wall off the exit with wrong way Nova wormholes.

Seriously though, it doesn't bother me much.  That's why there's an extraction timer.  I'm often the last person to exit because I'm bloodthirsty, finishing a focus orb, or just because I'm terrible at parkour.  If you wanted to leave earlier, you should have started the timer sooner.  

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The bitterness of some players is not restricted to new players. I once joined a session and was spawned a great distance from other players. I was with a slow frame (Frost) and also wanted to take advantage of that mission to also scan a cephalon fragment. I was immediately accused of "piggy backing", that I should be ashamed, blabla.... Same with syndicate missions: the goal is to rank up right ? So what's wrong with trying to find the medallions/seeds/etc... ? I get to the point where I try to do most missions solo now, and I think it's a bit off the idea of this game. Thankfully with time you get to know some players and squad up with like-minded people.

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33 minutes ago, Elvangreen said:

To be honest, many of my most enjoyable games have been with new players.

Yep, this is the same thing I've noticed as well when I play in Public mode.

Most of them aren't toxic, they don't speed run the tileset wiping out all organic life in a single shot/slide and they don't yell at you/other players for making them wait for 10s longer (Holy Cephalonie, that's 10s -- that's the time you spend on Mission Results and Loading! Fascinating dedication) while you're searching for resource piles, statues, medals, Simaris target, trying to get into the game after all, or in other words, as OP said «play within what rules and mechanics they are given».

And if we're going deeper, many high MR players have no idea the tilesets have hidden/secret tiles that can be found or become available by using something.

Though, the more you play the more weird stuff you see, such as players blaming you for not contributing/leeching if you don't have high «damage dealt» and «total kills» percentages no matter what your role is. Creepy. Or the ones that criticize you/your build 'cause it doesn't meet their expectations/playstyle. Playing for fun? What? Unacceptable.


45 minutes ago, Urlan said:

Of course, there is always the 'don't do random if you can't stand interacting with people that don't enjoy the game the same way' option. Going from Public to Invite Only means a world of difference when you are getting paired with / against players you can't stand.

To be fair, a statement like «I have no time so I rush and if you don't like it, go Solo» is something I've heard or seen on the forums mostly from those people who don't care of their teammates at all and all they do is rush through the tileset and wait on the evac. Basically using other players as a bait for more enemies to kill or look cool/edgy in front of them or whatever the reason drives them to mindlessly rush Public missions which I don't get.

And it works both ways :laugh:

Warframe equals a coop-based game.

Speed run/grinding equals efficiency.

Efficiency equals knowledge.

Knowledge equals pre-made squad or a Solo mode.

nudge nudge wink wink


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1 hour ago, Thundervision said:

Yep, this is the same thing I've noticed as well when I play in Public mode.

Most of them aren't toxic, they don't speed run the tileset wiping out all organic life in a single shot/slide and they don't yell at you/other players for making them wait for 10s longer (Holy Cephalonie, that's 10s -- that's the time you spend on Mission Results and Loading! Fascinating dedication) while you're searching for resource piles, statues, medals, Simaris target, trying to get into the game after all, or in other words, as OP said «play within what rules and mechanics they are given».

And if we're going deeper, many high MR players have no idea the tilesets have hidden/secret tiles that can be found or become available by using something.

Though, the more you play the more weird stuff you see, such as players blaming you for not contributing/leeching if you don't have high «damage dealt» and «total kills» percentages no matter what your role is. Creepy. Or the ones that criticize you/your build 'cause it doesn't meet their expectations/playstyle. Playing for fun? What? Unacceptable.


To be fair, a statement like «I have no time so I rush and if you don't like it, go Solo» is something I've heard or seen on the forums mostly from those people who don't care of their teammates at all and all they do is rush through the tileset and wait on the evac. Basically using other players as a bait for more enemies to kill or look cool/edgy in front of them or whatever the reason drives them to mindlessly rush Public missions which I don't get.

And it works both ways :laugh:

Warframe equals a coop-based game.

Speed run/grinding equals efficiency.

Efficiency equals knowledge.

Knowledge equals pre-made squad or a Solo mode.

nudge nudge wink wink


Mine is more, I like to take my time and grab all the resources, look for treasures, caches, and whatnot, and avoid the H-Virus but that doesn't matter as much now. Because of that, I do Private matches. Since by the large, players often focus on the blind rush. One shouldn't try to force others to play their way, so I suggest when players have goals contrary to enough public players, they do themselves and others a favor and look to solo or build a clan of like-minded allies. It saves on negativity and might allow the players to keep enjoying the game their way. On every other point, I would agree Thundervision.

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I'll take a slow player over a bugged door that won't open.

Also, I never particularly understood all the hate for what people call "leeches." Sure I get annoyed when they obviously could not have completed the content working as a team but I walk into public queue pretty much expecting to do 40% or more of total damage. Every now and then I'll run into someone that just shreds the content I'm playing and the other two guys just can't keep at all. I try not to be spiteful because I remember when I had trouble pulling enough damage to feel like I was doing something useful years ago.

Leeches are a lot better than braindead idiots that cause mission failures.

Edited by Mints
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4 hours ago, DSpite said:

There is no such thing as people "leeching your game"

And after this sentence, i already know that there is no need to reason with this thread. Way to throw all the credibility out of the window.

Just so we don't misunderstand us, a leecher is not what i consider a "bad" or "worse performing than me" player. But obviously someone who intentionally enters a mission and alttabbing out to do something else while leeching off of the effort of the others. Performing bad is one thing. But being lazy and intentionally doing nothing is another. And believe it or not, leeching does indeed exist in this game.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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I don´t really mind about slow new players because I remember when I was new, i went to public game hoping someone can give me a hand if I need it, then I got rushed through and didn´t even get to do anything. If I go public, I know I´ll meet slow players, leechers etc. If I don´t want to deal with them I solo or I play with friends.

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