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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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12 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

I do want him to be great, but I'm also a realist. I also believe that his kit is really close to being great, I've been able to take him into high tier missions and deep into solo survivals solo. Thats why I think you and people like you proposing full on reworks is beyond moronic and bewilders me. If you dislike the frame so much that you are requesting a full on rework at this stage because "he is worth nothing in his current state", then the best thing you can do is leave so that the people that do think he is worth something and have been able to have success with him and can talk like adults and make actual progress.

Anyone can take any frame with a good melee using Naramon would have little trouble to taking him into high tier missions and solo deep. You're gonna have to use a much better example to show Oberon is useful so that point is moot. With how the game is designed, I don't think you can. New players that get their hands on Oberon would find his kit overloaded and not as effective as many other frames. Bandaids won't be enough to get players a real reason to use Oberon over most over frames unless they play him out of their love for his theme/aesthetic.

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1 hour ago, Epitheton said:

Anyone can take any frame with a good melee using Naramon would have little trouble to taking him into high tier missions and solo deep. You're gonna have to use a much better example to show Oberon is useful so that point is moot. With how the game is designed, I don't think you can. New players that get their hands on Oberon would find his kit overloaded and not as effective as many other frames. Bandaids won't be enough to get players a real reason to use Oberon over most over frames unless they play him out of their love for his theme/aesthetic.

Me and many others as evidenced by this thread have been able to have success with his current kit. While kit isn't perfect, the best we are going to get is number tweaks at this point. (Edit: The most commonly pointed at issue seems to be his energy, or lack thereof.. rather)

Quit assuming I use Naramon, I avoid it like the plague because it cheapens the game. His kit is capable of handling most situations very well.

Edited by Music4Therapy
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6 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I did great with Oberon during the defense sortie. If you think he's terrible, you just don't know how to play with him.


Ok, fine, I'm bad at him sure, but that kind of proves my point, his kit tries to do so many thing. You think a new player would want to bother with all the extraneous that comes with him? Most other frames are straight forward in design, clear-cut and have immediately effect. Oberon? NO.

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19 minutes ago, Epitheton said:

Ok, fine, I'm bad at him sure, but that kind of proves my point, his kit tries to do so many thing. You think a new player would want to bother with all the extraneous that comes with him? Most other frames are straight forward in design, clear-cut and have immediately effect. Oberon? NO.

I dunno, Oberon seems pretty clear. It's only the additional synergies that aren't immediately clear-cut.

  1. Knockdown + Confusion + Weaken + Damage
  2. Carpet of Damage + Confusion + No Knockdown
  3. Heal everyone over time
  4. Wide area knockdown + confusion + damage

It's the synergies which are unintuitive and not terribly clear.

  1. Extra Armor if standing on carpet when heal over time is cast, BUT NOT THE REVERSE!
  2. Strip a bit of armor from one and a half factions and very special units if they're standing on carpet when using 4

Neither of those are going to be particularly clear or intuitive to newer players, and even for players which are intimately familiar with Oberon, the first can be a hassle to apply to the whole team because you have to herd them there, and the second is pretty situational and I think is the biggest offender for why people are claiming his energy issues are significantly greater than what I've found them to be, with renewal's extreme energy drain for team healing coming in a VERY close second.

Edited by Ardhanarishvara
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35 minutes ago, Ardhanarishvara said:

I dunno, Oberon seems pretty clear. It's only the additional synergies that aren't immediately clear-cut.

  1. Knockdown + Confusion + Weaken + Damage
  2. Carpet of Damage + Confusion + No Knockdown
  3. Heal everyone over time
  4. Wide area knockdown + confusion + damage

It's the synergies which are unintuitive and not terribly clear.

  1. Extra Armor if standing on carpet when heal over time is cast, BUT NOT THE REVERSE!
  2. Strip a bit of armor from one and a half factions and very special units if they're standing on carpet when using 4

Neither of those are going to be particularly clear or intuitive to newer players, and even for players which are intimately familiar with Oberon, the first can be a hassle to apply to the whole team because you have to herd them there, and the second is pretty situational and I think is the biggest offender for why people are claiming his energy issues are significantly greater than what I've found them to be, with renewal's extreme energy drain for team healing coming in a VERY close second.

I'm probably not coming off from the correct angle but try this. For a new player, I don't think Oberon would live up to even half their expectations they would have for a paladin.

And it can be easy to think so. All of Oberon's powers have pretty awesome names befitting of paladin powers.

His stats don't really reflect those of a paladin. They're not bad. Just not as good as they can be.

Smite: Probably expects some real power from it. Observes it blowing down an enemy and things fly out of it. Okay..? and it CCs. Finds out those flying things deal damage scaling with enemy levels. Sounds OP. In practice? Not so much.

Hallowed Ground: They got the burning carpet, they probably expect they'll be buffed being on it and again probably think they own the place until they find out they actually don't.

Renewal: A heal. Check. But why is it a toggle?

Reckoning: Need I say more? Rather than using Smite or keeping Renewal on, save up energy to use this baby instead. Does a lot of damage early game killing basically anything so the CC is almost forgettable until it stops killing. Learns about armour stripping. Sounds good. He thinks it's useful.

I agree on the point of the synergies being unclear. But do we really need synergy when individual powers actually don't do as much as they're expected to? Again, probably coming from the wrong angle.

Edited by Epitheton
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24 minutes ago, Ardhanarishvara said:

I think is the biggest offender for why people are claiming his energy issues are significantly greater than what I've found them to be, with renewal's extreme energy drain for team healing coming in a VERY close second.

First, I really like the detail to put into your posts. Even when we disagree, I understand the logic behind what you are saying and can appreciate that. +1

Now to this. The armor stripping + HG combo and the healing.

As someone that runs into energy issues w/o the use of max efficiency + rage, this is what I have to say about it. The drain is the #1 offender since it turns of Zenurik while in effect and drains absurd amounts of energy. If I turn off Renewal, then allies don't benefit from Phoenix Renewal despite them still having the Iron Renewal buff since Renewal is no longer in effect. I guess a way to place a bandaid on the issue would be to make it work like Volt's Riot Shield to where even when it drains energy you still benefit from Zenurik, but with the focus system being reworked in the future I don't like that solution. Secondly, since the armor stripping is based on current armor it takes several casts of Reckoning on Hallowed Ground to actually strip a target of armor. It isn't practical and you'd be better off using a Corrosive weapon at this point. Those are the root of my problems.

I guess instead of an energy gain mechanic if Reckoning were to be buffed to be more in line with Frost's Avalanche % of 40 and the energy drain from Renewal were to be given a look that'd be an alternative way to help fix the problem. I still believe that he would need some sort of energy gaining mechanic though in order to keep Renewal+Iron Renewal up on allies, though.

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After slapping another forma on my Oberon, i can say this:

he's extremely powerful with the right build. Problem: said build needs to be so specific, that chroma's massive amount of setups looks tame. Problem 2: he has so much synergy in his new setup that it actually works against him now.

i rarely use HG as is(my current build is a selfish build, focusing on maintaining my own hp and abilities) though it's new rad procs could benefit condition overload.

granted saryn and Oberon are probably the only two frames that can maximize on CO's power, seeing as they can innately inflict status(saryn toxin+viral, Oberon rad+puncture.)


so he's....powerful yet....in a bad area.

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The one issue i have with Oberon as he is at the moment is with renewal. renewal has travel time but the infinite range was removed which i believe was a bad decision. it made sense to have limited range on blessing because it was an insta cast ability. i suggest rolling back the "wave" feature and making it a projectile again and re instating the infinite range while keeping the channeled heal and maybe buffing the travel time of projectiles .

Edit: i suggest a buff in energy as well as a way to regain energy such as killing irradiated enemies with say smite 

Edited by (XB1)DeluxeKnight831
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44 minutes ago, Epitheton said:

I'm probably not coming off from the correct angle but try this. For a new player, I don't think Oberon would live up to even half their expectations they would have for a paladin.

And it can be easy to think so. All of Oberon's powers have pretty awesome names befitting of paladin powers.

His stats don't really reflect those of a paladin. They're not bad. Just not as good as they can be.

Smite: Probably expects some real power from it. Observes it blowing down an enemy and things fly out of it. Okay..? and it CCs. Finds out those flying things deal damage scaling with enemy levels. Sounds OP. In practice? Not so much.

Hallowed Ground: They got the burning carpet, they probably expect they'll be buffed being on it and again probably think they own the place until they find out they actually don't.

Renewal: A heal. Check. But why is it a toggle?

Reckoning: Need I say more? Rather than using Smite or keeping Renewal on, save up energy to use this baby instead. Does a lot of damage early game killing basically anything so the CC is almost forgettable until it stops killing. Learns about armour stripping. Sounds good. He thinks it's useful.

I agree on the point of the synergies being unclear. But do we really need synergy when individual powers actually don't do as much as they're expected to? Again, probably coming from the wrong angle.

I don't think Renewal being a toggle would be a particularly confusing thing for a new player here, and I think you're stretching with that a little bit. Health regeneration is a fairly clearly cut function and benefit. Toggling it on/off makes sense, waiting for when you're in the middle of a firefight, when you actually need it, to be able to cast it, not so much.

As for the burning carpet, I think there's more potential for the impression of owning the place than you might think, especially if they find that, while standing on it, they don't get knocked over or dragged around.

To be honest I find Smite doing more damage than Reckoning as time goes on. I rarely kill things with Reckoning unless they're super low level. Not the case with Smite, unless I'm up against Grineer. And I feel like a new player might also notice this and question why that is.



45 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

As someone that runs into energy issues w/o the use of max efficiency + rage, this is what I have to say about it. The drain is the #1 offender since it turns of Zenurik while in effect and drains absurd amounts of energy. If I turn off Renewal, then allies don't benefit from Phoenix Renewal despite them still having the Iron Renewal buff since Renewal is no longer in effect. I guess a way to place a bandaid on the issue would be to make it work like Volt's Riot Shield to where even when it drains energy you still benefit from Zenurik, but with the focus system being reworked in the future I don't like that solution. Secondly, since the armor stripping is based on current armor it takes several casts of Reckoning on Hallowed Ground to actually strip a target of armor. It isn't practical and you'd be better off using a Corrosive weapon at this point. Those are the root of my problems.

I guess instead of an energy gain mechanic if Reckoning were to be buffed to be more in line with Frost's Avalanche % of 40 and the energy drain from Renewal were to be given a look that'd be an alternative way to help fix the problem. I still believe that he would need some sort of energy gaining mechanic though in order to keep Renewal+Iron Renewal up on allies, though.

See, I've never really relied on Zenurik and have historically found alternative means of keeping my energy topped up, between syndicate weapons, vacuum, or rage.

All I have is Streamline, Continuity and Narrow Minded (these being for the benefit of keeping carpet active), and that keeps me at 0.6 energy drain per second simply keeping Renewal on. Between Intensify, Energy Conversion, and Growing Power, I get 84 hp/s regeneration on myself and teammates and that usually means that the time that they actually spend healing is pretty low, meaning the hit to my energy pool is typically pretty low. If everyone's standing on tar or under the effects of a venomous eximus aura it can be a bit of a pain but I find that even without flow, I'm usually pretty good because I also am probably taking damage, meaning that my energy is regenerating, meaning I can keep myself healed up as I recover my energy and keep the team going. From my perspective, the biggest pain in the patooskie is when a Nekros thinks it's a good idea to cast Shadows of the Dead (an ability I have never actually seen as particularly valuable or useful), at which point my energy goes the way of the Dodos because they're always dying at all times and I suddenly have like 6+ new units causing a burden on my pool.

I may find more value in the armour stripping going into the future as I discover that without Shadow Step + Melee to output most of my damage, I'll be relying more on my hek or other weapons, so admittedly my perspective on that is a little bit skewed, so I'll try to refrain from making arguments about the armour stripping, and focus more on minor mechanical alterations to the other abilities. I think you might have a better perspective on Reckoning's armour stripping. I'll only make a suggestion, and that's for Radiation as a whole.

What if radiation doubled the potency of debuffs? Made status procs twice as likely to occur, doubled their effect, abilities like Accelerant or Sonar would be twice as potent when an enemy is irradiated, Corrosive would proc twice, slow would last twice as long, fire would deal twice as much damage, Hallowed Ground + Reckoning would strip twice as much armour, Nyx's Chaos would cause enemies to focus on infighting exclusively and ignore you, and so on. This would handily fix what, for a while now, I've viewed as being one of the worst status effects next to Magnetic, and give Oberon an additional role as a debuff strengthener given he's just about the only 'frame to focus on widespread Radiation proc spread, along with being a healer that tanks up the team. Would anyone here be amicable to that idea, or does it seem too general at the moment?

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12 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

The one issue i have with Oberon as he is at the moment is with renewal. renewal has travel time but the infinite range was removed which i believe was a bad decision. it made sense to have limited range on blessing because it was an insta cast ability. i suggest rolling back the "wave" feature and making it a projectile again and re instating the infinite range while keeping the channeled heal and maybe buffing the travel time of projectiles 

Ok, lets be frank, the infinite range was useless, it is not necessary I can easily keep a group healed up without it., would everyone stop whining about this? I don't want Oberons heal to get saddled with this crappy mechanic again.

Furthermore at this point I am not really sure the energy cost on Renewal is as big of an issues everyone is making it out to be, but i can kind of sort of see what everyone is saying. My suggestion It would be greatly beneficial if the additional energy cost per target scaled with power efficiency, even at a reduced amount.

Beyond that:

1. I personally feel like Hallowed Ground and Reckoning need a bit more range say 20m base.

2. While Smite and Reckoning need to have their scaling refined.

3. Finally, Reckonings armor reduction mechanic NEEDS to be re-examined, at this point it might as well not be there at all.

Right now most of the tweeks are all a matter of math. Oberon does not need a fancy new mechanic or some huge new feature, he is already as loaded with those as a frame can possibly get. Its time to let Oberon be fixed for the Oberon fans, not the people who "Want to like Oberon".


Edited by Turtlemancer
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4 hours ago, Tangent-Valley said:

My real problem with Oberon is when I step out of my Landing Craft and look to my left and see him, all I can think is "WHY are you here?"

To clarify:

- I see a Frost: "Ah, bubble defense man is here!" and/or "I'm gonna be seeing some easy pickings slowed/frozen enemies around!"

- I see a Trinity: "Yeah! Mah Energy/Life girl is here! Time to spam casts!"

- I see a Nidus/Loki/Valkyr/Rhino: "Ah, they got this. I don't have to worry about them, and if I go down, I'm sure they'll be around to pick me up."

- I see a Limbo: "....Well, this is either gonna be easy-peasy make myself a cup of tea....or absolute hell."

- I see a Mag: "....I'm so sorry." (Personal joke, sorry)


- I see an Ivara: "Well, they'll be creeping in a corner somewhere. Don't have to worry about them too much" and/or "Who put these zip lines here?"

- I see a Nyx: "Confused Enemies inbound!" and/or "2 Miles per Hour Bubble Tank time!"

Etc. Etc. Etc.


But when I see an Oberon, I don't KNOW why they're there, and what they'll bring for the team.

- Are...you going to give me Armor Buffs? Should I leap right in front of your face whenever you put down a Hallowed Ground....or are you just going to look at me like I'm weird and shoot at Radiated enemies?

- Are you here to heal me?...Or are you going to ignore that energy sucking ability altogether and just focus on keeping yourself alive?

- Are you gonna attempt to strip high level enemy armor....or are you just going to ignore that gimmick altogether?

- Are you here to add Radiation Crowd control....or, again, are you just going to pop it whenever YOU need it to keep yourself alive?


When I see an Oberon it's a real question of "Are you here for the team, Or are you just a solo build?".

Unlike quite a few Frames, that Team/Solo question REALLY changes Oberon altogether for me, so I can never be sure what I'm looking at when one jumps into my Squad.



Hey, fair question.  As a new Oberon player but old veteran I'll say you should expect from me to respond to various situations that happen during a mission and get things back to normal run and gun.


Perhaps a vague answer but I generally think of him as maintaining normalcy regardless of mission type or enemy type.

He never has an Ember meets Hyekka master moment. Haha


Edited by robbybe01234
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31 minutes ago, Ardhanarishvara said:

What if radiation doubled the potency of debuffs? Made status procs twice as likely to occur, doubled their effect, abilities like Accelerant or Sonar would be twice as potent when an enemy is irradiated, Corrosive would proc twice, slow would last twice as long, fire would deal twice as much damage, Hallowed Ground + Reckoning would strip twice as much armour, Nyx's Chaos would cause enemies to focus on infighting exclusively and ignore you, and so on. This would handily fix what, for a while now, I've viewed as being one of the worst status effects next to Magnetic, and give Oberon an additional role as a debuff strengthener given he's just about the only 'frame to focus on widespread Radiation proc spread, along with being a healer that tanks up the team. Would anyone here be amicable to that idea, or does it seem too general at the moment?

The issue I see with it is twofold: Cold serves a similar purpose, and that the dual stat the pairs naturally with Radiation is Viral, which also effectively doubles your damage. That combination of dual stats would be the meta pairing alongside 4xCP, and even without 4xCP the finisher damage from a slash based weapon that could utilize Radiation+Viral (Tigris Prime, Euphona Prime's Secondary fire, etc..) would be much more effective (bleed = 7 ticks of 35% of base damage, doubled in effectiveness with Viral, and doubled by Radiation this could get nasty)

This could be further exploited by a frame with the ability to slow (which is why I mentioned Cold earlier), since status effect duration already scales with slowing effects. (if an ability completely stops a target status effects on the target last forever lol, its pretty nuts on Limbo) Basically, any frame with a slowing effect using a high status slash weapon with radiation+viral would deal some pretty crazy finisher damage.

My favorite thing about radiation is that its useful vs enemies with auras since it shuts their auras down, which is crazy effective vs the infested.

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3 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

So true.
Their idea of synergy =/= actual synergy

Its so weird because the last 2 frames and the latest rework, Limbo/Octavia/Nidus were all successes in that regard.

Generally I think it's because the thinking with Oberon, like with Saryn, has been "How can we bump up this frame to fit today's power creep standard?" - rather than "If I were to design this frame today, what would he do?"

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I have also played around with oberon after the rework, and yes, he does suffer from energy problems because hallowed ground is such a big part of his kit, and you need to spam it along with trying to fit some durability mods into the build as well.

One thing that could go a long way is restoring a small amount of energy for any enemies killed while on hallowed ground (maybe 3 to 5?)

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29 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

The issue I see with it is twofold: Cold serves a similar purpose, and that the dual stat the pairs naturally with Radiation is Viral, which also effectively doubles your damage. That combination of dual stats would be the meta pairing alongside 4xCP, and even without 4xCP the finisher damage from a slash based weapon that could utilize Radiation+Viral (Tigris Prime, Euphona Prime's Secondary fire, etc..) would be much more effective (bleed = 7 ticks of 35% of base damage, doubled in effectiveness with Viral, and doubled by Radiation this could get nasty)

This could be further exploited by a frame with the ability to slow (which is why I mentioned Cold earlier), since status effect duration already scales with slowing effects. (if an ability completely stops a target status effects on the target last forever lol, its pretty nuts on Limbo) Basically, any frame with a slowing effect using a high status slash weapon with radiation+viral would deal some pretty crazy finisher damage.

My favorite thing about radiation is that its useful vs enemies with auras since it shuts their auras down, which is crazy effective vs the infested.

I did not know that about cold and slowing. It's an interesting detail, for sure. But I also don't happen to see cold making Accelerant twice as effective. I don't see it making Weaken twice as effective, nor do I see Viral doing that. I have to admit I've never really seen the need to run Viral on a lot of things, historically speaking, as most things die fairly quickly in my experience, bosses or megamooks aside.

Maybe drop the radiation altogether and give Oberon a straight up new debuff without affecting elemental combo balance? 1 would go from confusing and knocking down, to making them more susceptible to status before weakening them while knocking them down, meaning that when they get back up, they'll do 60% less damage as opposed to 30%, and for 12 seconds, extended separately further by Cold if someone's running it. Holy Rug could... slow. With "vines", and any enemy on it would have the debuff potency. Shown by the grassy effect from the new Earth tileset reworks (currently in use on Nidus's Ravenous/Virulence) rising up around their feet as they move. Reckoning could spread the debuff more widely (without the weakening, which would be what 1 is for) plus because the knockdown's animation time would be extended, there'd be a more decent recovery time than there is now.

I understand that this is going well into the realm of "a rework after the rework after the rework" meaning it's unlikely as heck, particularly given that we're probably just in the number and trigger tweaking stage now, but it's just a thought. Maybe for the future, in 2024, when the second wave of reworks comes down the pipe.

I suppose, ultimately, I still primarily stand by my primary suggestions on page 52.

The only other ideas I had were, well, to essentially swap Oberon's passive with his 2. That is to say, make Hallowed Ground slowly expand outwards the longer he spends in a spot, and even more slowly shrink when he moves away from that spot, like a passive Fire Walker that can pool out. Like, a grass grows at his feet sort of thing, while his 2 would essentially clone his and his team's companions, whether sentinel or pet, making spectre versions of them that follow their respective owners around and ask no additional cost from Renewal but still benefit from it.

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1 minute ago, Ardhanarishvara said:

I did not know that about cold and slowing. It's an interesting detail, for sure. But I also don't happen to see cold making Accelerant twice as effective. I don't see it making Weaken twice as effective, nor do I see Viral doing that. I have to admit I've never really seen the need to run Viral on a lot of things, historically speaking, as most things die fairly quickly in my experience, bosses or megamooks aside.

Maybe drop the radiation altogether and give Oberon a straight up new debuff without affecting elemental combo balance? 1 would go from confusing and knocking down, to making them more susceptible to status before weakening them while knocking them down, meaning that when they get back up, they'll do 60% less damage as opposed to 30%, and for 12 seconds, extended separately further by Cold if someone's running it. Holy Rug could... slow. With "vines", and any enemy on it would have the debuff potency. Shown by the grassy effect from the new Earth tileset reworks (currently in use on Nidus's Ravenous/Virulence) rising up around their feet as they move. Reckoning could spread the debuff more widely (without the weakening, which would be what 1 is for) plus because the knockdown's animation time would be extended, there'd be a more decent recovery time than there is now.

I understand that this is going well into the realm of "a rework after the rework after the rework" meaning it's unlikely as heck, particularly given that we're probably just in the number and trigger tweaking stage now, but it's just a thought. Maybe for the future, in 2024, when the second wave of reworks comes down the pipe.

I suppose, ultimately, I still primarily stand by my primary suggestions on page 52.

The only other ideas I had were, well, to essentially swap Oberon's passive with his 2. That is to say, make Hallowed Ground slowly expand outwards the longer he spends in a spot, and even more slowly shrink when he moves away from that spot, like a passive Fire Walker that can pool out. Like, a grass grows at his feet sort of thing, while his 2 would essentially clone his and his team's companions, whether sentinel or pet, making spectre versions of them that follow their respective owners around and ask no additional cost from Renewal but still benefit from it.

That sounds cool

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41 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

Hallowed Ground: On Syndicate Missions and Low Level Fissure Missions it's fine CC. ON Sortie and High Level content it's basically there as a knockdown prevention tool and mechanic for letting the rest of Oberon's kit do its thing, which adds cost to Oberon's kit as a whole. Plus since it is the center of two other abilities its range does not match either and so leaves gaps allies and enemies can fall through.
Suggestion: Give it innate Damage Reduction (Base 30% caps below what trinity can give.) Remove it doing radiation damage innately because Smite and Reckoning guarantee radiation. Instead give it a +100% power Strength and +50% efficiency for Oberon. Make it so that Oberon is ON the carpet he is casting.
Renewal: Energy hungry regardless of build, however fantastic at what it does IF you can catch team members on hallowed ground when you cast it. The biggest 
Suggestion: Give him innate Rage and life/armor link to the rest of his team. That way oberon simply BEING there is a boost to everyone, and an innate rage plus suggestion for hallowed ground/smite can keep the paladinball rolling along murderin all that stand in the path of Glorious Tenno Conquest. Er... keeping peace and stability in the Origin System.

Oh yeah, I remember saying that Obs should be a beast while on his own territory and you suggest this.

To DE:

  • Make the above bolded quote an actual thing please.
  • Also make a visible border for the boundaries of HG please.

About his passive rage life link thing.  You are suggesting a reduced form of them as the passive yes?  I could see that being a "useful anywhere" type passive which fits the theme I think he has.  Not sure about a full power one, that would be crazy to me.

Edited by robbybe01234
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6 minutes ago, Plasmaface said:

I feel like Oberon's new scaling is too weak. Buff it up a little so smite feels better to use. 

It's actually a fact. Mostly because of scaling armor and the 35% of the target's health is actually split evenly per orb. Yes, higher power strength mean each orb does LESS damage. 

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Just now, Phalian said:

It's actually a fact. Mostly because of scaling armor and the 35% of the target's health is actually split evenly per orb. Yes, higher power strength mean each orb does LESS damage. 

That's really dumb. 

My power strength is over 200%. I should be dealing significantly higher damage. 

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Just now, Plasmaface said:

That's really dumb. 

My power strength is over 200%. I should be dealing significantly higher damage. 

Well I had an idea that DE were instead of it being that the 35% is split between all the orbs, each orb does ~5.8% (which is the same amount of total damage it would do without Power Strength) so increasing Power Strength would increase the number of orbs spawned and therefor the amount of damage. 

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Currently Oberon is "ok", post rework fixes have made him a decent frame from where he was in the past.  However his rework while old problems, introduced new problems into his kit.

  • Because of the nature of Renewals healing (increase drain for every ally) along with HG+Renewal being required to get an armour buff, oberon is alot more energy hungry currently due to the increase need of skill usage to get the best of of his skills.
  • HG, despite being the crux of his kit for both Reckoning and Renewal is still a very lackluster skill, it's current use is to set up the Iron Renewal combo and at higher levels, knockdown prevention.
  • Reckoning still has issues with it's healing, health orbs spawned are tied to kills. This like Pilfering Swarm is detrimental as once the ability stops killing, you are unable to benefit from the effect.


I'm going to go through a few of his skills and attempt to remedy his current issues


Hallowed Ground


  • Hallowed Ground now boosts Heal Potency by 50% at base (Affected by Power strength) for allies standing on it. Heal Potency is the strength of healing effects on the user. It's similar to a damage vulnerability, but to healing.  If you were suppose to heal 100HP, you would now heal 150 when standing on hallowed ground.
  • Irradiated enemies who die on Hallowed Grounds replenish Oberon and nearby allies for 5 energy per enemy killed

These changes aim to want to encourage both Oberon and allies to fight on Hallowed ground. Heal Potency pairs not only with renewal but all healing skills, it makes renewal heal faster, and health orbs generated have a greater effect. Irradiated kills on allowed ground help Oberons increase energy usage and synergizes will with high strength builds. Irradiation not only can come from HG but from smite and Reckoning as well, further increasing synergy within his kit.



  • Friendly units such as Summons, ally units ect do not increase the energy drain for Oberon


Renewal is currently a great skill however if you have frames than summon multiple units (Atlas, Nekros) Oberon is punish for support his allies through excessive energy drain. In raids with 8 players Oberon energy will plummet  with he attempts to heal his party at once.




  • Enemies who are killed within 6-8 seconds of being affected by reckoning will spawn 1 health orb.
  •  Reckoning's armour stripping is now innate however casting reckoning on HG will have a greater armour stripping effect
  • Consideration: All enemies standing on any HG casted by Oberon will be lifted for reckoning.


Removing health orb spawns from being kills only to being affected by the skill will provide Oberon with more ways to heal players and generate health orbs. Armour stripping is now innate to Reckoning however it will be 50% more effective when casted on enemies affected by Hallowed Ground. This aims to decentralise HG from being used to make Reckoning viable in higher levels of play but also create incentives to use both together.

As en experimental mechanic, If enemies are standing on the casting Oberon's HG, they will be affected by reckoning regardless of range (similar that Limbo's stasis is rift-wide and not range based). This is meant to create a new synergy between HG and Reckoning, HG will now be used to increase reckoning's reach.

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So I just took a Phoenix Renewal Oberon build into LoR and it didn't work. Half of the time people would just die. At the end of the Vay Hek fight we always kill ourselves in the fire and only the host and I self rezzed.
Also, the number on the renewal spazzed out constantly.

Edited by Suira
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