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No More Nerfs

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1 hour ago, FairyTael said:

The OP can refuse all they want. The nerfs will still come as DE feels the need to implement them.
you c
The idea that the game doesn't have elements that need to be nerfed is just ignorant.

Instead of complaining about how all you get is negative comments, how about starting a thread with actual constructive criticisms about the nerfs and how they should have been applied properly.

I'm not going to bend over backwards for a handful of peoples sake, you can take my thread for what it is.

I'm mildly complaining about the negative comments because they prove to do nothing but try and get under my skin, and it seems that's what some of you want considering you don't agree with what i'm saying.

If there was a burn OP's house down button i'm sure someone in this thread would of pressed it by now.

Edited by (PS4)Kazaroosue
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6 hours ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I refuse to accept anymore nerfs from this point on in Warframe. Everything from here on out should either be a buff or a rework..

I never... NEVER understood nerfs in a PvE game.. i would completely understand a nerf if this was a PvP game.. but it's not.. (Yes it does have PvP i know) but it's not Warframes bread and butter.

I love you D.E i really.. really.. REALLY do.. but your nerfs completely destroy Weapons/Frames..

UNLESS there is something in the game that can kill all enemies before they even spawn... then yea.. go ahead and nerf that lol, but if one person can kick butt all on his own... then let him... and if you think the Cheesing is a bit to much with a frame or weapon... just use a "DIFFERENT" Weapon/Frame

I'm going to be honest with you.. i might be completely off here... but i feel a lot of people including myself like feeling like our own gods.. a god doesn't wield a nerf bat...

Also.. D.E please... PLEASE just add more unique and difficult enemies.. in my opinion Nullifiers are good for Warframe.. it keeps stuff from getting nerfed... so.. before you take away our toys D.E please consider just adding a larger variety of harder enemies to fight such as Nullifiers.

Ok.. i'v said my peace, maybe i'm off my rocker here.. but i felt the need to say something..


Or do you feel D.E should keep nerfing things into oblivion? 



I think you are mistaking "nerfs" with "fixes".

Lets say that "tough" enemies have 2000 health. Let's say that we already have 100 guns that deal between 500-750 DPS, and then DE drops the ball on say, a new weapon Crit Chance, and we find a way to make it do 5000 DPS.

... do you seriously expect DE to extend the "mistake" to all the other weapons?

A lot of weapons got "nerfed" because DE had made a mistake and had not accounted for variables that made that weapon do things it was NOT supposed to, like Tonkor head-critting all the time.

If your bank accidentally gave you unlimited credit, you can't complain when they take it away and call that a "nerf", as you were never supposed to have unlimited credit to begin with.

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On 2017-5-3 at 8:39 AM, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I refuse to accept anymore nerfs from this point on in Warframe. Everything from here on out should either be a buff or a rework..



Someone always sees a rework as a nerf, even when it's not... but my question is what are you going to do when the next nerf hits? Stomp your feet and yell NO!? Pout a bit... realise there is nothing you can do but deal with it...

Edited by Carnage2K4
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4 hours ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

I am no master with words, but i can't walk on egg shells with people, so when i look at your reply and see that you dislike what i said without it being related to the topic at hand it just makes me want to scratch my head, because this thread is so off topic all a sudden because everyone got their nipples in a knot when i said i'm against nerfs.

So again.. it is your opinion that i expressed my self in a bad way, because in my opinion i thought i did ok.. and if people wanna nit pick the little things i said in my post so be it.

 i don't understand this mentality of getting off topic just to try and make me feel bad for making a bad post or something, but i guess that's the internet for you.

Woah woah woah, I was just expressing my opinion. No need to go off topic and nitpick my post.

Gosh, people these days.


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I love nerf it strip away overpower weapons and force you to use your skill, focus and other means to farm your kills. Basically it teaches you not to rely on a crutch like your Tonkor, Synoid Simlor and forces you to use other means to survive.

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7 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

And Mag.

And Simulor.

And Acrid.

Ya know come to think if it tons of gear get nerfed and are left unused. 

Mag is alright.

Simulor dmg was moved to the explosion detonation. If ppl actually played with it. They would know this. After the "nerf". Didn't change my build and I don't see no difference between what it was and how it is now.

There are better weapons than the Acrid. But the stacking toxin dot is quite deadly. 

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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9 hours ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

And D.E does nuke things i'n my opinion, yes MY opinion, Tonkor, Stealth, that one gravity weapon  that pulls enemies together (Can't think of the name sorry)

telos Boltace etc etc.


Tonkor is still as strong as ever. It's just not a skill-less weapon anymore. Those who used Tonkor as a ranged weapon with a good aim could still use it as usual. Those who used it as a point-blank shotgun is the one most affected by this.


Simulor is still a strong weapon but it is, without a doubt, nerfed. It's now more inline with other weapons and could be considered the new Tonkor is you're inclined to use an explosive weapon point-blank. It's just no longer mindless clicking at a general direction to kill enemies and it doesn't kill enemies as fast as before. But obviously you knew little of this weapon so not much can be said here.


Stealth.... sure, it got "nerfed" in the sense it's harder to actually keep enemies out of alerted state. The change made sense in the lore sense, they just need to make patrols and enemy placement more conducive to stealth missions.  If you're talking about the Gas nerf, then nothing I can say to you because that thing was stupid.


Telos Boltace nerf, that was so damn needed. Otherwise the other option is to ban macro completely. Because TBoltace macro is so over the top that it changed how the weapon is used so much that players without the macro is left in the dust (sometimes literally).


So with regards with your OP, you haven't even made any compelling evidence that "DE nerfed everything into oblivion". And so far they have been pretty receptive and open to changing things that are underpowered due to a nerf or change, like reinstating Nyx's Assimilate. The weapons they "nerfed" are actually brought back to the line with the other weapons. It's annoying to see people complaining about this while also seeing the many threads whining and demanding for "balance".

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Nerfs and buffs both happen for a reason and both are needed to keep a game balanced. The power creep in Warframe is already a problem, you don't want to add to that by constantly buffing weapons to bypass eachother.

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4 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

Woah woah woah, I was just expressing my opinion. No need to go off topic and nitpick my post.

Gosh, people these days.


You're not expressing an opinion, you're just trying to be smart with me. smh


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3 hours ago, Tamirn said:

I love nerf it strip away overpower weapons and force you to use your skill, focus and other means to farm your kills. Basically it teaches you not to rely on a crutch like your Tonkor, Synoid Simlor and forces you to use other means to survive.

But Warframe is not that kinda game.. and i doubt it ever will be that kinda game, go play the first Dark Souls or something if you want a challenge.

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eh warframe doesn't have straight nerfs if I recall DE has a strong sense of Every action has an opposite reaction kinda thing or something like the law of conservation in a way

DE Usually always add a counter balance to each nerf/buff

Sadly, usually buffs have a delayed counterbalance while nerfs have an immediate counterbalance simply because buffs are harder to predict in their outcomes.

That is just my take on it, There usually isn't just a nerf, because that nerf is the counterbalance to something that got over buffed or the nerf was to tone down to buff up something or to add something, good example is saryn rework, Nerfed slightly her 4 to make use of her full kit, still did more damage after the rework you just couldn't spam anymore.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

But Warframe is not that kinda game.. and i doubt it ever will be that kinda game, go play the first Dark Souls or something if you want a challenge.

Lol so you are implying you want a crutch and have your hand held? Skill is what makes warframe fun when you start warframe you are not skillful at all, When I started I could never pull off what I am doing now after 3 years of playing this game without a crutch, I started off by using zephyr >-> Hell it did me more good than harm cause I learned the hard way on how to survive.

And listen if you can't pull off the Design council challenges without cheeseing then you have mediocre skill at best depending on how badly you cheesed it. Skill is a big part of warframe it's the reason why things are getting harder and more complicated and stuff like ambulace are getting added , it is only going to get harder and more technical from here on out.

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16 minutes ago, AlphaTheFinalBalance said:

Lol so you are implying you want a crutch and have your hand held? Skill is what makes warframe fun when you start warframe you are not skillful at all, When I started I could never pull off what I am doing now after 3 years of playing this game without a crutch, I started off by using zephyr >-> Hell it did me more good than harm cause I learned the hard way on how to survive.

And listen if you can't pull off the Design council challenges without cheeseing then you have mediocre skill at best depending on how badly you cheesed it. Skill is a big part of warframe it the reason why things are getting harder and more complicated and stuff like ambulace are getting added , it only going to get harder and more technical from here on out.

Ok, for one Warframe NEVER required skill, from the day it launched it hasn't required skill.

No i am not the best at playing games, does it bother you i'm not good at mashing buttons?

The reason i know Warframe is an easy game and always has been from what i'v seen is because i'v been kicking butt for over 2 years now, and if i can kick this much butt, then ANYONE can kick this much butt, once they ofc sinked in enough time to get to where i'm at.

Am i good at games like Dark Souls? Bahah no

I have other real life obligations that keep me from sitting in my room all day, so i don't have time to be this amazing mlg game player like some of you homeschooled kids.

Again, Warframe has never been a difficult game to game and it never will be.. the NUKE nerfs or just normal nerfs or what ever you wanna call it don't make the game harder, they do it so you don't keep using the same gear, it works in their favor because it keeps people playing their game to grind out the latest greatest weapon and to only have it nerfed so we can move onto the next overpowered thing..

Warframe will always have Overpowered things, it's just that kinda game,  and i'm just complaining about nerfs in general because every time i sink my time into a weapon it just ends up getting nerfed.. and that just grinds my gears.

Edited by (PS4)Kazaroosue
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

Ok, for one Warframe NEVER required skill, from the day it launched it hasn't required skill.

No i am not the best at playing games, does it bother you i'm not good at mashing buttons?

The reason i know Warframe is an easy game and always has been from what i'v seen is because i'v been kicking butt for over 2 years now, and if i can kick this much butt, then ANYONE can kick this much butt, once they ofc sinked in enough time to get to where i'm at.

Am i good at games like Dark Souls? Bahah no

I have other real life obligations that keep me from sitting in my room all day, so i don't have time to be this amazing mlg game player like some of you homeschooled kids.

Again, Warframe has never been a difficult game to game and it never will be.. the NUKE nerfs or just normal nerfs or what ever you wanna call it don't make the game harder, they do it so you don't keep using the same gear, it works in their favor because it keeps people playing their game to grind out the latest greatest weapon and to only have it nerfed so we can move onto the next overpowered thing..

Warframe will always have Overpowered things, it's just that kinda game,  and i'm just complaining about nerfs in general because every time i sink my time into a weapon it just ends up getting nerfed.. and that just grinds my gears.

But you play on consoles tho

so your point is invalid



(YEah am trolling you btw <3) Didn't want to spoil it for you tho XD


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