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Do something else with Limbo


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I quit every mission with a Limbo in the Squad. DE has done an amazing job turning a challenging, quirky frame into the biggest developer-sponsored troll I can imagine.

I stopped playing Limbo after the rework. Early on, having enemies become immune to damage was a fair pain. Once players leveled the frame up and began map nuking, Limbo was intolerable.

A second rework stopped the map nuking while amplifying Limbo's ability to troll missions. Now, it is common to have Rift portals set in narrow passages that they cannot be avoided. Players routinely cast entire maps into the Rift and leave other players unable to cause damage (neither weapon nor melee). I actually suspect the second rework was some manner of payback for complaints about the first rework.

I can keep quitting squads with Limbo, but it's going to get old. Eventually, I'll just quit the game.

Make Limbo challenging and quirky again. I don't care if the tolling is intentional or not—do something about it.

Thank you.

Edited by DEATHLOK
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banish him to the shadow realm solo play

limbo's time stop is pure cancer. Wouldn't it be great if someone could play a frame that could stop you from shooting the enemy in our 3rd person shooter game? :D

Edited by xXRiomaXx
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honestly, fellow players shouldn't have anything to do with the rift.

Enemies rifted? Limbo's problem. Don't let other players kill things in the rift. Make them Limbo's Problem.

Stasis field? Limbo's problem. Don't make other players be affected by stasis. Make their bullets act normally.

Cataclysm is the only time a non Limbo should be able to affect enemies within the rift.

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I suggested this in answers to another post, but how would you feel about the following idea : ( Forgive the weird Copy/Paste )
Make "Banish" a Double skill use ( Cast to activate and Held to change skill ).
Allow both Banish and AoE Banish to be casted in and out of the Rift

-Single target on cast
If held switch to
-Target in an AoE on cast

With this you get both options, keep Stasis to a minimum ( No more 40 meters harmful stasis gameplay ) and you can use Rift surge to chain Rifted enemies one after another.
I believe that to be what DE had in mind as they pushed the rework in.

How would you feel about the following idea for Rift Surge :
The current mechanic stays the same ( Chaining enemies like a virus ), however instead of increasing your damage dealt, it increase the damage RECEIVED by the enemy by a certain multiplier. ( Kind of like Nova's molecular prime, but with a virus mechanic instead that spreads as you kill enemies )
Surged enemies are also vulnerable to both plane ( The Rift and Outside the Rift ).

Basically, the rifted enemies don't hinder the ability for your teammates to kill them, but those who are affected by the surge are more vulnerable.
And you, as a Limbo player, are most invulnerable in the rift due to your ability to Stasis the enemy in the rift while being untouchable from enemies that aren't in the rift.

It's basically what we have now, without the ability to Hinder your teammates.

A last change is in order : Limbo loses the ability to cast Cataclysm.
The ability itself doesn't have much to it, it's currently a bridge to cast Stasis and Rift Surge.
It doesn't even do "Cataclysmic" damage.
Plus, receiving a small energy/second boost isn't worth the hassle, it only serves as an incentive to just make it as big as possible.

And to make it as big as possible can only mean two things :
A big harmful wall that freeze time for your teammates from Stasis.
And abusing the damage multiplier of Rift Surge.
Which are things we don't like currently.


Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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You do know that roll function is used to get out of rift. Don't get your hate on every limbo player out there, i myself is also one but at MR 19 (Almost 20) i know what to do and when to do it. Bad luck for you maybe. Try telling them next time.

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23 minutes ago, Hoangviet1996 said:

You do know that roll function is used to get out of rift. Don't get your hate on every limbo player out there, i myself is also one but at MR 19 (Almost 20) i know what to do and when to do it. Bad luck for you maybe. Try telling them next time.

So, you haven't even gotten to level 10 on Limbo, right? Or else you'd know that Cataclysm is a giant dome that you can't roll out of, and if you leave it you basically have the same effect of not being able to deal with the enemies inside of the ride without the use of powers. 

To OP, just quit the game, then. DE clearly isn't going to listen to simple feedback or threats of you quitting the game, so just leave and they'll learn then. Come back in two years when they finally decide to do something. 

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Can we maybe make the Rift more optional? As in, let teammates decide for themselves when they enter or exit the Rift? Rift Walk, Banish and Cataclysm are more or less forced on nearby allies, which is often more disruptive than helpful, because of the sudden change in "Da Rules" of combat.

Really, aren't you tired of being thrown in and out of your plane at Limbo's whim? As Limbo, aren't you tired of bugging your teammates in the process when you just want to unleash your awesome powers on your enemies like any other Warframe? There has to be some way to compromise without tipping the scale of control far over to Limbo's side when it comes to co-op.

I'm gonna jot down changes I feel can help in this regard:

  • Rift Walk
    • Portal lasts indefinitely, only 1 active at a time, moves to Limbo's new location when he enters Rift via Rift Walk.
    • No longer banishes teammates on touch. To enter the Rift, Players must use Quick Melee Attack (E) on the portal, similar to Lua's Spy Temporal Rifts.
    • Portal does not affect Limbo since he can freely Rift Walk (eliminates redundancy and margin of error).
  • Banish
    • No longer affects ally players. How Banish affects friendly AI and enemies remains unchanged.
    • Moves Rift Walk's portal (or creates 1 if no active portal) to Limbo's new location when using Banish on enemies or friendly AI, sending them into the Rift (Limbo is in material plane on cast). If Limbo is in the Rift and uses Banish, portal remains unmoved.
  • Cataclysm
    • No longer forces plane state swapping on ally players. How Cataclysm affects friendly AI and objectives remains unchanged.
    • To enter the Rift, teammates can simply roll or backflip inside Cataclysm to banish themselves for 15 seconds. To exit, roll or backflip again or wait until the buff expires.
    • Upon collapse, moves Rift Walk's portal to Cataclysm's center.

Already these solve a ton of trolling problems that are so easily accomplished because Limbo forces the Rift on people. No longer is the Rift Walk portal an obstacle you path away from. No longer does AoE Banish disrupt teammate's combat so heavily because they were thrown into the Rift during Stasis. No longer does Limbo freezing an entire room full of enemies using Cataclysm + Rift Surge's mass-banish combo keep you unable to deal weapon damage.

Because all you have to do now, is look for a portal, smack it, and opt-into the Rift of your own volition, or play as you do normally in the material plane and blast helpless rift-bound enemies with your powers. As long as Limbo has Rift Walked or used a power, there is ALWAYS a way into the Rift for your convenience and at your leisure.

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I agree into an extent. I love to use limbo with 3 sets of builds (for solo, 40% range, and max range).

Anyway, yea i agree that his portals are annoying. But, what sets me off are the max range limbos that uses cataclysm on Mobile Defense, excavations. It becomes really inefficient because nullies instantly blows it up(cuz it's @(*()$ big), second stasis uncasts every second, third they'll *@##$ out not to shoot inside their large bubble. They could have just used banish and stasis, more clicking but very useful nonetheless and wouldn't piss off any player.

Cut things short max range limbos that spams cataclysm makes me quit instantly.

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As a Trin and Mag Main...i can deal with it pretty good. Synergy of casters. I can still do what i want as caster. Even my 2's bubble counts in my bullets/-shots dmg i do to the targets within. All cool...

But when i feel like i want gun slinger stuff direct on targets while using other frames...and i see a limbo in squat/ incoming... i leave ~ no synergy atm for me.

To leave with a "roll" isnt the problem.

The prob is "i have to leave" with a roll mid in fighting/shoting stuff. Its not hard to press 1 or 2 buttons but while i do it, i have to stop aiming. If i was aiming for a HS, and limbo casts his stuff, 1) my HS is taken away. 2) I can not simple take another target in my crossairs..no..i have actualy to stop my gameplay,...to roll...find again a target..aim for the Head and then i can can start there where i ended...3+sec away for...nothing...


Its is this:

like a advertise poping up on a website. I can simple move my mouse to (X) to close it. Is it hard to do? No

Does it stops me to read/watch at my screen what i was currently doing? Yes

It took my time for nothing i wanted to do. The "simple" click on X does not change that. It took my attention away from what i was doing. And in need to keep on, forced me to click X. After doing so i have to find the word/sentence i was reading to keep on where i was interrupted...

The reason why EVERY BROWSER got a kind of "pop up blocker". To stop users getting interrupted by them...

Do we need a "Limbo blocker"?


I cant do simple nothing with guns. I see everywhere targets...even waypath blocking and view blocking and all this gfx/eye breaker cancer from limbo...but i cant shot them.

- Make them invisible for those "outside the rift or regret to stay inside"...


Limbos theme is great on paper! I would like to looove him..i love all kind of casters...thats my personal thing...

But his kit does not work for like 80% WF squads. Well yes...if all casters in squad then noone had a prob ~ symbiose.

But as it stands by now..WF is a lot focused on gun-play. Which limbo just kills. Kills the gameplay of other players/frames interrupted by him.

I suggest to complete overhaul him.

Take all out and start from beginning but with deeper thoughts. No frame should be a "Niche" typ. Limbo deserves more love from you DE. He absolut deservs it...




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I agree that DE has to go back to a point BEFORE the first rework and start over, actually TESTING the frame in game with other players before committing to changes.

I remember two problems from the original build:

  • Trolls would repeatedly banish other players to prevent them from fighting.
  • With Cataclysm, trolls and the simply ignorant would prevent Mobile Defense missions from working.

Harm done to the game and community by those two circumstances never rose to the mess we've endured since the first rework. The new Limbo actually encourages trolling, and it appears the developers expect us all to adapt our play style and expectations to accommodate this one frame and its abilities. It's ridiculous.

I enjoyed playing the original Limbo, and was eager to build him up before that first nightmare rework. It was an interesting, useful frame, if a bit underpowered by many standards. There was no Stasis to contend with, and Catacysm was akin to waking from one room to another—easy to work with.

I would not expect a fix to make Limbo even more complicated and convoluted, requiring every other player to perform complicated maneuvers and work-arounds just to get through a mission.

For now, I can leave any squad with a Limbo in it. Eventually, I will have to quit Warframe.

Please fix Limbo.

Edited by DEATHLOK
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Stasis should only affect enemies and not freeze bullets mid air. When we shoot at them, we should still see their health go down, but they won't react physically until stasis stops.

So essentially we are pumping their bodies full of bullets into their time stopped bodies.

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53 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Stasis should only affect enemies and not freeze bullets mid air. When we shoot at them, we should still see their health go down, but they won't react physically until stasis stops.

So essentially we are pumping their bodies full of bullets into their time stopped bodies.

Magnetize does something similar to Stasis, but is focused on one target—so it's not as much an issue for other squad members. Doing the same thing to enemies across the map is a design oversight. I don't believe Stasis belongs in the game in it's current form.

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So, I've been reading quite a few of these and it blows my mind. I play limbo quite a bit... I guess I just play him differently than everyone? I tend to use him as a jack in the box killer. I run around slipping in and out of the rift with high damage weapons, like the Tigris, taking down hard hitting opponents before they can really do anything. The only time I use cataclysm and stasis, is if we are being entirely overwhelmed. It's kind of nice to have almost a minute to hack the area clear and recoup for a sec without worry. ;) I totally agree with those who have gripes about it affecting gun fire though. That's super annoying, even when I'm the one casting it. The first time I did it, I was so confused and let down. If gunfire wasn't affected, it would be so much more conducive to team play.

He can really shine in rescue and spy missions though. ;)

It's too bad people don't use him right... I think he's a great frame.


Edited by (PS4)sepiavision
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15 hours ago, DEATHLOK said:

I quit every mission with a Limbo in the Squad. DE has done an amazing job turning a challenging, quirky frame into the biggest developer-sponsored troll I can imagine.

I stopped playing Limbo after the rework. Early on, having enemies become immune to damage was a fair pain. Once players leveled the frame up and began map nuking, Limbo was intolerable.

A second rework stopped the map nuking while amplifying Limbo's ability to troll missions. Now, it is common to have Rift portals set in narrow passages that they cannot be avoided. Players routinely cast entire maps into the Rift and leave other players unable to cause damage (neither weapon nor melee). I actually suspect the second rework was some manner of payback for complaints about the first rework.

I can keep quitting squads with Limbo, but it's going to get old. Eventually, I'll just quit the game.

Make Limbo challenging and quirky again. I don't care if the tolling is intentional or not—do something about it.

Thank you.

I suppose you also were part of the angry mob that wanted to burn Mirage and Synoid Simulor? When no one listened to the constant complaining I guess the only thing you could do is to quit the squad, unless it got boring as well and quit the game until the weapon "balancing" was brought in.

The solution is very simple (and it has been posted in various posts by multiple players): IF AND WHEN you go into public squads, you always risk running with players using warframes and weapons you don't like. The thing is, YOU don't like it, but that is on YOU, not DE and not the 3 other players you were matched with. Thus don't run public squads, go solo or recruit.


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3 hours ago, RTFT.NL said:

I suppose you also were part of the angry mob that wanted to burn Mirage and Synoid Simulor? When no one listened to the constant complaining I guess the only thing you could do is to quit the squad, unless it got boring as well and quit the game until the weapon "balancing" was brought in.

The solution is very simple (and it has been posted in various posts by multiple players): IF AND WHEN you go into public squads, you always risk running with players using warframes and weapons you don't like. The thing is, YOU don't like it, but that is on YOU, not DE and not the 3 other players you were matched with. Thus don't run public squads, go solo or recruit.



LOL. Are you with DE?

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