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Why not gain mastery after polarization?


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I do not see why after using a forma on a item doesn't allow you to increase your mastery rank. You're remastering the item with a new polarity, sure it's the same item but you still would have deal with the increased difference of the item. I'm not saying full mastery but a fraction would allow more uses of the formas, otherwise forma?

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Then i could just re-forma and lvl one frame repeatedly to hit MR 30.

The idea of mastery is to draw off how many different items you have leveled (note that i don't use the word "used", as speed leveling without using the weapon once is common).

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If leveling one piece of equipment over and over, are you really mastering anything aside from that piece of equipment?

It's an arbitrary number for the time being, but it does offer a sense of how many weapon types you've used and how far along you've progressed. The idea behind it is to promote a varied playstyle, hence why we currently have 32 frames(33 soon™) and hundreds of weapons. 

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Because this is DEs way of making you work for more and more items keeping you in the game longer, possibly spend more money and trying out different playstyles. 

Also my mastery rank would be so high if you were allowed to get mastery off the same weapon after forma, but hows that fair to others? The way it is now everyone is at the same point but if someone spends tons of money buying forma they can raise their MR rank by so much and get more syndicate rep,higher void trace cap etc and gain advantages compared to f2p players. Basically this could turn into a forma of p2w and that'd be extremely bad. 

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10 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

I would be... MR 65, if i'm right. Wow.

Master Golden Cosmic Mountain of Godly Dragon Mastery Skills of The Tiger.

yea 90% of the items in game 4-5 formas in each jesuses MR 100


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1 hour ago, SurrealEdge said:

If leveling one piece of equipment over and over, are you really mastering anything aside from that piece of equipment?

Give the OP some credit. You're either jack of all trades, or master of something. Mastering everything means mastery of nothing. The entire history of D&D backs this.

The focus system was supposed to rectify it, but [DE] (disgustingly) gave in to the complainers, and gave focus points for team play instead of individual mastery.

Edited by Kihana
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15 minutes ago, Kihana said:

Give the OP some credit. You're either jack of all trades, or master of something. Mastering everything means mastery of nothing. The entire history of D&D backs this.

The focus system was supposed to rectify it, but [DE] (disgustingly) gave in to the complainers, and gave focus points for team play instead of individual mastery.

I think our current mastery system should stay as it is, rewarding varied experience, but i would definitely not be adverse to a new system that involved mastering specific items through extended use.

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MR should have a sub rating system based on polarization. Like im MR21.... Depending on how many weapons i have formad there could be a letter or letters and a number or numbers attached to reflect my polarization score(number of weapons forma'd x number of times forma'd each weapon) like Mr21*Yk18

Or sum such

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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29 minutes ago, Kihana said:

Give the OP some credit. You're either jack of all trades, or master of something. Mastering everything means mastery of nothing. The entire history of D&D backs this.

The focus system was supposed to rectify it, but [DE] (disgustingly) gave in to the complainers, and gave focus points for team play instead of individual mastery.

It gets tiring to see people running the same set up. Remember Mirage and Synoid Simulor up until the changes to how the Simulor worked? No varied set ups or build, just raw damage due to how effective it is.

I know that what we have currently doesn't fix a thing, as specific weapons strongly outweigh others in strength or effectiveness, with rivens moreso skewing those even further. It at least gives some incentive to try out the many weapons albeit a few outperform others by a massive margin.

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1 hour ago, Kihana said:

Give the OP some credit. You're either jack of all trades, or master of something. Mastering everything means mastery of nothing. The entire history of D&D backs this.

The focus system was supposed to rectify it, but [DE] (disgustingly) gave in to the complainers, and gave focus points for team play instead of individual mastery.

Except how are you "mastering" one thing after you forma all the slots and just start reforming the same slots over and over and over again?
Because that is all the OPs idea would lead to.

Further, the reason that DE gave focus for team play was because there are certain frame setups which would basically mean "yeah, no one else is going to be getting any focus for the entire mission!" with absolutely nothing that could be done.
It lead to complaints, fights and all sorts of toxicity over "kill stealing".  After all, who cares that you took that level 80 bombard down to low health, I'm the one who killed it with the final attack so I get all of the focus and you get none!  Because the only thing that matters is the last hit, and quite a few frames are good at getting that last hit.
Not having it shared lead to all sorts of problems.
So get off your high horse on that matter.

2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Ravishnan said:

I do not see why after using a forma on a item doesn't allow you to increase your mastery rank. You're remastering the item with a new polarity, sure it's the same item but you still would have deal with the increased difference of the item. I'm not saying full mastery but a fraction would allow more uses of the formas, otherwise forma?

DE doesn't have this for a few reasons:
1) It forces people to go after more content.  With your idea everyone would just get the FotM meta loadout and then forma that until they hit maximum mastery (if there is a cap)
2) It gives DE time to make future mastery tests.  NOt too long ago it wasn't uncommon for people who hit the new mastery level ahead of everyone else to just get a repeat mastery test.
3) It is a way to encourage slot buying.  After all, if you need to level up more than 3 weapons and a frame you might find more weapons and frames that you want to keep using so you'll buy slots for those weapons/frames.

Frames already have a reason to over-forma your build: The more extra points you have left over on your frame the more energy you start a mission with.

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13 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

Further, the reason that DE gave focus for team play was because there are certain frame setups which would basically mean "yeah, no one else is going to be getting any focus for the entire mission!" with absolutely nothing that could be done.
It lead to complaints, fights and all sorts of toxicity over "kill stealing".  After all, who cares that you took that level 80 bombard down to low health, I'm the one who killed it with the final attack so I get all of the focus and you get none!  Because the only thing that matters is the last hit, and quite a few frames are good at getting that last hit.
Not having it shared lead to all sorts of problems.
So get off your high horse on that matter.

As a mostly solo player, I was immune to the issues it caused, as you have described them. But as a reasonably active (but sometimes unwelcome, since some people don't like my views) forum member, I was also well aware of them. It may have improved things for group play, but it made it less enjoyable for solo. They could have done better. I actually stopped playing when they made the change. A change that stops people playing is never good.  I reckon I was probably gone a year.

The problem as you described it is more to do with the behavior of individuals. The system itself was not what was at fault, so I *don't* need to get of my high horse.

For the rest, I'm not disagreeing with anyone who faults my first post. I was just pointing out that there is some truth to the OP. It's interesting that nobody responded with the obvious "mastery of all that is Tenno". It's too late to hope for a system of limiting forma per account in the way they have limited Riven mods (good step DE), but one can always hope.

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Because mastery is already a joke. 'Mastery' aka let's go to akkad (if you're a scrub and lazy af) or stealth farming/spies and spam out them to max the trash weapons that are worthless even with rivens past level 50 enemies. Considering I've used 219 forma: 31 on 6k mastery items (frames, sentinels, pets), that's 186000 mastery, plus the other 188 on 3k items is 564000 for a total of 750000 mastery points. This 750k added to my current 1,419,334 gives me 2,169,334: this would be MR29 (I'm 23, nearly 24 at the moment). You could build formas from MR0 and spam them out on a Nikana Prime, Braton Prime, etc and have MR30 in no time at all.

Mastery as it is could use a rework (visit my old threads, you'll see what happens if you try to change it), but we won't see it happen due to the community saying no.

Edited by DarkFlameZealot
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42 minutes ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

... Considering I've used 219 forma ...

I'm curious. Is that figure view-able in somew manner, somewhere, for an individual, or have you actually counted?

I'd like to know for my own account. I've finally started to go all in on the weapons and frames who's mechanics I love (Must. Resist. Riven's.), so I would really like to know the cost.

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Just now, Kihana said:

I'm curious. Is that figure view-able in somew manner, somewhere, for an individual, or have you actually counted?

I'd like to know for my own account. I've finally started to go all in on the weapons and frames who's mechanics I love (Must. Resist. Riven's.), so I would really like to know the cost.

I counted myself and setup and excel document that adds up the columns of numbers I have per category. It's organized by frame, primary, secondary, melee, sentinel/weapons, companions, archwing and then adds it all up. I update it every time I forma something :D

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5 minutes ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

I counted myself and setup and excel document that adds up the columns of numbers I have per category. It's organized by frame, primary, secondary, melee, sentinel/weapons, companions, archwing and then adds it all up. I update it every time I forma something :D

Thank you sir. I gave +1 to both your posts in return for your opinion. I value it.

You missed one BTW. You might like to re-check your spreadsheet. Can't let one go astray. God bless you.

EDIT:Yes, I just opened a new spreadsheet. I've been putting this off for a while.

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I would only be okay with additional Mastery points only if you had to both insert an Orokin Reactor/Catalyst and then Forma it. 

This would add additional difficulty in ranking up items and prevent players from just Forma-ing everything to death and simply acquiring mastery with platinum. 

Maybe even just give half the Mastery points from the item originally leveled. Items could only be ranked up for Mastery points twice. Once originally and then once with the Orokin potato plus Forma. 

You could still Forma an item as many times as you want like usual, though. Maybe even give 25% Mastery back? I guess, we'll have to see... 

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35 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ZenithLord 42 said:

I would only be okay with additional Mastery points only if you had to both insert an Orokin Reactor/Catalyst and then Forma it. 

This would add additional difficulty in ranking up items and prevent players from just Forma-ing everything to death and simply acquiring mastery with platinum. 

Maybe even just give half the Mastery points from the item originally leveled. Items could only be ranked up for Mastery points twice. Once originally and then once with the Orokin potato plus Forma. 

You could still Forma an item as many times as you want like usual, though. Maybe even give 25% Mastery back? I guess, we'll have to see... 

Still a horrible idea. Catalysts and Reactors are a cheap 20p (a laughable amount to gain these days) and popup every so often with alerts or whatnot. Just adding one small requirement to gain extra MR off of simply using a weapon for another 20 waves on akkad shouldn't give you anything more than the initial amount you got the first time.

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