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Let's talk about the sheer frustration that is the Operator's energy recharge rate (SD, TWW, and CoH finale spoilers)


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Having just completed Chains of Harrow, I have to say it was probably one of my favorite quests... Except for the last mission. The last mission was actually, without a shadow of a doubt, my absolute least enjoyable portion of any quest in the game thus far, and that includes having to go through the Index.


The Operator. The Operator and their brokenly slow energy bar recharge rate.

That final fight against Rell, the "man in the wall," or whatever it was supposed to be, is a boring, borderline painful slog, a game of running laps around the room waiting for your energy to fully recharge, in order to deal (hopefully) an entire healthbar worth of damage to one of the many Red Veil edgelords that swarm you, and then it's back to running laps. It got to the point that I thought the Benny Hill theme would be appropriate:



During the fight, once you die the first 4 or 5 times (and you most likely will), you're bound to notice that the fight doesn't reset to any degree. I imagine this was put in place because DE realized that the fight would probably be nigh-impossible otherwise, due to the frankly rather frustrating nature of the energy-cooldown mechanics put in place to balance the Operator's abilities. If they had to resort to putting that many checkpoints in, there is clearly something wrong here.

The Operator system is pretty obviously a work in progress given its current state, and I imagine some changes are coming in the future. Hopefully, one of those changes will be to remove the cooldown on their energy pool, or at least buff it to triple (or more) the energy recharge rate, because as-is their energy system just makes them too underpowered to make any fight where they're involved anything but a painful, boring test of patience.

Edited by Jackviator
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anything to do with the operator (not the focus system) really needs to be looked at...we are so squishy its useless and its only active use is with kuva siphons/floods...and now this quest.

I hate to say it, but DE has a ton of unfinished stuff they NEED to get on top of (focus system for one)...yes i know they have a schedule of stuff...but come on....

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13 minutes ago, renleech said:

Any change to focus/operator system will probably be delayed until after the next cinematic quest.

I wish i could be optimistic, but i simply can't.


Tbh this isn't some major overhaul, just a quick tweak on the recharge rate, probably just a single line of code being changed to up the recharge rate.

I don't think there needs to be a quest for them to do that, it would probably take a single person 5 minutes, tops.

Edited by Jackviator
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I know that the game needs new content to survive, but dear god DE can you please just sit down and finish one system before starting another? I know you guys have multiple teams for different tasks, but the game would feel so much better if a lot of the systems that were already in place were more fleshed out. I would much rather have a finished and reworked focus system than a new frame, etc. As much as I love the new content, I would rather you guys fix old stuff than add in new, unfinished systems (such as Helminth).

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1 minute ago, Tcorn said:

I know that the game needs new content to survive, but dear god DE can you please just sit down and finish one system before starting another? I know you guys have multiple teams for different tasks, but the game would feel so much better if a lot of the systems that were already in place were more fleshed out. I would much rather have a finished and reworked focus system than a new frame, etc. As much as I love the new content, I would rather you guys fix old stuff than add in new, unfinished systems (such as Helminth).

When they did that in Specters of The Rail, the forums became a sh*tstorm because we didn't got new content.

Edited by -SDM-NerevarCM
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28 minutes ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

When they did that in Specters of The Rail, the forums became a sh*tstorm because we didn't got new content.

I think that was more of the build up of TWW delays and such

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I honestly have no idea why we even have an energy meter at all, it is not like it would be OP, Operators have damage equivalent to about a wet noodle. It would also make ability use more tactical than shoot beam, run away for recharge, void dash, run away for recharge, etcetera. 


They may need to slightly rebalance some of the existing Operator content, but there is so little that it would be well worth being able to have freedom with the Operator. 

Edited by DrBorris
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4 hours ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

When they did that in Specters of The Rail, the forums became a sh*tstorm because we didn't got new content.


4 hours ago, Tcorn said:

I think that was more of the build up of TWW delays and such

^^^what they said, it was TWW delays that were the cause of all the salt.

Anyhow, yeah they need to take another pass at a lot of things in this game; Sniper Rifle mechanics, the Cysts and what kind of significance they have (if any), Operator, redesigning some of the Archwing tilesets (specifically Corpus trenches) to make it so you don't bump into walls every 2 or 3 seconds, the Focus system, Operators, etc. I don't think anyone would mind, especially if they were to tweak those types of things after a big update like this.

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Yea this needs to be addressed, either gives us 3-4x's the energy pool, or just infinite energy because as it stands being in operator mode for more then a short burst is infuriating, the final battle in this quest was one of the most infuriating sections in the game thus far. Not because it was hard no, but because you spent most of it running in a circle waiting for your energy to regen... even if we could spam energy pizza's we'd still be energy starved... most unfun section of the game to date i'd actually wager i died more here then i did in the worm section of the war within...

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11 hours ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

When they did that in Specters of The Rail, the forums became a sh*tstorm because we didn't got new content.

That was more because it was one of if not the most bug-riddled updates in warframe's history. The game was borderline unplayable at the start(slightly exaggerated), and the sheer amount of hotfixes...

Back on topic, I'd suggest making the beam similar to ramparts/archguns, making it work off of regenning ammo, so our energy remains unaffected by it and it actually lets you use it to survive (cause squishy as all hell). Buff the energy regen rate a bit and make void mode regen health slowly (like we suddenly healed our leg after it's first use as void dash (entering and exiting the void state) during tww).

For this specific fight either giving us infinite energy or loads of pickups on the map would've been fine.

Edited by --Q--DragonSkllzz
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Honestly I think Operator should just be like a Warframe-Lite, having it's own set of abilities and passives or effects.

Void Beam - Should have an entirely separate energy pool to allow Operators to be on the offense better.

Void Mode - Keeping it into Crouch is alright.

Void Blast - Should either have a much larger effect range or be turned into an alt-fire for the Void Beam that shares the same energy pool, being a sort of "shotgun" attack.

Void Dash - Should be it's own separate ability entirely, or perhaps be the Operator's Roll like how Limbo has his Rift Dodge thing.

Additionally I think the Operator right now is gonna be entirely useless with the amount of health it has, but I honestly don't want to see it get a health system like Warframes where it becomes dependent on items or stats to do good.

I think what should be done is that Operators should receive only a static amount of damage at all times from enemies regardless of the level or rank of said enemy, with the only thing affecting how much damage they take being what sort of attack it is.

Operators would then also have a fast / high regenerating health-pool that regens pretty fast like shields minus all the straight weaknesses of those. Operators should also lose the ability to be effected by any damage status effects like Slash or Fire or Toxin, with the latter two only damaging them should they be standing in the straight source of said damage (like letting a Scorch flame them to death or standing in a Mutalist Osprey cloud).

The idea would be to make Operators an efficient "glass cannon" type of playstyle that have different types of drawbacks to the Warframes, such as having to play much safer and not being able to run into a crowd of enemies with a chance of surviving, but also not having to deal with things like a finite ammo or energy system like their Warframes.

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13 hours ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

When they did that in Specters of The Rail, the forums became a sh*tstorm because we didn't got new content.

The problem with Warframe is that it keeps getting new content on top of unpolished and partially made gameplay features/mechanics.
The New Star Chart was a great Improvement to the game. 
We should be focusing on Polishing and Improvements to already existing content and features. 

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