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Warframe personalities


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Mesa's noble stance and nekros noble stance. What do you really see. A company trying  to make a buck in cosmetics? Or a rather elaborate plot device?

Every warframe has a personality. You as an operator. Every time you switch to another warframe. Your body language changes. Why? 

Why would the orokin make such drastic changes beyond your control?

I have fields of thoughts, I want to know yours.

Try to remember the orokin see themselves as perfect beings. Angels.

They're covering g up something. But what?


Edited by (PS4)Vindras
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Mesa wears a blindfold because she enjoys a challenge.

It's true each Warframe has personality, I have wondered quite a fair bit, how much does piloting a Warframe effect you mentally.

Obviously it effected the Stalker a lot, especially when he saw himself sleeping in a pod while using his Warframe.

But the personalities of a Warframe are a different thing altogether.

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Each of the Tenno has a personality. I think when their Warframes were crafted, their personalities impacted their Warframes. 

Mesa's original Tenno liked a challenge, so Mesa has a blindfold.

The Warframe's stances also show their original user's personality.

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Mesa wears a blind fold. Thank you. That's a trait you as an operator doesn't give her. When you operate her she has that. She has more  unique qualities.

I believe warframes have souls. Stalker and his acolytes. When you kill any of them do they shatter or escape?

Are they a direct result to the mysterious power or transference.

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So what we're saying is:

The old operators of the warframes integrate their minds inside the Warframes they controlled. What us tenno do is meld our minds together with the previous operator to allow us to control the Warframes at their optimal state?

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It's pretty clear from some of the quests that the warframes possess at least some kind of instinctive or animal-like intelligence even when they're not being operated. Seems perfectly reasonable that they'd have different personalities.

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Maybe the Prime frames had their Operators actually use Transference to merge with them permanently. Then Margulis placed mental blocks to protect the Tenno from the voices and inhibited their innate Void powers, leading to the creation of the dream state and physical separation of the Warframe and their Operators.

Since the mass production models were based off of the Primes, the personality traits of the Operators that resided within the Primes were also transferred into the later designs. At least that's my hypothesis.

Also some random thoughts occurred to me: what if Warframes were designed for specific Operators initially for compatibility? What if the Orokin tried and succeeded in cloning Tenno, and used the clone as material in crafting Warframes? Literally putting a frame around them... pretty dark stuff.

Edited by PsiWarp
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So many questions to why and how warframes operate way they do. why we are so ccool with lotus still outright controlling  us without any sort of a reason why. LOTus telling you to go here and kill all these people......who is to say we aren't the evil in the system still. Under her thumb still...Stalker is the good guy...the neo to our matrix.

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The story of warframe doesn't give you the entire story. It's  elusive. Hell I think the ultimate evil is a sleeper orokin faction. They are immortal after all.

We war on every map we play on. Lotus brings us to every confrontation. Seriously think about is we are still puppets.

Edited by (PS4)Vindras
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I know it is likely a terrible idea even to mention this but this is precisely the reason why I believe gender is important for a frame and why making skins to switch them would be an awful idea.

Just throwing that out there, because yes I feel frames are their own 'person' for lack of a better term, and more than a mere shell of metal we control.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Vindras said:

Warframes keep popping up. To help us put the system in It's place. So lotus can keep democracy from surfacing? Omg ppl trying to carve  life for themselves . Corpus greed let's nuke them from orbit

It's been confirmed Lotus' intent isn't inherently evil. 

Both Corpus and Grineer take the lives of innocents for no reason other than profit and power, respectively, as well as cloning themselves to create an army capable of taking over the solar system. This is why, when the moon appeared, it's not just a fight to stop us, but to attain the power of the Orokin and use it for profit or power. 

This, among other reasons, is why we are available allies to either side as well as enemies. We are a balancing factor. 


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26 minutes ago, (PS4)Vindras said:

Grineer finally found a cure to their genes. What did we do. Without choice. Lotus execute order 66. And we did without question. Without even mentioning it to steel meridien.

Shady business indeed.


We destroyed the cure because with it they would have cured the only thing holding them back, and they could take over the solar system. 

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She controlled us a long time ago to kill a nation much like the nazi, we still murdered teachers, parents, friends all orokin that make their society... are all Germans a nazi socity theelix? Should all orokin be killed like lotus wanted? nazi are evil lets kill all germans and their children. Lotus calls us her children. We never questioned it since then? Woops sorry for that here's your next mission from Space mom? Who do you want us to murder. I was born  waaaaaaay after Nazi germany should I feel bad about being German? Lotus made no exception. KILL ALL OROKIN. 

Even the commoners that didn't feel the same cuz they aren't here anymore.


Not picking fights theelix I really enjoy your views and hope you pick apart mine even further.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Vindras said:

She controlled us a long time ago to kill a nation much like the nazi, we still murdered teachers, parents, friends all orokin that make their society... are all Germans a nazi socity theelix? Should all orokin be killed like lotus wanted? nazi are evil lets kill all germans and their children. Lotus calls us her children. We never questioned it since then? Woops sorry for that here's your next mission from Space mom? Who do you want us to murder. I was born  waaaaaaay after Nazi germany should I feel bad about being German? Lotus made no exception. KILL ALL OROKIN. 

Even the commoners that didn't feel the same cuz they aren't here anymore.


Not picking fights theelix I really enjoy your views and hope you pick apart mine even further.

There were no commoner orokin because if they were low they weren't orokin. Corpus, grineer, and the unknown colonists were part of that society but they weren't orokin, many of them were even slaves. We only killed the leaders. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Vindras said:

I'm wondering why tenno hasn`t questioned her yet after all her actions. Steel meridien should kill us on sight from completing this.

no did the question

Steel Miridian are defectors of the Grineer who choose to live a normal/colony life.

They aren't necessarily in need of the cure to genetic degradation by cloning, especially if they have natural humans among them (which they do) and have been breeding.
(theoretically if a clone were to breed the genetic decay would not effect the child, but we're going into real life medicine that doesn't really have any influence on video game logic)

Also we weren't told if the cure Tyl Regor came up with effects already living Grineer or only the freshly cloned ones.
Most likely it only effects the brand new clones with the genetic augment being given in the growth process.
Overall that'd make it useless for already living Grineer.

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Orokin are $&*^s i know. Its easy to justify killing ppl like them, why its not an issue. Im talking after orokin. Their society. Are you saying theres like super cities of humans uncontrolled by orokin freeded by lotus? 

If so ya she's a goddess I'll lick her boots and agree with you. What we are told orokin are all but dead.

  She wants balance with grineer and corpus. Both factions affected by orokin in the long run. Shouldn't she spend less energy sending elite murder warframes to these regions. And maybe diplomacy. Let's break the mold guys we should be cleansing the infested hehe


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