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Next Prime after Hydroid

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3 hours ago, Thaylien said:

Unfortunately, yeah, unless they've just finished the Zephyr rework after the release of PoE, it becomes the balance of who would draw in the Christmas sales.

Christmas cycle on the Prime releases is always a huge boost in revenue, so it could go two ways;

If they release PoE, Hydroid Prime, Glass frame, butthen the Christmas cycle rolls around before they get to the Zephyr rework, it's going to be Mirage for the odds-on favourite, she's way more popular, and it's a choice between her or an outlying vote could be Mesa (it's happened before in the Prime cycles) due to her overall popularity too.

If they get through PoE, Hydroid Prime, Glass frame and Zephyr's rework? Then it's going to be Zephyr Prime for Christmas, with some massively favourite or unique weapon to make it more enticing (same way they did Banshee with her Euphona because Banshee was so unpopular that they needed a draw to bundle with her for the Prime Access, and Oberon having the Sybaris and S-n-A Primes to balance his relative unpopularity before the rework). For predictions on the prime weapon, there's actually a lot of debate on whether they go through cycles here too, primary/secondary, when melee weapons are used...

Hydroid is having a secondary and a melee, it might be predictable that Zephyr would get a primary, either a really good one or a melee too to balance her unpopularity. Now... the only non-prime Tenno-made primaries (because they're priming all the Tenno stuff because of lore...) are the Tenora, Tiberon, Stradavar, Attica, Zhuge and Daikyu. Out of these, the only ones that would be considered popular enough to Prime to balance Zephyr would be the Daikyu and Zhuge, maybe the Stradavar as an underdog. The Melee weapons that could be Primed are a little more varied, but the popular ones that would also balance Zephyr's unpopularity are the Destreza, Tipedo, Redeemer and maybe the Lacera.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a Zephyr, Daikyu and Destreza combo, or maybe a Stradavar and Tipedo ^^

One thing that DE seems to TRY to do is to theme one of the weapons around the warframe. Valkyr got claws, Trinity got a dog, Nekros got a shotgun, Oberon got a shield, Vauban got machine pistols. So, the question now is: What weapons are the best thematically for Zephyr?

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/13/2017 at 2:45 PM, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

I'm a Mesa main as well, since her release I bought her out right. Don't know why I'm so salty I'm gonna have to see zephyr, mirage prime before mesa prime...actually it kinda pisses me off...but whatever...sigh...I'll wait my turn. 

 I mean seriously, no body uses mirage anymore after the simular balance..gawwd F mirage. Lol

It goes Zephyr, Mirrage, Limbo, Chroma, THEN mesa.

That is the current pattern and nothings gonna change that. Zephyr mains and Zephyr lovers like myself have had to wait nearly 4 years for her, so nothings cutting in the way. I also love mesa, but she came out later, so you'll have to wait your turn rather than butting in. After that is mirage cause she came out next (or it could mirage first then zephyr), and then two males, so you have to have limbo and chroma since they're they only available males in this given pattern, and then two females, so mesa and however else.

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3 minutes ago, Arniox said:

It goes Zephyr, Mirrage, Limbo, Chroma, THEN mesa.

That is the current pattern and nothings gonna change that. Zephyr mains and Zephyr lovers like myself have had to wait nearly 4 years for her, so nothings cutting in the way. I also love mesa, but she came out later, so you'll have to wait your turn rather than butting in. After that is mirage cause she came out next (or it could mirage first then zephyr), and then two males, so you have to have limbo and chroma since they're they only available males in this given pattern, and then two females, so mesa and however else.

I know, Zephyr and Mirage are the next two females. That's why I said I was salty. Could careless about Chroma or Limbo. And Equinox is scheduled after Mesa. I know all of this.

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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13 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

I know, Zephyr and Mirage are the next two females. That's why I said I was salty. Could careless about Chroma or Limbo. And Equinox is scheduled after Mesa. I know all of this.

gonna be interesting with equinox prime..... Is she going to have 8 parts? Or just normal 4?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chronologically it would be probably Mesa or Mirage or so.
My hopes tho are for Chroma. 
And it seems many do indeed think of Chroma as some mention a rework might be around the corner soon. (Hopefully they don't kill his 2 and 3..)

Edited by Derethevil
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11 minutes ago, Derethevil said:

Chronologically it would be probably Mesa or Mirage or so.

Zephyr arrived before either of those two.

Right now, Mirage is either the first choice or first alternative to Zephyr, in which case Mirage Prime will release in March 2018.

Mesa is little more than a dark-horse-choice at the moment, with her Prime due to arrive in December 2018.

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On 9/24/2017 at 7:07 PM, Arniox said:

It goes Zephyr, Mirrage, Limbo, Chroma, THEN mesa.

That is the current pattern and nothings gonna change that. Zephyr mains and Zephyr lovers like myself have had to wait nearly 4 years for her, so nothings cutting in the way. I also love mesa, but she came out later, so you'll have to wait your turn rather than butting in. After that is mirage cause she came out next (or it could mirage first then zephyr), and then two males, so you have to have limbo and chroma since they're they only available males in this given pattern, and then two females, so mesa and however else.

Yeah but that means nothing.  Christmas  sales there gonna want to milk the money out of fans. How. By doing a frame with more popularity. Zephyr  to me is garbage and I wouldn't waste a dime on her. If they did Mesa or mirage I'd buy it hands down. Frames like that are gonna get pushed for the holiday rush to bank out the profits. Sorry man but if u like it or not your gonna end up waiting. My guess mirage or mesa. Whoever they think can bring in the most profit over Christmas.  Then zephyr  next year.

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On 8/29/2017 at 11:13 AM, Elindiir said:

One thing that DE seems to TRY to do is to theme one of the weapons around the warframe. Valkyr got claws, Trinity got a dog, Nekros got a shotgun, Oberon got a shield, Vauban got machine pistols. So, the question now is: What weapons are the best thematically for Zephyr?

Attica prime or Daikyu prime, Talons would make sense but you know, projectile speed with attica prime or daikyu prime. Who knows, flip a coin.

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Mesa could be a possibility with her weapon being either a Magnus prime or Akmagnus prime, maybe even a Tiberon prime or redeemer prime. Mirage has a very high possibility of being next i bet her weapon would be an Akzani prime definitely. Zephyr i has a low chance at being the next prime, just look at the whole Banshee prime release, that and Zephyr NEEDS a rework. With POE i'm sure DE is burnt out, that and holidays are coming up so some employees will be taking a break. I would LOOOVE Zephyr prime but, Mirage prime will be next. Mesa prime though...... a wild wild card. 

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