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Support another language like Czech


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I know, slovak or czech player base is probably not big enough to get his translation into game, but few friends of mine keep asking me why Warframe doesnt support atleast czech lang, will be helpfull for them and i keep answering them but why ?

Warframe isnt big game with tons of text which require being professional in english, there is few and simple phrases and yet they still btching about it

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There is quite a lot of text once you get in the codex, each weapon has its own description, over a dozen quests with dialogue and voice acting, lots of interface, multiple operator voices. Not only that, but they;ll also have to do it for future content. 

I don't think it is worth their time and resources honestly for a few hundred people. 

Edited by aligatorno
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the translations to other than english languages are made by apponinted, volunteer translators from community, the thing is, for example my language is Polish, but I just can't stand the game in it, not that I hate my language lol, but the translators did all they could (i guess) most of the time translating directly word after word, which for me in just unbearable lol so i play the game in english rather than my native language.

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13 minutes ago, --RV--D4VE- said:

the translations to other than english languages are made by apponinted, volunteer translators from community, the thing is, for example my language is Polish, but I just can't stand the game in it, not that I hate my language lol, but the translators did all they could (i guess) most of the time translating directly word after word, which for me in just unbearable lol so i play the game in english rather than my native language.

Same with Portuguese-BR, I tried it when TSD dropped, the innital cinematic had so MANY redundacies that had nothing to do with what was being said, like Hunhow introducing Natah to the Stalker with full backstory while what was being said was "I know where she hides the Tenno heart". Obviously: there was almost no time to read it because it was passing fast.

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Not a job for a single guy or a band of dedicated gamers. Not only you have a sea of text to translate, but from the moment the official localisation kicks in, it needs to be updated in time for new patches, content and etc. Once it goes live it has to stay in top support quality. It simply cannot stay behind and you can't aproach it by "I do it when I have time" anymore. Only ones who can do this and KEEP DOING IT would be actual DE employees.

There's plenty of Czechs and Slovaks in Canada, but none of them seems to work for DE or they simply don't have the opportunity, skill, interest in doing it.


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3 hours ago, --RV--D4VE- said:

the translations to other than english languages are made by apponinted, volunteer translators from community, the thing is, for example my language is Polish, but I just can't stand the game in it, not that I hate my language lol, but the translators did all they could (i guess) most of the time translating directly word after word, which for me in just unbearable lol so i play the game in english rather than my native language.

This is the same with all game which based on English language. I have no problem with translations and with the original but as option it would be nice to have if you feel you like it. I am Hungarian and I think each language good for express ideas and share thoughts. English is common language and far from the best but the majority of this planet using it because literally a simple language.

What I want to see more a forum section for my nation and for others too. There are few major groups but often forget the others. I would like a multinational and more national forum threads because sometimes easier to use your own language to express your ideas.

Edited by Sziklamester
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If anything, it would be nice to have a national forum for people, for communication in their native language. Sort-of in-house community thingy on the official forums. And if DE ever needed translations from English to Czech in-game, I am sure that I wouldn't be the only one to volunteer. :3

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14 hours ago, Myscho said:

Warframe isnt big game with tons of text which require being professional in english, there is few and simple phrases and yet they still btching about it

Warframe isnt big game with tons of text which require being professional in english, there is few and simple phrases, so why don't just, y'know, learn english? It'll be beneficial in a long run, even outside of the game.

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8 hours ago, WindigoTP said:

so why don't just, y'know, learn english? It'll be beneficial in a long run, even outside of the game.

I told them to learn english, atleast basic to understand simple sentences

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