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Trash Arcanes Rework


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Hello DE,
since you announced more Arcanes for Planes of Eidolon, will you by any chance see this as a chance of reworking some of the trash arcanes from the old raids?

Such as ...









Those arcanes are just trash in the reward table and I cannot even count how many times the group cursed when we got Arcane Deflection as a rank 3 arcane from the Nightmare raid. Please give it some serious effect that has actual benefit!

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Yes please. Most of the arcanes are exactly the reason why I don't do the raids at all. Their are a few choice arcanes in the bunch, but about 80% of them are garbage and a waste of time. Not to mention that it seems that every update is plagued by game breaking bugs for them too. Until they fix stuff like this, I can definitively say that I will never have any interest in the raids. The work and the risk do not even come close to being worth the rewards.

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Currently we have no toxin or other toxin-based elements' resistance Arcanes, I'm guessing maybe those were meant for JV Nightmare? Since DE has said raids are currently abandoned content since so few players play it (nobody plays them because they're buggy, they get no fixes/updates because nobody plays them, and so on) maybe it's time to just add those toxin-based resistance Arcanes to current trials drop table and also buff resistance Arcanes to ~72% resistance chance. I mean, even then Arcane Ice/Resistance/Warmth will still be utter garbage. But Arcane Deflection might see some use from Cold Chromas; toxin resistance Arcanes & Arcane Nullifier would be good general choices even though there are very few magnetic hazards in the game (not to mention I'd really rather have magnetic as a damage type revisited). 

A lot of Arcanes need some tweaking; it'd really be nice for some proc chance to at least be higher than basically never. Acceleration and Momentum give 4% chance for fire rate increase on critical hit--the pistol version, Arcane Velocity, gives all secondaries a 40% chance for 20% fire rate increase every crit. Sure the effects are smaller but I'd really rather have more frequent procs. Give Acceleration and Momentum a 20% chance to proc per crit but decrease their effects or something. Arcane Agility and Phantasm also need to have higher proc chance. 

Another option: Arcane Transmutation. I have 32 Arcane Healings and 27 Arcane Resistances that I know nobody will buy, they'll just be sitting there taking up virtual space. Let me re-roll 3 or 4 of unwanted Arcanes into another random one. 

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I honestly don't play the the raids about 70% because of the bugs and the 30% because so few of the arcanes are even attractive to even bother looking at in the first place. I mean, why would you even want to bother playing the content in the first place when you know their is a pretty good chance that it's going to break and you won't get jack from it anyway? Even worse still, that most of what you can get from it is little more than garbage anyway.

This also says nothing of the fact of how toxic the community can be if you're trying to get into them in the first place and you're new to the content. It's pretty much just short of impossible because it's so segregated.

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As someone who does raids daily, I find the bugs to be only a minor annoyance. Sure, it would be nice to do the raids without being annoyed by the same bugs every single day, but they don't actually cause serious problems (for me at least, I've yet to fail a single raid in 100s due to raid specific bugs).

As for toxic players, join the WFRSB (Warframe Raid School Bus) Discord server, it's a great and very friendly community with 10k members who run raids constantly and teach them to players who are new to them. If you want a smooth and friendly raiding environment look no further.

Trash arcanes are a serious problem imo. I've been bringing more and more players from my clan into raids, but after repeatedly receiving complete trash rewards they usually lose the motivation to raid and go back to doing something more productive.

Most of the arcanes would need a buff to be considered worth using. The resistance ones are just terrible, and the combination of small chance, small buff and short duration makes many others not even worth equipping. Most arcanes feel like "you lose, better luck next time!" type dilution, which I don't think was the intent.

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39 minutes ago, Mudfam said:

Trash arcanes are a serious problem imo. I've been bringing more and more players from my clan into raids, but after repeatedly receiving complete trash rewards they usually lose the motivation to raid and go back to doing something more productive.

Most of the arcanes would need a buff to be considered worth using. The resistance ones are just terrible, and the combination of small chance, small buff and short duration makes many others not even worth equipping. Most arcanes feel like "you lose, better luck next time!" type dilution, which I don't think was the intent.

See, if the bugs with the content are removed, this issue instantly becomes about 80% of that reason why people don't run the content. What's the point when you can go run fissures, sortie, and kuva runs to actually get somewhere in the game? You want the arcanes? Fine, run fissures and sell stuff for cheaper. Use that plat to buy the arcanes in question. That's the sad part. Sure, I'll pay a good 500-600P per energizer, but that's basically just 4 Hydroid sets away or 3-4 Nami Skyla sets. Even if they removed the cap on arcanes per day, you'd still have to battle rng to the death just to get the few that anyone wants anything to do with.

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the bugs in raids have been fixed many many times... LoR has always been almost bug free and it can be cleared within 15 minutes on both difficulties. nobody does raids because its not worth the time and effort. doing fuckin nightmare content and getting something thats worth 10p, if u even get a buyer for it, is a fuckin insult to the players... but hey its just the same old rng story all over again. we have the same trouble with almost any content... wich is why i didnt touch warframe in weeks.

last 20 sorties? got ayatans and the cheap lenses.

last 20 fissures? got a bunch of worthless trash for baro.

last 20 raids? some worthless arcanes that i cant even get rid of.... 


see a pattern here?

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44 minutes ago, ..-Hayden-Tenno-.. said:

last 20 sorties? got ayatans and the cheap lenses.

See, and I have the opposite problem at this point.

Last 20 sorties- 10 rivens

last 10 rivens- 5 for at least sellable weapons

Fissures?- golds and silvers for days

Why I don't do raids- The well known rng trash that this thread is about.


Again, more people find it more effective to farm out other stuff than to bother with raid content if only because they can buy their way into the sets they're after rather than just waste time on trash.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was arcane acceleration ever fixed to be 2x for bows? My guess is no because I can't even feel it on my lenz. Please fix this.


Also, momentum could use a percentage boost. Snipers have very slow fire rate so the odds of momentum triggering right now are garbage. With all the sniper hype in PoE this one's a no brainer.

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I dont do raids because I dont like dealing with randoms (I raid in a small group so ive got more than a few raids undermybelt...but unless I join one of them Im not touching raids. Not worth trying. i mean you cant even do a sortie spy with a loki cuz they eat the laser. so dont expect me to trust LFG for that "experienced mr 24" player that keeps getting pulled off the pad or stepping on the wrong ones.)

but still most those arcanes are trash mostly cuz A) def mods (def in general) isnt cared about (mostly cuz people like to go for the kill them before they kill me ideology and the other half play at a point were its OHKO) and b) aside from slash and mag (and toxin) you will almost never see these dmg types actually wrecking your life.

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Yeah there's a reason I have never cared for arcanes. The only time I run raids is with my clan, and even then it's not for the rewards but just to play with the clannies. There is so much filler trash in raids it's ridiculous. DE clearly tried to use this as a way to get people to play raids repeatedly, but that failed hard.

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My man, I've made a similar thread with suggestions but can't find it so I'll list some of the suggestions again.


Arcane healing / resistance / warmth / ice / deflection / nullifier

Now have a 10-20% chance (de can decide what they consider balanced) to mitigate incoming damage, and when procced will do an aoe burst around you with the same damage type as the arcane equipped proccing its status effect. So every 5th to 10th bullet or somewhere in between, is ignored and a nice elemental or slash proc accompanies it in a small aoe radius.

Arcane arachne: 120%damage bonus on wall latch that decays 20% over 6 seconds so long as you don't touch the ground. Touching the ground removes the effect.

Arcane consequence: landing a head shot in the air resets your bullet jump allowing you to regain altitude. How long can you stay airborne?

Arcane velocity: can be procced by peacemaker but doesn't affect it (haven't tested recently). Make it affect peacemaker to be an awesome niche arcane.

Arcane agility: on kill instead of on hit

Arcane momentum: also increase reload speed by 20% or so.

Arcane tempo: also add reload speed while buff is active.

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14 minutes ago, TaylorsContraction said:

My man, I've made a similar thread with suggestions but can't find it so I'll list some of the suggestions again.


Arcane healing / resistance / warmth / ice / deflection / nullifier

Now have a 10-20% chance (de can decide what they consider balanced) to mitigate incoming damage, and when procced will do an aoe burst around you with the same damage type as the arcane equipped proccing its status effect. So every 5th to 10th bullet or somewhere in between, is ignored and a nice elemental or slash proc accompanies it in a small aoe radius.

Arcane arachne: 120%damage bonus on wall latch that decays 20% over 6 seconds so long as you don't touch the ground. Touching the ground removes the effect.

Arcane consequence: landing a head shot in the air resets your bullet jump allowing you to regain altitude. How long can you stay airborne?

Arcane velocity: can be procced by peacemaker but doesn't affect it (haven't tested recently). Make it affect peacemaker to be an awesome niche arcane.

Arcane agility: on kill instead of on hit

Arcane momentum: also increase reload speed by 20% or so.

Arcane tempo: also add reload speed while buff is active.

To this I would add:

Arcane Energize: make it so that I can't do 60 consecutive JV runs without seeing a single one drop...

I run raids every day with my clan, the level of RNG trolling in the last 2 months has been absolutely astronomical. The mostly complete trash arcanes and unmoderated RNG means that we complete raids for that 90% chance of a trash arcane, and indeed it's always trash, without exception. Even if we do have fun raiding together, the trash+RNG reward situation can be a serious downer. We've simply lost all hope of ever getting anything worthwhile again.

Edited by Mudfam
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30 minutes ago, TaylorsContraction said:

No you get in line. And I mean this in the nicest way possible but there aren't that many arcanes yet while the trash mod list of astronomical.

Arcanes holed up behind raid wall and not really important in gameplay (except few OP ones).

Mods, on the other hand, are bread and butter of every player and have pretty big influence on game balance, builds and market prices. They should go first.

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